% LOAD.RED - New version of LOAD function, with search path
% Author: Eric Benson
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 2 April 1982
% Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah
% <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.17, 23-Mar-83 11:44:39, Edit by KESSLER
% Change Apollo Load directory
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 21 Mar 1983 1440-PST
% Put "" back in loaddirectories*. Fun, huh?
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 7 Mar 1983 1527-PST
% Removed ".sl" from loadextensions* and "" from loaddirectories*.
% Edit by MLG, 6 March 1983.
% Corrected bug in fix to Imports -- "else" was matched with incorrect "then".
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 17 Feb 1983 1201-PST
% Corrected use of *verboseload in top of load1
% MLG, 15 Feb 1983
% M. Griss, 9 Feb 1983
% Changed LoadDirectories!* for the VAX to refer to "$pl/"
% <PSL.NEW>-SOURCE-CHANGES.LOG.15, 15-Dec-82 15:45:55, Edit by PERDUE
% LOAD will now handle ".sl" extension
% <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.7, 1-Dec-82 16:07:38, Edit by BENSON
% Added if_system(HP9836, ...)
% EDIT by GRISS 28 Oct 1982: Added EvLoad to Imports
% <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.4, 4-Oct-82 09:46:54, Edit by BENSON
% Moved addition of U to Options!* to avoid double load
% <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.3, 30-Sep-82 11:57:03, Edit by BENSON
% Removed "FOO already loaded" message
% <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.2, 22-Sep-82 15:38:48, Edit by BENSON
% Added ReLoad, changed VAX search path
fluid '(LoadDirectories!* % list of strings to append to front
LoadExtensions!* % a-list of (str . fn) to append to end
% and apply
PendingLoads!* % created by Imports, aux loads
!*Lower % print IDs in lowercase, for building
% filename for Unix
!*RedefMSG % controls printing of redefined
% function message
!*UserMode % Controls query of user for redefining
% system functions
!*InsideLoad % Controls "already loaded" message
!*VerboseLoad % Print REDEFs and LOAD file names
!*PrintLoadNames % Print Names of files loading
Options!*); % list of modules already loaded
LoadDirectories!* := '("" "~p/l/"));
LoadDirectories!* := '("" "pl:"));
LoadDirectories!* := '("" "$pll/" "$pl/"));
LoadDirectories!* := '("" "pl:"));
LoadDirectories!* := '("" "PSL.LAP/"));
LoadExtensions!* := '((".b" . FaslIN) (".lap" . LapIN));
!*VerboseLoad :=NIL;
!*PrintLoadNames := NIL;
macro procedure Load U;
list('EvLoad, MkQuote cdr U);
lisp procedure EvLoad U;
for each X in U do Load1 X;
macro procedure ReLoad U;
list('EvReLoad, MkQuote cdr U);
lisp procedure EvReLoad U;
<< for each X in U do Options!* := Delete(X, Options!*);
EvLoad U >>;
lisp procedure Load1 U;
begin scalar !*RedefMSG, !*UserMode, LD, LE, F, Found;
If !*VerBoseLoad then !*RedefMSG := T;
return if U memq Options!* then
if !*VerboseLoad then
ErrorPrintF("*** %w already loaded", U)
else NIL
<< LD := LoadDirectories!*;
(lambda (!*Lower);
while not null LD and not Found do
<< LE := LoadExtensions!*;
while not null LE and not Found do
<< if FileP(F := BldMsg("%w%w%w", first LD, U, car first LE)) then
Found := cdr first LE; % Found is function to apply
LE := rest LE >>;
LD := rest LD >>)(T);
if not Found then
StdError BldMsg("%r load module not found", U)
<< Options!* := U . Options!*;
If !*VerboseLoad or !*PrintLoadNames
then ErrorPrintf("*** loading %w%n",F);
Apply(Found, list F);
while not null PendingLoads!* do
<< Found := car PendingLoads!*;
PendingLoads!* := cdr PendingLoads!*;
Load1 Found >> >> >>)(T);
lisp procedure Imports L;
if !*InsideLoad then
<<for each X in L do
if not (X memq Options!* or X memq PendingLoads!*) then
PendingLoads!* := Append(PendingLoads!*, list X)>>
else EvLoad L;