File r38/lisp/csl/cslbase/textdefs.c artifact ea52ad740a part of check-in 431e5e7714


Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gil Dabah,
This library is licensed under the BSD license. See the file COPYING.

#include "textdefs.h"

// REMARK: The reason I use static table is to avoid dynamic allocation
// and finally the manually call to "free all memory" which is irritating.

// 8bits, unsigned text representation prebuilt made for optimizations.
// The range it covers varies is from 0 to 256.

char TextBTable[256][4] = {
// !!NOTE!! str_hex_sp_b is based on this the elements' length.
def prebuilt():
	s = ""
	for i in xrange(256):
		if ((i % 0x10) == 0):
			s += "\r\n"
		s += "\" %02x\", " % (i)
	return s
" 00", " 01", " 02", " 03", " 04", " 05", " 06", " 07", " 08", " 09", " 0a", " 0b", " 0c", " 0d", " 0e", " 0f",
" 10", " 11", " 12", " 13", " 14", " 15", " 16", " 17", " 18", " 19", " 1a", " 1b", " 1c", " 1d", " 1e", " 1f",
" 20", " 21", " 22", " 23", " 24", " 25", " 26", " 27", " 28", " 29", " 2a", " 2b", " 2c", " 2d", " 2e", " 2f",
" 30", " 31", " 32", " 33", " 34", " 35", " 36", " 37", " 38", " 39", " 3a", " 3b", " 3c", " 3d", " 3e", " 3f",
" 40", " 41", " 42", " 43", " 44", " 45", " 46", " 47", " 48", " 49", " 4a", " 4b", " 4c", " 4d", " 4e", " 4f",
" 50", " 51", " 52", " 53", " 54", " 55", " 56", " 57", " 58", " 59", " 5a", " 5b", " 5c", " 5d", " 5e", " 5f",
" 60", " 61", " 62", " 63", " 64", " 65", " 66", " 67", " 68", " 69", " 6a", " 6b", " 6c", " 6d", " 6e", " 6f",
" 70", " 71", " 72", " 73", " 74", " 75", " 76", " 77", " 78", " 79", " 7a", " 7b", " 7c", " 7d", " 7e", " 7f",
" 80", " 81", " 82", " 83", " 84", " 85", " 86", " 87", " 88", " 89", " 8a", " 8b", " 8c", " 8d", " 8e", " 8f",
" 90", " 91", " 92", " 93", " 94", " 95", " 96", " 97", " 98", " 99", " 9a", " 9b", " 9c", " 9d", " 9e", " 9f",
" a0", " a1", " a2", " a3", " a4", " a5", " a6", " a7", " a8", " a9", " aa", " ab", " ac", " ad", " ae", " af",
" b0", " b1", " b2", " b3", " b4", " b5", " b6", " b7", " b8", " b9", " ba", " bb", " bc", " bd", " be", " bf",
" c0", " c1", " c2", " c3", " c4", " c5", " c6", " c7", " c8", " c9", " ca", " cb", " cc", " cd", " ce", " cf",
" d0", " d1", " d2", " d3", " d4", " d5", " d6", " d7", " d8", " d9", " da", " db", " dc", " dd", " de", " df",
" e0", " e1", " e2", " e3", " e4", " e5", " e6", " e7", " e8", " e9", " ea", " eb", " ec", " ed", " ee", " ef",
" f0", " f1", " f2", " f3", " f4", " f5", " f6", " f7", " f8", " f9", " fa", " fb", " fc", " fd", " fe", " ff"};

char TextHBTable[256][6] = {
// !!NOTE!! str_code_sp_hb is based on this the elements' length.
def prebuilt():
	s = ""
	for i in xrange(256):
		if ((i % 0x10) == 0):
			s += "\r\n"
		s += "\" 0x%x\", " % (i)
	return s
" 0x0", " 0x1", " 0x2", " 0x3", " 0x4", " 0x5", " 0x6", " 0x7", " 0x8", " 0x9", " 0xa", " 0xb", " 0xc", " 0xd", " 0xe", " 0xf", 
" 0x10", " 0x11", " 0x12", " 0x13", " 0x14", " 0x15", " 0x16", " 0x17", " 0x18", " 0x19", " 0x1a", " 0x1b", " 0x1c", " 0x1d", " 0x1e", " 0x1f",
" 0x20", " 0x21", " 0x22", " 0x23", " 0x24", " 0x25", " 0x26", " 0x27", " 0x28", " 0x29", " 0x2a", " 0x2b", " 0x2c", " 0x2d", " 0x2e", " 0x2f",
" 0x30", " 0x31", " 0x32", " 0x33", " 0x34", " 0x35", " 0x36", " 0x37", " 0x38", " 0x39", " 0x3a", " 0x3b", " 0x3c", " 0x3d", " 0x3e", " 0x3f",
" 0x40", " 0x41", " 0x42", " 0x43", " 0x44", " 0x45", " 0x46", " 0x47", " 0x48", " 0x49", " 0x4a", " 0x4b", " 0x4c", " 0x4d", " 0x4e", " 0x4f",
" 0x50", " 0x51", " 0x52", " 0x53", " 0x54", " 0x55", " 0x56", " 0x57", " 0x58", " 0x59", " 0x5a", " 0x5b", " 0x5c", " 0x5d", " 0x5e", " 0x5f",
" 0x60", " 0x61", " 0x62", " 0x63", " 0x64", " 0x65", " 0x66", " 0x67", " 0x68", " 0x69", " 0x6a", " 0x6b", " 0x6c", " 0x6d", " 0x6e", " 0x6f",
" 0x70", " 0x71", " 0x72", " 0x73", " 0x74", " 0x75", " 0x76", " 0x77", " 0x78", " 0x79", " 0x7a", " 0x7b", " 0x7c", " 0x7d", " 0x7e", " 0x7f",
" 0x80", " 0x81", " 0x82", " 0x83", " 0x84", " 0x85", " 0x86", " 0x87", " 0x88", " 0x89", " 0x8a", " 0x8b", " 0x8c", " 0x8d", " 0x8e", " 0x8f",
" 0x90", " 0x91", " 0x92", " 0x93", " 0x94", " 0x95", " 0x96", " 0x97", " 0x98", " 0x99", " 0x9a", " 0x9b", " 0x9c", " 0x9d", " 0x9e", " 0x9f",
" 0xa0", " 0xa1", " 0xa2", " 0xa3", " 0xa4", " 0xa5", " 0xa6", " 0xa7", " 0xa8", " 0xa9", " 0xaa", " 0xab", " 0xac", " 0xad", " 0xae", " 0xaf",
" 0xb0", " 0xb1", " 0xb2", " 0xb3", " 0xb4", " 0xb5", " 0xb6", " 0xb7", " 0xb8", " 0xb9", " 0xba", " 0xbb", " 0xbc", " 0xbd", " 0xbe", " 0xbf",
" 0xc0", " 0xc1", " 0xc2", " 0xc3", " 0xc4", " 0xc5", " 0xc6", " 0xc7", " 0xc8", " 0xc9", " 0xca", " 0xcb", " 0xcc", " 0xcd", " 0xce", " 0xcf",
" 0xd0", " 0xd1", " 0xd2", " 0xd3", " 0xd4", " 0xd5", " 0xd6", " 0xd7", " 0xd8", " 0xd9", " 0xda", " 0xdb", " 0xdc", " 0xdd", " 0xde", " 0xdf",
" 0xe0", " 0xe1", " 0xe2", " 0xe3", " 0xe4", " 0xe5", " 0xe6", " 0xe7", " 0xe8", " 0xe9", " 0xea", " 0xeb", " 0xec", " 0xed", " 0xee", " 0xef",
" 0xf0", " 0xf1", " 0xf2", " 0xf3", " 0xf4", " 0xf5", " 0xf6", " 0xf7", " 0xf8", " 0xf9", " 0xfa", " 0xfb", " 0xfc", " 0xfd", " 0xfe", " 0xff"};

#define NIBBLE_TO_CHR (char)((t) + ((t) >= 0xa ? ('a'-0xa) : '0'))

void _FASTCALL_ str_hex_b(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	x &= 255;
	// Skip first character (space).
	// Fixed length of 4 including null terminate character. Use one dword copy.
	*(short*)&s->p[s->pos] = *(short*)&TextBTable[x & 255][1];
	s->p[s->pos + sizeof(short)] = TextBTable[x & 255][1 + sizeof(short)];
	s->p[s->pos + sizeof(short) + 1] = '\0';
	s->pos += sizeof(short);

void _FASTCALL_ str_code_hb(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	x &= 255;
	// Skip first character (space).

	if (x < 0x10) {	// < 0x10 has a fixed length of 4 including null terminate.
		*(long*)&s->p[s->pos] = *(long*)&TextHBTable[x][1];
		s->pos += sizeof(long) - 1;
	} else { // >= 0x10 has a fixed length of 5 including null terminate.
		*(long*)&s->p[s->pos] = *(long*)&TextHBTable[x][1];
		s->p[s->pos + sizeof(long)] = '\0';
		s->pos += sizeof(long);

void _FASTCALL_ str_hex_sp_b(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	// Fixed length of 4 including null terminate character. Use one dword copy.
	*(long*)&s->p[s->pos] = *(long*)&TextBTable[x & 255];
	s->pos += sizeof(long) - 1;

void _FASTCALL_ str_code_sp_hb(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	x &= 255;

	if (x < 0x10) {	// < 0x10 has a fixed length of 5 including null terminate.
		*(long*)&s->p[s->pos] = *(long*)&TextHBTable[x];
		s->p[s->pos + sizeof(long)] = '\0';
		s->pos += sizeof(long) - 1;
	} else { // >= 0x10 has a fixed length of 6 including null terminate.
		*(long*)&s->p[s->pos] = *(long*)&TextHBTable[x];
		*(short*)&s->p[s->pos + sizeof(long)] = *(short*)(&TextHBTable[x][sizeof(long)]);
		s->pos += sizeof(long) + sizeof(short) - 1;

void _FASTCALL_ str_hex_sp_w(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	unsigned char* buf;
	unsigned long t = (char)((x >> 4) & 0xf);

	buf = &s->p[s->pos];
	s->pos += 5;

	buf[0] = ' ';
	buf[1] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	buf[2] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 12);
	buf[3] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	buf[4] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	buf[5] = '\0';

void _FASTCALL_ str_code_hw(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	unsigned char* buf;
	int i = 0;
	unsigned long t = (char)((x >> 12) & 0xf);
	buf = &s->p[s->pos];

	buf[0] = '0';
	buf[1] = 'x';
	buf += 2;

	if (t != 0) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 4) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	s->pos += i + 2;
	buf[i] = '\0';

void _FASTCALL_ str_hex_sp_dw(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	unsigned char* buf;
	unsigned long t = (char)((x >> 4) & 0xf);

	buf = &s->p[s->pos];
	s->pos += 9;

	buf[0] = ' ';
	buf[1] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	buf[2] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 12) & 0xf;
	buf[3] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	buf[4] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 20) & 0xf;
	buf[5] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 16) & 0xf;
	buf[6] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x >> 28;
	buf[7] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 24) & 0xf;
	buf[8] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	buf[9] = '\0';

void _FASTCALL_ str_code_hdw(_WString* s, unsigned long x)
	unsigned char* buf;
	int i = 0;
	unsigned long t = (char)(x >> 28);

	buf = &s->p[s->pos];

	buf[0] = '0';
	buf[1] = 'x';
	buf += 2;

	if (t != 0) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 24) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 20) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 16) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 12) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 4) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	s->pos += i + 2;
	buf[i] = '\0';

void _FASTCALL_ str_hex_sp_qw(_WString* s, unsigned char src[8])
	unsigned char* buf;
	unsigned long x = *(unsigned long*)src;
	unsigned long t = (char)((x >> 4) & 0xf);

	buf = &s->p[s->pos];
	s->pos += 17;

	buf[0] = ' ';
	buf[1] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	buf[2] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 12) & 0xf;
	buf[3] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	buf[4] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 20) & 0xf;
	buf[5] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 16) & 0xf;
	buf[6] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x >> 28;
	buf[7] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 24) & 0xf;
	buf[8] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	x = *(unsigned long*)&src[sizeof(long)];
	t = (char)((x >> 4) & 0xf);
	buf[9] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	buf[10] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 12) & 0xf;
	buf[11] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	buf[12] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 20) & 0xf;
	buf[13] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 16) & 0xf;
	buf[14] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x >> 28;
	buf[15] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 24) & 0xf;
	buf[16] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	buf[17] = '\0';

void _FASTCALL_ str_code_hqw(_WString* s, unsigned char src[8])
	unsigned char* buf;
	int i = 0;
	unsigned long x = *(unsigned long*)&src[sizeof(long)];
	unsigned long t = (char)(x >> 28);

	buf = &s->p[s->pos];

	buf[0] = '0';
	buf[1] = 'x';
	buf += 2;

	if (t != 0) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 24) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 20) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 16) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 12) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 4) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	x = *(unsigned long*)src;
	t = x >> 28;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 24) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 20) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 16) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 12) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 8) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = (x >> 4) & 0xf;
	if (i | t) buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	t = x & 0xf;
	buf[i++] = NIBBLE_TO_CHR;

	s->pos += i + 2;
	buf[i] = '\0';

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