module xreduct;
% Normal form algorithms
% Author: David Hartley
fluid '(!*trxmod !*trxideal xtruncate!*);
infix xmod;
precedence xmod,freeof;
symbolic procedure simpxmod u;
% u:{prefix,prefix} -> simpxmod:sq
begin scalar x;
if length u neq 2 then
rerror(xideal,0,"Wrong number of arguments to xmod");
x := getrlist aeval cadr u;
return !*pf2sq repartit xreduce(xpartitop car u,
for each g in x join
if g := xpartitop g then {g});
symbolic procedure xmodlist(u,v);
% u:{prefix,prefix},v:bool -> xmodlist:prefix
begin scalar x;
if length u neq 2 then
rerror(xideal,0,"Wrong number of arguments to xmod");
x := getrlist aeval cadr u;
u := foreach f in getrlist aeval car u collect xpartitop f;
x := for each f in x join
if f := xpartitop f then {f};
return makelist foreach f in u join
if f := xreduce(f,x) then {!*q2a1(!*pf2sq repartit f,v)};
infix xmodideal;
precedence xmodideal,freeof;
symbolic procedure simpxmodideal u;
% u:{prefix,prefix} -> simpxmodideal:sq
begin scalar x;
if length u neq 2 then
rerror(xideal,0,"Wrong number of arguments to xmodideal");
x := getrlist aeval cadr u;
u := xpartitop car u;
xtruncate!* := xmaxdegree u;
x := for each f in x join if f := xpartitop f then {f};
foreach f in x do if not xhomogeneous f then xtruncate!* := nil;
x := xidealpf x where !*trxmod = nil; % is this desirable?
return !*pf2sq repartit xreduce(u,x);
symbolic procedure xmodideallist(u,v);
% u:{prefix,prefix},v:bool -> xmodideallist:prefix
begin scalar x;
if length u neq 2 then
rerror(xideal,0,"Wrong number of arguments to xmodideal");
x := getrlist aeval cadr u;
u := foreach f in getrlist aeval car u collect xpartitop f;
xtruncate!* := eval('max . foreach f in u collect xmaxdegree f);
x := for each f in x join if f := xpartitop f then {f};
foreach f in x do if not xhomogeneous f then xtruncate!* := nil;
x := xidealpf x where !*trxmod = nil; % is this desirable?
return makelist foreach f in u join
if f := xreduce(f,x) then {!*q2a1(!*pf2sq repartit f,v)};
symbolic procedure xautolist(u,v);
% u:{prefix},v:bool -> xautolist:prefix
begin scalar x;
if length u neq 1 then
rerror(xideal,0,"Wrong number of arguments to xauto");
u := foreach f in getrlist aeval car u collect xpartitop f;
return makelist foreach f in xautoreduce u join
{!*q2a1(!*pf2sq repartit f,v)};
symbolic procedure xreduce(f,p);
% f:pf, p:list of pf -> xreduce:pf
% returns left normal form of f wrt p
% l contains reduction chain (not used at present).
begin scalar g,l;
l := nil . nil;
if !*trxmod then
<<writepri(mkquote preppf f,'nil);
writepri(" =",'last)>>;
g := xreduce1(f,p,l);
if !*trxmod then
<<writepri(" ",'first);
writepri(mkquote preppf g,'last)>>;
return g;
symbolic procedure xreduce1(f,p,l);
% f:pf, p:list of pf, l:list of {pf,pf} -> xreduce1:pf
% Returns left normal form of f wrt p. Chain of reducing poly's and
% cofactors stored in l as side-effect.
if (f := weak_xreduce1(f,p,l)) then lt f .+ xreduce1(red f,p,l);
symbolic procedure weak_xreduce(f,p);
% f:pf, p:list of pf, result:pf
% Returns weak left normal form of f wrt p (i.e. lpow f is
% irreducible).
begin scalar g,l;
l := nil . nil;
if !*trxmod then
<<writepri(mkquote preppf f,'nil);
writepri(" =",'last)>>;
g := weak_xreduce1(f,p,l);
if !*trxmod then
<<writepri(" ",'first);
writepri(mkquote preppf g,'last)>>;
return g;
symbolic procedure weak_xreduce1(f,p,l);
% f:pf, p:list of pf, l:list of {pf,pf} -> weak_xreduce1:pf
% Returns weak left normal form of f wrt p (i.e. lpow f is
% irreducible).
% Chain of reducing poly's and cofactors stored in l as side-effect.
begin scalar q,g,h,c,r;
q := p;
while f and q do
g := car q; q := cdr q;
if (r := xdiv(xval g,xval f)) then
r := !*k2pf mknwedge r;
h := wedgepf(r,g); % NB: left multiplication here
c := quotsq(lc f,lc h);
f := subs2pf addpf(f,multpfsq(h,negsq c));
if !*trxmod then l := nconc(l,{{multpfsq(r,c),g}});
if !*trxmod then
<<writepri(" ",'first);
{'wedge,preppf multpfsq(r,c),preppf g},nil);
writepri(" +",'last);>>;
q := p;
return f;
symbolic procedure xautoreduce F;
% F:list of pf -> weak_xautoreduce:list of pf
% returns autoreduced form of F,
% sorted in increasing order of leading terms
xautoreduce1 weak_xautoreduce F;
symbolic procedure xautoreduce1 G;
% G:list of pf -> xautoreduce1:list of pf
% G is weakly autoreduced, result is autoreduced and sorted
begin scalar H;
H := reversip sort(G,'pfordp); % otherwise need to reduce wrt H too.
G := {};
while H do
begin scalar k;
k := car H; H := cdr H;
k := xreduce(k,G);
if k then G := k . G;
return reversip G;
symbolic procedure weak_xautoreduce F;
% F:list of pf -> weak_xautoreduce:list of pf
% returns weakly autoreduced form of F
symbolic procedure weak_xautoreduce1(F,G);
% F,G:list of pf -> weak_xautoreduce1:list of pf
% G is (weakly) autoreduced, F may be reducible wrt G.
while F do
begin scalar k;
k := car F; F := cdr F;
if k := weak_xreduce(k,G) then
k := xnormalise k;
foreach h in G do
if xdiv(xval k,xval h) then
<<F := h . F;
G := delete(h,G)>>;
G := append(G,{k});
return G;
% symbolic procedure print_reduction_chain(f,l,g);
% % f,g:pf, l:list of {pf,pf} -> print_reduction_chain:nil
% begin
% writepri(mkquote preppf f,'nil);
% writepri(" =",'last);
% foreach pr in cdr l do
% <<writepri(" ",'first);
% writepri(mkquote preppf car pr,nil);
% writepri(mkquote '(wedge " " " "),'nil);
% writepri("(",'nil);
% writepri(mkquote preppf cadr pr,nil);
% writepri(") +",'last);>>;
% writepri(" ",'first);
% writepri(mkquote preppf g,'last);
% end;