File r38/lisp/csl/cslbase/decoder.c artifact 55fa0cee24 part of check-in 431e5e7714


Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gil Dabah,
This library is licensed under the BSD license. See the file COPYING.

#include "decoder.h"

#include "prefix.h"
#include "textdefs.h"
#include "x86defs.h"
#include "operands.h"

//Instruction Prefixes - Opcode - ModR/M - SIB - Displacement - Immediate

_DecodeType ADDR_SIZE_AFFECT(_DecodeType dt, _iflags totalPrefixes)
	// Switch to non default mode if prefix exists, only for ADDRESS SIZE.
	if (totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE) {
		switch (dt)
			case Decode16Bits:
				dt = Decode32Bits;
			case Decode32Bits:
				dt = Decode16Bits;
			case Decode64Bits:
				dt = Decode32Bits;

	return dt;

_DecodeType OP_SIZE_AFFECT(_DecodeType dt, _iflags totalPrefixes, unsigned char rex)
	switch (dt)
		case Decode16Bits: // Toggle to 32 bits.
			if (totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE) dt = Decode32Bits;
		case Decode32Bits: // Toggle to 16 bits.
			if (totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE) dt = Decode16Bits;
		case Decode64Bits:
			REX Prefix toggles data size to 64 bits.
			Operand size prefix toggles data size to 16.
			Default data size is 32 bits.
			if (totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE) dt = Decode16Bits;
			else if ((totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_REX) && (rex & PREFIX_REX_W)) dt = Decode64Bits;
			else dt = Decode32Bits; // Default.
	return dt;

int decode_inst(const unsigned char* code, long codeLen, _OffsetType codeOffset,
                _PrefixState* ps, _DecodeType dt, _DecodedInst* di)
	// The ModR/M byte of the current instruction.
	unsigned char modrm = 0;

	// The REX prefix byte value.
	unsigned char rex = 0;

	// Backup original input, so we can use it later if a problem occurs
	// (like not enough data for decoding, invalid opcode, etc).
	_OffsetType lastCodeOffset = codeOffset;
	const unsigned char* lastCode = code;

	// Holds the info about the current found instruction.
	_InstInfo* ii = NULL;

	// Used only for special CMP instructions which have pseudo opcodes suffix.
	unsigned char cmpType = 0;

	// return code from extract_operand.
	_ExOpRCType rc = EO_HALT;

	// Indicates whether it is right to LOCK the instruction by decoding its first operand.
	// Only then you know if it's ok to output the LOCK prefix's text...
	// Used for first operand only.
	int lockable = 0;

	// Dummy lockable...ExtractOperand writes the pointer no matter what.
	// We pass it so we won't have an exception.
	int dummyLockable;

	// Return code, 1 for decoding succeed, 0 for failure.
	int retCode = 1;

	// Packed params to pass to extract_operand, used for optimizing.
	_CodeInfo ci;

	memset(di, 0, sizeof(_DecodedInst));

	ii = locate_inst(&code, &codeLen, &codeOffset, &di->instructionHex, ps, dt);

	/* In this point we know the instruction we are about to decode and its operands (unless, it's an invalid one!),
		so it makes it the right time for decoding-type suitability testing.
		Which practically means, don't allow 32 bits instructions in 16 bits decoding mode, but do allow
		16 bits instructions in 32 bits decoding mode, of course...

		NOTE: Make sure the instruction set for 32 bits has explicitly this specfic flag set.
		NOTE: Make sure the instruction set for 64 bits has explicitly this specfic flag set.

		If this is the case, drop what we've got and restart all over after DB'ing that byte.

		Though, don't drop an instruction which is also supported in 16 and 32 bits.
	if (ii && (dt == Decode16Bits) && (ii->flags & INST_32BITS) && (~ii->flags & INST_16BITS)) ii = NULL;

	// Drop instructions which are invalid in 64 bits.
	if (ii && (dt == Decode64Bits) && (ii->flags & INST_INVALID_64BITS)) ii = NULL;

	// If it's only a 64 bits instruction drop it in other decoding modes.
	if (ii && (dt != Decode64Bits) && (ii->flags & INST_64BITS_FETCH)) ii = NULL;

	// Is it a 3DNow! instruction? - means we read two 0x0f's in a row and now it's time to extract OT_MM and OT_MM64
	// then continue locating the instruction.
	if (ii && (ii->flags & INST_3DNOW_FETCH)) {
		ii = &II_3dnow;
		chrcat_WS(&di->instructionHex, SP_CHR);

	// code points to the last instruction-byte read, so if the instruction needs the ModR/M byte, we'll just read it.
	if (ii && (ii->d != OT_NONE) && (ii->d != OT_DUMMY) && (ii->flags & INST_INCLUDE_MODRM)) {
		modrm = *code;
		str_hex_b(&di->instructionHex, modrm);

		if (--codeLen < 0) ii = NULL;

		// If the instruction uses only register operands, mod=11 is a must!
		if (ii && (ii->flags & INST_MODRR) && (modrm < INST_DIVIDED_MODRM)) ii = NULL;

	// Store REX value for further tests.
	if (ps->isREXPrefixValid) rex = *ps->rexpos;

	ci.code = code;
	ci.codeLen = codeLen;
	ci.codeOffset = codeOffset;

	if (ii && (ii->d != OT_NONE) && (ii->d != OT_DUMMY)) {
		rc = extract_operand(&ci, &di->instructionHex, &di->operands, (_OpType)ii->d, (_OpType)ii->s, ONT_1, ii->flags, modrm, ps, dt, &lockable);
		if (rc == EO_HALT) ii = NULL;

	if (ii && (ii->s != OT_NONE) && (ii->s != OT_DUMMY)) {
		strcat_WSN(&di->operands, SEP_STR);
		rc = extract_operand(&ci, &di->instructionHex, &di->operands, (_OpType)ii->s, (_OpType)ii->d, ONT_2, ii->flags, modrm, ps, dt, &dummyLockable);
		if (rc == EO_HALT) ii = NULL;

	// Use third operand, only if the flags says this InstInfo requires it.
	if (ii && (ii->flags & INST_USE_OP3) && (((_InstInfoOp*)ii)->op3 != OT_NONE) && (((_InstInfoOp*)ii)->op3 != OT_DUMMY)) {
		strcat_WSN(&di->operands, SEP_STR);
		rc = extract_operand(&ci, &di->instructionHex, &di->operands, (_OpType)((_InstInfoOp*)ii)->op3, OT_NONE, ONT_3, ii->flags, modrm, ps, dt, &dummyLockable);
		if (rc == EO_HALT) ii = NULL;

	// Remove extra space in operands text buffer if required.
	if (di->operands.p[di->operands.pos-2] == SEP_CHR) {
		di->operands.p[di->operands.pos-2] = '\0';
		di->operands.pos -= 2;

	// If it were a 3DNow! instruction, we will have to find the instruction itself now that we got its operands extracted.
	if (ii && ii->flags & INST_3DNOW_FETCH) ii = locate_3dnow_inst(&ci, &di->instructionHex);

	code = ci.code;
	codeLen = ci.codeLen;
	codeOffset = ci.codeOffset;

	// There's a limit of 15 bytes on instruction length. The only way to violate
	// this limit is by putting redundant prefixes before an instruction.
	// start points to first prefix if any, otherwise it points to instruction first byte.
	if ((code - ps->start) > INST_MAXIMUM_SIZE) ii = NULL; // Drop instruction.

	// Check whether pseudo opcode is needed, only for CMP instructions:
	if (ii && (ii->flags & INST_PSEUDO_OPCODE)) {
		cmpType = *code;
		// Comparison type must be between 0 to 8, otherwise Reserved.
		if (cmpType >= INST_CMP_MAX_RANGE) ii = NULL;
		else str_hex_b(&di->instructionHex, cmpType);

		if (--codeLen < 0) ii = NULL;

	// If ii is valid, we located the instruction in the DB and extracted operands.
	// Otherwise, some problem occurred while decoding it.

	if (ii) {

		// Use the correct mnemonic according to the DT.
		// If we are in 32 bits decoding mode it doesn't necessarily mean we will choose mnemonic2, alas,
		// it means that if there is a mnemonic2, it will be used.

		// It's time for adding prefixes' texts if needed.

		// Start with prefix LOCK.
		if ((lockable == 1) && (ii->flags & INST_PRE_LOCK)) {
			ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_LOCK;

			strcpy_WSN(&di->mnemonic, PREFIX_LOCK_TEXT);
		} else if ((ii->flags & INST_PRE_REPNZ) && (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_REPNZ)) {
			ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REPNZ;

			strcpy_WS(&di->mnemonic, PREFIX_REPNZ_TEXT);
		} else if ((ii->flags & INST_PRE_REP) && (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_REP)) {
			ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REP;

			strcpy_WSN(&di->mnemonic, PREFIX_REP_TEXT);

		// If it's JeCXZ the ADDR_SIZE prefix affects it.
			ps->usedPrefixes |= (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE);
			if (ADDR_SIZE_AFFECT(dt, ps->totalPrefixes) == Decode16Bits) strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);
			else if (ADDR_SIZE_AFFECT(dt, ps->totalPrefixes) == Decode32Bits) strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[0]);
			else /* Decode64Bits */ strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic3[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic3[0]);
		 If the instruction is prefixed by operand size we will format it in the non-default decoding mode!
		 So there might be a situation that an instruction of 32 bit gets formatted in 16 bits decoding mode.
		 Both ways should end up with a corrected and expected formatting of the text.
		else if (OP_SIZE_AFFECT(dt, ps->totalPrefixes, rex) == Decode16Bits) { /* Decode16Bits */

			// If it's a special instruction which has two mnemonics, then use the 16 bits one + update usedPrefixes.
			// Note: use 16 bits mnemonic if that instruction supports 32 bit or 64 bit explicitly.
			if ((ii->flags & INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC) && ((ii->flags & (INST_32BITS | INST_64BITS)) == 0)) ps->usedPrefixes |= (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE);
			strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);

			// Add a suffix letter for repeatable/xlat instructions only.
			if (rc == EO_SUFFIX) {
				// Is it a 16 bits operation?
				if (ii->flags & INST_16BITS) chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_WORD);
				else chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_BYTE); // It's 8 bits operation then.

			// Add a suffix, if it's a native instruction (making it 16 bits).
			if ((ii->flags & INST_NATIVE) && (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE)) {
				ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_OP_SIZE;

				chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_WORD);
		} else if (OP_SIZE_AFFECT(dt, ps->totalPrefixes, rex) == Decode32Bits) { /* Decode32Bits */

			// Give a chance for special mnemonic instruction in 32 bits decoding.
			if (ii->flags & INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC) {
				ps->usedPrefixes |= (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE);
				// Is it a special instruction which has another mnemonic for mod=11 ?
				if (ii->flags & INST_MODRM_BASED) {
					if (modrm >= INST_DIVIDED_MODRM) strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);
					else strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[0]);
				// Or is it a special CMP instruction which needs a pseudo opcode suffix ?
				else if (ii->flags & INST_PSEUDO_OPCODE) {
					// So we have to read the imm8 which tells us which comparison type it is.
					strcpylen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);
					str_x86def(&di->mnemonic, &_CONDITIONS_PSEUDO[cmpType]);
					strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[0]);

				} else if (ii->flags & INST_64BITS) strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]); // ARPL/MOVSXD?
					else strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[0]); // Two-mnemonics instructions.
			} else strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);

			// Add a suffix letter for repeatable(/xlat) instructions only.
			if (rc == EO_SUFFIX) {
				// Is it a 16 bits operation (means 32 bits in 32 bit decoding mode)?
				if (ii->flags & INST_16BITS) chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_DWORD);
				else chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_BYTE); // It's 8 bits operation then.
			// Add a suffix, if it's a native instruction (making it 32 bits).
			if ((ii->flags & INST_NATIVE) && (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE)) {
				ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_OP_SIZE;

				chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_DWORD);
		} else { /* Decode64Bits */

			if (ii->flags & INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC) {
				ps->usedPrefixes |= (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE);
				// Is it a special instruction which has another mnemonic for mod=11 ?
				if (ii->flags & INST_MODRM_BASED) {
					if (modrm >= INST_DIVIDED_MODRM) strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);
					else strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[0]);
				// Or is it a special CMP instruction which needs a pseudo opcode suffix ?
				else if (ii->flags & INST_PSEUDO_OPCODE) {
					// So we have to read the imm8 which tells us which comparison type it is.
					strcpylen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);
					str_x86def(&di->mnemonic, &_CONDITIONS_PSEUDO[cmpType]);
					strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[0]);
				} else // Use third mnemonic, for 64 bits.
					if ((ii->flags & INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC2) && (ps->isREXPrefixValid) && (rex & PREFIX_REX_W)) {
						ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REX;
						strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic3[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic3[0]);
					} else strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[1], ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->mnemonic2[0]); // Use second mnemonic.
			} else strcatlen_WS(&di->mnemonic, &ii->mnemonic[1], ii->mnemonic[0]);

			// Add a suffix letter for repeatable(/xlat) instructions only.
			if (rc == EO_SUFFIX) {
				// Is it a 16 bits operation (means 64 bits in 64 bit decoding mode)?
				if (ii->flags & INST_16BITS) {
					if (ii->flags & INST_64BITS) {
						ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REX;
						chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_QWORD);
					else chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_DWORD);
				else chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_BYTE); // It's 8 bits operation then.

			// Add a suffix, if it's a native instruction (making it 64 bits).
			if (ii->flags & INST_NATIVE) {
				if (ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE) {	// Operand size.
					ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_OP_SIZE;
					chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_WORD); // 16 Bits.
				} else if ((ps->totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_REX) && (rex & PREFIX_REX_W)) { // REX.W is set.
					ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REX;
					chrcat_WS(&di->mnemonic, SUFFIX_SIZE_QWORD); // 64 Bits.
	else {
		// Special case for WAIT instruction: If it's dropped, you have to return a valid instruction!
		if (*lastCode == WAIT_INSTRUCTION_CODE) {
			codeOffset = lastCodeOffset + 1;
			strcpy_WS(&di->instructionHex, get_hex_b(WAIT_INSTRUCTION_CODE));
			strcpy_WSN(&di->mnemonic, WAIT_INSTRUCTION_MNEMONIC);
			ps->usedPrefixes = 0;
		} else {
			// Exclude the first byte, couldn't decode that instruction.
			// So just DB(define byte) it and skip it.
			// Fix codeOffset, because we've lost track of them (code, codeOffset, codeLen)!
			// The caller calculates them again every instruction according to the size we return which is based on codeOffset.
			// A fix for codeOffset is necessary because below the decoded-instruction size depends on it.
			codeOffset = lastCodeOffset + 1; // + 1 for what we are DB'ing.
			strcpy_WS(&di->instructionHex, get_hex_b(*lastCode));

			strcpy_WSN(&di->mnemonic, BYTE_UNDEFINED);
			str_code_sp_hb(&di->mnemonic, *lastCode);

			// Clean operands just in case...
			ps->usedPrefixes = 0; // Drop'em all.

			// Mark that we didn't manage to decode the instruction well.
			retCode = 0;

	// Calculate the size of the instruction we've just decoded.
	di->size = (unsigned int)(codeOffset - lastCodeOffset);
	return retCode;

_DecodeResult internal_decode(_OffsetType codeOffset, const unsigned char* code, long codeLen, _DecodeType dt, _DecodedInst result[], unsigned long maxResultCount, unsigned long* usedInstructionsCount)
	_PrefixState ps;
	unsigned long prefixSize;

	// This is used for printing only, it is the real offset of where the whole instruction begins.
	// We need this variable in addition to codeOffset, because prefixes might change the real offset an instruction begins at.
	// So we keep track of both.
	_OffsetType startCodeOffset = 0;

	_WString hex;
	int isInstructionPopped = FALSE;
	unsigned char unusedPrefixesList[MAX_PREFIXES];
	const unsigned char* p;
	unsigned int i;

	// Current working decoded instruction.
	unsigned long nextPos = 0; // in result.
	_DecodedInst* pdi = NULL, di;

	// No entries are used yet.
	*usedInstructionsCount = 0;

	// Decode instructions as long as we have what to decode/enough room in entries.
	while (codeLen > 0) {

		// startCodeOffset holds the displayed offset of current instruction.
		startCodeOffset = codeOffset;

		// Decode prefixes:

		memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(_PrefixState));
		ps.start = code;
		ps.last = code;
		prefixSize = 0;

		if (is_prefix(*code, dt)) { // Most chances there are no prefixes at all, so give it a try.
			decode_prefixes(code, codeLen, &ps, dt);
			// Count prefixes, start points to first valid prefix.
			prefixSize = (long)(ps.last - ps.start);
			// Drop extra prefixes if any.
			if (ps.start != code) {

				// Make sure there is enough room.
				if (nextPos + (ps.start - code) > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR; // Not enough then.

				for (p = code; p < ps.start; p++, codeOffset++, codeLen--, code++) {
					// Use next entry.
					pdi = &result[nextPos++];

					strcpy_WSN(&pdi->mnemonic, BYTE_UNDEFINED);
					str_code_sp_hb(&pdi->mnemonic, *p);
					strcpy_WS(&pdi->instructionHex, get_hex_b(*p));
					pdi->size = 1;
					pdi->offset = codeOffset;
				*usedInstructionsCount = nextPos; // So far so good.

				// These prefixes were really dropped, so update the displayable offset as well.
				startCodeOffset = codeOffset;
			// Update variables to take effect of the prefixes existence.
			codeLen -= prefixSize;
			// It might be that we will just notice that we ran out of bytes,
			// so we will have to drop all prefixes and halt.
			if (codeLen <= 0) {

				// Make sure there is enough room.
				if (nextPos + (ps.last - code) > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR;

				for (p = code; p < ps.last; p++, startCodeOffset++) {
					// Use next entry.
					pdi = &result[nextPos++];

					strcpy_WSN(&pdi->mnemonic, BYTE_UNDEFINED);
					str_code_sp_hb(&pdi->mnemonic, *p);
					strcpy_WS(&pdi->instructionHex, get_hex_b(*p));
					pdi->size = 1;
					pdi->offset = startCodeOffset;
				*usedInstructionsCount = nextPos; // Include them all.
				break; // Bye bye, out of bytes.
			code += prefixSize;
			codeOffset += prefixSize;
			//*usedInstructionsCount = nextPos; // Take them into account.

		// Now we decode the instruction and only then we do further prefixes handling.
		// This is because the instruction could not be decoded at all, or an instruction requires
		// a mandatory prefix, or some of the prefixes were useless, etc...

		// Even if there were a mandatory prefix, we already took into account its size as a normal prefix.
		// so prefixSize includes that, and the returned size in di is simply the size of the real(=without prefixes) instruction.

		// If the instruction were decoded successfully, we will have to build a prefix hex string and drop unused prefixes.
		// Otherwise drop all instructions.

		// In 64 bits, we have to validate that the REX prefix precedes immediately the first opcode byte.
		// If so, remove it, and take into account we disabled it, in the unused prefixes!
		if (dt == Decode64Bits) {
			if (ps.totalPrefixes & INST_PRE_REX) {
				if (ps.rexpos != (code-1)) ps.totalPrefixes &= ~INST_PRE_REX;
				else {
					ps.isREXPrefixValid = 1;
					// Now check out if Operand Size is still valid, because REX has precedence over Operand Size prefix.
					// So if this is the case, we will simply disable Operand Size prefix.
					// Note that it happens only if REX.W is set !
					if (*ps.rexpos & PREFIX_REX_W) ps.totalPrefixes &= ~INST_PRE_OP_SIZE; // Could be mandatory prefix later.
			// In 64 bits, segment overrides of CS, DS, ES and SS are ignored. So don't take'em into account.
			ps.totalPrefixes &= ~(INST_PRE_CS | INST_PRE_SS | INST_PRE_DS | INST_PRE_ES);

		// Make sure there is at least one more entry to fill, for the upcoming instruction.
		// Though in practice it could be used for an ignored prefix...
		if (nextPos + 1 > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR;

		if (prefixSize > 0) {

			// Assume: if instruction is prefixed, it won't ignore the prefixes.
			// This is because we rely on the fact that the disassembler will decode 99% of the times real code.
			// Thus, it will be faster to treat the prefixes as correct, in case the assumption is wrong,
			// we will have to fold back, and pay twice for this assumption, because we will have to backup pdi and restore it later.
			// For example: we assume c is 0 in most of the times: a += b; if (c) a -= 2 * b;

			pdi = &result[nextPos++];
			isInstructionPopped = FALSE;
			if (decode_inst(code, codeLen, codeOffset, &ps, dt, pdi)) {

				// Build a prefix string including all VALID prefixes. Maximum 5 prefixes.
				// Note that we don't care whether or not we turned the last prefix into a mandatory one,
				// ps.last is changed if required to affect this.
				for (p = ps.start; p < ps.last; p++) {
					str_hex_b(&hex, *p);
					chrcat_WS(&hex, SP_CHR);

				// List the the prefixes which weren't used at all, although they are treated as valid.
				get_unused_prefixes_list(unusedPrefixesList, &ps, dt);

				if (ps.unusedCount > 0) {
					if (nextPos + ps.unusedCount > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR;

					// Pop the instruction from the array.
					memcpy(&di, pdi, sizeof(_DecodedInst));
					isInstructionPopped = TRUE;

					// Insert the dropped prefixes in their place.
					for (i = 0; i < ps.unusedCount; i++) {
						// Use next entry.
						pdi = &result[nextPos++];

						strcpy_WSN(&pdi->mnemonic, BYTE_UNDEFINED);
						str_code_sp_hb(&pdi->mnemonic, unusedPrefixesList[i]);
						strcpy_WS(&pdi->instructionHex, get_hex_b(unusedPrefixesList[i]));
						pdi->size = 1;
						pdi->offset = startCodeOffset;
				// Intentionally usedInstructionsCount is not updated here,
				// simply because if we run out of entries, we won't be able to synchronize the decoding again from this point.
				// This is true, because unused prefixes can't be skipped (we don't know their exact order).
			} else { // No success in decoding.
				// Drop all prefixes, because the instruction wasn't successfully decoded.
				// After we tried to decode an instruction, it could be that we have a mandatory prefix
				// that we would like to drop too (along with REX).
				ps.last += ps.specialPrefixesSize;

				if (ps.last - ps.start > 0) {
					if (nextPos + (ps.last - ps.start) > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR;

					// Pop the instruction from the array.
					memcpy(&di, pdi, sizeof(_DecodedInst));
					isInstructionPopped = TRUE;

					for (p = ps.start; p < ps.last; p++, startCodeOffset++) {
						// Use next entry.
						pdi = &result[nextPos++];

						strcpy_WSN(&pdi->mnemonic, BYTE_UNDEFINED);
						str_code_sp_hb(&pdi->mnemonic, *p);
						strcpy_WS(&pdi->instructionHex, get_hex_b(*p));
						pdi->size = 1;
						pdi->offset = startCodeOffset;
					prefixSize = 0;
					*usedInstructionsCount = nextPos;

			if (isInstructionPopped) {
				// Restore instruction.
				pdi = &result[nextPos++];
				memcpy(pdi, &di, sizeof(_DecodedInst));
			} // else pdi already points to the instruction.

			// Advance to next instruction.
			codeLen -= pdi->size;
			codeOffset += pdi->size;
			code += pdi->size;

			pdi->size += prefixSize;
			pdi->offset = startCodeOffset;

			// Concat the instruction's hex to the prefixes' hex.
			strcatlen_WS(&hex, (const char*)pdi->instructionHex.p, pdi->instructionHex.pos);
			memcpy(&pdi->instructionHex.p, &hex.p, hex.pos + 1);

		} else { // No prefixes! Only instruction.
			// Use the next available entry without doubt.
			pdi = &result[nextPos++];
			decode_inst(code, codeLen, codeOffset, &ps, dt, pdi);
			pdi->offset = startCodeOffset;

			// Advance to next instruction.
			codeLen -= pdi->size;
			codeOffset += pdi->size;
			code += pdi->size;

		// Alright, the caller can read, at least, up to this one.
		*usedInstructionsCount = nextPos;


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