module tpscomp; % Compile prefix expression into network of
% communicating power series.
% Authors: Julian Padget & Alan Barnes
% The compiler is rule driven by looking for a compilation rule (crule)
% property on the property list of the operator. If a rule does not
% exist the expression is differentiated to get an expression which is
% amenable to compilation but the process takes care to check for the
% existence of cycles in the derivatives e.g. sine and cosine.
% The result is an power series object which can be evaluated by the
% power series evaluator.
%fluid '(unknowns !*exp knownps ps!:max!-order ps!:specials dfdx);
fluid '(unknowns !*exp knownps ps!:max!-order ps!:specials
ps!:level ps!:max!-level);
ps!:specials := list('psrev, 'pscomp, 'int);
symbolic (ps!:max!-level:= 20);
symbolic procedure ps!:compile(form,depvar,about);
if idp form then
else if ps!:numberp form then form
else if ps!:p form then
if (ps!:expansion!-point form=about)and(ps!:depvar form=depvar)
then form
else ps!:compile(ps!:value form,depvar,about)
else if memq(rator form, ps!:specials) then
apply(get(car form,'ps!:crule), list(form,depvar,about))
else (if dfdx=0 then
<< about:=(rator form).(foreach arg in rands form collect
if ps!:p arg then
<< ps!:find!-order arg;
prepsq ps!:evaluate(arg,0)>>
else subst(about,depvar,arg));
make!-constantps(simp!* about, form, depvar)>>
else if get(car form,'ps!:crule) then
apply(get(car form,'ps!:crule),list(form,depvar,about))
else (if tmp then '!:ps!: . cdr tmp
% else ps!:unknown!-crule(form, depvar, about))
else ps!:unknown!-crule((car form) .
foreach arg in cdr form collect
where tmp = assoc(form,knownps))
where dfdx=prepsqxx simp!* list('df,ps!:arg!-values form, depvar);
symbolic procedure make!-ps!-id(id,depvar,about);
begin scalar ps;
if id=depvar then
if about='ps!:inf then <<
ps!:set!-order(ps, -1);
ps!:set!-terms(ps, list (0 . (1 ./ 1)))>>
else <<
about := if idp about then !*k2q about
else if ps!:numberp about then !*n2f about ./ 1
else simp!* about;
if numr about then <<
ps!:set!-order(ps, 0);
ps!:set!-terms(ps, list(0 . about, 1 . (1 ./ 1)))>>
else <<
ps!:set!-order(ps, 1);
ps!:set!-terms(ps, list(0 . (1 ./ 1)))>>
else <<
ps!:set!-order(ps, 0);
ps!:set!-terms(ps, list(0 . !*k2q id))>>;
return ps
symbolic procedure make!-constantps(u,v,d);
% u is a constant standard quotient, v is a corresponding prefix form
begin scalar ps;
ps:=get('tps,'tag) . mkvect 7;
ps!:set!-expression(ps, 'psconstant);
ps!:set!-value(ps, v);
ps!:set!-terms(ps,list(0 . u));
putv(cdr ps, 7, !*sqvar!*);
return ps
symbolic procedure make!-ps(form,exp,depvar,about);
begin scalar ps;
ps:=get('tps,'tag) . mkvect 7;
putv(cdr ps, 7, !*sqvar!*);
return ps;
symbolic procedure ps!:plus!-crule(a,d,n);
begin scalar pluses, minuses;
foreach term in rands a do
if pairp term and rator term = 'minus then
minuses := rand1 term . minuses
pluses := term . pluses;
if not null pluses then <<
if not null cdr pluses then
pluses := make!-ps('plus . foreach term in pluses collect
ps!:arg!-values('plus . pluses),d,n)
pluses := ps!:compile(car pluses,d,n);
ps!:find!-order pluses>>;
if not null minuses then <<
if not null cdr minuses then
minuses := make!-ps('plus . foreach term in minuses collect
ps!:arg!-values('plus . minuses),d,n)
minuses := ps!:compile(car minuses,d,n);
ps!:find!-order minuses>>;
if null minuses then
return pluses
else if null pluses then
a:= (make!-ps(ps, ps!:arg!-values ps,d,n)
where ps = 'minus . list minuses)
else a:= (make!-ps(ps, ps!:arg!-values ps, d,n)
where ps = 'difference . list(pluses, minuses));
ps!:find!-order a;
return a;
symbolic procedure ps!:unary!-crule(a,d,n);
make!-ps(list(rator a,ps!:compile(rand1 a,d,n)),
ps!:arg!-values a,d,n);
symbolic procedure ps!:minus!-crule(a,d,n);
if ps!:numberp cadr a then
!:minus cadr a
else ps!:unary!-crule(a,d,n);
put('minus,'ps!:crule, 'ps!:minus!-crule);
symbolic procedure ps!:binary!-crule(a,d,n);
<<a := make!-ps((rator a) . list(ps!:compile(rand1 a,d,n),
ps!:compile(rand2 a,d,n)),
ps!:arg!-values a,d,n);
ps!:find!-order a;
symbolic procedure ps!:nary!-crule(a,d,n);
% called from ps!:times!-crule so args are already power series
<<if null cdddr a then
a := make!-ps(list(rator a,rand1 a,rand2 a), ps!:arg!-values a,d,n)
a:= make!-ps(list(rator a,rand1 a,
ps!:nary!-crule((rator a) . cddr a,d,n)),
ps!:arg!-values a,d,n);
ps!:find!-order a;
symbolic procedure ps!:times!-crule(a,d,n);
begin scalar prod, variables, constants;
prod := foreach arg in rands a collect ps!:compile(arg,d,n);
foreach arg in prod do
if ps!:numberp arg or
(not idp cdr arg and ps!:expression arg = 'psconstant) then
constants := arg . constants
else variables := arg . variables;
if not null variables then
if null cdr variables then
variables := car variables
else variables := ps!:nary!-crule('times . variables, d, n);
if null constants then
return variables
else <<
prod := 1 ./ 1;
foreach arg in constants do
prod := multsq(prod, if ps!:numberp arg then
(if arg=0 then nil else arg) ./ 1
else ps!:get!-term(arg,0));
if variables then
a:= make!-ps(list('psmult, prod, variables),
ps!:arg!-values a,d,n)
return make!-constantps(prod, ps!:arg!-values a, d);
ps!:find!-order a;
return a>>;
symbolic procedure ps!:quotient!-crule(a,d,n);
% forms such as (quotient (expt <x> <y>) (expt <x> <z>)) are
% detected here and transformed into (expt <x>(difference <y> <z>)) to
% help avoid certain essential singularities
begin scalar r1, r2;
r1 := rand1 a; r2 := rand2 a;
if eqcar(r1,'expt) and eqcar(r2,'expt) and
((rand1 r1)=(rand1 r2)) then
return ps!:compile(list('expt, rand1 r1,
list('difference, rand2 r1, rand2 r2)),
r1:=ps!:compile(rand1 a, d, n);
if (ps!:numberp r1 or
(not idp cdr r1 and ps!:expression r1 = 'psconstant))
and eqcar(r2, 'expt) then
<< r2:=ps!:compile(list('expt,rand1 r2,prepsqxx simpminus cddr r2),
if onep r1 then r2
else <<
a := make!-ps(list('psmult, if ps!:numberp r1 then r1 ./ 1
else ps!:get!-term(r1,0),
ps!:arg!-values a,d,n);
ps!:find!-order a;
r2:=ps!:compile(rand2 a, d, n);
if ps!:numberp r2 or
(not idp cdr r2 and ps!:expression r2 = 'psconstant) then
<< r2 := if ps!:numberp r2 then 1 ./ r2
else invsq ps!:get!-term(r2,0);
a:= make!-ps(list('psmult, r2, r1), ps!:arg!-values a,d,n)>>
a:= make!-ps(list('quotient, r1, r2), ps!:arg!-values a,d,n);
ps!:find!-order a;
return a;
symbolic procedure ps!:int!-crule(a,d,n);
begin scalar r,arg1, psord, intvar;
intvar := rand2 a;
if not idp intvar then
typerr(intvar, "kernel: ps!:int!-crule");
if depends(intvar, n) then
"Can't integrate series when expansion point is non-constant ");
arg1:=ps!:compile(prepsqxx simp!* rand1 a,d,n);
r:= make!-ps(list('int,arg1,intvar), ps!:arg!-values a,d,n);
psord:= ps!:find!-order arg1;
if d=intvar then
if ps!:expansion!-point(arg1) neq 'ps!:inf then
<<if (psord < 0) and (ps!:evaluate(arg1,-1) neq (nil ./ 1)) then
rerror(tps,12,"Logarithmic Singularity")>>
else % expansion about infinity
if (psord < 2) and (ps!:evaluate(arg1,1) neq (nil ./ 1)) then
rerror(tps,13,"Logarithmic Singularity at Infinity");
ps!:find!-order r;
return r;
symbolic procedure ps!:log!-crule(a,d,n);
begin scalar r, dfdx, f;
f := ps!:compile(rand1 a, d, n);
if ps!:order f neq 0 then
rerror(tps,14, "Logarithmic Singularity");
dfdx := ps!:compile(prepsq simp!* list('df, f, d), d, n);
r := ps!:compile(list('quotient, dfdx, f), d, n);
r := make!-ps(list('int, r, d), ps!:arg!-values a, d, n);
ps!:set!-term(r,0, simp!* list('log, prepsq ps!:get!-term(f,0)));
ps!:find!-order r;
return r;
put('log,'ps!:crule, 'ps!:log!-crule);
symbolic procedure ps!:arg!-values funct;
(rator funct) . (foreach arg in rands funct collect
if ps!:atom arg then arg
else if ps!:p arg then ps!:value arg
else ps!:arg!-values arg);
symbolic procedure ps!:unknown!-crule(a,d,n);
% unknowns is an alist structure, the CAR of which is the
% form which was differentiated and the CDR is a dotted pair whose
% CDR is a gensym'ed identifier which is used to build
% the cyclic structures used to represent a recurrence relation.
(lambda (aval,tmp);
if (tmp:=assoc(aval, unknowns)) then '!:ps!: . cdr tmp
else if ps!:level > ps!:max!-level then
rerror(tps,15, "Recursion too deep in ps!:unknown!-crule")
(lambda(dfdx, unknowns);
(lambda(r, s); <<
%intern s; % not needed, but useful for debugging.
global list s; % This is definitely needed in UOLISP.
% it is important to set s before recursing to find the power series
% expansion of dfdx as this may involve evaluating s
set(s,cdr r);
% it is also important to determine the first non-zero term of the
% series (assumed to be of order >= 0) before recursing in case
% the original series is encountered again in the recursion
ps!:unknown!-term1(r, a);
dfdx := ps!:compile(dfdx,d,n);
% the next test is intended to detect the case when a function f(x)
% (say) is expanded about a point x=a (say) at which f has a pole or
% essential singuarity, but where the Reduce simplifier returns a
% seemingly well-defined value for f when x=a.
if ps!:order dfdx < 0 then
rerror(tps, 16, "Pole or Logarithmic Singularity");
ps!:set!-expression(r,list('int, dfdx, d));
knownps:=(aval . s) . knownps;
>> )
(make!-ps(nil,aval,d,n), cdar unknowns))
(ps!:differentiate(a,d), (aval . gensym()) . unknowns)
(ps!:arg!-values a,nil);
symbolic procedure ps!:unknown!-term1(ps,a);
% There is an implicit assumption that the order of the series >=0 here
begin scalar psord, term, about, infmult, x;
psord := 0;
about := ps!:expansion!-point ps;
x := ps!:depvar ps;
term := simp!* ps!:first!-term a;
ps!:set!-term(ps, psord, term);
if numr term = nil then <<
psord := psord+1;
if psord > ps!:max!-order then
rerror('tps, 17, list(ps!:value ps,
"has zero expansion to order",
a := list('quotient, list('df, a, x), psord);
if about = 'ps!:inf then <<
if psord = 1 then
infmult := ps!:compile(list('minus, list('times, x, x)),
x, about);
a := list('times, infmult, a)>>;
a := prepsqxx simp!* a;
go loop>>;
symbolic procedure ps!:first!-term(l);
if atom l then l
else if ps!:p l then
if ps!:find!-order l < 0 then
rederr "Possible essential singularity"
else prepsqxx ps!:get!-term(l,0)
car l . foreach arg in cdr l collect ps!:first!-term arg;
symbolic procedure ps!:differentiate(a,v);
(lambda x;
if eqcar(x,'df) then
list("ps:differentiate: no rule to differentiate function",
car a, "when it has", length a - 1, "arguments"))
((lambda (!*exp);
prepsqxx simp!* list ('df, a, v)) nil);
symbolic procedure ps!:expt!-crule(a,d,n);
% we will assume that forms like (expt (expt <x> <y>) <z>) will
% continue to be transformed by SIMP!* into (expt <x> (times <y> <z>))
% this is very important for the avoidance of essential singularities
% If the exponent is equivalent to a rational number there is a
% convenient algorithm for exponentiation. So use it, otherwise
% use a^b = exp(b*log a) and use the algorithm for exp(power-series)
begin scalar eflg,exp1,exp2,b,psvalue;
b := rand1 a;
if not ps!:p b or constantpsp b then
eflg := evalequal(b,prepsq simp!* aeval 'e);
exp1:=rand2 a;
if (ps!:p exp1 and constantpsp exp1) then exp1:=ps!:value exp1;
begin scalar alglist!*, dmode!*;
exp2:=simp!* exp1;
psvalue:=ps!:arg!-values a;
if (atom numr exp2 and atom denr exp2) then
<<exp1:=numr exp2; exp2:=denr exp2>>
else return
<< exp2 := ps!:compile(if eflg then exp1
else list('times, exp1, list('log,b)), d,n);
make!-ps(list('exp, exp2), psvalue, d, n)>>;
b := ps!:compile(b,d,n);
if exp2=1 then
if exp1=nil then
return if ps!:zerop!: b
then rerror(tps,19,"0**0 formed: ps:expt-crule")
else 1
else if exp1=1 then return b
else if exp1=2 then
a := make!-ps(list('times,b,b),psvalue,d,n)
else if exp1 = -1 then
a:= make!-ps(list('quotient,1,b),psvalue,d,n)
else a := make!-ps(list('expt,b,exp1,1),psvalue,d,n)
else a := make!-ps(list('expt,b,exp1,exp2),psvalue,d,n);
ps!:find!-order a;
return a;