% ALLOCATORS.RED - Low level storage management
% Author: Eric Benson
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 27 August 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% <PSL.KERNEL>ALLOCATORS.RED.7, 23-Mar-83 11:35:37, Edit by KESSLER
% Added OldHeapTrapBound to exported WVars, so we can update the heap trap
% bound upon switch.
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 16 Feb 1983 1834-PST
% Pre-GC trap, known-free-space fns
% <PSL.KERNEL>ALLOCATORS.RED.4, 10-Jan-83 15:50:50, Edit by PERDUE
% Added GtEVect
on SysLisp;
external WArray BPS, Heap;
if_system(PDP10, << % For the compacting GC
exported WVar HeapLast = &Heap[0], % pointer to next free slot in heap
HeapLowerBound = &Heap[0], % bottom of heap
HeapUpperBound = &Heap[HeapSize],
HeapTrapBound = &Heap[HeapSize]; % Value of HeapLast for trap
>>, <<
exported WVar HeapLast = &Heap[0], % pointer to next free slot in heap
HeapLowerBound = &Heap[0], % bottom of heap
HeapUpperBound = &Heap[HeapSize/2], % end of active heap
OldHeapLowerBound = &Heap[HeapSize/2 + 1],
OldHeapUpperBound = &Heap[HeapSize],
HeapTrapBound = &Heap[HeapSize/2], % Value of HeapLast for trap
OldHeapTrapBound = &Heap[HeapSize];
exported WVar HeapTrapped = NIL; % Boolean: trap since last GC?
compiletime flag('(GtHeap1), 'InternalFunction);
syslsp procedure Known!-Free!-Space;
MkInt((HeapUpperBound - HeapLast)/AddressingUnitsPerItem);
syslsp procedure GtHEAP N; %. get heap block of N words
if null N then known!-free!-space() else
GtHeap1(N, NIL);
syslsp procedure GtHeap1(N, LastTryP);
begin scalar PrevLast;
PrevLast := HeapLast;
HeapLast := HeapLast + N*AddressingUnitsPerItem;
if HeapLast > HeapTrapBound then
if HeapLast > HeapUpperBound then
<< HeapLast := PrevLast;
if LastTryP then FatalError "Heap space exhausted"
<< !%Reclaim();
return GtHeap1(N, T) >> >>
%% From one GC to the next there can be at most 1 GC trap,
%% done the first time space gets "low". %Reclaim resets
%% HeapTrapped to NIL.
if HeapTrapped = NIL then
<< HeapTrapped := T;
GC!-Trap() >>;
return PrevLast
syslsp procedure GC!-Trap!-Level;
MkInt (HeapUpperBound - HeapTrapBound)/AddressingUnitsPerItem;
syslsp procedure Set!-GC!-Trap!-Level N;
<< if not IntP(N) then NonIntegerError(N, 'Set!-GC!-Trap!-Level);
N := IntInf N;
HeapTrapBound := HeapUpperBound - N*AddressingUnitsPerItem;
T >>;
syslsp procedure DelHeap(LowPointer, HighPointer);
if HighPointer eq HeapLast then HeapLast := LowPointer;
syslsp procedure GtSTR N; %. Allocate space for a string N chars
begin scalar S, NW;
S := GtHEAP((NW := STRPack N) + 1);
@S := MkItem(HBytes, N);
S[NW] := 0; % clear last word, including last byte
return S;
syslsp procedure GtConstSTR N; %. allocate un-collected string for print name
begin scalar S, NW; % same as GtSTR, but uses BPS, not heap
S := GtBPS((NW := STRPack N) + 1);
@S := N;
S[NW] := 0; % clear last word, including last byte
return S;
syslsp procedure GtHalfWords N; %. Allocate space for N halfwords
begin scalar S, NW;
S := GtHEAP((NW := HalfWordPack N) + 1);
@S := MkItem(HHalfWords, N);
return S;
syslsp procedure GtVECT N; %. Allocate space for a vector N items
begin scalar V;
V := GtHEAP(VECTPack N + 1);
@V := MkItem(HVECT, N);
return V;
Putd('GtEvect,'expr,cdr getd 'GtVect);
syslsp procedure GtWRDS N; %. Allocate space for N untraced words
begin scalar W;
W := GtHEAP(WRDPack N + 1);
@W := MkItem(HWRDS, N);
return W;
syslsp procedure GtFIXN(); %. allocate space for a fixnum
begin scalar W;
W := GtHEAP(WRDPack 0 + 1);
@W := MkItem(HWRDS, 0);
return W;
syslsp procedure GtFLTN(); %. allocate space for a float
begin scalar W;
W := GtHEAP(WRDPack 1 + 1);
@W := MkItem(HWRDS, 1);
return W;
% NextSymbol and SymbolTableSize are globally declared
syslsp procedure GtID(); %. Allocate a new ID
% IDs are allocated as a linked free list through the SymNam cell,
% with a 0 to indicate the end of the list.
begin scalar U;
if NextSymbol = 0 then
<< Reclaim();
if NextSymbol = 0 then
return FatalError "Ran out of ID space" >>;
U := NextSymbol;
NextSymbol := SymNam U;
return U;
exported WVar NextBPS = &BPS[0],
LastBPS = &BPS[BPSSize];
syslsp procedure GtBPS N; %. Allocate N words for binary code
begin scalar B;
if null N then return((LastBPS - NextBPS)/AddressingUnitsPerItem);
% GTBPS NIL returns # left
B := NextBPS;
NextBPS := NextBPS + N*AddressingUnitsPerItem;
return if NextBPS > LastBPS then
StdError '"Ran out of binary program space"
else B;
syslsp procedure DelBPS(Bottom, Top); %. Return space to BPS
if NextBPS eq Top then NextBPS := Bottom;
syslsp procedure GtWArray N; %. Allocate N words for WVar/WArray/WString
begin scalar B;
if null N then return((LastBPS - NextBPS)/AddressingUnitsPerItem);
% GtWArray NIL returns # left
B := LastBPS - N*AddressingUnitsPerItem;
return if NextBPS > B then
StdError '"Ran out of WArray space"
LastBPS := B;
syslsp procedure DelWArray(Bottom, Top); %. Return space for WArray
if LastBPS eq Bottom then LastBPS := Top;
off SysLisp;