% NMODE-VAX.SL Vax-Unix specific loading and modifications for NMODE.
% Author: William F. Galway
% University of Utah
% Date: 28 March 1983
% Revised: 5 April 1983
% 7-Apr-83 Nancy Kendzierski
% Added knowledge about hp and 2641 terminal types to table.
% 5-Apr-83 Alan Snyder
% Revised to be more like the 9836 code: add load-nmode stuff and set-terminal
% stuff.
% This file contains functions to load NMODE and make some final changes to
% customize things for Vax-Unix. Some modules for NMODE are unimplemented on
% the Vax, thus not loaded for now; these are commented out with a "%*".
(load useful common fast-strings))
% External variables used here:
(fluid '(nmode-file-list
% Global variables defined here:
% Association list of (Unix-TERM-name . NMODE-terminal-name). The
% Unix-TERM-name is a string, the NMODE-terminal-name is an identifier.
(setf term-name-table
% ("t10" . teleray)
% ("aaa" . ambassador)
("hp" . hp2648a)
("2621" . hp2648a)
("vt52" . vt52x)))
(if (or (unboundp 'nmode-source-prefix) (null nmode-source-prefix))
(setf nmode-source-prefix "$pn/"))
(if (or (unboundp 'nmode-binary-prefix) (null nmode-binary-prefix))
(setf nmode-binary-prefix "$pnb/"))
(if (funboundp 'pre-nmode-main)
(copyd 'pre-nmode-main 'main))
(de load-nmode ()
% Load NMODE.
% Any system-dependent customization is done here so that it can
% be overrided by the user before nmode is initialized.
% Set up "pointers" to online documentation.
(setf doc-text-file "$pn/ONLINE-DOCS/frames.lpt")
(setf reference-text-file "$pn/ONLINE-DOCS/costly.sl")
(let ((*usermode nil) (*redefmsg nil))
(copyd 'actualize-file-name 'vax-actualize-file-name)
% Terminal Selection Functions:
(de nmode-set-terminal ()
% Needs better error handling?
(let* (
% Get terminal name from the system.
(system-term-type (GetEnv "TERM"))
% Map to NMODE name.
(assoc system-term-type term-name-table))
(cdr table-entry))
(BldMsg "%r is unsupported terminal type" system-term-type))
(ensure-terminal-type terminal-type)))
% These functions defined for compatibility:
(de hp2648a () (ensure-terminal-type 'hp2648a))
(de vt52x () (ensure-terminal-type 'vt52x))
% System-Dependent Stuff:
(de vax-actualize-file-name (file-name)
% If the file-name starts with a character that's "special" to
% Unix, just pass it on through.
((MemQ (string-fetch file-name 0) '(#// #/~ #/$))
% Otherwise, tack the current working directory onto the front
% of the name.
(string-concat (pwd) file-name))))
% Stuff for Building NMODE:
(de nmode-load-required-modules ()
(load objects)
(load common)
(load useful)
(load strings)
(load pathnames)
(load pathnamex)
(load ring-buffer)
(load extended-char)
%* (load directory)
(load input-stream)
(load output-stream)
%* (load processor-time)
(load wait)
(load vector-fix)
(load nmode-parsing)
(load windows)
(load rawio)
(de nmode-fixup-name (s) s)
(de nmode-load-all ()
(for (in s nmode-file-list)
(do (nmode-load s))
(de nmode-load (s)
(nmode-faslin nmode-binary-prefix s)
(de nmode-faslin (directory-name module-name)
(setf module-name (nmode-fixup-name module-name))
(setf module-name (string-concat module-name ".b"))
(let ((object-name (string-concat directory-name module-name)))
(if (filep object-name)
(faslin object-name)
(continuableerror 99
(bldmsg "Unable to FASLIN %w" object-name)
(list 'faslin object-name)
(setf nmode-file-list
% These must be last:
%* "dired"