(circle (list (start vector) (radius real) (color atom))
prop ((pi (3.14159265))
(diameter (2*radius))
(circumference (pi*diameter))
(area (pi*radius^2)))
adj ((big (area>100))
(small (area<80)))
msg ((grow (area_+100))
(shrink (area_area/2))
(standard (area_100))) )
(student (atom (proplist (name string)
(sex atom)
(major atom)
(grades (listof integer))))
prop ((average student-average)
(grade-average student-grade-average))
adj ((male (sex='male))
(female (sex='female))
(winner (average>=95))
(loser (average<60)))
isa ((winner (self is winner))))
(student-group (listof student)
prop ((n-students length)
(average student-group-average)))
(class (atom (proplist (department atom)
(number integer)
(instructor string)
(students student-group)))
prop ((n-students (students:n-students))
(men ((those students who are male)) result student-group)
(women ((those students who are female)) result student-group)
(winners ((those students who are winner)) result student-group)
(losers ((those students who are loser)) result student-group)
(class-average (students:average))))
(dg student-average (s:student)
(prog ((sum 0.0)(n 0.0))
(for g in grades do n _+ 1.0 sum_+g)
(return sum/n) ))
(dg student-grade-average (s:student)
(prog ((av s:average))
(return (if av >= 90.0 then 'a
elseif av >= 80.0 then 'b
elseif av >= 70.0 then 'c
elseif av >= 60.0 then 'd
else 'f))))
(dg student-group-average (sg:student-group)
(prog ((sum 0.0)(n 0.0))
(for s in sg do sum_+s:average n _+ 1.0)
(return sum/n) ))
(dg test1 (c:class)
(for s in c:students (prin1 s:name)
(prin2 '! )
(prin1 s:grade-average) (terpri)))
(dg test2 (c:class)
(for s in c:winners (prin1 s:name)
(prin2 '! )
(prin1 s:average) (terpri)))
(dg test3 (c:class)
(dg test4 (c:class)
(for s in c:women when s is winner
(prin1 s:name)
(prin2 '! )
(prin1 s:average) (terpri)))
(dg test5 (c:class)
(for s in c:women*c:winners
(prin1 s:name)
(prin2 '! )
(prin1 s:average) (terpri)))
(setq class1 (a class with instructor = "G. Novak" department = 'cs
number = 102 students = (list
(a student with name = "John Doe" sex = 'male major = 'cs
grades = '(99 98 97 93))
(a student with name = "Fred Failure" sex = 'male major = 'cs
grades = '(52 54 43 27))
(a student with name = "Mary Star" sex = 'female major = 'cs
grades = '(100 100 99 98))
(a student with name = "Doris Dummy" sex = 'female major = 'cs
grades = '(73 52 46 28))
(a student with name = "Jane Average" sex = 'female major = 'cs
grades = '(75 82 87 78))
(a student with name = "Lois Lane" sex = 'female major = 'cs
grades = '(98 95 97 96)) )))
(physical-object anything
prop ((density (mass/volume))))
(sphere anything
prop ((volume ((4.0 / 3.0) * 3.1415926 * radius ^ 3))))
(planet (listobject (mass real)(radius real))
supers (physical-object sphere))
(ordinary-object anything
prop ((mass (weight / 9.88)))
supers (physical-object))
(parallelepiped anything
prop ((volume (length*width*height))))
(brick (object (length real)(width real)(height real)(weight real))
supers (ordinary-object parallelepiped))
(bowling-ball (atomobject (type atom)(weight real))
prop ((radius ((if type='adult then 0.1 else 0.07))))
supers (ordinary-object sphere))
(dg dplanet (p:planet) density)
(dg dbrick (b:brick) density)
(dg dbb (b:bowling-ball) density)
(setq earth (a planet with mass = 5.98e24 radius = 6.37e6))
(setq brick1 (a brick with weight = 20.0 width = 0.06 height = 0.04
length = 0.16))
(setq bb1 (a bowling-ball with type = 'adult weight = 60.0))