module csl; % Support for fast floating point arithmetic in CSL.
imports ash, ash1, logand, msd;
exports msd!:;
fluid '(!!nbfpd);
remflag ('(fl2bf msd!: fix2 rndpwr timbf),'lose);
symbolic smacro procedure fix2 u; fix u;
symbolic smacro procedure lshift(m,d); ash(m,d);
symbolic smacro procedure ashift(m,d); ash1(m,d);
symbolic smacro procedure land(a,b); logand(a,b);
symbolic smacro procedure msd!: u; msd u;
symbolic smacro procedure make!:ibf (mt, ep);
'!:rd!: . (mt . ep);
fluid '(!:bprec!:);
symbolic smacro procedure rndpwr j;
scalar !#w; % I use an odd name here to avoid clashes (smacro)
% !#w := mt!: j;
!#w := cadr j;
if !#w = 0 then return make!:ibf(0, 0);
!#w := inorm(!#w, !:bprec!:);
% return make!:ibf(car !#w, cdr !#w + ep!: j)
return make!:ibf(car !#w, cdr !#w + cddr j)
% This is introduced as a privately-named function and an associated
% smacro to avoid unwanted interactions between 3 versions of this
% function: the one here, the version of this code compiled into C, and
% the original version in Note thus that CSL_normbf is not
% flagged as 'lose here (but it will be when a version compiled into
% C exists), and the standard version of normbf will still get compiled
% in, but all references to it will get turned into calls
% to CSL_normbf. The SMACRO does not need a 'lose flag either.
symbolic procedure CSL_normbf x;
scalar mt,s;
integer ep;
% Note I write out mt!: and ep!: here because the smacros for them are
% not yet available.
if (mt := cadr x)=0 then return '(!:rd!: 0 . 0);
if mt<0 then <<mt := -mt; s := t>>;
ep := lsd mt;
mt := lshift(mt, -ep);
if s then mt := -mt;
ep := ep + cddr x;
return make!:ibf(mt,ep)
symbolic smacro procedure normbf x; CSL_normbf x;
symbolic procedure CSL_timbf(u, v);
scalar m;
% m := mt!: u * mt!: v;
m := cadr u * cadr v;
if m = 0 then return '(!:rd!: 0 . 0);
m := inorm(m, !:bprec!:);
% return make!:ibf(car m, cdr m + ep!: u + ep!: v)
return make!:ibf(car m, cdr m + cddr u + cddr v)
symbolic smacro procedure timbf(u, v); CSL_timbf(u, v);
symbolic procedure fl2bf x;
begin scalar u;
u := frexp x;
x := cdr u; % mantissa between 0.5 and 1
u := car u; % exponent
x := fix(x*2**!!nbfpd);
return normbf make!:ibf(x,u-!!nbfpd)
flag ('(fl2bf msd!: fix2 rndpwr timbf), 'lose);
set!-print!-precision 14;
% The following definition is appropriate for MSDOS, and the value of
% !!maxbflexp should be OK for all IEEE systems. BEWARE if you have a
% computer with non-IEEE arithmetic, and worry a bit about !!flexperr
% (which is hardly ever used anyway...).
% I put this here to avoid having do a loop that is terminated
% by a floating point exception, since as of Nov 1994 CSL built using
% Watcom C 10.0a can not recover from such errors more than (about) ten
% times in any one run - this avoids that during system building.
global '(!!flexperr !!!~xx !!maxbflexp);
remflag('(find!!maxbflexp), 'lose);
symbolic procedure find!!maxbflexp();
<< !!flexperr := t;
!!!~xx := expt(2.0, 1023);
!!maxbflexp := 1022 >>;
flag('(find!!maxbflexp), 'lose);
remflag('(copyd), 'lose);
symbolic procedure copyd(new,old);
% Copy the function definition from old id to new.
begin scalar x;
x := getd old;
% If loading with !*savedef = '!*savedef then the actual definitions
% do not get loaded, but the source forms do...
if null x then <<
if not (!*savedef = '!*savedef)
then rerror('rlisp,1,list(old,"has no definition in copyd"))>>
else << putd(new,car x,cdr x);
if flagp(old, 'lose) then flag(list new, 'lose) >>;
% The transfer of the saved definition is needed if the REDUCE "patch"
% mechanism is to work fully properly.
if (x := get(old, '!*savedef)) then put(new, '!*savedef, x);
return new
flag('(copyd), 'lose);
smacro procedure int2id x; compress list('!!, x);
smacro procedure id2int x; car explode2n x;
smacro procedure bothtimes x; eval!-when((compile load eval), x);
smacro procedure compiletime x; eval!-when((compile eval), x);
smacro procedure loadtime x; eval!-when((load eval), x);
smacro procedure csl x; x;
smacro procedure psl x; nil;
symbolic macro procedure printf u;
list('printf1, cadr u, 'list . cddr u);
symbolic procedure printf1(fmt, args);
% this is the inner works of print formatting.
% the special sequences that can occur in format strings are
% %b do that many spaces
% %c next arg is a numeric character code. display character
% %d print an integer (actually just the same as %w)
% * %f do a terpri() unless posn()=0
% %l prin2 items from given list, blank separated
% * %n do a terpri()
% %o print in octal
% %p print using prin1
% %t do a ttab to move to given column
% %w use prin2
% %x print in hexadecimal
% * %% print a '%' character (items marked * do not use an arg).
% All except those marked with "*" use an argument.
scalar a, c;
fmt := explode2 fmt;
while fmt do <<
c := car fmt;
fmt := cdr fmt;
if c = '!% then <<
c := car fmt;
fmt := cdr fmt;
if c = '!f then << if not zerop posn() then terpri() >>
else if c = '!n then terpri()
else if c = '!% then prin2 c
else <<
a := car args;
args := cdr args;
if c = '!b then spaces a
else if c = '!c then tyo a
else if c = '!l then <<
if not atom a then <<
prin2 car a;
for each w in cdr a do << prin2 " "; prin2 w >> >> >>
else if c = '!o then prinoctal a
else if c = '!p then prin1 a
else if c = '!t then ttab a
else if c = '!w or c = '!d or c = '!s then prin2 a
else if c = '!x then prinhex a
else rerror('cslrend,1,list(c,"bad format character")) >> >>
else prin2 c >>
% The format options with bldmsg are intended to match those used
% with printf. If I had make!-string!-output!-stream() available in
% Standard Lisp mode it would let me use one copy of this code and things
% would thus be tidier!
symbolic macro procedure bldmsg u;
list('bldmsg1, cadr u, 'list . cddr u);
symbolic procedure bldstring r;
% Could possibly be (list!-to!-string nreverse r) ???
scalar w;
w := '(!");
while r do <<
w := car r . w;
if car r eq '!" then w := '!" . w;
r := cdr r >>;
return compress ('!" . w)
symbolic procedure bldcolumn(s, n);
if null s or eqcar(s, !$eol!$) then n
else bldcolumn(cdr s, n+1);
symbolic procedure bldmsg1(fmt, args);
scalar a, c, r;
fmt := explode2 fmt;
while fmt do <<
c := car fmt;
fmt := cdr fmt;
if c = '!% then <<
c := car fmt;
fmt := cdr fmt;
if c = '!f then <<
if not zerop bldcolumn(r, 0) then r := !$eol!$ . r >>
else if c = '!n then r := !$eol!$ . r
else if c = '!% then r := c . r
else <<
a := car args;
args := cdr args;
if c = '!b then for i := 1:a do r := '! . r
else if c = '!c then r := a . r
else if c = '!l then <<
if not atom a then <<
r := append(reverse explode2 car a, r);
for each w in cdr a do <<
r := '! . r;
r := append(reverse explode2 w, r) >> >> >>
else if c = '!o then r := append(reverse explodeoctal a, r)
else if c = '!p then r := append(reverse explode a, r)
else if c = '!t then while bldcolumn(r, 0)<a do r := '! . r
else if c = '!w or c = '!d or c = '!s
then r := append(reverse explode2 a, r)
else if c = '!x then r := append(reverse explodehex a, r)
else rerror('cslrend,1,list(c,"bad format character")) >> >>
else r := c . r >>;
return bldstring r
put('gc, 'simpfg, '((t (verbos t)) (nil (verbos nil))));
switch gc;