module odeintfc$ % Enhanced ODE solver interface
%, Time-stamp: <30 October 2000>
% Use: odesolve(ode, y, x, conds, options)
% or dsolve(ode, y, x, conds, options) (cf. Maple)
% The first argument must evaluate to an ODE or a list of ODEs.
% Each dependent variable y may be either an identifier or an
% operator, such as y(x), which is replaced by a new identifier
% internally. If y(x) is specified and x is not specified then x is
% extracted from y(x) (cf. Maple). Equations containing operators of
% the form y(x) with different arguments x are trapped, currently as
% an error, until differential-delay equation solving is implemented.
% If a dependent variable (y) does not depend on the independent
% variable (x) then y is automatically declared to depend on x, and a
% warning message to this effect is output. Derivatives are not
% evaluated until this dependence has been enforced. BUT NOTE THAT
% because the assignment is performed BEFORE the ode solver takes
% control. This is something of an inconsistency in the current
% REDUCE algebraic processing model.
% All arguments after the first are optional but the order must be
% preserved. If the first argument is a list of ODEs then y is
% expected to be a list of dependent variables. If x is specified
% then y must also be specified (first). An empty list can be used as
% a place-holder argument. If x and/or y are missing then they are
% parsed out of the ODE.
% Thus, possible argument combinations, each of which may optionally
% be followed by conds, are: ode | ode, y | ode, y, x
% Currently, conditions can be specified only for a single ODE.
% If specified, conds must take the form of an unordered list of
% (unordered lists of) equations with either y, x, or a derivative of
% y on the left. A single list of conditions need not be contained
% within an outer list. Combinations of conditions are allowed.
% Conditions within one (inner) list all relate to the same x value.
% For example:
% Boundary conditions:
% {{y=y0, x=x0}, {y=y1, x=x1}, ...}
% Initial conditions:
% {x=x0, y=y0, df(y,x)=dy0, ...}
% Combined conditions:
% {{y=y0, x=x0}, {df(y,x)=dy1, x=x1}, {df(y,x)=dy2, y=y2, x=x2}, ...}
% Boundary conditions on the values of y at various values of x may
% also be specified by replacing the variables by equations with
% single values or matching lists of values on the right, of the form:
% y = y0, x = x0 | y = {y0, y1, ...}, x = {x0, x2, ...}
% The final argument may be one of the identifiers
% implicit, explicit, laplace, numeric, series
% specifying an option. The options "implicit" and "explicit" set the
% switches odesolve_implicit and odesolve_explicit locally. The other
% options specify solution techniques -- they are not yet implemented.
% TO DO:
% Improved condition code to handle eigenvalue-type BVPs.
% Solve systems of odes, calling crack where appropriate
% User interface
% ==============
put('odesolve, 'psopfn, 'odesolve!-eval)$
put('dsolve, 'psopfn, 'odesolve!-eval)$ % alternative (cf. Maple)
listargp odesolve, dsolve$ % May have single list arg.
symbolic procedure odesolve!-eval args;
%% Establish a suitable global environment:
(if !*div or !*intstr or !*factor or not !*exp or not !*mcd then
NoInt2Int reval result else NoInt2Int result) where result =
begin scalar !*evallhseqp, !*multiplicities, !*div, !*intstr,
!*exp, !*mcd, !*factor, !*ifactor, !*precise,
!*nopowers, !*algint, !*echo;
%% Turn echo off to stop Win32 PSL REDUCE (only)
%% outputting its trigsimp lap code at the end of
%% odesolve.tst. (Don't ask!)
!*evallhseqp := !*exp := !*mcd := t;
return odesolve!-eval1 args
symbolic procedure odesolve(ode, y, x);
%% Direct symbolic-mode interface equivalent to MAHM's original.
%% Calls odesolve!-eval to ensure correct environment.
odesolve!-eval{ode, y, x}$
global '(ODESolve!-tracing!-synonyms)$
ODESolve!-tracing!-synonyms := '(trode trace tracing)$
symbolic procedure odesolve!-eval1 args;
%% args = (ode &optional y x conds)
%% Parse variables from ode if necessary (like solve),
%% automatically declare y to depend on x if necessary and
%% optionally impose conditions on the general solution.
%% Support for systems of odes partly implemented so far.
( begin scalar ode, system, y, x, yconds, xconds, conds, soln;
if null args then RedErr
"ODESolve requires at least one argument -- the ODE";
begin scalar df_simpfn, !*uncached; !*uncached := t;
% Turn off simplification of df (in case y does not yet
% depend on x) before evaluating args (which may be lists):
df_simpfn := get('df, 'simpfn);
put('df, 'simpfn, 'simpiden);
args := errorset!*({'revlis, mkquote args}, t);
put('df, 'simpfn, df_simpfn);
if errorp args then error1();
args := car args
ode := car args; args := cdr args;
system := rlistp ode;
%% Find dependent and independent variables:
%% (rlistp is a smacro defined in
if args then << y := car args;
if rlistp y then
if null cdr y then % empty list - ignore
y := 'empty
else if rlistp cadr y or eqnp cadr y then
y := nil % condition rlist
else if system then
y := makelist % rlist of dependent variables
for each yy in cdr y collect !*a2k yy
else MsgPri("ODESolve: invalid second argument",
y, nil, nil, t)
else if system then TypErr(y, "dependent var list")
else if eqnp y then
if cadr y memq 'output . ODESolve!-tracing!-synonyms then % option
y := nil
else << yconds := caddr y; y := !*a2k cadr y >>
else if not smember(y:=!*a2k y, ode) then
y := nil % option
if y then args := cdr args;
if args and y then << x := car args;
if rlistp x then
if null cdr x then % empty list - ignore
x := 'empty
else x := nil % condition list
else if eqnp x then
if cadr x memq 'output . ODESolve!-tracing!-synonyms then % option
x := nil
else << xconds := caddr x; x := !*a2k cadr x >>
else if not smember(x:=!*a2k x, ode) then
x := nil % option
if x then args := cdr args;
if y eq 'empty then y := nil;
if x eq 'empty then x := nil;
%% If x not given and y an operator (list) then extract x:
if null x and y then
if rlistp y then
begin scalar yy; yy := cdr y;
while yy and atom car yy do yy := cdr yy;
if yy and cdar yy then x := cadar yy;
if not idp x then x := nil
else if pairp y and cdr y then x := cadr y;
%% Finally, attempt to parse variables from ode if necessary:
if null y or null x then
%%%%% so some of the following is now redundant !!!!!
begin scalar df_simpfn, k_list, df_list;
% Turn off simplification of df (in case y does not yet
% depend on x) before evaluating ode, which may be a list:
df_simpfn := get('df, 'simpfn);
put('df, 'simpfn, 'simpiden);
k_list := errorset!*({'get_k_list, mkquote ode}, t);
put('df, 'simpfn, df_simpfn);
if errorp k_list then error1() else k_list := car k_list;
df_list := get_op_knl('df, car k_list);
for each knl in cdr k_list do
df_list := union(df_list, get_op_knl('df, knl));
%% df_list is set of derivatives in ode(s).
if null df_list then RedErr
"No derivatives found -- use solve instead.";
%% df_list = ((df y x ...) ... (df z x ...) ... )
if null y then <<
y := cadar df_list . nil;
for each el in cdr df_list do
if not member(cadr el, y) then y := cadr el . y;
%% y is a list at this point.
if system then
if length ode < length y then
RedErr "ODESolve: under-determined system of ODEs."
else y := makelist y % algebraic list of vars
if cdr y then
MsgPri("ODESolve -- too many dependent variables:",
makelist y, nil, nil, t)
else y := car y; % single var
MsgPri("Dependent var(s) assumed to be", y, nil, nil, nil)
if null x then <<
x := caddar df_list;
MsgPri("Independent var assumed to be", x, nil, nil, nil)
%% Process the ode (re-simplifying derivatives):
EnsureDependency(y, x);
ode := aeval ode;
%% !*eqn2a is defined in
if system then
if length ode > 2 then
%% RedErr "Solving a system of ODEs is not yet supported."
%% Skip conditions TEMPORARILY!
return ODESolve!-Depend(
makelist for each o in cdr ode collect !*eqn2a o, y, x, nil)
<< ode := !*eqn2a cadr ode; y := cadr y >>
else ode := !*eqn2a ode;
%% Process conditions (re-simplifying derivatives):
if args then
if rlistp(conds := aeval car args) then <<
args := cdr args;
conds := if not rlistp cadr conds then conds . nil
else cdr conds
>> else conds := nil;
%% Now conds should be a lisp list of rlists (of equations).
if yconds then
yconds := if rlistp yconds then cdr yconds else yconds . nil;
if xconds then
xconds := if rlistp xconds then cdr xconds else xconds . nil;
%% Concatenate separate x & y conds onto conds list:
while yconds and xconds do <<
conds := {'list, {'equal, x, car xconds},
{'equal, y, car yconds}} . conds;
yconds := cdr yconds; xconds := cdr xconds
if yconds or xconds then
RedErr "Different condition list lengths";
if conds then
%% Move this into odesolve!-with!-conds?
conds := makelist odesolve!-sort!-conds(conds, y, x);
%% Process remaining control option arguments:
while args do
begin scalar arg; arg := car args; args := cdr args;
if eqnp arg then % equation argument
if cadr arg eq 'output then
args := caddr arg . args
else if cadr arg memq ODESolve!-tracing!-synonyms then
!*trode := caddr arg
else MsgPri("Invalid ODESolve option", arg,
"ignored.", nil, nil)
% keyword argument
else if arg memq
'(implicit explicit expand noint verbose
basis noswap norecurse fast check) then
set(mkid('!*odesolve_, arg), t)
else if arg eq 'algint then on1 'algint
else if arg eq 'full or !*odesolve_full then
!*odesolve_expand := !*odesolve_explicit := t
else if arg memq ODESolve!-tracing!-synonyms then !*trode := t
else if arg memq '(laplace numeric series) then
RedErr{"ODESolve option", arg, "not yet implemented."}
%% Pass remaining args to routine called
else RedErr{"Invalid ODESolve option", arg}
if !*odesolve_verbose then algebraic <<
write "ODE: ", num ode=0;
write "Dependent variable: ", y, "; independent variable: ", x;
write "Conditions: ", symbolic(conds or "none");
%% Rationalize conflicting options:
%% Conditions override basis
if conds then !*odesolve_basis := nil;
%% %% Basis overrides explicit
%% if !*odesolve_basis then !*odesolve_explicit := nil;
%% Finally, solve the ode!
if not getd 'ODESolve!*0 then % for testing
return {'ODESolve, ode, y, x, conds};
%% soln := if conds then
%% odesolve!-with!-conds(ode, y, x, conds)
%% else odesolve!-depend(ode, y, x);
if null(soln := ODESolve!-Depend(ode, y, x, conds)) then
return algebraic {num ode=0};
%% Done as follows because it may be easier to solve after
%% imposing conditions than before, and it would be necessary to
%% remove root_of's before imposing conditions anyway.
if !*odesolve_explicit and not ODESolve!-basisp soln then
soln := ODESolve!-Make!-Explicit(soln, y, conds);
if !*odesolve_expand then
soln := expand_roots_of_unity soln;
if !*odesolve_check then
ODE!-Soln!-Check(if !*odesolve_noint then NoInt2Int soln else soln,
ode, y, x, conds) where !*noint = t;
return soln
end ) where !*odesolve_implicit = !*odesolve_implicit,
!*odesolve_explicit = !*odesolve_explicit,
!*odesolve_expand = !*odesolve_expand,
!*trode = !*trode,
!*odesolve_noint = !*odesolve_noint,
!*odesolve_verbose = !*odesolve_verbose,
!*odesolve_basis = !*odesolve_basis,
!*odesolve_noswap = !*odesolve_noswap,
!*odesolve_norecurse = !*odesolve_norecurse,
!*odesolve_fast = !*odesolve_fast,
!*odesolve_check = !*odesolve_check$
symbolic procedure Odesolve!-Make!-Explicit(solns, y, conds);
solns := for each soln in cdr solns join
if cadr soln eq y then {soln} else <<
%% soln is an implicit solution of ode for y
%% for each s in cdr reval aeval {'solve, soln, y} join
%% %% Make this test optional?
%% if eqcar(caddr s, 'root_of) or eval('and .
%% mapcar(cdr expand_roots_of_unity subeval{s, ode},
%% 'zerop))
%% then {s}
%% else if !*trode then algebraic write "Solution ", s,
%% " discarded -- does not satisfy ODE";
"Solution before trying to solve for dependent variable is ",
cdr reval aeval {'solve, soln, y}
%% It is reasonable to return root_of's here.
%% Solving can produce duplicates, so ...
%% solns := union(solns, nil); % union still necessary?
%% Check that each explicit solution still satisfies any
%% conditions:
if conds then
for each cond in cdr conds do % each cond is an rlist
begin scalar xcond;
xcond := cadr cond;
cond := makelist for each c in cddr cond collect !*eqn2a c;
solns := for each s in solns join
if eqcar(caddr s, 'root_of) or
union(cdr %% trig_simplify
subeval{xcond, subeval{s, cond}}, nil) = {0}
then {s}
else algebraic traceode "Solution ", s,
" discarded -- does not satisfy conditions";
makelist solns
% Should now be able to use the standard package `trigsimp' instead!
algebraic procedure trig_simplify u;
u where tan_half_angle_rules$
algebraic(tan_half_angle_rules := {
sin(~u) => 2tan(u/2)/(1+tan(u/2)^2),
cos(~u) => (1-tan(u/2)^2)/(1+tan(u/2)^2) })$
%% Cannot include tan rule -- recursive!
symbolic procedure get_k_list ode;
%% Return set of all top-level kernels in ode or rlist of odes.
%% (Do not cache to ensure derivatives are [eventually] evaluated
%% properly!)
begin scalar k_list, !*uncached; !*uncached := t;
%% Do not make an assignment twice:
if eqcar(ode, 'setk) then ode := caddr ode;
if rlistp(ode := reval ode) then <<
k_list := get_k_list1 cadr ode;
for each el in cddr ode do
k_list := union(k_list, get_k_list1 el)
else k_list := get_k_list1 ode;
return k_list
symbolic procedure get_k_list1 ode;
union(kernels numr o, kernels denr o)
where o = simp !*eqn2a ode$
symbolic procedure get_op_knl(op, knl);
%% Return set of all operator kernels within knl with op as car.
if pairp knl then
if car knl eq op then knl . nil
( if op_in_car then union(op_in_car, op_in_cdr) else op_in_cdr )
where op_in_car = get_op_knl(op, car knl),
op_in_cdr = get_op_knl(op, cdr knl)$
symbolic procedure EnsureDependency(y, x);
for each yy in (if rlistp y then cdr y else y . nil) do
if not depends(yy, x) then <<
MsgPri("depend", yy, ",", x, nil);
depend1(yy, x, t)
symbolic procedure odesolve!-sort!-conds(conds, y, x);
%% conds is a lisp list of rlists of condition equations.
%% Return a canonical condition list.
%% Collect conditions at the same value of x, check them for
%% consistency and sort them by increasing order of derivative.
begin scalar cond_alist;
for each cond in conds do
begin scalar x_cond, y_conds, x_alist;
if not rlistp cond then TypErr(cond, "ode condition");
%% Extract the x condition:
y_conds := for each c in cdr cond join
if not CondEq(c, y, x) then
TypErr(c, "ode condition equation")
else if cadr c eq x then << x_cond := c; nil >>
else c . nil;
if null x_cond then
MsgPri(nil, x, "omitted from ode condition", cond, t);
if null y_conds then
MsgPri(nil, y, "omitted from ode condition", cond, t);
%% Build the new condition alist, with the x condition as key:
if (x_alist := assoc(x_cond, cond_alist)) then
nconc(x_alist, y_conds)
else cond_alist := (x_cond . y_conds) . cond_alist
%% Now cond_alist is a list of lists of equations, each
%% beginning with a unique x condition.
%% Sort the lists and return a list of rlists:
return for each cond in cond_alist collect makelist
if null cddr cond then cond else car cond .
begin scalar sorted, next_sorted, this, next, result;
sorted := sort(cdr cond, 'lessp!-deriv!-ord);
%% sorted is a list of equations.
while sorted and (next_sorted := cdr sorted) do <<
if cadr(this := car sorted) eq
cadr(next := car next_sorted) then
%% Two conds have same lhs, so ...
( if caddr this neq caddr next then
MsgPri("Inconsistent conditions:",
{'list, this, next}, "at", car cond, t) )
% otherwise ignore second copy
else result := this . result;
sorted := next_sorted
return reversip(next . result)
symbolic procedure CondEq(c, y, x);
%% Return true if c is a valid condition equation for y(x).
%% cf. eqexpr in
eqexpr c and ( (c := cadr c) eq x or c eq y or
(eqcar(c, 'df) and cadr c eq y and caddr c eq x
%% Is the following test overkill?
and (null cdddr c or fixp cadddr c)) )$
symbolic procedure lessp!-deriv!-ord(a, b);
%% (y=y0) < (df(y,x)=y1) and df(y,x,m)=ym < df(y,x,n)=yn iff m < n
%% But y might be a kernel rather than an identifier!
if atom(a := cadr a) then % a = (y=?)
not atom cadr b % b = (df(y,x,...)=?)
else if atom(b := cadr b) then % b = (y=?)
not atom cadr a % a = (df(y,x,...)=?)
else if not(car a eq 'df) then % a = (y(x)=?)
car b eq 'df % b = (df(y(x),x,...)=?)
else % a = (df(y,x,...)=?), any y
car b eq 'df and % b = (df(y,x,...)=?)
if null(a := cdddr a) then % a = (df(y,x)=?)
cdddr b % b = (df(y,x,n)=?), 1 < n
else % a = (df(y,x,m)=?), m > 1
(b := cdddr b) and
car a < car b$ % b = (df(y,x,n)=?), m < n
symbolic procedure ODESolve!-Depend(ode, y, x, conds);
%% Check variables and dependences before really calling odesolve.
%% If y is an operator kernel then check whether ode is a
%% differential-delay equation, and if not solve ode with y
%% replaced by an identifier.
( begin scalar xeqt, ylist, sublist;
y := if rlistp ode then cdr y else y . nil;
%% Using `t' as a variable causes trouble when checking
%% dependence of *SQ forms, which may contain `t' as their last
%% element, so...
if x eq t then <<
xeqt := t; x := gensym();
for each yy in y do if idp yy then depend1(yy, x, t);
%% Cannot simply use `sub' on independent variables in
%% derivatives, so...
ode := subst(x, t, reval ode); % reval subst?
if conds then conds := subst(x, t, reval conds); % reval subst?
sublist := (t.x) . sublist
for each yy in y do
if idp yy and not(yy eq t) then <<
%% Locally and quietly remove any spurious inverse
%% implicit dependence of x on y:
ylist := yy . ylist;
depend1(x, yy, nil) where !*msg = nil;
>> else % replace variable
begin scalar yyy;
yyy := gensym(); depend1(yyy, x, t);
ylist := yyy . ylist;
put(yyy, 'odesolve!-depvar, yy); % for later access
sublist := (yy.yyy) . sublist;
if xeqt then yy := subeval{{'equal,t,x}, yy};
odesolve!-delay!-check(ode, yy);
ode := subeval{{'equal,yy,yyy}, ode};
if conds then conds := subeval{{'equal,yy,yyy}, conds}
ylist := reverse ylist;
ode := if rlistp ode then
ODESolve!-System(cdr ode, ylist, x)
else if conds then
odesolve!-with!-conds(ode, car ylist, x, conds)
else ODESolve!*0(ode, car ylist, x);
if null ode then return;
if sublist then
begin scalar !*NoInt;
%% Substitute into derivatives and integrals
%% (and turn off integration for speed).
ode := reval ode; % necessary?
for each s in sublist do
ode := subst(car s, cdr s, ode);
%% ode := reval ode; % necessary?
return ode
end ) where depl!* = depl!*$
symbolic procedure ODESolve!-System(ode, y, x);
{'ODESolve!-System, makelist ode, makelist y, x}$
algebraic operator ODESolve!-System$
symbolic procedure odesolve!-delay!-check(ode, y);
%% Check that ode is not a differential-delay equation in y,
%% i.e. check that every occurrence of the operator y = y(x) has
%% the same argument (without any shifts). This could be used as a
%% hook to call an appropriate solver -- if there were one!
begin scalar odelist;
odelist := if rlistp ode then cdr ode else ode . nil;
for each ode in odelist do
( for each knl in kernels numr simp ode do
for each yy in get_op_knl(y_op, knl) do
if not(yy eq y) then
MsgPri("Arguments of", y_op, "differ --",
"solving delay equations is not implemented.", t) )
where y_op = car y
% Impose initial/boundary conditions
% ==================================
% A first attempt to impose initial/boundary conditions on the
% solution of a single ode returned by odesolve.
% Solving with conditions provides access to the general solution as
% the value of the global algebraic variable ode_solution.
% If the solution is explicit then the following code could be
% simplified and should be slightly more efficient, but is it worth
% testing for an explicit solution and adding the special case code?
algebraic procedure odesolve!-with!-conds(ode, y, x, conds);
% conds must be a list of ordered lists of the form
% {x=x0, y=y0, df(y,x)=y1, df(y,x,2)=y2, ...}.
% All conditions applied at the same value of x must be collected
% into the same list.
% More generality is allowed only by odesolve!-eval.
% This code could perhaps be more efficient by building a list of
% all required derivatives of the ode solution once and for all?
begin scalar first!!arbconst, arbconsts;
first!!arbconst := !!arbconst + 1;
%% Find the general solution of the ode and assign it to the
%% global algebraic variable ode_solution:
%1.03% ode_solution := odesolve!-depend(ode, y, x);
ode_solution := symbolic ODESolve!*0(ode, y, x);
if not ode_solution then return;
traceode "General solution is ", ode_solution;
traceode "Applying conditions ", conds;
arbconsts :=
for i := first!!arbconst : !!arbconst collect arbconst i;
return for each soln in ode_solution join
odesolve!-with!-conds1(soln, y, x, conds, arbconsts)
algebraic procedure odesolve!-with!-conds1(soln, y, x, conds, arbconsts);
begin scalar arbconsteqns;
%% Impose the conditions (care is needed if the solution is
%% implicit):
arbconsteqns := for each cond in conds join
begin scalar xcond, ycond, dfconds, arbconsteqns;
xcond := first cond; cond := rest cond;
ycond := first cond;
if lhs ycond = y then cond := rest cond else ycond := 0;
%% Now cond contains only conditions on derivatives.
arbconsteqns :=
if ycond then % Impose the condition on y:
{sub(xcond := {xcond, ycond}, soln)}
else {};
dfconds := {};
%% Impose the conditions on df(y, x, n). If the solution
%% is implicit, then in general all lower derivatives will
%% be introduced, so ...
while cond neq {} do
begin scalar dfcond, result;
%% dfcond : next highest derivative
%% result : of substituting for all derivatives
%% dfconds : all derivatives so far including this one
dfcond := first cond; cond := rest cond;
dfconds := dfcond . dfconds;
%% All conditions on derivatives are handled before
%% conditions on x and y to protect against
%% substituting for x or y in df(y,x,...):
result := sub(dfconds, map(y => lhs dfcond, soln));
if not(result freeof df) then % see comment below
RedErr "Cannot apply conditions";
arbconsteqns := sub(xcond, result) . arbconsteqns
return arbconsteqns
%% Solve for the arbitrary constants:
arbconsts := solve(arbconsteqns, arbconsts);
%% and substitute each distinct arbconst solution set into the
%% general ode solution:
return for each cond in arbconsts collect
if rhs soln = 0 then % implicit solution
num sub(cond, lhs soln) = 0
sub(cond, soln)
%% The above df error can happen only if the solution is implicit and
%% a derivative is missing from the sequence, which is unlikely.
%% Should try to recover by computing the value of the missing
%% derivative from the conditions on lower order derivatives, and
%% letting solve eliminate them. Try this later IF it ever proves
%% necessary.
% Check the solution set
% ======================
% This code checks that the solution satisfies the ODE and that a
% general solution is general.
% A `solution' is either a basis solution:
% {{b1(x), b2(x), ..., bn(x)}, PI(x)}; PI may be omitted if zero
% or a list of component solutions.
algebraic procedure ODE!-Soln!-Check(soln, ode, y, x, conds);
%% SOLN is a LIST of solutions; ODE is a differential EXPRESSION; Y
%% is the dependent variable; X is the independent variable; CONDS
%% is true if conditions were specified.
begin scalar n, !*allowdfint, !*expanddf;
symbolic(!*allowdfint := !*expanddf := t);
ode := num !*eqn2a ode; % returns ode as expression
%% Should compute order `on demand' in ODE!-Comp!-Soln!-Fails.
n := ODE!-Order(ode, y);
if symbolic ODESolve!-basisp soln then <<
%% Basis solution (of linear ODE).
%% Only arises as general solution.
%% Remove contribution from PI if there is one:
if arglength soln = 2 and second soln then
ode := num sub(y = y + second soln, ode);
if length(soln := first soln) neq n then
write "ODESolve warning - ",
"wrong number of functions in basis!";
%% Test each basis function in turn:
for each s in soln do
if (s:=sub(y = s, ode)) and trigsimp s then
write "ODESolve warning - ",
"basis function may not satisfy ODE: ", s
>> else <<
%% List of component solutions.
%% Check generality:
if not conds and ODESolve!-arbconsts soln < n then
write "ODESolve warning - ",
"too few arbitrary constants in general solution!";
for each s in soln do
if ODE!-Comp!-Soln!-Fails(s, ode, y, x, n) then
write "ODESolve warning - ",
"component solution may not satisfy ODE: ", s;
% Each component solution may be
% explicit: y = f(x)
% implicit: f(x,y) = g(x,y); rhs MAY be 0
% unsolved: ode = 0, but CAN THIS CASE ARISE?
% parametric: {y = g(p), x = f(p), p}
algebraic procedure ODE!-Comp!-Soln!-Fails(soln, ode, y, x, n);
%% SOLN is a SINGLE component solution; ODE is a differential
%% EXPRESSION; Y is the dependent variable; X is the independent
%% variable; N is the order of ODE.
if symbolic eqnp soln then % explicit, implicit or unsolved
if lhs soln = y and rhs soln freeof y then
% explicit: y = f(x)
(if (ode := sub(soln, ode)) then trigsimp ode)
else if rhs soln = 0 and lhs soln = ode then
1 % unsolved: ode = 0
else % implicit: f(x,y) = 0
begin scalar derivs, deriv;
%% Construct in `derivs' a list of successive derivatives of
%% the implicit solution f(x,y) up to the order of the ODE in
%% decreasing order; each expression is linear in the highest
%% derivative.
derivs := {soln := num !*eqn2a soln};
for i := 1 : n do
derivs := (soln:=num df(soln,x)) . derivs;
%% Substitute for each derivative in ODE in turn in
%% decreasing order until the result is zero; if not the
%% solution fails.
while n > 0 and <<
deriv := solve(first derivs, df(y,x,n)); % linear
if deriv = {} then 0 else
ode := num sub(first deriv, ode) >> do <<
n := n - 1;
derivs := rest derivs
if deriv = {} then <<
write "ODESolve warning - cannot compute ", df(y,x,n);
return 1
derivs := first derivs;
ode := (ode where derivs => 0); % for tracing
return ode % 0 for good solution
else if symbolic(rlistp soln and eqnp cadr soln) then
% parametric: {y = g(p), x = f(p), p}
begin scalar xx, yy, p, dp!/dx, deriv, derivs;
yy := rhs first soln; % Should not depend on ordering!
xx := rhs second soln; % Should not depend on ordering!
p := third soln; % parameter
%% Construct in `derivs' a list of successive derivatives of the
%% parametric solution (yy,xx) up to the order of the ODE in
%% decreasing order.
dp!/dx := 1/df(xx,p);
derivs := {deriv:=yy};
for i := 1 : n do
derivs := (deriv:=dp!/dx*df(deriv,p)) . derivs;
%% Substitute for each derivative in ODE in turn in
%% decreasing order until the result is zero; if not the
%% solution fails.
while n > 0 and (ode := num sub(df(y,x,n)=first derivs, ode)) do <<
n := n - 1;
derivs := rest derivs
return sub(y=yy, x=xx, ode)
else write "ODESolve warning - invalid solution type: ", soln$
%% Code to find the actual number of arbitrary constants in a solution:
fluid '(ODESolve!-arbconst!-args)$
symbolic operator ODESolve!-arbconsts$
symbolic procedure ODESolve!-arbconsts u;
%% Return the number of distinct arbconsts in any sexpr u.
begin scalar ODESolve!-arbconst!-args;
ODESolve!-arbconsts1 u;
return length ODESolve!-arbconst!-args
symbolic procedure ODESolve!-arbconsts1 u;
%% Collect all the indices of arbconsts in u into a set in the
%% fluid variable ODESolve!-arbconst!-args.
if not atom u then
if car u eq 'arbconst then
(if not member(cadr u, ODESolve!-arbconst!-args) then
ODESolve!-arbconst!-args := cadr u . ODESolve!-arbconst!-args)
<< ODESolve!-arbconsts1 car u; ODESolve!-arbconsts1 cdr u >>$