% M-XCMD.SL - Miscellaneous Extended Commands
% Author: Jeffrey Soreff
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 24 January 1983
% Revised: 8 March 1983
% 8-March-83 Jeffrey Soreff
% Revert File revised to try and preserve point.
% 17-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Revise M-X Set Visited Filename to actualize the new file name (i.e.,
% convert it to the true name of the file). Revise M-X Rename Buffer to
% convert buffer name to upper case and to check for use of an existing
% buffer name.
(compiletime (load fast-int))
(fluid '(nmode-current-buffer))
(de delete-matching-lines-command () (delete-possibly-matching-lines nil))
(de delete-non-matching-lines-command () (delete-possibly-matching-lines t))
(de delete-possibly-matching-lines (retain-if-match)
% This function prompts for a string which it searches for in all
% lines including and after the current one. The search is
% insensitive to case. If retain-if-match is true then all lines
% with the string will be retained and all lines lacking it will be
% deleted, otherwise all lines with the string will be deleted.
% Point is left at the start of the line that it was originally on.
% This function does not return a useful value.
(let ((modified-flag (=> nmode-current-buffer modified?))
(starting-line (current-line-pos))
(next-unfilled-line (current-line-pos))
(match-string (string-upcase
(prompt-for-string "Comparison String: " ""))))
(for (from test-line starting-line (- (current-buffer-size) 1) 1)
(do (when
(if retain-if-match % This sets the sign of the selections.
(forward-search-on-line test-line 0 match-string)
(not (forward-search-on-line test-line 0 match-string)))
(current-buffer-store next-unfilled-line
(current-buffer-fetch test-line))
(incr next-unfilled-line))))
(if (= next-unfilled-line (current-buffer-size)) % No lines were tossed.
(=> nmode-current-buffer set-modified? modified-flag)
% Else
(extract-region t
(buffer-position-create next-unfilled-line 0)
(progn (move-to-buffer-end) (buffer-get-position))))
(set-line-pos starting-line)))
(de count-occurrences-command ()
% This function counts the number of instances of a string after the
% current buffer position. The counting is insensitive to case.
% The user is prompted for the string. If the user supplies an
% empty string, they are told that it can't be counted. This avoids
% an infinite loop. The count obtained is displayed in the prompt
% line. This function does not return a useful value.
(let ((count 0)
(initial-place (buffer-get-position))
(match-string (string-upcase
(prompt-for-string "Count Occurrences: " ""))))
(if (equal match-string "")
(write-prompt "One can't count instances of the empty string.")
(while (forward-search match-string)
(incr count)
(buffer-set-position initial-place)
(write-prompt (bldmsg "%d occurrences" count)))))
(de set-key-command ()
% This binds a user-selected function to a command. The user is
% prompted for the function name and the key sequence of the
% command. This function then tests to see if the user's function
% exists, then asks for confirmation just before doing the binding.
% This function does not return a useful value.
(let ((function (intern (string-upcase
(prompt-for-string "Function Name: " "")))))
(if (funboundp function)
(write-prompt (bldmsg "No function %w was found." function))
(let* ((junk (write-message (bldmsg "Put %p on key:" function)))
(command (input-command)))
(when (nmode-y-or-n? (bldmsg "Load %w with %w"
(command-name command) function))
(set-text-command command function))))))
(de set-visited-filename-command ()
% This command allows a user to alter the filename associated with the
% current buffer. Prompt-for-defaulted-filename is used to set default
% characteristics. This function does not return a useful value.
(let* ((new-name
(prompt-for-defaulted-filename "Set Visited Filename: " NIL)))
(=> nmode-current-buffer set-file-name
(or (actualize-file-name new-name) new-name)
(de rename-buffer-command ()
% This function allows the user to rename the current buffer if it is not a
% system buffer like main or output. It prompts the user for a new buffer
% name. If the user inputs an empty string, the buffer name is set to a
% converted version of the filename associated with the buffer. Buffer
% names are converted to upper case. An error is reported if the user
% chooses the name of another existing buffer. This function does not
% return a useful value.
(if (not (buffer-killable? nmode-current-buffer)) % tests for main and output
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Buffer %w cannot be renamed."
(=> nmode-current-buffer name)))
(let* ((old-name (=> nmode-current-buffer name))
"Rename Buffer: "
(let ((filename (=> nmode-current-buffer file-name))) % Default
(if filename
(filename-to-buffername filename)
% Else, if there is no filename
(=> nmode-current-buffer name)))))))
(when (not (string= new-name old-name))
(if (buffer-exists? new-name)
(nmode-error (bldmsg "Name %w already in use." new-name))
(=> nmode-current-buffer set-name new-name)
(de kill-some-buffers-command ()
% This functions lists the killable buffers one by one, letting the
% user kill, retain, or examine each one as it is named. This
% function does not return a useful value.
(let ((buffer-list (nmode-user-buffers)))
(while buffer-list
(let ((buffer-to-die (car buffer-list)))
(setf buffer-list (cdr buffer-list))
(when (and (buffer-killable? buffer-to-die)
(let ((name (=> buffer-to-die name))
(mod-warn (if (=> buffer-to-die modified?)
"is unmodified")))
"Buffer %w %w. Kill it? Type Y or N or ^R to edit"
name mod-warn)
"Type Y to kill or N to save buffer %w" name))))
(buffer-kill-and-detach buffer-to-die))))))
(de insert-date-command ()
% This inserts the current date into the text, after point, and
% moves point past it. It does not return a useful value.
(insert-string (current-date-time)))
(de revert-file-command ()
% This function allows the user to replace the current buffer's
% contents with the contents of the file associated with the current
% buffer, if there is one. It asks for confirmation before actually
% performing the replacement. It tries to put point close to the
% old position. This function does not return a useful value.
(let ((fn (=> nmode-current-buffer file-name))
(bn (=> nmode-current-buffer name))
(current-place (buffer-get-position)))
(when (and
(if fn T (write-prompt "No file to read old copy from") NIL)
(BldMsg "Want to replace buffer %w with %w from disk?"
bn fn)))
(read-file-into-buffer nmode-current-buffer fn)
(buffer-set-position current-place))))