% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id: ofsfhqe.red,v 1.7 2003/11/07 12:39:55 dolzmann Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Dolzmann and Lorenz Gilch
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log: ofsfhqe.red,v $
% Revision 1.7 2003/11/07 12:39:55 dolzmann
% Changed comments. Removed lines that were commented out.
% Revision 1.6 2003/10/24 11:55:45 gilch
% Renamed !*rlrqtfcsplit to !*rlhqetfcsplit.
% Renamed !*rlrqvb to !*rlhqevb.
% Renamed !*rlrqvarsel to !*rlhqevarsel.
% Renamed !*rlrqvarselx to !*rlhqevarselx.
% Renamed !*rlrqdim0 to !*rlhqedim0.
% Renamed !*rlrqtheory to !*rlhqetheory.
% Renamed !*rlrqgbred to !*rlhqegbred.
% Renamed !*rlrqconnect to !*rlhqeconnect.
% Renamed !*rlrqstrconst to !*rlhqestrconst.
% Renamed !*rlrqgbdimmin to !*rlhqegbdimmin.
% Renamed !*rlrqgen to !*rlhqegen.
% Renamed ofsf_rqtheo!* to ofsf_hqetheo!*.
% Renamed ofsf_rqxvars!* to ofsf_hqexvars!*.
% Revision 1.5 2003/10/24 07:17:17 dolzmann
% Added lost spaces after numbers.
% Revision 1.4 2003/10/23 15:33:43 gilch
% Overworked verbose messages.
% Revision 1.3 2003/10/23 15:04:17 dolzmann
% Overworked verbose messages.
% Revision 1.2 2003/10/21 15:47:54 gilch
% Corrected wrong prefix ofsf_ to gbsc.
% Revision 1.1 2003/10/21 15:20:06 gilch
% Moved rlprojects/{gbdim.red,d0.red,qenf.red,rrcqe.red} into this module.
% Changed prefix.
% Renamed switch rlrqselectxn to rlrqvarsel.
% Renamed switch rlrqselectxn2 to rlrqvarselx.
% Renamed switch rlrqverbose to rlrqvb.
% Renamed switch rlrqtoplevelonly to rlrqdim0.
% Renamed switch rlrqinitialcd to rlrqtheory.
% Moved switch declarations to redlog.red.
% Moved inital switch setting to redlog.red.
% Moved fluid declarations for switches to ofsf.red.
% Renamed fluid rlrqgeneric!* to ofsf_rqtheo and rlrqgenvar to ofsf_rqxvars.
% Renamed rrcqe_rrcqe to ofsf_hqe.
% Renamed rrcqe_rrcqegen to ofsf_ghqe.
% Renamed rrcqegenres to rl_s2a!-ghqe and moved to rlami.
% Renamed ofsf_mkf to ofsf_rqrequantify and ofsf_mkf(!) to ofsf_sfl2f.
% Renamed procedure ofsf_simp to ofsf_rqsimpl.
% Renamed procedure ofsf_htl to ofsf_mvp.
% Renamed procedure ofsf_main to ofsf_d0main and ofsf_main to ofsf_d0main1.
% Revision 1.9 2003/08/19 15:02:26 gilch
% Fixed a bug in rrcqe_genvar.
% Revision 1.8 2003/07/21 11:27:58 gilch
% Added switches rlrqgen, rlrqgeneric, rlrqgenvar. Added procedures
% rrcqe_rrcqegenres, rrcqe_rrcqegen, rrcqe_genvar. Updated rrcqe_rrcqe for
% generic QE.
% Revision 1.7 2003/06/26 11:45:13 gilch
% Fixed bugs in rrcqe_rrcnfblockqe and rrcqe_connect.
% Revision 1.6 2003/06/25 13:16:37 gilch
% Added verbose outputs.
% Revision 1.5 2003/05/27 15:22:28 gilch
% Added procedures rrcqe_connect, rrcqe_samephi, rrcqe_samephip,
% rrcqe_connectrrcnf, rrcqe_smkn, rrcqe_conjp. Added switch rlrqconnect.
% Updated procedures rrcqe_rrcnfeliminate and rrcqe_rrcnfblockqe for use with
% rlrqconnect.
% Revision 1.4 2003/05/07 11:36:33 gilch
% Added switch rlrqtoplevelonly and updated rrcqe_rrcqe for use with it. Added
% procedured rrcqe_mkf,rrcqe_mkf2 and rrcqe_mkf3.
% Revision 1.3 2003/05/02 08:58:27 gilch
% Added switch rlrqverbose.
% Revision 1.2 2003/04/29 14:34:02 gilch
% Added procedure rrcqe_simp, added verbose outputs.
% Revision 1.1 2003/04/25 13:00:58 gilch
% Initial check-in.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
fluid '(ofsf_hqe_rcsid!* ofsf_hqe_copyright!*);
ofsf_hqe_rcsid!* :=
"$Id: ofsfhqe.red,v 1.7 2003/11/07 12:39:55 dolzmann Exp $";
ofsf_hqe_copyright!* := "Copyright (c) 2003 by A. Dolzmann and L. Gilch"
module ofsfhqe;
% Ordered fields standard form Hermitian quantifier elimination.
% Real Root Counting Quantifier Elimination.
% Input: A First-order formula
% Output: A quantifier-free formula, which is equivalent to the input formula.
procedure ofsf_ghqe(f);
% Generic Real Root Counting Quantifier Elimination. [f] is a first-order
% formula. Returns an equivalent quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar res,ofsf_hqetheo!*,ofsf_hqexvars!*,!*rlhqegen;
ofsf_hqetheo!* := nil;
ofsf_hqexvars!* := nil;
!*rlhqegen := T;
res := ofsf_hqe f;
!*rlhqegen := nil;
ofsf_hqexvars!* := nil;
return {rl_smkn('and,rl_thsimpl ofsf_hqetheo!*),res}
procedure ofsf_hqe(phi);
% Real Root Counting Quantifier Elimination. [phi] is a first-order
% formula. Returns a quantifier-free formula. Wrapper for
% [ofsf_hqe0] managing [rlqgvb].
begin scalar w,svrlhqevb,svcgbverbose;
svrlhqevb := !*rlhqevb;
svcgbverbose := !*cgbverbose;
if not !*rlverbose then
off1 'rlhqevb;
if not(!*cgbverbose and !*rlverbose and !*rlhqevb) then
off1 'cgbverbose;
w := ofsf_hqe0 phi;
return w
procedure ofsf_hqe0(phi);
% Real Root Counting Quantifier Elimination. [phi] is a first-order formula.
% Returns a quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar phi1,ql,firstblock;integer n;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++++ simplifying input formula of RRCQE with ",
cl_atnum phi," atomic formulas... "};
phi1 := cl_simpl(phi,nil,-1);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 {"done. Number of atomic formulas now: ",cl_atnum phi1};
if phi1 member {'true,'false} then
return phi1;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 "+++++ building prenex normal form... ";
phi1 := cl_pnf phi1;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 "done.";
ql := cl_splt phi1;
phi1 := cadr ql;
ql := car ql;
if !*rlhqegen and null ofsf_hqexvars!* then
ofsf_hqexvars!* := ofsf_genvar ql;
while not null ql and not firstblock do <<
if !*rlverbose then <<
ioto_tprin2 {"+++++ Eliminating ",car ql," (",length ql -n+1,
ioto_cplu(" block",length ql -n+1)," left)"}
phi1 := ofsf_rrcnfblockqe(car ql, phi1);
if phi1 member {'true,'false} then
ql := nil
else <<
if !*rlhqedim0 then
firstblock := t;
ql := cdr ql
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++++ leaving RRCQE: ",
cl_atnum phi1," atomic formulas"};
return ofsf_rqrequantify(ql,phi1)
procedure ofsf_rqrequantify(ql,phi);
% Construction of a quantified formula. [ql] is a list of the form
% $ (Q v_{1} ... v_{k})$, where $Q$ is either $ex$ or $all$ and
% $v_{1}, ... v_{k}$ are identifiers, [phi] is a formula. Returns a
% formula.
if not !*rlhqedim0 or null ql then
procedure ofsf_rqrequantify2(ql,phi);
% Subroutine of ofsf_rqrequantify. [ql] is a list of the form
% $ (Q v_{1} ... v_{k})$, where $Q$ is either $ex$ or $all$ and
% $v_{1}, ... v_{k}$ are identifiers, [phi] is a formula. Returns a
% formula.
while not null ql do <<
phi := ofsf_rqrequantify3(caar ql,cdar ql,phi);
ql := cdr ql
return phi
procedure ofsf_rqrequantify3(q,varl,phi);
% Subroutine of ofsf_rqrequantify2. [q] is one of $ex$ or $all$,
% [varl] is a list of identifiers, [phi] is a formula. Returns a
% formula.
if null varl then
ofsf_rqrequantify3(q,cdr varl,rl_mkq(q,car varl,phi));
procedure ofsf_rrcnfblockqe(ql,phi);
% Elimination of one quantifier block. [ql] is a list of the form
% $ (Q v_{1} ... v_{k})$, where $Q$ is either $ex$ or $all$ and $v_{1}, ...
% v_{k}$ are identifiers, [phi] is a quantifier-free formula. Returns a
% quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar psi,gamma; integer i;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 "+++++ building positive normal form ... ";
if car ql eq 'all then
psi := cl_nnfnot phi
psi := cl_nnf phi;
if !*rlhqevb then <<
ioto_prin2 {"done, now ",cl_atnum psi," atomic formulas"};
ioto_tprin2 "+++++ building RRC normal forms ..."
gamma := ofsf_connect ofsf_rrcnf(psi,cdr ql);
if gamma member {'true,'false} then
psi := gamma
else <<
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 {"done."};
% if !*rlverbose then
% ioto_tprin2 {"+++++ ",length gamma," conjunctions to eliminate."};
psi := 'false;
for each elem in gamma do <<
if !*rlverbose then <<
i := i+1;
ioto_tprin2 {"++++ ",length gamma -i +1,
ioto_cplu(" conjunction", length gamma -i +1 neq 1)," left"}
psi := ofsf_rqsimpl(rl_smkn('or,
{psi,ofsf_rrcnfeliminate(elem,cdr ql)}));
% if !*rlverbose then
% ioto_tprin2 {"+++++ Eliminated conjunction ",i}
if car ql eq 'all then
psi := cl_nnfnot psi;
return psi
procedure ofsf_rrcnfeliminate(rrcnf,varl);
% Elimination of a conjunction. [rrcnf] is a RRCNF, [varl] is a list
% of identifiers. Returns a quantifier-free formula.
if null car rrcnf and null cadr rrcnf and null caddr rrcnf then
ofsf_rqsimpl ofsf_smkn('and,cadddr rrcnf)
else if !*rlhqeconnect then
if ofsf_conjp cadddr rrcnf then
ofsf_rqsimpl rl_smkn('and,{cadddr rrcnf,ofsf_qenf(cadddr rrcnf,
car rrcnf,cadr rrcnf,caddr rrcnf,varl)})
ofsf_rqsimpl rl_smkn('and,{cadddr rrcnf,ofsf_qenf('true,car rrcnf,
cadr rrcnf,caddr rrcnf,varl)})
ofsf_rqsimpl rl_smkn('and,{rl_smkn('and,cadddr rrcnf),ofsf_qenf(
rl_smkn('and,cadddr rrcnf),car rrcnf,cadr rrcnf,
caddr rrcnf,varl)});
procedure ofsf_connect(rrcnfl);
% Connects RRCNF's with same EPL, GPL, NPL. [rrcnfl] is a list of RRCNF's.
% Returns a list of RRCNF's.
begin scalar samephi,newlist,l;
if rrcnfl member {'true,'false} or not !*rlhqeconnect then
return rrcnfl;
l := for each elem in rrcnfl collect {sort(car elem,'ordp),
sort(cadr elem,'ordp),sort(caddr elem,'ordp),
rl_smkn('and,cadddr elem)};
while not null l do <<
samephi := ofsf_samephi(car l,cdr l);
newlist := (car samephi) . newlist;
l := cadr samephi
return newlist
procedure ofsf_samephi(rrcnf,rrcnfl);
% Connects RRCNF's with same EPL, GPL, NPL as in first argument. [rrcnf] is
% a RRCNF, [rrcnfl] is a list of RRCNF's. Returns a list of the form:
% $(rrcnf1 rrcnfl1)$, where $rrcnf1$ is a RRCNF and $rrcnfl1$ is a
% list of RRCNF's.
begin scalar rrcnf1,rrcnfl1;
rrcnf1 := rrcnf;
while not null rrcnfl do <<
if ofsf_samephip(rrcnf,car rrcnfl) then
rrcnf1 := ofsf_connectrrcnf(rrcnf, car rrcnfl)
rrcnfl1 := (car rrcnfl) . rrcnfl1;
rrcnfl := cdr rrcnfl
return {rrcnf1, rrcnfl1}
procedure ofsf_samephip(r1,r2);
% Predicate, if two RRCNF's have same EPL, GPL, NPL. [r1] and [r2] are
% RRCNF's. Returns T or NIL.
(car r1 = car r2) and (cadr r1 = cadr r2) and (caddr r1 = caddr r2);
procedure ofsf_connectrrcnf(r1,r2);
% Connects two RRCNF's with same EPL, GPL, NPL. [r1] and [r2] are
% RRCNF's. Returns a RRCNF.
if cadddr r1 = 'true or cadddr r2 = 'true then
{car r1, cadr r1, caddr r1, 'true}
{car r1, cadr r1, caddr r1,
rl_smkn('or,{cadddr r1,cadddr r2})};
procedure ofsf_smkn(op,phi);
% Formula construction. [op] is either OR or AND, [phi] is either a THEORY
% or a formula. Returns the formula $(op phi)$, only if rlhqeconnect is off,
% else [phi] itself.
if not !*rlhqeconnect then
procedure ofsf_conjp(f);
% Tests, if a a formula is a conjunction. [f] is a formula. Returns T or
% NIL.
if listp f and rl_op f eq 'or then
procedure ofsf_genvar(l);
% Get variables from quantifier blocks. [l] is a list of the form
% $(... (q v_{1} ... v_{k}) ...)$, where $q$ is a quantifier and $v_{1}$,
% ..., $v_{k}$ are identifiers. Returns a list of identifiers, the list of
% all identifiers.
if null l then
append(cdar l, ofsf_genvar cdr l);
% Procedures for RRCNF computations:
procedure ofsf_rrcnf(m,vl);
% Ordered field standard form real root counting normal form. [m]
% is a quantifier-free formula; [vl] is a list of variables.
% Returns a truth value or a list of triplets
% $(\eta,\gamma,\nu,\theta)$, where $\eta$, $\gamma$, and $\nu$ are
% lists of polynomials coming from equations, $>$-constraints, and
% $\neq$-constraints, respectively; $\theta$ is a theory.
begin scalar w;
if !*rlhqevb then
{"++++ computing DNF of formula with ",cl_atnum m," atomic formulas"};
w := cl_dnf m;
if !*rlhqevb then
{"++++ finished DNF Computation: ",cl_atnum w," atomic formulas"};
if rl_tvalp w then
return w;
w := if rl_op w eq 'or then
cdr w
return for each br in w join
if rl_op br eq 'and then
ofsf_rrcnf1(cdr br,vl)
% <RRCNF> ::= (...,(<EPL>,<GPL>,<NPL>,<THEORY>),...)
% <EPL> ::= (...,SF,...) left hand sides of equations
% <GPL> ::= (...,SF,...) left hand sides of $>$-ATF's
% <NPL> ::= (...,SF,...) left hand sides of $\neq$-ATF's
% <THEORY> ::= (...,ATF,...) ATF's containing only parameters
procedure ofsf_new();
procedure ofsf_addequal(rrcnf,lhs);
for each v in rrcnf do
car v := lhs . car v;
procedure ofsf_addgreaterp(rrcnf,lhs);
for each v in rrcnf do
cadr v := lhs . cadr v;
procedure ofsf_addlessp(rrcnf,lhs);
begin scalar neglhs;
neglhs := negf lhs;
for each v in rrcnf do
cadr v := neglhs . cadr v;
return rrcnf
procedure ofsf_addneq(rrcnf,lhs);
for each v in rrcnf do
caddr v := lhs . caddr v;
procedure ofsf_addgeq(rrcnf,lhs);
for each v in rrcnf join
{{lhs . car v,cadr v,caddr v,cadddr v},
{car v,lhs . cadr v,caddr v,cadddr v}};
procedure ofsf_addleq(rrcnf,lhs);
begin scalar neglhs;
neglhs := negf lhs;
return for each v in rrcnf join
{{lhs . car v,cadr v,caddr v,cadddr v},
{car v,neglhs . cadr v,caddr v,cadddr v}}
procedure ofsf_addtheo(rrcnf,at);
for each v in rrcnf do
cadddr v := at . cadddr v;
procedure ofsf_rrcnf1(atl,vl);
% Ordered field standard form real root counting normal form
% subroutine. [atl] is a list of atomic formulas; [vl] is a list of
% variables. Returns a list of lists $(\eta,\gamma,\nu,\theta)$,
% where $\eta$, $\gamma$, and $\nu$ are lists of polynomials coming
% from equations, $>$-constraints, and $\neq$-constraints,
% respectively; $\theta$ is a theory.
begin scalar resl,op,lhs;
resl := ofsf_new();
for each at in atl do <<
op := rl_op at;
lhs := ofsf_arg2l at;
resl := if null intersection(kernels lhs,vl) then
else if op eq 'equal then
else if op eq 'greaterp then
else if op eq 'lessp then
else if op eq 'neq then
else if op eq 'geq then
else if op eq 'leq then
return resl
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Quantifier Elimination of a first-order formula in elimination normal form
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Quantifier elimination of formulas in normal form.
% Input: A first-order formula $ phi $ and a formula $ xi $, which is a
% conjunction of atomic formulas, whose identifiers are independent of the
% bounded identifiers in $ phi $. The atomic formulas of $ phi $ contains only
% relations with $ > $, $ = $ or $ neq $. Every relation of $ phi$
% contains at least one bounded variable. The polynomials of $ xi $ are square-
% primitiv, and the polynomials of equalities and inequalities are squarefree.
% Output: a quantifier-free formula $ psi $, so that
% $ psi AND xi $ is equivalent to $ phi AND xi $.
procedure ofsf_qenf(xi,flist,glist,hlist,varl);
% Quantifier elimination of formulas in elimination normal form.
% [xi] is a conjunction of atomic formulas, [flist], [glist] and [hlist]
% are lists of SF's, [varl] is a list of identifiers. Returns
% a quantifier-free formula.
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++ entering QENF: theo:",
length xi," r:",length flist," s:",
length glist," t:",length hlist};
if xi = 'false then <<
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++ leaving QENF (0)"};
return 'false
>> else if null flist and null glist and null hlist then <<
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++ leaving QENF (0)"};
return 'true
>> else if null flist then
return ofsf_caser0(xi,varl,glist,hlist)
return ofsf_eliminategsys(xi,flist,glist,hlist,varl)
procedure ofsf_eliminategsys(xi,flist,glist,hlist,varl);
% Elimination of all branches of corresponding Green Groebner System. [xi]
% is a conjunctionof atomic formulas. [flist], [glist] and [hlist]
% are lists of SF's, [varl] is a list of identifiers. Returns a
% quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar s,ita,gb,dim,psi;integer i;
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"++ computing green Groebner system ... "};
s := ofsf_ggsys(flist,varl,xi);
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_prin2 {"done"};
psi := 'false;
for each branch in s do <<
if !*rlverbose then <<
i := i+1;
ioto_tprin2 {"++ ",length s - i + 1, " branch(es) left"}
ita := ofsf_mkconj car branch;
gb := cadr branch;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"++ computing dimension of branch ... "};
dim := ofsf_dim(gb,varl);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 "done";
psi := ofsf_or(psi,ofsf_eliminatedim(gb,glist,hlist,varl,dim,ita,xi))
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++ leaving QENF (",cl_atnum psi, ")"};
return psi
procedure ofsf_eliminatedim(gb,glist,hlist,varl,dim,ita,xi);
% Case disjunction depending of dimension of $Id(gb)$. [gb],[glist],and
% [hlist] are lists of SF's, [varl] is a list of identifiers, [dim] is a
% list of the form $(d ivarl)$, where $d$ indicates the dimension of the
% ideal and $ivarl$ a maximally independent set of identifiers, [ita] is
% a list of atomic formulas, [xi] is a conjunction of atomic formulas.
% Returns a quantifier-free formula.
if car dim = -1 then
else if car dim = 0 then
else if car dim = length varl then
ofsf_and(ita,ofsf_casedim(ita,xi,ofsf_remvarl(varl,cadr dim),
cadr dim,gb,glist,hlist));
procedure ofsf_caser0(xi,varl,glist,hlist);
% Case, that there are no equations in phi.
% [xi] is a conjunction of atomic formulas, [varl] is a list of identifiers,
% [glist] and [hlist] are lists of SF's. Returns a
% quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar xn,remvarl,psi,phi12,phi3,phi4,neqlist;
% if !*rlverbose then
% ioto_prin2 "[case #f = 0]";
if !*rlhqevarsel then <<
xn := ofsf_selectxn(varl,glist);
remvarl := setdiff(varl,{xn})
else <<
xn := car varl;
remvarl := cdr varl
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 "++ transforming Matrix in case #f = 0 ...";
psi := ofsf_transformmatrix(xn,glist,hlist);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 " done";
neqlist := car psi;
phi12 := cadr psi;
phi3 := caddr psi;
phi4 := cadddr psi;
psi := ofsf_and(neqlist,phi12);
if psi = 'true then <<
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++ leaving QENF [r=0] (0)"};
return psi
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"++ Eliminating phi3: ",length phi3," subformulas"};
psi := ofsf_or(psi,ofsf_eliminatephi34(xi,phi3,xn,glist,neqlist));
if !*rlhqevb then <<
ioto_tprin2 {"++ phi3 eliminated."};
ioto_tprin2 {"++ eliminating phi4: ",length phi4," subformulas"}
psi := ofsf_or(psi,ofsf_eliminatephi34(xi,phi4,xn,glist,neqlist));
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"++ phi4 eliminated."};
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+++ leaving QENF [r=0] (",cl_atnum psi,
if psi = 'true or psi = 'false then
return psi
else if not null remvarl then
if !*rlhqedim0 then
return ofsf_mknewf2(remvarl,psi)
return ofsf_hqe0 ofsf_and(xi,ofsf_mknewf2(remvarl,psi))
return psi
procedure ofsf_eliminatephi34(xi,phi34,xn,glist,neqlist);
% Eliminate conjunctions of $phi3$ and $phi4$. [xi] is a conjunction of
% atomic formulas, [phi34] is a list of the form
% $(... (condl f) ...)$, where $condl$ is a list of lists of atomic
% formulas and $f$ a SF, [xn] is an identifier, [glist] is a list of SF's,
% [neqlist] is a quantifier-free formula. Returns a quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar foundtrue,condl,c,phi;
phi := 'false;
while not null phi34 and not foundtrue do <<
condl := caar phi34;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"+ Eliminating subformula of phi3/phi4, ",
length condl," cases..."};
while not null condl and not foundtrue do <<
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 "checking consistence ... ";
c := ofsf_consistent(xi,car condl);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 "done.";
if car c then
phi := ofsf_or(phi,ofsf_and(neqlist,ofsf_and(cadr c,
ofsf_qenfcase0(car condl,xn,glist,cadar phi34))));
if phi = 'true then
foundtrue := t;
condl := cdr condl
phi34 := cdr phi34
return phi
procedure ofsf_selectxn(varl,glist);
% Selects variable, depending on switch rlhqevarselx;.
% [varl] is a list of identifiers, [glist] is a list of SF's. Returns an
% identifier.
begin scalar res;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 "selecting Xn in case r=0 ...";
if !*rlhqevarselx then
res := ofsf_selectxn2(varl, glist)
res := ofsf_selectxn1(varl,glist);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 " done.";
return res
procedure ofsf_selectxn1(varl,glist);
% Select variable, so that the residue class rings have minimal dimension.
% [varl] is a list of identifiers, [glist] is a list of SF's. Returns an
% identifier.
begin scalar vl2,d,oldorder,d2,du,elem1;integer d1;
if null glist or null cdr varl then
return car varl;
vl2 := varl;
while not null vl2 do <<
oldorder := setkorder {car vl2};
d1 := 0;
du := nil;
for each elem in glist do <<
elem1 := reorder elem;
if domainp elem1 or mvar elem1 neq car vl2 then
d2 := 0
d2 := ldeg elem1;
if d2 > d1 then
d1 := d2;
if null du or d2 < du then
du := d2;
if null d or d1 <= car d then <<
d := {du,d1,car vl2};
vl2 := cdr vl2
>> else <<
vl2 := nil;
d := nil
setkorder oldorder
if not null d then
return caddr d
return car varl
procedure ofsf_selectxn2(varl,glist);
% Alternative version of ofsf_selectxn. [varl] is a list of identifiers,
% [glist] is a list of SF's. Returns an identifier.
begin scalar vl2,l,xl,oldorder,elem1,dl;
if null glist or null cdr varl then
return car varl;
vl2 := varl;
dl := ofsf_difference glist;
while not null vl2 do <<
oldorder := setkorder {car vl2};
xl := ofsf_gethexponent(car vl2,glist);
for each elem in dl do <<
elem1 := reorder elem;
if domainp elem1 or mvar elem1 neq car vl2 then
xl := 0 . xl
xl := (ldeg elem1) . xl
l := ((car vl2) . sort(xl,'geq)) . l;
setkorder oldorder;
vl2 := cdr vl2
return ofsf_getminvar l
procedure ofsf_difference(l);
% Computes all differences from elements of a list. [l] is a list of SF's.
% Returns a list.
begin scalar res;
while not null cdr l do <<
for each elem in cdr l do
res := lto_insert(addf(car l, negf elem),res);
l := cdr l
return res
procedure ofsf_gethexponent(x,l);
% Gets highest exponent of a variable of each elemnt of a list. [x] is an
% identifier, [l] is a list of SF's. Returns a list of integers.
begin scalar xl,elem1;
for each elem in l do <<
elem1 := reorder elem;
if domainp elem1 or mvar elem1 neq x then
xl := 0 . xl
xl := (ldeg elem1 - 1) . xl
return xl
procedure ofsf_getminvar(l);
% Subroutine of ofsf_selectxn. [l] is a list of the form $(v i1 ... is)$,
% where $v$ is an identifier and $i1$,...,$in$ are integers. Returns an
% identifier.
begin scalar res,m;
if null cdar l then
return caar l;
for each elem in l do <<
if null res or cadr elem < m then <<
res := {(car elem) . cddr elem};
m := cadr elem
>> else if cadr elem = m then
res := ((car elem) . cddr elem) . res
if length res = 1 then
return caar res
return ofsf_getminvar res
procedure ofsf_consistent(xi,cond);
% Tests, if both arguments are consistent. [xi] and [cond] are formulas.
% Returns a list with first element T or NIL and second element the
% difference of [cond] and [xi].
begin scalar xi2,cond2;
if xi eq 'true then
return {t, cond}
else if cond eq 'true then
return {t,'true};
xi2 := if rl_op xi neq 'and then
cdr xi;
cond2 := if rl_op cond neq 'and then
cdr cond;
return ofsf_consistent1(list2set xi2,cond2)
procedure ofsf_consistent1(xi,cond);
% Subroutine of ofsf_consistent. [xi] and [cond] are lists of atomic
% formulas. Returns a list with first element T or NIL and second element
% the difference of [cond] and [xi].
begin scalar found,xi1,cond1;
xi1 := xi;
cond1 := cond;
while not found and not null xi1 do <<
while not null cond1 do <<
if rl_op car xi1 eq 'equal and rl_op car cond1 eq 'neq and
quotf(ofsf_arg2l car cond1, ofsf_arg2l car xi1) then <<
cond1 := nil;
found := t
else if rl_op car cond1 eq 'equal and
rl_op car xi1 member {'neq,'greaterp,'lessp} and
quotf(ofsf_arg2l car xi1, ofsf_arg2l car cond1) then <<
cond1 := nil;
found := t
cond1 := cdr cond1
cond1 := cond;
xi1 := cdr xi1
if found then
return {not found}
return {not found, rl_smkn('and,setdiff(cond,xi))}
procedure ofsf_transformmatrix(xn,gl,hl);
% Matrix transformation w.r.t inner bounded variable. [xn] is an
% identifier, [gl] and [hl] are lists of SF's.
% Returns a list: $ ( (and (neq hk 0) ... ) (or phi1 phi2) phi3 phi4) $.
begin scalar xn,neqlist,glist,phi1,phi2,phi3,phi4,
neqlist := hl;
glist := gl;
if not null glist then <<
phi3phi4 := ofsf_getphi3phi4(xn,glist);
phi3 := car phi3phi4;
phi4 := cadr phi3phi4;
phi1 := ofsf_buildphi1(xn,glist);
phi2 := ofsf_buildphi2(xn,glist)
neqlist := ofsf_buildhkneq0(xn,neqlist);
if null phi1 then
phi1orphi2 := 'true
phi1orphi2 := ofsf_or(phi1, phi2);
return {neqlist, phi1orphi2, phi3,phi4}
procedure ofsf_getphi3phi4(xn,phi);
% Construction of conditions for formulas $ phi3 $ and $ phi4 $.
% [xn] is an identifier,[phi] is a list of SF's. Result has
% the form: $ (..(condl equation)..) $, where $condl$ is a list of atomic
% formulas and $equation$ is a SF.
begin scalar conj,phi3,phi4;
for each formulal on phi do <<
conj := ofsf_getconj3(xn,car formulal);
if conj neq 'false then
phi3 := conj . phi3;
for each formula in cdr formulal do <<
conj := ofsf_getconj4(xn,car formulal,formula);
if conj neq 'false then
phi4 := conj . phi4
phi3 := list2set phi3;
phi4 := list2set phi4;
return {phi3, phi4}
procedure ofsf_getconj3(xn,f);
% Subroutine of ofsf_getphi3phi4. [xn] is an identifier, [f] is a SF.
% Result is FALSE or a list of the form $ (cond f)$,
% where $cond$ is list of formulas and $f$ is a SF.
% If one formula of $cond$ is true, then f isn't a
% constant function. $cond$ may also be {TRUE}, if f definitly isn't a
% constant function wrt. [xn].
begin scalar d,notconst;
d := numr difff(f,xn);
notconst := ofsf_getnotconst(xn,d);
if notconst = 'true then
return {{'true}, d}
else if notconst = 'false then
return 'false
return {notconst,d}
procedure ofsf_getneq0f(xn,f);
% Conditions for not zero-function.[xn] is an identifier, [f] is a SF.
% Result is the formula, that f isn't the constant function 0 without OR.
begin scalar res,df,oldorder;
oldorder := setkorder(xn . kord!*);
df := reorder f;
setkorder oldorder;
if null df then
return 'false;
while not null df do
if domainp df then <<
df := nil;
res := nil
else if mvar df neq xn then <<
res := ofsf_0mk2('neq, df) . res;
df := nil
else if domainp lc df then <<
df := nil;
res := nil
else <<
res := ofsf_0mk2('neq, lc df) . res;
df := red df
if null res then
return 'true
return list2set res
procedure ofsf_getneq0fgen(xn,f);
% Conditions for not zero-function in generic case.[xn] is an
% identifier, [f] is a SF. Result is the formula, that f isn't the
% constant function 0 without OR.
begin scalar res,df,oldorder;
oldorder := setkorder(xn . kord!*);
df := reorder f;
setkorder oldorder;
if null df then
return 'false;
while not null df do
if domainp df then <<
df := nil;
res := nil
else if mvar df neq xn then <<
res := ofsf_0mk2('neq, df) . res;
df := nil
else if domainp lc df then <<
df := nil;
res := nil
else if not intersection(kernels lc df, ofsf_hqexvars!*) then <<
ofsf_hqetheo!* := ofsf_0mk2('neq, lc df) . ofsf_hqetheo!*;
df := nil;
res := nil
>> else <<
res := ofsf_0mk2('neq, lc df) . res;
df := red df
if null res then
return 'true
return list2set res
procedure ofsf_getconj4(xn,f1,f2);
% Subroutine of ofsf_getphi3phi4. [xn] is an identifier, [f1], [f2] are
% SF's. Result is FALSE or a list of the form $ (cond d)$,
% where $cond$ is list of formulas and $d$ is a SF.
% If one formula of $cond$ is true,
% then $d := f1 - f2$ isn't a constant function. $cond$ may also be {TRUE},
% if $f1 - f2$ definitly isn't a constant function wrt to [xn].
begin scalar s,notconst;
s := addf(f1,negf f2);
notconst := ofsf_getnotconst(xn,s);
if notconst = 'true then
return {{'true}, s}
else if notconst = 'false then
return 'false
return {notconst,s}
procedure ofsf_getnotconst(xn,f);
% Conditions for "not constant function" wrt to [xn]. [xn] is an identifier,
% [f] is a SF. Result is the formula, that f isn't a
% constant function wrt. [xn] without OR.
begin scalar res,df,oldorder;
oldorder := setkorder(xn . kord!*);
df := reorder f;
if !*rlhqegen then
res := ofsf_getnotconstfgen(xn,df,nil)
res := ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,df,nil);
setkorder oldorder;
return res
procedure ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,f,l);
% Conditions for "not constant function" wrt to [xn]. [xn] is an identifier,
% [f] is a SF, [l] is a list. Result is the formula, that f isn't a
% constant function wrt. [xn] without OR.
if domainp f or mvar f neq xn then
if null l then
cdr l
else if domainp lc f then
if null l then
else l
else if null l then
ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,red f,
{ofsf_0mk2('equal, ofsf_normcond lc f),
ofsf_0mk2('neq, ofsf_normcond lc f)})
else if car l eq 'false then
cdr l
else if car l eq 'true then
else if ofsf_quottest(sfto_sqfpartf lc f,car l) then
ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,red f,l)
ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,red f,
ofsf_and1(ofsf_0mk2('equal, ofsf_normcond lc f),car l) .
ofsf_and1(ofsf_0mk2('neq, ofsf_normcond lc f),
car l) . cdr l);
procedure ofsf_normcond(f);
% Normalize Condition. [f] is a SF. Returns a SF,
% its squarefree part without primitive part.
sfto_sqfpartf sfto_dprpartf f;
procedure ofsf_getnotconstfgen(xn,f,l);
% Conditions for "not constant function" wrt to [xn] in generic
% case. [xn] is an identifier, [f] is a SF. Result is the formula,
% that f isn't a constant function wrt. [xn] without OR.
if domainp f or mvar f neq xn then
if null l then
cdr l
else if domainp lc f then
if null l then
else l
else if not intersection(kernels lc f, ofsf_hqexvars!*) then <<
ofsf_hqetheo!* := ofsf_0mk2('neq, lc f) . ofsf_hqetheo!*;
if null l then
else l
>> else if null l then
ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,red f,
{ofsf_0mk2('equal, ofsf_normcond lc f),
ofsf_0mk2('neq, ofsf_normcond lc f)})
else if car l eq 'false then
cdr l
else if car l eq 'true then
else if ofsf_quottest(sfto_sqfpartf lc f,car l) then
ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,red f,l)
ofsf_getnotconstf(xn,red f,
ofsf_and1(ofsf_0mk2('equal, ofsf_normcond lc f),car l) .
ofsf_and1(ofsf_0mk2('neq, ofsf_normcond lc f),
car l) . cdr l);
procedure ofsf_quottest(f1,f2);
% Tests, if an element of [f2] divides [f1]. [f1] is a SF, [f2] is a
% conjunction of equalities. Returns T or NIL.
if rl_op f2 eq 'equal then
ofsf_quottest1(f1,{ofsf_arg2l f2})
ofsf_quottest1(f1,for each elem in cdr f2 collect ofsf_arg2l elem);
procedure ofsf_quottest1(f1,f2);
% Tests, if an element of [f2] divides [f1]. [f1] is a SF, [f2] is a
% list of SF's. Returns T or NIL.
if null f2 then
else if quotf(f1,car f2) then
ofsf_quottest1(f1,cdr f2);
procedure ofsf_inf(xn,f);
% Formula, so that f is positive for x->oo. [xn] is an identifier,
% [f] is SF. Result is a formula.
begin scalar res, oldorder;
oldorder := setkorder(xn . kord!*);
res := ofsf_inf1(xn,reorder f);
setkorder oldorder;
return res
procedure ofsf_inf1(xn,f);
% Formula, so that f is positive for x->oo. [xn] is an identifier,
% [f] is a SF. Result is a formula.
if null f then
else if domainp f then
if f > 0 then
else if mvar f neq xn then
ofsf_0mk2('greaterp, f)
else if domainp lc f then
if (lc f) > 0 then
ofsf_or(ofsf_0mk2('greaterp, lc f),
ofsf_and(ofsf_0mk2('equal, lc f),
ofsf_inf1(xn,red f)));
procedure ofsf_minf(xn,f);
% Formula, so that f is positive for x->-oo. [xn] is ans identifier,
% [f] is a SF. Result is a formula.
begin scalar res, oldorder;
oldorder := setkorder(xn . kord!*);
res := ofsf_minf1(xn,reorder f);
setkorder oldorder;
return res
procedure ofsf_minf1(xn,f);
% Formula, so that f is positive for x->-oo. [xn] is an identifier,
% [f] is a SF. Result is a formula.
if null f then
else if domainp f then
if f > 0 then
else if mvar f neq xn then
ofsf_0mk2('greaterp, f)
else if domainp lc f then
if multf(lc f,exptf(numr simp '(minus 1),ldeg f)) > 0 then
multf(lc f,exptf(numr simp '(minus 1),ldeg f))),
ofsf_and(ofsf_0mk2('equal, lc f),ofsf_minf1(xn,red f)));
procedure ofsf_buildphi1(xn,glist);
% Construction of $ phi1 $. [xn] is an identifier, [glist] is a list of
% SF's. Result is a formula.
begin scalar glist2,conj1,phi1;
glist2 := glist;
phi1 := 'true;
while not null glist2 do <<
conj1 := ofsf_inf(xn,car glist2);
if conj1 = 'false then <<
glist2 := nil;
phi1 := 'false
else <<
glist2 := cdr glist2;
phi1 := ofsf_and(phi1,conj1)
return phi1
procedure ofsf_buildphi2(xn,glist);
% Construction of $ phi2 $. [xn] is an identifier, [glist] is a list of
% SF's. Result is a formula.
begin scalar phi2,conj1,glist2;
glist2 := glist;
phi2 := 'true;
while not null glist2 do <<
conj1 := ofsf_minf(xn,car glist2);
if conj1 = 'false then <<
glist2 := nil;
phi2 := 'false
else <<
glist2 := cdr glist2;
phi2 := ofsf_and(phi2,conj1)
return phi2
procedure ofsf_buildhkneq0(xn,neqlist);
% Construction of conjunction, that each $ h_{k} $ isn't the zero-function.
% [xn] is an identifier, [neqlist] is a list of SF's. Result is a
% formula.
begin scalar res,n2,conj1;
n2 := neqlist;
while not null n2 do <<
if !*rlhqegen then
conj1 := ofsf_getneq0fgen(xn,car n2)
conj1 := ofsf_getneq0f(xn,car n2);
if conj1 = 'true then
n2 := cdr n2
else if conj1 = 'false then <<
res := 'false;
n2 := nil
else <<
res := rl_smkn('or,conj1) . res;
n2 := cdr n2
if res member {'true,'false} then
return res
return ofsf_rqsimpl rl_smkn('and,res)
procedure ofsf_and(f1,f2);
% Conjunction. [f1] and [f2] are formulas. Returns the conjunction
% $ f1 and f2 $.
begin scalar phi;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"simplifying a conjunction ... "};
phi := cl_simpl(rl_smkn('and,{f1,f2}),nil,-1);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 "done";
return phi
procedure ofsf_or(f1,f2);
% Conjunction. [f1] and [f2] are formulas. Returns the disjunction
% $ f1 and f2 $.
begin scalar !*rlsiexpla,!*rlsipw,phi;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"simplifying a disjunction ... "};
phi := cl_simpl(rl_smkn('or,{f1,f2}),nil,-1);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 "done";
return phi
procedure ofsf_and1(f1,f2);
% Conjunction. [f1] and [f2] are formulas. Returns the disjunction
% $ f1 and f2 $ without changing atomic formula relations.
begin scalar !*rlsiexpla,!*rlsipw,phi;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"simplifying a disjunction ... "};
phi := cl_simpl(rl_smkn('and,{f1,f2}),nil,-1);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 "done.";
return phi
procedure ofsf_mknewf2(varl,f);
% Construction of new formula. [varl] is a list of identifiers, [f] is
% a quantifier-free formula. Returns a formula, $ ex(x1,...,ex(xn,f))$.
% [varl] has the form $ (xn ... x1) $.
if null varl then f else
ofsf_mknewf2(cdr varl,rl_mkq('ex, car varl, f));
procedure ofsf_qenfcase0(condl,xn,gl,f);
% Quantifier Elimination in the case of r=0. [condl] is a conj. of
% conditions, [xn] is an identifier, [gl] is a list of SF's, [f] is a SF.
% Returns a formula.
begin scalar oldorder,psi,sf_condl,sf_f;
% if !*rlverbose then
% ioto_tprin2 {"++++ Eliminating case #f = 0 with #g:",length gl};
oldorder := setkorder(xn . kord!*);
sf_f := reorder f;
if condl = 'true then
sf_condl := nil
else if rl_op condl neq 'and then
sf_condl := {condl}
sf_condl := cdr condl;
sf_f := ofsf_deletemon(xn,sf_f,sf_condl,sf_condl);
setkorder oldorder;
sf_f := reorder sf_f;
psi := ofsf_d0main({sf_f},{xn},gl,nil);
% if !*rlverbose then
% ioto_tprin2 {"+++++ Case #f = 0 eliminated."};
return psi
procedure ofsf_deletemon(xn,f,l1,l2);
% Delete leading monomials, which are Zero in [l]. [xn] is an identifier,
% [f] is a SF, [l1] and [l2] are lists of atomic formulas. Returns a SF.
% [f] has at least degree 1 wrt. [xn].
if null l2 or domainp f then
else if rl_op car l2 eq 'equal then
if mvar f neq xn then
if quotf(f,ofsf_arg2l car l2) then
ofsf_deletemon(xn,f,l1,cdr l2)
else if quotf(lc f,ofsf_arg2l car l2) then
ofsf_deletemon(xn,red f,l1,l1)
ofsf_deletemon(xn,f,l1,cdr l2)
ofsf_deletemon(xn,f,l1,cdr l2);
procedure ofsf_ggsys(l,varl,xi);
% Green Groebner system computation. [l] is a list of SF's, [varl] is a
% list of identifiers, [xi] is a conjunction of atomic formulas. Returns a
% list of the form: $ (.. (cond gb) ...)$, where $cond$ is a list of
% conditions and $gb$ a groebner basis with SF's. [xi] should be the
% initial condition.
begin scalar !*cgbreal,cdl,gsys;%!*cgbgs;
!*cgbreal := t;
% !*cgbgs := t;
if !*rlhqetheory then
cdl := ofsf_mkcondlist xi;
if !*rlhqegen then <<
!*cgbgen := T;
gsys := cgb_ggsysf(l,cdl,ofsf_hqexvars!*,varl,'revgradlex,nil);
!*cgbgen := nil;
ofsf_hqetheo!* := append(ofsf_buildtheory(gsys,cdl),ofsf_hqetheo!*);
gsys := ofsf_buildgenggsys gsys
>> else
gsys := cgb_ggsysf(l,cdl,nil,varl,'revgradlex,nil);
if !*rlhqegbred then
return ofsf_gbred(gsys,varl)
return gsys
procedure ofsf_gbred(gsys,varl);
% Computation of a reduced Groebner system. [gsys] is a Groebner system,
% [varl] is a list of identifiers. Returns a Groebner system.
for each elem in gsys collect {car elem, ofsf_gbred1(cadr elem,varl)};
procedure ofsf_gbred1(gb,varl);
% Computation of a reduced Groebner basis. [gb] is a list of SF's.
% [varl] is a list of identifiers. Returns a list of SF's.
begin scalar old,gb1;
old := vdp_init(varl,'revgradlex,nil);
gb1 := for each elem in gb collect vdp_f2vdp elem;
gb1 := gb_traverso!-final gb1;
gb1 := for each elem in gb1 collect vdp_2f elem;
vdp_cleanup old;
return gb1
procedure ofsf_mkconj(condlist);
% Make conjunction. [condlist] is a list of conditions. Returns a formula.
if null condlist or condlist eq 'true then
else if null cdr condlist then
car condlist
procedure ofsf_casedimn(ita,xi,varl,glist,hlist);
% Construction of the formula in the case, that ideal has dimension n.
% [ita], [xi] are conjunctions of atomic formulas, [varl] is a list of
% identifiers, [glist] and [hlist] are lists of SF's. Returns a formula.
if !*rlhqedim0 then
procedure ofsf_sfl2f(fl,gl,hl);
% Build conjunction of $>$-relations and inequalities. [fl], [gl] and [hl]
% are lists of SF's. Returns a formula.
begin scalar fl1,gl1,hl1;
fl1 := for each elem in fl collect ofsf_0mk2('equal,elem);
gl1 := for each elem in gl collect ofsf_0mk2('greaterp,elem);
hl1 := for each elem in hl collect ofsf_0mk2('neq,elem);
return rl_smkn('and,append(fl1,append(gl1,hl1)))
procedure ofsf_remvarl(varl,ivarl);
% Gets remainder variables of maximal set of independent variables.
% [varl] and [ivarl] are lists of identifiers. Returns a list of
% identifiers.
procedure ofsf_casedim(ita,xi,bvarl,ivarl,gb,glist,hlist);
% Construction of the formula in the case, that ideal has dimension 1,..n-1.
% [ita], [xi] are conjunctions of atomic formulas, [bvarl] and [ivarl] are
% lists of identifiers, [gb], [glist] and [hlist] are lists of SF's. Returns
% a formula.
begin scalar newpsi,newgb,newglist,newhlist,theo;
if !*rlhqedim0 then
return ofsf_mknewf2(append(bvarl,ivarl),ofsf_sfl2f(gb,glist,hlist));
newgb := ofsf_sort(gb,bvarl);
newglist := ofsf_sort(glist,bvarl);
newhlist := ofsf_sort(hlist,bvarl);
theo := ofsf_mktheo(car newgb,car newglist,car newhlist);
newpsi := ofsf_rqsimpl(rl_smkn('and,{theo,ofsf_qenf(ofsf_and1(theo,
ofsf_and1(ita,xi)),cadr newgb,cadr newglist,cadr newhlist,bvarl)}));
return ofsf_hqe0 ofsf_mknewf2(ivarl,newpsi)
procedure ofsf_rqsimpl(phi);
% Formula Simplifier. [phi] is a formula. Returns a formula.
begin scalar phi1;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"simplifying formula with ",cl_atnum phi,
" atomic formulas ... "};
phi1 := cl_simpl(phi,nil,-1);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 {"done (", cl_atnum phi1, ")"};
return phi1
procedure ofsf_sort(l,varl);
% Sorts list depending, if elements have variables of [varl]. [l] is a list
% of SF's and [varl] is a list of identifiers. Returns a list of the form
% $ (il dl) $, where $il$ are all elements of [l], which haven't variables
% of [varl], $dl$ are the remaining elements.
begin scalar l1,il,dl;
l1 := l;
while not null l1 do <<
if intersection(kernels car l1,varl) then
dl := car l1 . dl
il := car l1 . il;
l1 := cdr l1
return {il,dl}
procedure ofsf_mktheo(fl,gl,hl);
% Make conjunction. [fl], [gl] and [hl] are lists of SF's. Returns a
% formula.
begin scalar res;
res := for each elem in fl collect ofsf_0mk2('equal,elem);
res := append(for each elem in gl collect ofsf_0mk2('greaterp,elem),res);
res := append(for each elem in hl collect ofsf_0mk2('neq,elem),res);
return rl_smkn('and,res)
procedure ofsf_mkcondlist(conj);
% Build condition list for call of cgb_ggsys. [c] is a conjunction of
% atomic formulas. Returns a list of atomic formulas. All $<$- and
% $>$-relations become inequations.
begin scalar l,cdl,cd;
if conj eq 'true then
return nil;
l := if rl_op conj neq 'and then
cdr conj;
while not null l do <<
cd := ofsf_getcdform car l;
if not null cd then
cdl := cd . cdl;
l := cdr l
return cdl
procedure ofsf_getcdform(af);
% Subroutine of ofsf_mkcdlist. [af] is an atomic formula. Returns an
% atomic formula.
if rl_op af member {'equal,'neq} then
else if rl_op af member {'greaterp,'lessp} then
ofsf_0mk2('neq, ofsf_arg2l af);
procedure ofsf_buildtheory(gsys,icd);
% Construction of a Theory. [gsys] Is a Groebner System, [cd] is a
% initial condition. Returns a Theory, a list of inequations.
begin scalar cdl,res;
cdl := for each elem in gsys join car elem;
cdl := setminus(cdl,rl_thsimpl icd);
for each elem in cdl do <<
if rl_op elem eq 'neq and
not intersection(kernels ofsf_arg2l elem,ofsf_hqexvars!*) then
res := elem . res
return rl_thsimpl res
procedure ofsf_buildgenggsys(gsys);
% Removes Conditions from branches, which are in a theory. [gsys] is a
% Groebner System. Returns a Groebner System.
for each branch in gsys collect
{setminus(car branch,ofsf_hqetheo!*),cadr branch};
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Case of zero-dimensional ideal
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Computes a formula, so that the ideal has a zero and the conditions hold.
% Input: A Groebner Basis $ gb $ of the ideal, a list $ varl $ of main
% variables, a list $ greaterlist $ of polynomials, which should have positive
% values, and a list $ neqlist $ of polynomials, which shouldn't bee zero.
% Output: A quantifier-free formula
procedure ofsf_d0main(gb,varl,greaterlist,neqlist);
% [gb],[greaterlist] and [neqlist] are lists of SF's, [varl] is a list of
% identifiers. Returns a list of SQ's, the coefficients of the
% characteristic polynomial in the order $ c_{0},...,c_{n} $.
begin scalar beta,chi,helist,y,coeffl,qf,vdp_gb,vsbasis,old,oldorder;
integer i;
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+ begin d0: r:",length gb," n:",
length varl," s:",length greaterlist," t:",length neqlist};
helist := ofsf_buildhelist(greaterlist,neqlist);
old := vdp_init(varl,'revgradlex,nil);
vdp_gb := ofsf_redgroebner for each elem in gb collect vdp_f2vdp elem;
if !*rlhqevb then
"+ computing residue class ring vector space basis ... ";
vsbasis := ofsf_gvsbasis(ofsf_gb2gltb vdp_gb,varl);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 {"done. Dimension: ",length vsbasis};
if !*rlhqestrconst then <<
vsbasis := for each elem in vsbasis collect vdp_f2vdp elem;
beta := gbsc_strconst(vsbasis,vdp_gb,4)
y := intern gensym();
oldorder := setkorder(y . kord!*);
chi := if not !*rlhqetfcsplit then simp 1;
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"computing characteristic ",
ioto_cplu("polynomial",length helist neq 1),":"};
for each elem in helist do <<
if !*rlverbose then <<
i := i+1;
ioto_prin2 {" ",length helist-i+1};
if !*rlhqetfcsplit then
chi := ofsf_d0main1(vdp_gb,vsbasis,beta,elem,y) . chi
chi := multsq(chi,ofsf_d0main1(vdp_gb,vsbasis,beta,elem,y))
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_prin2 " done.";
if not !*rlhqetfcsplit then <<
coeffl := reversip ofsf_coefflist(chi,y);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_prin2 "Done.";
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"computing type formula of length ",
length coeffl," ... "};
qf := ofsf_tfc coeffl
>> else <<
if !*rlverbose then <<
ioto_prin2 "constructing disjunction of type formulas ... ";
qf := ofsf_tfcmain(chi,y);
setkorder oldorder;
if !*rlverbose then
% ioto_tprin2 {"+++++ Type Formula Computation finished: ",cl_atnum qf};
ioto_prin2t {"done (",cl_atnum qf,")"};
qf := cl_simpl(rl_mk1('not,qf),nil,-1);
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 {"+ end of d0 (",cl_atnum qf,")"};
vdp_cleanup old;
return qf
procedure ofsf_d0main1(vdpgb,vsbasis,beta,he,charX);
% Main procedure for zero-dimensional case.
% [vdpgb] is a list of VDP's, [vsbasis] is a list of SF's or VDP's, [beta]
% is a BETA, [he] is a SF, [charX] is an identifier. Returns a SF, the
% characteristic polynomial wrt. arguments.
ofsf_charpoly('mat . ofsf_buildq(vdpgb,he,vsbasis,beta),charX);
procedure ofsf_gb2gltb(vdpgb);
% Head terms from Groebner basis. [vdpgb] is a list of VDP's, Returns a
% list of SF's.
begin scalar basis2;
basis2 := for each elem in vdpgb collect vdp_fmon(bc_a2bc 1,
vdp_evlmon elem);
basis2 := for each elem in basis2 collect vdp_2f elem;
return basis2
procedure ofsf_gvsbasis(ltb,varl);
% Groebner vector space basis. [ltb] is a list of SF's, [varl] is a list of
% identifiers. Returns a list of SF's. Computes a vector space basis of
% $ K[X]/I $: the reduced terms basis.
begin scalar htl,basis,basis2,v,d,tt;
htl := ofsf_mvp(ltb, varl);
if length htl neq length varl then
rederr "ideal not zero dimensional";
basis := {numr simp 1};
for each term in htl do <<
v := car term;
d := cdr term;
basis2 := basis;
for each elem in basis do
for i:=1:(d-1) do <<
tt := multf(elem,exptf(numr simp v,i));
if not ofsf_redp(tt,ltb) then
basis := tt . basis
return basis
procedure ofsf_mvp(ltb,varl);
% Minimum variable powers. [ltb] is a list of SF's, [varl] is a list of
% identifiers. Returns an Alist $ (...(v . d)...)$ such
% that $v^d$ is in [ltb] and vice versa.
begin scalar htlist,var,v,d,w;
for each term in ltb do <<
var := kernels term;
if (length var = 1) and member(car var,varl) then <<
v := car var;
d := ldeg term;
w := assoc(v,htlist);
if w then
cdr w := min(cdr w, d)
htlist := (v . d) . htlist
return htlist
procedure ofsf_redp(tt,ltb);
% Reduction predicate. [tt] is a SF, [ltb] is a list of SF's. Returns t
% iff [tt] is reducible w.r.t. [ltb] else NIL.
begin scalar c;
c := t;
while c and ltb do <<
if null cdr qremf(tt,car ltb) then
c := nil
ltb := cdr ltb
return not c
procedure ofsf_trace(vdpgb,he,vi,vj,vsbasis);
% Trace of $ m_{he,vi,vj} $. [vdpgb] is a list of VDP's, [he], [vi], [vj]
% are SF's, [vsbasis] is a list of SF's. Returns a SQ.
begin scalar res;
res := simp 0;
for each elem in vsbasis do
res := addsq(res,ofsf_trace1(vdpgb,he,vi,vj,elem));
return res
procedure ofsf_trace1(vdpgb,he,vi,vj,elem);
% Trace computation subroutine without use of structure constants. [he],
% [vi], [vj], [elem] are SF's, [vdpgb] is a list of VDP's. Returns a SQ.
ofsf_getcoeff(ofsf_prod(he,vi,vj,elem,vdpgb),vdp_f2vdp elem);
procedure ofsf_prod(he,vi,vj,elem,vdpgb);
% Reduction step of ofsf_trace2. [he], [vi], [vj], [elem] are SF's, [vdpgb]
% is a list of VDP's. Returns a VDP.
gb_reduce(vdp_f2vdp multf(he,multf(vi,multf(vj,elem))),vdpgb);
procedure ofsf_getcoeff(f,vi);
% Coefficient of [v_i] in [f]. [f], [vi] are VDP's. Returns a SQ.
if vdp_zero!? f then
simp 0
else if vdp_evlmon f = vdp_evlmon vi then
vdp_lbc f
ofsf_getcoeff(vdp_mred f,vi);
procedure ofsf_charpoly(q,x);
% Characteristic polynomial. [q] is a matrix, a list of lists of Lisp Prefix
% form with 'mat-Tag, [x] is an identifier. Returns a SQ.
simp aeval {'char_poly,q,x};
procedure ofsf_coefflist(p,x);
% Extract coefficients of polynomial. [p] is a SQ, [x] is an identifier.
% Returns a list of SQ's.
% Result has form: $ (c_0 c_1 ... c_d) $.
begin scalar res,q1,q2,d;
q1 := reorder numr p;
q2 := denr p;
d := ldeg q1;
res := ofsf_coefflist1(q1,x,d);
res := for each elem in res collect
quotsq(simp prepf elem,simp prepf q2);
return res
procedure ofsf_coefflist1(p,x,d);
% Subroutine of ofsf_coefflist. [p] is a SF, [x] is an identifier, [d] is
% an integer. Returns a list of SQ's.
if (domainp p or mvar p neq x) and d=0 then
else if not domainp p and ldeg p = d then
(lc p) . ofsf_coefflist1(red p,x,d-1)
nil . ofsf_coefflist1(p,x,d-1);
procedure ofsf_buildq(vdpgb,he,vsbasis,beta);
% Computation of matrix Q. [vsbasis] is a list of SF's or VDP's, [vdpgb]
% is a list of VDP's, [he] is a SF, [beta] is a BETA.
% Returns a list of lists of Lisp Prefix forms.
if !*rlhqestrconst then
procedure ofsf_buildq1(vdpgb,he,vsbasis);
% Computation of matrix Q without using structure constants.
% [vsbasis] is a list of SF's, [vdpgb] is a list of VDP's, [he] is a SF.
% Returns a list of lists of Lisp Prefix forms.
begin scalar redhe,q,dim;integer i;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"computing matrix Q of dimension ",length vsbasis};
redhe := he;
q := for each vlist on vsbasis collect
for each vj in vlist collect
prepsq ofsf_trace(vdpgb,redhe,car vlist,vj,vsbasis);
q := for each line in q collect <<
i := i+1;
nconc(for j := 1:i-1 collect nil,line)
dim := length vsbasis;
for y := 2:dim do
for x := 1:y-1 do
nth(nth(q,y),x) := nth(nth(q,x),y);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 " done";
return q
procedure ofsf_buildhelist(greaterlist,neqlist);
% Computation of all necessary products of polynomials in nequations and
% >-relations. [greaterlist] and [neqlist] are lists of SF's. Returns a
% list of SF's.
begin scalar helist,chi1,glist;
if null greaterlist and null neqlist then
return {1};
chi1 := 1;
for each elem in neqlist do
chi1 := multf(chi1,exptf(elem,2));
glist := ofsf_buildglist greaterlist;
helist := for each elem in glist collect multf(elem,chi1);
return helist
procedure ofsf_buildglist(greaterlist);
% Computation of all necessary products of polynomials in >-relations.
% [greaterlist] is a list of SF's. Returns a list of SF's.
begin scalar recres;
if null greaterlist then
return {1}
else if length greaterlist = 1 then
return {exptf(car greaterlist,2),car greaterlist};
recres := ofsf_buildglist cdr greaterlist;
return append(ofsf_buildglist1(exptf(car greaterlist,2),recres),
ofsf_buildglist1(car greaterlist,recres))
procedure ofsf_buildglist1(pol,pollist);
% Subroutine of ofsf_buildglist. [pol] is a SF, [pollist] is a list of SF's.
% Returns a list of SF's.
for each poly in pollist collect multf(pol,poly);
% Following procedures are used for building matrix Q with use of structure
% constants:
procedure ofsf_redgroebner(vdpgb);
% Reduction of a Groebner Basis. [vdpgb] is a list of VDP's. Returns a list
% of VDP's. Throws all elements of [vdpgb] out, if their head term is
% divided by another one.
begin scalar h,f,f0,evf0;
f := vdpgb;
while not null f do <<
f0 := car f;
evf0 := vdp_evlmon f0;
f := cdr f;
if (not gb_searchinlist(evf0,f)) and
(not gb_searchinlist(evf0,h)) then
h := f0 . h
return h
procedure ofsf_buildqsc(vdpgb,he,vsbasis,beta);
% Computation of matrix Q using structure constants.
% [vsbasis] is a list of SF's, [vdpgb] is a list of VDP's,
% [he] is a SF, [beta] is a BETA. Returns a list of lists of Lisp
% Prefix forms.
begin scalar redhe,q,dim;integer i;
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 {"computing matrix Q of dimension ",length vsbasis};
redhe := gb_reduce(vdp_f2vdp he,vdpgb);
q := for each vlist on vsbasis collect
for each vj in vlist collect
mk!*sq ofsf_tracesc(redhe,car vlist,vj,vsbasis,beta);
q := for each line in q collect <<
i := i+1;
nconc(for j := 1:i-1 collect nil,line)
dim := length vsbasis;
for y := 2:dim do
for x := 1:y-1 do
nth(nth(q,y),x) := nth(nth(q,x),y);
if !*rlhqevb then
ioto_tprin2 " done";
return q
procedure ofsf_tracesc(redhe,vi,vj,vdpvsbasis,beta);
% Trace Computation. [vdpvsbasis] is a list of VDP's, [redhe],
% [vi] and [vj] are VDP's, [beta] is a BETA. Returns a SQ.
begin scalar res;
res := simp 0;
for each bk in vdpvsbasis do
res := addsq(res,ofsf_tracesc1(redhe,vi,vj,bk,vdpvsbasis,beta));
return res
procedure ofsf_tracesc1(redhe,vi,vj,bk,vdpvsbasis,beta);
% Trace Computation subroutine. [vdpvsbasis] is a list of VDP's,
% [redhe],[vi], [vj] and [bk] are VDP's, [beta] is a BETA. Returns a SQ.
begin scalar traceelem,vivjbk;
traceelem := simp 0;
vivjbk := vdp_prod(vi,vdp_prod(vj,bk));
for each bl in vdpvsbasis do
traceelem := addsq(traceelem,ofsf_tracesc2(redhe,bk,bl,vivjbk,beta));
return traceelem
procedure ofsf_tracesc2(redhe,bk,bl,vivjbk,beta);
% Trace Computation subroutine.[redhe],[bk], [bk] and [vivjbk]are VDP's,
% [beta] is a BETA. Returns a SQ.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Computation of the dimension and a maximally independent set of variables
% of the ideal.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input: A lust of SF's, representing a Groebner Basis wrt. the $ revgradlex $
% term order, and a list of main variables.
% Output: Dimension $ d $ and a set of maximally independent variables.
procedure ofsf_dim(gb,varl);
% Dimension and maximal set of independent variables of an ideal.
% [gb] is a list of SF's, [varl] is a list of identifiers. Returns
% a list of the form $ (d U) $, where $ d $ is the dimension of the
% ideal and $ U $ is a set of maximally independent variables.
if null gb then
{length varl,varl}
else if ofsf_proper(gb,varl) then
procedure ofsf_proper(gb,varl);
% Tests, if the ideal constructed by [gb] is proper, e.g. not the
% whole ring. [gb] is a list of SF's, [varl] is a list of identifiers.
% Returns T or NIL.
if null gb then
else if intersection(kernels car gb,varl) then
ofsf_proper(cdr gb,varl)
procedure ofsf_dimmain(gb,varl);
% Dimension and maximal set of independent variables of an ideal.
% [gb] is a list of SF's, [varl] is a list of identifiers.
% Returns a list of the form $ (d U) $, where $ d $ is the dimension
% of the ideal and $ U $ is a set of maximally independent variables.
begin scalar htl, m;
htl := ofsf_htl(gb,varl);
m := ofsf_dimrec(htl,varl,1,nil,nil);
if !*rlhqegbdimmin then
return ofsf_getmin m
return ofsf_getmax m
procedure ofsf_htl(gb,varl);
% Head Terms of a Groebner Basis. [gb] is a list of SF's, [varl] is a
% list of identifiers. Returns a list of SF's.
begin scalar old, vdpgb, res;
old := vdp_init(varl,'revgradlex,nil);
vdpgb := for each elem in gb collect vdp_f2vdp elem;
res := for each elem in vdpgb collect vdp_fmon(bc_a2bc 1,
vdp_evlmon elem);
res := for each elem in res collect vdp_2f elem;
vdp_cleanup old;
return res
procedure ofsf_dimrec(s,varl,k,u,m);
% Subroutine of Algorithm DIMENSION. [s] is a list of SF's, [varl] is
% a list of identifiers, [k] is a
% positive integer, [u] is a list of identifiers, [m] is a list of
% lists of identifiers. Returns a list of lists of identifiers.
begin scalar m2;
m2 := m;
for i:=k:length varl do
if not ofsf_intersectionp(
list2set(ofsf_getxi(varl,i) . u),s) then <<
m2 := ofsf_dimrec(s,varl,i+1,
list2set(ofsf_getxi(varl,i) . u),m2)>>;
if not ofsf_subsetp(u,m2) then
m2 := u . m2;
return m2
procedure ofsf_getxi(varl,i);
% Get i-th variable X_{i}. [varl] is a list of identifiers, [i] is a
% positive integer. Returns an identifier.
procedure ofsf_getmax(m);
% Get maximal length of an element from a list of lists. [m] is a list
% of lists of identifiers. Returns a list of the form $ (d u) $, where
% $ d $ is an integer, the dimension of the ideal, and $ u $ is a
% maximally independent set of variables of maximal cardinality.
begin scalar u; integer d,lengthU;
while not null m do <<
lengthU := length car m;
if lengthU > d then <<
d := lengthU;
u := car m
m := cdr m
return {d, u}
procedure ofsf_getmin(m);
% Get minimal length of an element from a list of lists. [m] is a list
% of lists of identifiers. Returns a list of the form $ (d u) $, where
% $ d $ is an integer, the dimension of the ideal, and $ u $ is a
% maximally independent set of variables of minimal cardinality.
begin scalar u; integer d,du,lengthU;
if not null m then <<
d := length car m;
du := d;
u := car m;
m := cdr m
while not null m do <<
lengthU := length car m;
if lengthU > d then
d := lengthU
else if lengthU < du then <<
du := lengthU;
u := car m
m := cdr m
return {d, u}
procedure ofsf_intersectionp(vl,s);
% Test, if intersection of terms wrt. variables in [vl] and s isn't
% empty. [vl] is a list of identifiers, [s] is a list of SF's. Returns
% T or NIL.
begin scalar news,found;
news := s;
while not null news do <<
if subsetp(kernels car news,vl) then <<
news := nil;
found := t
news := cdr news
return found
procedure ofsf_subsetp(u,m2);
% Tests, if [u] is contained in any element of [m2]. [u] is a list
% of identifiers, [m2] is a list of lists of identifiers. Returns T
% or NIL.
begin scalar newm2,found;
newm2 := m2;
while not null newm2 do <<
if subsetp(u,car newm2) then <<
newm2 := nil;
found := t
newm2 := cdr newm2
return found
endmodule; % [ofsfhqe]
end; % of file