module gnuintfc; % REDUCE-gnuplot interface.
% Authors: Anthony C. Hearn, Herbert Melenk, Arthur C. Norman.
% The file complements the (notionally) generic file "" to
% provide system-specific interfaces between REDUCE and the gnuplot
% package itself.
fluid '(plotstyle!*);
global '(!*plotinterrupts !*plotpause !*plotusepipe plotheader!*
plotcleanup!* plottmp!*);
!#if (member 'psl lispsystem!*)
!#if (member 'unix lispsystem!*)
!*plotusepipe:=t; % pipes: yes
load pipes;
!*plotpause:=nil; % pause: no
plottmp!* := "/tmp/";
if getenv "LOGNAME" then
plottmp!* := bldmsg("%w%w.",plottmp!*,getenv "LOGNAME")
else if getenv "USER" then
plottmp!* := bldmsg("%w%w.",plottmp!*,getenv "USER");
plotdta!* := for i:=1:10 collect
bldmsg("%wplotdta%w*",plottmp!*,i); % scratch data files
plotcmds!* :=bldmsg("%wplotcmds*",plottmp!*); % if pipes not accessible
% select header lines for setting the appropriate GNUPLOT
% terminal type.
if null plotheader!* then
<< if null x then x:='(nil."dumb");
plotheader!* := bldmsg("set term %w",cdr x);
where x =
assoc(getenv "TERM",
%% You may want to extend or modify the terminal list above
("xterm" . "x11")
("sun-cmd" . "x11") ("sun" . "x11")
("hpterm" . "x11")
("vt52" . "tek40xx")
("vt100" . "tek40xx")
("vt102" . "tek40xx")
% add $reduce/plot to the path when using X11 (gnuplot will load a child).
begin scalar p;
if not(p:=getenv "gnuplot") then
p:=bldmsg("%w/plot",getenv "reduce");
return bldmsg("PATH=$PATH:%w;export PATH;gnuplot",p);
plotcleanup!* := % delete scratch files
{"rm /tmp/plotdt*","rm /tmp/plotcmds!*"};
!*plotinterrupts := '(10002);
!#elif (intersection '(dos os2 win32 winnt alphant) lispsystem!*)
fluid '(!*!*windows);
% the following system selection must be done at load time
plottmp!* := bldmsg("%w\",getenv "tmp" or getenv "temp");
if null plottmp!* then
<<prin2t "warning: no TMP directory found. Using >C:<";
!*plotpause:=nil; % no pause
plotdta!* := for i:=1:10 collect
bldmsg("%wplotdt%w.dat",plottmp!*,i); % scratch data files
if member ('win95,lispsystem!*) then
% for Win95 until we have something better
% pass commands as parameter file
% write command file and data to directory /tmp
!*plotusepipe:=nil; % no pipes
plotcmds!* := bldmsg("%w\plotcmds",plottmp!*);
plotcommand!* :=
% fnexpand bldmsg("$reduce\plot\wgnuplot.exe %w",plotcmds!*);
fnexpand bldmsg("$reduce\wutil\win32\wgnuplot.exe %w",plotcmds!*);
plotheader!* := "";
plotcleanup!* := NIL; % delete scratch files
!*plotpause := -1;
>> else
if !*!*windows eq 1 or member('winnt,lispsystem!*)
or member('win32 ,lispsystem!*) then
% for windows:
% use plot pipe
load w!-pipes;
plotcmds!* := bldmsg("%w\plotcmds",plottmp!*);;
plotcommand!* := bldmsg(
% "%w\plot\wgnupl32.exe;wgnuplot_parent;wgnuplot_text",
% "%w\plot\wgnuplot.exe;wgnuplot_parent;wgnuplot_text",
plotheader!* := "";
plotcleanup!* := % delete scratch files
bldmsg("del %w",plotcmds!*) .
for each f in plotdta!* collect bldmsg("del %w",f);
else if member('os2,lispsystem!*) then
!*plotusepipe:=nil; % no pipes
plotcmds!* := bldmsg("%w\plotcmds",plottmp!*);
plotcommand!* := "";
plotheader!* := "";
symbolic procedure plot!-exec u;
prin2 "====> invoke GNUPLOT for file ";
prin2t plotcmds!*;
loadtime flag('(plot!-exec),'lose);
% for dos:
% pass commands as parameter file
% write command file and data to directory /tmp
!*plotusepipe:=nil; % no pipes
plotcmds!* := bldmsg("%w\plotcmds",plottmp!*);
plotcommand!* :=
fnexpand bldmsg("$reduce\plot\gnuplot.exe %w",plotcmds!*);
plotheader!* := "set term vga";
plotcleanup!* := % delete scratch files
bldmsg("del %w",plotcmds!*).
for each f in plotdta!* collect bldmsg("del %w",f);
plotmax!* := 3e36; % IEEE single precision
!*plotinterrupts := '(10002);
!#elif (member 'vms lispsystem!*)
!*plotusepipe:=NIL; % pipes: yes
!*plotpause:=nil; % pause: no
plottmp!* := "SYS$SCRATCH";
plotdta!* := for i:=1:10 collect
bldmsg("%w:plotdt%w",plottmp!*,i); % scratch data files
plotcmds!* :=bldmsg("%w:plotcmds",plottmp!*); % if pipes not accessible
plotcommand!* := bldmsg("gnuplot %w",plotcmds!*);
plotheader!* := "set term x11"; % header: set terminal to X11
plotcleanup!* := % delete scratch files
{"del SYS$SCRATCH:plotdt*;*","del SYS$SCRATCH:plotcmds*;*"};
!*plotinterrupts := '(10002);
!#elif(member 'csl lispsystem!*)
global '(plotdir!* dirchar!* opsys!* tempdir!*);
symbolic procedure channelflush x;
<< x := wrs x; flush(); wrs x >>;
symbolic procedure gtmpnam base;
if null tempdir!* then base
else compress ('!" . append(explodec tempdir!*,
car explodec dirchar!* . cdr explode base));
% In general I want the initialisation actions indicated here to be
% obeyed at load-time. I achieve this by packaging them all inside
% a function, which I then call. I could be even more CSL-specific by
% using eval-when style options imported from the Common Lisp world...
symbolic procedure init_gnuplot();
!*plotpause := -1; % wait for newline from user
% plotcleanup!* is a list of commands to be obeyed after a gnuplot run.
% it is mainly needed to get rid of the data file (used even when pipes
% are available).
plotcleanup!* := {};
tempdir!* := getenv 'tmp;
if null tempdir!* then tempdir!* := getenv 'temp;
dirchar!* := "/";
plotcommand!* := "gnuplot";
opsys!* := assoc('opsys, lispsystem!*);
if null opsys!* then opsys!* := 'unknown
else opsys!* := cdr opsys!*;
% If a shell variable "gnuplot" is set it is expected to be the
% directory within which gnuplot binaries can be found.
if getenv "gnuplot" then plotdir!* := getenv "gnuplot"
% Otherwise, and this is what I hope and expect to happen more often, I
% will expect to find gnuplot in the same directory that REDUCE was
% loaded from. This will all work wonderfully under Windows, but under Unix
% there is a much greater chance that I will need to set an environment
% variable "gnuplot". However, I still want to leave open the possibility
% of plotdir!* being set.
else if null plotdir!* and not (opsys!* = 'unix)
then plotdir!* := get!-lisp!-directory();
if opsys!* = 'win32 then <<
% For Microsoft Windows use I try to use "wgnuplot" rather than "gnuplot",
% and the options provided are copied from the PSL case above.
plotcommand!* := "wgnuplot";
plotheader!* := "";
dirchar!* := "\";
plotdta!* := for each n in
{"gnutmp.tm1", "gnutmp.tm2", "gnutmp.tm3", "gnutmp.tm4",
"gnutmp.tm5", "gnutmp.tm6", "gnutmp.tm7", "gnutmp.tm8"}
collect gtmpnam n;
plotcleanup!* := if null tempdir!* then {"erase*"}
else {bldmsg("erase %w\*", tempdir!*)} >>
else if opsys!* = 'msdos then <<
% Under MSDOS the PSL version sets a VGA screen explicitly - that seems to
% upset the version of gnuplot that I have to test. Also I find "tmpnam"
% somewhat unhelpful, I can do a bit better (I hope) here.
plotheader!* := ""; % ?? "set term vga";
dirchar!* := "\";
plotdta!* := for each n in
{"gnutmp.tm1", "gnutmp.tm2", "gnutmp.tm3", "gnutmp.tm4",
"gnutmp.tm5", "gnutmp.tm6", "gnutmp.tm7", "gnutmp.tm8"}
collect gtmpnam n;
plotcmds!*:= gtmpnam "gnutmp.tm0";
plotcleanup!* := if null tempdir!* then {"erase*"}
else {bldmsg("erase %w\*", tempdir!*)} >>
else if opsys!* = 'riscos then <<
% Under RiscOS I need to be running under the window system for GNUPLOT
% to be available. I will not test for that here but will expect the
% "PLOT" command to fail if run from the command line.
plotheader!* := "";
dirchar!* := ".";
plotdta!* := for i:=1:10 collect tmpnam();
plotcmds!*:= tmpnam();
plotcleanup!* :=
bldmsg("remove %w", plotcmds!*) .
for each f in plotdta!* collect bldmsg("remove %w", f)
else if opsys!* = 'unix then <<
% For Unix I assume X11.
plotheader!* := "set term x11";
plotdta!* := for i:=1:10 collect tmpnam();
plotcmds!*:= tmpnam();
plotcleanup!* :=
bldmsg("rm %w", plotcmds!*) .
for each f in plotdta!* collect bldmsg("rm %w", f) >>
else <<
% Other systems set up for a dumb terminal. This is probably unsatisfactory,
% but you can easily change the source here to adjust for what you want.
% If you just comment out the "rederr" line you will have gnuplot working
% in dumb-terminal mode.
rederr bldmsg("gnuplot for %w not available yet", opsys!*);
plotdta!* := for i:=1:10 collect tmpnam();
plotcmds!*:= tmpnam();
plotheader!* := "set term dumb" >>;
% If there are no pipes available gnuplot will need a command-line
% argument indicating where its input file is.
if 'pipes member lispsystem!* then !*plotusepipe:=t
else plotcommand!* := bldmsg("%w %w", plotcommand!*, plotcmds!*);
% If I have a directory to look for gnuplot in I either just give a
% full path or (under Unix) I temporarily switch current directories
% to there.
if plotdir!* then
plotcommand!* := bldmsg("%w%w%w",
plotdir!*, dirchar!*, plotcommand!*);
% Under Windows 95 I want the plotting sub-task to finish before I
% resume running REDUCE (and delete the temporary files). This may be an
% area where Windows 95 and NT are not compatible. If so tough luck for now.
% Actually if I am going to call wgnuplot rather than gnuplot this is
% not a useful thing to do after all...
% if 'win95 member lispsystem!* then
% plotcommand!* := bldmsg("start /w %w", plotcommand!*);
nil >>;