% (Do definitions twice to see what functions were defined.)
macro procedure TWICE u; list( 'PROGN, second u, second u );
% A definition of Complex, structure with Real and Imaginary parts.
% Give 0 Init values.
Defstruct( Complex( !:Creator(Complex) ), R(0), I(0) );
C0 := MakeComplex(); % Constructor with default inits.
ComplexP C0; % Predicate.
C1:=MakeComplex( R 1, I 2 ); % Constructor with named values.
R(C1); I(C1); % Named selectors.
C2:=Complex(3,4); % Creator with positional values.
AlterComplex( C1, R(2), I(3) ); % Alterant with named values.
R(C1):=5; I(C1):=6; % Named depositors.
% Show use of Include Option. (Again, redef to show fns defined.)
Defstruct( MoreComplex( !:Include(Complex) ), Z(99) );
M0 := MakeMoreComplex();
M1 := MakeMoreComplex( R 1, I 2, Z 3 );
R C1;
R M1;
% A more complicated example: The structures which are used in the
% Defstruct facility to represent defstructs. (The EX prefix has
% been added to the names to protect the innocent...)
TWICE % Redef to show fns generated.
EXDefstructDescriptor( !:Prefix(EXDsDesc), !:Creator ),
DsSize( !:Type int ), % (Upper Bound of vector.)
Prefix( !:Type string ),
SlotAlist( !:Type alist ), % (Cdrs are SlotDescriptors.)
ConsName( !:Type fnId ),
AltrName( !:Type fnId ),
PredName( !:Type fnId ),
CreateName( !:Type fnId ),
Include( !:Type typeid ),
InclInit( !:Type alist )
TWICE % Redef to show fns generated.
EXSlotDescriptor( !:Prefix(EXSlotDesc), !:Creator ),
SlotNum( !:Type int ),
InitForm( !:Type form ),
SlotFn( !:Type fnId ), % Selector/Depositor id.
SlotType( !:Type type ), % Hm...
UserGet( !:Type boolean ),
UserPut( !:Type boolean )