File r38/packages/tmprint/ artifact 13e253ef13 part of check-in 3519b83598

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id:,v 1.10 2004/11/20 20:50:14 seidl Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 2003-2004 A. Dolzmann, A. Seidl, and T. Sturm
%                         changes by A C Norman, 2005
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log:,v $
% Revision 1.10  2004/11/20 20:50:14  seidl
% Linelength hack established again, only if Texmacs runs. Removed
% centering and curly brackets from fancy-out-header and -trailer.
% New switch promptnumbers, turned off only if Texmacs is running.
% Revision 1.9  2004/11/19 00:52:26  seidl
% This and all earlier entries in change log discarded, because major
% hacks most of the way through have happened since.
% Revision 1.1  2003/11/11 11:08:57  sturm
% Inital check-in.
% This is the original version by Andrey Grozin as obtained from
% via patching.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

module tmprint; % Output module for TeXmacs interface

% Fancy output package for symbolic expressions.
% using TEX as intermediate language. The exact details here are tuned
% to work with TeXmacs, which reuires something close to but not 100%
% identical to standard LaTeX.

% Author: Herbert Melenk, using ideas of (A.C.H, A.C.N).
% Copyright (c) 1993 RAND, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum.  All rights reserved.
% Significant subsequent updates by A Grozin, T Sturm,
% A Dolzman, A Seidl and A Norman, 2003-2005

% switches
%    ON FANCY          enable algebraic output processing by this module
%    ON PROMPTNUMBER   enable the default REDUCE prompt scheme. This
%                      switch is so that numbering can be disabled.
%    ON REDFRONT_MODE  adjustments that help with the REDFRONT interface
%    ON FANCY_LOWER    case-fold stuff

% properties used in this module:
%     fancy-prifn      print function for an operator
%     fancy-pprifn     print function for an operator including current 
%                      operator precedence for infix printing
%     fancy-prtch      string for infix printing of an operator 
%     fancy-special-symbol     
%                      print expression for a non-indexed item
%                      string with TEX expression  "\alpha"
%                         or (now depracated!)
%                      number referring ASCII symbol code
%     fancy-infix-symbol    special-symbol for infix operators
%     fancy-prefix-symbol   special symbol for prefix operators


fluid  '(
         obrkp!*    % outside-brackets-p

global '(charassoc!* ofl!*);

switch list,revpri;

% Global variables initialized in this section.

fluid '(  
    !*fancy!-lower    % control of conversion to lower case

fancy!-switch!-on!* := int2id 16$
fancy!-switch!-off!* := int2id 17$

!*fancy!-lower := nil;   % case fold things to lower case if TRUE

global '(fancy_lower_digits fancy_print_df);

share fancy_lower_digits; % T, NIL or ALL.

if null fancy_lower_digits then fancy_lower_digits:=t;

share fancy_print_df;     % PARTIAL, TOTAL, INDEXED.

if null fancy_print_df then  fancy_print_df := 'partial;

switch fancy;

  '((t (fmp!-switch t))
    (nil (fmp!-switch nil)) ));

% Some comments about outputhandler!*.
% maprin and terpri* are high level entries into the math printing code,
% and mathprint is an even hight level entrypoint that calls the two
% of them. Each of them check outputhandler!* and call via it.
% If outputhandler!* is nil then terpri!* does its work directly, while
% maprin calls maprint(u,0).
% At present outputhandler!* is used by tmprint (and friends) and by the
% openmath print code (which quite unnecessarily and unreasonably redefined
% the function ONOFF as part of the way it gets outputhandler!* set).
% Note however that the main REDUCE supervisor (begin1) calls begin11 to
% process an expression, and that then uses assgnpri to display any
% algebraic-mode output.  "assgnpri" has a final argument that can have values
% 'first, nil, 'last or 'only and those control whether terpri!* is called
% so that multiple items can be displayed on one line (when necessary, eg
% with a WRITE statement).
% Note also that !*tex and the function vecp (and to a lesser extent the
% sprifn property) subvert things, so the avector and tri packages may not be
% compatible with tmprint, and excalc/fide/rlfi may not get the sprifn benefit
% via it. Also !*fort is incompatible.
% scope/ defined dm!-print in a way that is not tmprint-aware or
% friendly.
% MANY MANY packages call prin2!* clearly expecting use of it and terpri!*
% to cooperate.
% tps/, rataprx/, hephys/ and others access
% posn!* directly.
% rprint, prettyprint, some rlisp88 do so too but might be less expected to
% work well with tmprint - but the whole issue of Lisp-style (as distinct
% from algebraic) output needs review.
% factor!-trace is output-position sensitive.
% Hah another nasty. alg/ redefined typerr (from rlisp/,
% at least having the decency to comment that it is doing so, and presumably
% to produce a REDUCE rather than an RLISP variant. It adds stuff to pline!*
% and updates posn!* in the hope that terpri!* (which it then calls) will
% notice, but in the tmprint case this leads to lossage. Probably prin2!*
% needs redirection via outputhandler!*.

symbolic procedure fmp!-switch mode;
   if mode then <<
      if outputhandler!* neq 'fancy!-output then <<
         outputhandler!-stack!* := outputhandler!* . outputhandler!-stack!*;
         outputhandler!* := 'fancy!-output >>;
% with CSL I want to be able to switch texmacs mode on and off dynamically,
% so I switch off prompt numbering as I enter texmacs mode and put it
% back on on the way out.
      if member('csl,lispsystem!*) and
         member('texmacs,lispsystem!*) then off1 'promptnumbers >>
   else <<
      if outputhandler!* = 'fancy!-output then <<
         outputhandler!* := car outputhandler!-stack!*;
         outputhandler!-stack!* := cdr outputhandler!-stack!* >>
% With CSL I want to have tmprint loaded as part of the initial lisp image,
% and I want to call fmp!-switch early on based on whether I believe I should
% use the CSL internal display mode or an external viewer such as Texmacs.
% I thus want to be able to say "do not use fancy mode" rather explicitly
% from there whether or not it happened to be enabled in the system that
% saved the image file. So I really do not want this rederr call! I switch
% promptnumbers back on here for the case when Texmacs fancy printing is
% not wanted but the prompt colouring stuff from this file is activated (eg
% because redfront is in use, or Texmacs but without the fancy option?). I
% believe that mostly with CSL prompts are handled by CSL itself and so
% the promptnumbering flag is not relevant uless it has been set up for
% external Texmacs use...
      else if not member('csl, lispsystem!*) then
           rederr "FANCY is not current output handler";
      if member('csl, lispsystem!*) then on1 'promptnumbers >>;

% The next two functions provide abstraction for conversion between
% strings and lists of character objects.

!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)

% Under CSL the eventual state will be that IF output is going directly
% to a window that can support maths display then I will send stuff there
% so it gets displayed using the CSL embedded code. If on the other hand
% output is going to a pipe or a file or basically anything other than
% directly to the screen I will issue the codes that texmacs likes to see.

% Convert a list of character objects into a string.
% (The function list!-to!-string already exists...)

% Convert a string into a list of character objects.
smacro procedure string!-to!-list a;
    explode2 a;

% Print a string without ANY conversion or adjustment, so if the string
% has control characters etc in it they get transmitted unchanged. Well
% let me express some reservations about what might happen if the string
% contains tabs and newlines - the lower level system IO code might
% interpret same...
smacro procedure raw!-print!-string s;
    prin2 s;

% Print the character whose code is n.
smacro procedure writechar n;
    tyo n;    % Like "prin2 int2id n"

% Convert a symbol or string to characters but ensure that all
% output characters are folded to lower case.
% CSL already has explode2lc;


smacro procedure list!-to!-string a;
    compress ('!" . append(a, '(!")));

smacro procedure string!-to!-list a;
    explode2 a;

% I do not know if this has to be like this in PSL, but it reflects
% what was in the code.
symbolic procedure raw!-print!-string s;
     for each x in string!-to!-list s do prin2 x;
% writechar already exists in PSL.

symbolic procedure explode2lc s;
    explode2 s where !*lower = t;


symbolic procedure fancy!-tex s;
  % test output: print tex string.
  << prin2 fancy!-switch!-on!*;
     raw!-print!-string s;
     prin2t fancy!-switch!-off!*

symbolic procedure fancy!-out!-item(it);
  if atom it then prin2 it else
  if eqcar(it,'ascii) then writechar(cadr it) else
  if eqcar(it,'tab) then
      for i:=1:cdr it do prin2 " "
  if eqcar(it,'bkt) then
       scalar b;
% The structure introduced for brackets has a couple of filelds that are
% not used here and which are thus redundant. In fact all I seem to need is
% the character itself, and it is not clear that any cases other than
% "{" "}" "(" and ")" are ever used. So perhaps this could all be simplified
% away!
       b:=caddr it;
       if b memq '( !( !{ ) then prin2 "\left" else prin2 "\right";
       if b member '(!{ !}) then prin2 "\";
       prin2 b;
  else rederr "unknown print item";

symbolic procedure set!-fancymode bool;
  if bool neq !*fancy!-mode then
  << !*fancy!-mode:=bool;
% fancy!-page only becomes relevant in *list mode when material is passed
% to texmacs ion several chunks. The tab at the start of a line looks to me
% as if it is another think that texmacs should organize if that layout is
% best, and it ought not to be done here...
     fancy!-line!*:= '((tab . 1));   
     sumlevel!* := tablevel!* := 1

!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)
fluid '(!*standard!-output!* !*math!-output!* !*spool!-output!*);

symbolic procedure fancy!-output(mode,l);
% Interface routine.
% ACN does not understand the "posn!*>2" filter here. To avoid some
% bad consequences it was having for my new screen/log-file stuff it now only
% applies in maprin mode not terpri mode, but it would be nice if somebody
% could explain to me just why it was needed in the first case at all.  I can
% imagine that if "on fancy" is acticated when there is still some partly-
% printed expression (in non-fancy mode) buffered up the terpri!* to flush it
% may need special care. But if that is what it is about I would suggest that
% treatment be applied in fmp!-switch not here...
% Well now ACN partially understands it, and knows that it is broken in the
% face or some error recovery, eg if the input ("a"+1) is presented to
% REDUCE. It will be adjusted sometime later when the rest of the code has
% stabilised again.
   if ofl!* or (mode='maprin and posn!*>2) or not !*nat then <<
% not terminal handler or current output line non-empty.
      if mode = 'maprin then maprin l
      else if mode = 'prin2!* then prin2!* l
      else terpri!*(l) >> where outputhandler!* = nil
% I want to do some more magic for CSL here. In CSL the system can be launched
% or run-time configured so that a transcript of screen output goes to a
% file, the "log file". In the CSL sources the handle for this file is known
% as "spool_file". It does not look sensible to me that TeX-ified maths
% should go there even if that is what best goes to the screen. Thus I think I
% want fancy mode in CSL with a spool_file enabled to do something rather like
%    wrs math-output-destination;
%    fancy!-maprin0 expression;
%    wrs spool_file;
%    maprin0 expression;
%    wrs undivided standard output;
% Rather than using "wrs" here I will re-bind the CSL variable
% *standard-output*. This achieves a similar effect but guarantees that
% the regular situation is restored if there is ANY sort of exit from the
% maths display code - eg a user-generated interrupt. It I had used wrs then
% I could perhaps have restored things using errorset, but this feels easier.
% Also this little section of code is pretty CSL-specific since it is
% working with the CSL-embedded display code, so I do not feel bad about
% going beyond Standard Lisp.
% A further wrinkle on this wants to be that garbage collector and diagnostic
% output always goes to the undivided standard output in the normal way, and
% this output to the "math-output" stream can never be interrupted by any
% such. If a section of maths display is not completed then the maths output
% will find that it has a fancy_header but no fancy_trailer, and any request
% for user input or any error exit will force terminate it leaving a visibly
% incomplete fragment (which the display code can detect and ignore).
% Note that the risk of error or garbage collection during maths display is
% not actually terribly high since  all that is done between the generation
% of header & trailer is a load of calls to fancy!-out!-item, ie ready
% prepared sequences of items get printed. Also the normal maprin just buffers
% things up and only displays them when terpri!* is called. So I can afford to
% use both fancy!-maprin0 and maprin and then fuss about destinations a bit
% more at terpri!* time.  In this regard observe that because I have got here
% I know I on in "on nat" mode. In that case setting pline!* to nil has the
% effect of discarding any built-up layout.
   << set!-fancymode t;
      if mode = 'maprin then <<
!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)
% math!-display 1 will not do anything, but returns true if a spool_file
% is active.
         if getd 'math!-display and
            math!-display 0 and
            math!-display 1 then <<
            maprin l where outputhandler!* = nil >>;
         fancy!-maprin0 l >>
      else if mode = 'prin2!* then <<
!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)
         if getd 'math!-display and
            math!-display 0 and
            math!-display 1 then <<
            prin2!* l where outputhandler!* = nil >>;
         fancy!-prin2 l >>
      else <<
!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)
         if getd 'math!-display and
            math!-display 0 and
            math!-display 1 then <<
            terpri!* l where outputhandler!* = nil
                       where !*standard!-output!* = !*spool!-output!* >>;
         fancy!-flush() >> >>;

symbolic procedure fancy!-out!-header();
    if posn()>0 then terpri();
    prin2 int2id 2;
    prin2 "latex:\black$\displaystyle "

symbolic procedure fancy!-out!-trailer();
    prin2 "$";
    prin2 int2id 5
!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)

symbolic procedure fancy!-flush();
    scalar ll;
    ll := linelength 30000;
    if getd 'math!-display and math!-display 0 then <<
      math!-display 2; % clear out any previous junk
      for each line in reverse fancy!-page!* do
        if line and not eqcar(car line,'tab) then <<
          for each it in reverse line do fancy!-out!-item it;
          terpri() >>;
      math!-display 3 >> where !*standard!-output!*=!*math!-output!*
    else for each line in reverse fancy!-page!* do
      if line and not eqcar(car line,'tab) then <<
         for each it in reverse line do fancy!-out!-item it;
         fancy!-out!-trailer() >>;
    set!-fancymode nil;
    linelength ll


symbolic procedure fancy!-flush();
    scalar ll, !*lower;  % Rebinding *lower is needed for PSL here
    ll := linelength 30000;
    for each line in reverse fancy!-page!* do
      if line and not eqcar(car line,'tab) then <<
          for each it in reverse line do fancy!-out!-item it;
       fancy!-out!-trailer() >>;
     set!-fancymode nil;
     linelength ll

%---------------- primitives -----------------------------------

% fancy-princ outputs an item without any adjustment. It is used in cases
% that are known to be simple. Well actually it just dumps out something
% that fancy!-out!-item will deal with, so tabs and brackets may be
% passed as more complicated stuff than mere strings.

symbolic procedure fancy!-princ u;
    fancy!-line!* := u . fancy!-line!*;

% fancy!-special!-symbol should normally be given a string, and in that
% case it just displays it. If given an integer (n) it generates the
% output "\symb{n}" and somebody needs to know the numeric codes that
% texmacs accepts.

symbolic procedure fancy!-special!-symbol u;
   if numberp u then <<
      fancy!-princ "\symb{";
      fancy!-princ u;
      fancy!-princ "}" >>
   else fancy!-princ u;

% fancy!-prin2 outputs an item, but it does a variety of "clever" things.
% (a) numbers go through code that MAY at some stage need to do special
%     things with very large ones.
% (b) If an identifier is of the form  xxx123 (say, with digits at the
%     end) they are lowered.
% (c) An identifier that is more than one character long has \mathrm
%     added.
% (d) Strings with " " or "_" within them get "\" escapes added.

symbolic procedure fancy!-prin2 u;
  begin scalar str,id, longname;
    if atom u and eqcar(explode2 u,'!\) then <<
       fancy!-line!* := u . fancy!-line!*;
       return >>
    else if numberp u then <<
% The behaviour here seems really odd to me but appears to match what the
% version of tmprint in the development tree at the end of April 2005
% does... I suspect that either ALL numbers should be set in \mathrm or
% none should be.
       if u >= 10 or u < 0 then
          fancy!-line!* := '!} . u . '!\mathrm!{ . fancy!-line!*
       else fancy!-line!* := u . fancy!-line!*;
       return >>;
    str := stringp u;
    id := idp u and not digit u;
    u:= if atom u then <<
             if !*fancy!-lower then explode2lc u
             else explode2 u >>
        else {u};
    if id then <<
       u:=fancy!-lower!-digits fancy!-esc u;
       if car u = '!\mathrm!{ then longname := t >>
    else if car u neq '!\ and cdr u  then <<
       fancy!-line!* := '!\mathrm!{ . fancy!-line!*;
       longname := t >>;
    for each x in u do <<
      if str and (x='!    or x='!_)
         then fancy!-line!* := '!\ . fancy!-line!*;
      fancy!-line!* :=
        (if id and !*fancy!-lower then red!-char!-downcase x else x) .
           fancy!-line!* >>;
    if longname then fancy!-line!* := "}" . fancy!-line!*

symbolic procedure fancy!-last!-symbol();
   if fancy!-line!* then car fancy!-line!*;

charassoc!* :=
         '((!A . !a) (!B . !b) (!C . !c) (!D . !d) (!E . !e) (!F . !f)
           (!G . !g) (!H . !h) (!I . !i) (!J . !j) (!K . !k) (!L . !l)
           (!M . !m) (!N . !n) (!O . !o) (!P . !p) (!Q . !q) (!R . !r)
           (!S . !s) (!T . !t) (!U . !u) (!V . !v) (!W . !w) (!X . !x)
           (!Y . !y) (!Z . !z));

symbolic procedure red!-char!-downcase u;
   (if x then cdr x else u) where x = atsoc(u,charassoc!*);

symbolic procedure fancy!-prin2number u;
  % we print a number eventually causing a line break
  % for very big numbers. Well the issue of line-breaks in the texmacs
  % interface is a messy one... I think that the model to be used is that
  % ALL linebreak decisions must be left to texmacs itself and so NO
  % line-breaking will be done by this code... However it is possible that
  % that will not work well and it may be necessary to render big values
  % eg as (d1*10^n1 + d2*10^n2 + ... + dj).
  fancy!-prin2number1 (if atom u then explode2 u else u);

symbolic procedure fancy!-prin2number1 u;
  for each c in u do
     fancy!-princ c;
% Put escape chars in front of any underscores.

symbolic procedure fancy!-esc u;
   if not('!_ memq u) then u else
   (if car u eq '!_ then '!\ . w else w)
      where w = car u . fancy!-esc cdr u;

% This is going to split a name of the form abc123 into
% something like abc_{123}. Well it takes a list of characters
% as its argument and any string of digits within that should be
% lowered, so eg abc123xyz789 becomes abc_{123}xyz_{789}
% however as a yet more messy step, if a string of non-digits is a
% special word it gets mapped onto the corresponding symbol, so
% eg alpha, infinity etc het mapped onto \alpha, \infty...

symbolic procedure fancy!-lower!-digits1 u;
    scalar r, w, w1, longname;
    u := reverse u;
    while u do <<
% Collect the next word (without any digits in it)
      while u and not digit car u do <<
         w := car u . w;
         u := cdr u >>;
      if w then <<
         w1 := intern compress w;
         if stringp (w1 := get(w1, 'fancy!-special!-symbol)) then
            w := explode2 w1;
         longname := car w neq '!\ and cdr w;
         r := append(w, r) >>;
% now process and string of digits
      if u and digit car u then <<
         r := '!} . r;
         while u and digit car u do <<
            r := car u . r;
            u := cdr u >>;
         r := '!_ . '!{ . r >> >>;
% Each time around the loop the next character must be either
% a digit or not a digit, and in either case I make progress.
    if longname then r := '!\mathrm!{ . r;
    return r;

% This procedure judges whether to rewrite a symbol as a susbcripted
% item. It will detect cases of a name that starts with one or more
% non-digits, has at least one digit, and from the location onwards
% consists only of digits. It is used in the default case when
% fancy_lower_digits is neither NIL nor ALL.

symbolic procedure fancy!-lower!-digitstrail u;
% an empty name or one starting with a digit should not be lowered
    if null u or digit car u then return nil;
    u := cdr u;
% trim any initial non-digits
    while u and not digit car u do u := cdr u;
% if nothing is left we do not have even a potential subscript
    if null u then return nil;
% scan to check that all the rest is made up of digits, and if so
% declare TRUE.
    while u and digit car u do u := cdr u;
    return null u

symbolic procedure fancy!-lower!-digits u;
   (if null m then u 
    else if m = 'all or 
            fancy!-lower!-digitstrail u then 
       fancy!-lower!-digits1 u
    else if null cdr u then u
     else '!\mathrm!{ . u
    ) where m=fancy!-mode fancy_lower_digits;

% fancy!-terpri!* is only used in two cases...
% (a) At the end of formatting an expression just prior to outputting it.
%     In this case it just moves fancy!-line to fancy!-page.
% (b) in *list mode to create a page built up of several lines.

symbolic procedure fancy!-terpri!*();
     if fancy!-line!* then
         fancy!-page!* := fancy!-line!* . fancy!-page!*;
     fancy!-line!*:= {'tab . tablevel!*};

symbolic procedure fancy!-mode u;
   if eqcar(u,'!*sq) then reval u
   else u;

%---------------- central formula converter --------------------

% This is just used at the top level, and it arranges that a number
% printed there is never put as \mathrm even though it might be anywhere
% else!
% The behaviour here seems really odd to me but appears to match what the
% version of tmprint in the development tree at the end of April 2005
% does... I suspect that either ALL numbers should be set in \mathrm or
% none should be.
% NB and WARNING here. !*lower in CSL just and only has an effect of
% case-folding INPUT, while (possibly) in PSL it may case-fold OUTPUT.
% re-binding it to NIL here switches off one of these effects if it
% happened to be active...

symbolic procedure fancy!-maprin0 u;
   if numberp u then fancy!-princ u
   else fancy!-maprint(u,0) where !*lower=nil;

symbolic procedure fancy!-maprin1 u;
   fancy!-maprint(u,0) where !*lower=nil;

symbolic procedure fancy!-maprint(l,p!*!*);
   % Print expression l at bracket level p!*!* without terminating
   % print line.  Special cases are handled by:
   %    pprifn: a print function that includes bracket level as 2nd arg.
   %     prifn: a print function with one argument.
  (begin scalar p,x;
        p := p!*!*;     % p!*!* needed for (expt a (quotient ...)) case.
        if null l then return nil;
        if atom l then return fancy!-maprint!-atom(l,p);
        if not atom car l then return fancy!-maprint(car l,p);

        l := fancy!-convert(l,nil);

        if (x:=get(car l,'fancy!-reform)) then 
           return fancy!-maprint(apply1(x,l),p)
        else if (x := get(car l,'fancy!-pprifn)) then
           return apply2(x,l,p)
        else if (x := get(car l,'fancy!-prifn)) then
           return apply1(x,l)
        else if get(car l,'print!-format) then
           return fancy!-print!-format(l,p);

        % eventually convert expression to a different form
        % for printing.

        l := fancy!-convert(l,'infix);

        % printing operators with integer argument in index form.
        if flagp(car l,'print!-indexed) then <<
           fancy!-prefix!-operator(car l);
           fancy!-print!-indexlist cdr l >>
        else if x := get(car l,'infix) then <<
          p := not(x>p);
          if p then fancy!-in!-brackets
               {'fancy!-inprint,mkquote car l,x,mkquote cdr l}
          else fancy!-inprint(car l,x,cdr l) >>
        else <<
           fancy!-prefix!-operator(car l);
           obrkp!* := nil;
           fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr l >>
    end ) where obrkp!*=obrkp!*;

symbolic procedure fancy!-convert(l,m);
  % special converters.
  if eqcar(l,'expt) and cadr l= 'e and
     ( m='infix or treesizep(l,20) )
        then {'exp,caddr l}
    else l;

symbolic procedure fancy!-print!-function!-arguments u;
  % u is a parameter list for a function.
       u and {'fancy!-inprint, mkquote '!*comma!*,0,mkquote u};

symbolic procedure fancy!-maprint!-atom(l,p);
     scalar x;
     if (x:=get(l,'fancy!-special!-symbol)) then
         fancy!-special!-symbol x
     else if vectorp l then <<
        fancy!-princ "[";
        l:=for i:=0:upbv l collect getv(l,i);
         fancy!-princ "]" >>
     else if not numberp l or (not (l<0) or p<=get('minus,'infix)) then
         fancy!-prin2 l
     else fancy!-in!-brackets {'fancy!-prin2,mkquote l}

put('print_indexed,'psopfn,'(lambda(u)(flag u 'print!-indexed)));

symbolic procedure fancy!-print!-indexlist l;

symbolic procedure fancy!-print!-indexlist1(l,op,sep);
  % print index or exponent lists, with or without separator.
  begin scalar obrkp!*;
    fancy!-princ op;
    fancy!-princ "{";
    fancy!-inprint(sep or 'times,0,l);
    fancy!-princ "}"

symbolic procedure fancy!-print!-one!-index i;
    scalar obrkp!*;
    fancy!-princ "_{";
    fancy!-princ "}"

symbolic procedure fancy!-in!-brackets u;
  % put form into parentheses.
  % u: form to be evaluated,
     fancy!-prin2 "\left(";
     eval u;
     fancy!-prin2 "\right)"

symbolic procedure fancy!-in!-braces u;
  % put form into braces.
  % u: form to be evaluated,
     fancy!-prin2 "\left\{";
     eval u;
     fancy!-prin2 "\right\}"

symbolic procedure fancy!-exptpri(l,p);
   begin scalar !*list,pp,q,w1,w2;
      pp := not((q:=get('expt,'infix))>p);  % Need to parenthesize
      w1 := cadr l; w2 := caddr l;
      if eqcar(w2,'quotient) and cadr w2 = 1 
          and (fixp caddr w2 or liter caddr w2) then
         return fancy!-sqrtpri!*(w1,caddr w2);
      if eqcar(w2,'quotient) and eqcar(cadr w2,'minus)
          then w2 := list('minus,list(car w2,cadadr w2,caddr w2))
          else w2 := negnumberchk w2;
      fancy!-princ "^";
      if eqcar(w2,'quotient) and fixp cadr w2 and fixp caddr w2 then <<
         fancy!-princ "{";
         fancy!-inprint('!/,0,cdr w2); 
         fancy!-princ "}" >> 
      else fancy!-maprint!-tex!-bkt(w2,0,nil)


symbolic procedure fancy!-inprint(op,p,l);
  (begin scalar x,y;
     % print product of quotients using *.
     if op = 'times and
        eqcar(car l,'quotient) and 
        cdr l and
        eqcar(cadr l,'quotient) then op:='!*;
     if op eq 'plus and !*revpri then l := reverse l;
     if not get(op,'alt) then <<
        if op eq 'not then <<
           fancy!-oprin op; 
           return  fancy!-maprint(car l,get('not,'infix)) >>; 
        if op eq 'setq and
           not atom (x := car reverse l) and
           idp car x and
           (y := getrtype x) and
           (y := get(get(y,'tag),'fancy!-setprifn)) then
           return apply2(y,car l,x);
        if not atom car l and
           idp caar l and
           ((x := get(caar l,'fancy!-prifn)) 
                   or (x := get(caar l,'fancy!-pprifn))) and
           (get(x,op) eq 'inbrackets) then <<
            % to avoid mix up of indices and exponents.
                {'fancy!-maprint,mkquote car l,p} >>;
          fancy!-maprint(car l, p);
          l := cdr l >>;
     if !*list and obrkp!* and memq(op,'(plus minus)) then 
          tablevel!* := tablevel!* #+ 1>>;
   end) where tablevel!*=tablevel!*, sumlevel!*=sumlevel!*;

symbolic procedure fancy!-inprint1(op,p,l);
   % main line (top level) infix printing, allow line break;
   begin scalar lop;
   for each v in l do <<
      lop := op;
      if op='plus and eqcar(v,'minus) then <<
         lop := 'minus;
         v:= cadr v>>;
      fancy!-oprin lop;
      fancy!-maprint(negnumberchk v, p) >>

symbolic procedure fancy!-inprintlist(op,p,l);
   % inside algebraic list
 begin scalar fst,v;
   if null l then return nil;
   v := car l; l:= cdr l;
   if fst then
       << fancy!-princ "\,";
          fancy!-oprin op;
          fancy!-princ "\,";
   fst := t;
   goto loop;


symbolic procedure fancy!-oprin op;
  begin scalar x;
    if (x:=get(op,'fancy!-prtch)) then fancy!-princ x
    else if (x:=get(op,'fancy!-infix!-symbol)) then fancy!-princ x
    else if null(x:=get(op,'prtch)) then fancy!-prin2 op
    else <<
% The issue of "*list" style printing and a texmacs interface is something
% that is probably cause for worry. Eg the line-breaks in *list mode may
% really mess up texmacs wrt its ability to understand the whole expression.
       if !*list and obrkp!* and 
          op memq '(plus minus) and
          sumlevel!*=2 then fancy!-terpri!*(); 
       fancy!-prin2 x >>


!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)

% Many of these are just the same glyphs as ordinary upper case letters,
% and so for compatibility with external viewers I map those ones onto
% letters with the "\mathit" qualifier to force the font.
     (!Alpha "\mathit{A}") (!Beta "\mathit{B}") (!Chi "\Chi ")
     (!Delta "\Delta ") (!Epsilon "\mathit{E}") (!Phi "\Phi ")
     (!Gamma "\Gamma ") (!Eta "\mathit{H}") (!Iota "\mathit{I}")
     (!vartheta "\vartheta") (!Kappa "\Kappa ") (!Lambda "\Lambda ")
     (!Mu "\mathit{M}") (!Nu "\mathit{N}") (!O "\mathit{O}")
     (!Pi "\Pi ") (!Theta "\Theta ") (!Rho "\mathit{R}")
     (!Sigma "\Sigma ") (!Tau "\Tau ") (!Upsilon "\Upsilon ")
     (!Omega "\Omega ") (!Xi "\Xi ") (!Psi "\Psi ")
     (!Zeta "\mathit{Z}") (!varphi "\varphi ")


% In an earlier version some items here were specified as ascii codes, eg
% A as 65 rather than "A". I can not see any way that this matters, but
% note it here in case (eg) font choice actually depends on it. Certainly
% you should observe that in the CSL case I use a math-italic font
% explicitly...

if 'a neq '!A then deflist('(
    (!Alpha "A") (!Beta "B") (!Chi "\Chi") (!Delta "\Delta")
    (!Epsilon "E")(!Phi "\Phi") (!Gamma "\Gamma")(!Eta "H")
    (!Iota "I") (vartheta "\vartheta")(!Kappa "K")(!Lambda "\Lambda")
    (!Mu "M")(!Nu "N")(!O "O")(!Pi "\Pi")(!Theta "\Theta")
    (!Rho "R")(!Sigma "\Sigma")(!Tau "\Tau")(!Upsilon "\Upsilon")
    (!Omega "\Omega") (!Xi "\Xi")(!Psi "\Psi")(!Zeta "Z") 
    (varphi "\varphi")


put('infinity,'fancy!-special!-symbol,"\infty ");
put('partial!-df,'fancy!-special!-symbol,"\partial ");
put('empty!-set,'fancy!-special!-symbol,"\emptyset ");
put('not,'fancy!-special!-symbol,"\neg ");
put('not,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\neg ");
put('leq,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\leq ");
put('geq,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\geq ");
put('neq,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\neq ");
put('intersection,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\cap ");
put('union,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\cup ");
put('member,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\in ");
put('and,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\wedge ");
put('or,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\vee ");
put('replaceby,'fancy!-infix!-symbol,"\Rightarrow ");
put('!~,'fancy!-functionsymbol,"\forall ");

% The following definitions allow for more natural printing of
% conditional expressions within rule lists.

symbolic procedure fancy!-condpri(u,p);
    if p>0 then fancy!-princ "\left(";
    while (u := cdr u) do <<
        if not(caar u eq 't) then <<
           fancy!-princ "if\ "; 
           fancy!-maprin0 caar u;
           fancy!-princ "\,then\," >>;
           fancy!-maprin0 cadar u;
        if cdr u then <<
           fancy!-princ "\,else\," >> >>; 
    if p>0 then fancy!-prin2 "\right)"


symbolic procedure fancy!-revalpri u;
   fancy!-maprin0 fancy!-unquote cadr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-unquote u;
  if eqcar(u,'list) then for each x in cdr u collect 
      fancy!-unquote x
  else if eqcar(u,'quote) then cadr u
  else u;


put('aminusp!:,'fancy!-pat,'(lessp !&1 0));

symbolic procedure fancy!-patpri u;
  begin scalar p;
    p:=subst(fancy!-unquote  cadr u,'!&1,
             get(car u,'fancy!-pat));
    return fancy!-maprin0 p

symbolic procedure fancy!-boolvalpri u;
   fancy!-maprin0 cadr u;


symbolic procedure fancy!-quotpri u;
     fancy!-princ "\frac";
     fancy!-maprint!-tex!-bkt(cadr u,0,t);
     fancy!-maprint!-tex!-bkt(caddr u,0,nil);

symbolic procedure fancy!-maprint!-tex!-bkt(u,p,m);
  % Produce expression with tex brackets {...} if
  % necessary. Ensure that {} unit is in same formula.
  % If m=t brackets will be inserted in any case.
   if not m and (numberp u and 0<=u and u <=9 or liter u) then 
      return fancy!-prin2 u;
   fancy!-princ "{";
   fancy!-princ "}"

%   support for print format property

% only specfn/ (for pochammer) even tries to use this, so
% I somewhat vote for removing it.

%symbolic procedure print_format(f,pat);
%  % Assign a print pattern p to the operator form f.
%  put(car f, 'print!-format, (cdr f . pat) . get(car f, 'print!-format));
%symbolic operator print_format;
%symbolic procedure fancy!-print!-format(u,p);
%  begin scalar fmt,fmtl,a;
%   fmtl:=get(car u,'print!-format);
% l:
%   fmt := car fmtl; fmtl := cdr fmtl;
%   if length(car fmt) neq length cdr u then goto l;
%   a:=pair(car fmt,cdr u);
%   return fancy!-print!-format1(cdr fmt,p,a);
%  end;
%symbolic procedure fancy!-print!-format1(u,p,a);
%  begin scalar x,y,pl,bkt,obkt,q;
%   if eqcar(u,'list) then u:= cdr u;
%   while u do
%   <<x:=car u; u:=cdr u;
%     if eqcar(x,'list) then x:=cdr x;
%     obkt := bkt; bkt:=nil;
%     if obkt then fancy!-princ "{";
%     if pairp x then fancy!-print!-format1(x,p,a)
%     else if memq(x,'(!( !) !, !. !|)) then 
%         <<if x eq '!( then <<; p:=0>> else
%           if x eq '!) then <<p:=car pl; pl:=cdr pl>>;
%           fancy!-prin2 x >>
%     else if x eq '!_ or x eq '!^ then <<bkt:=t;fancy!-prin2 x>> 
%     else if q:=assoc(x,a) then fancy!-maprint(cdr q,p)
%     else fancy!-maprint(x,p);
%     if obkt then fancy!-princ "}" >>
%  end;

%   some operator specific print functions

symbolic procedure fancy!-prefix!-operator u;
 % Print as function, but with a special character.  
   begin scalar sy;
     sy := get(u,'fancy!-functionsymbol) or
     if sy then fancy!-special!-symbol sy
     else fancy!-prin2 u


symbolic procedure fancy!-sqrtpri(u);
    fancy!-sqrtpri!*(cadr u,2);
symbolic procedure fancy!-sqrtpri!*(u,n);
     fancy!-princ "\sqrt";
     if n neq 2 then <<
       fancy!-princ "[\,";
       fancy!-prin2 n;
       fancy!-princ "]" >>;

symbolic procedure fancy!-sub(l,p);
% Prints expression in an exponent notation.
  if get('expt,'infix)<=p then 
      fancy!-in!-brackets {'fancy!-sub,mkquote l,0}
    begin scalar eqs;
      l:=cdr l;
      while cdr l do <<eqs:=append(eqs,{car l}); l:=cdr l>>;
      l:=car l;
      fancy!-princ "|_{";
      fancy!-princ "}"



symbolic procedure fancy!-factorial(u,n);
     if atom cadr u then fancy!-maprint(cadr u,9999)
     else fancy!-in!-brackets {'fancy!-maprint,mkquote cadr u,0};
     fancy!-princ "!";


symbolic procedure fancy!-binomial u;
     fancy!-princ "\left(\begin{matrix}";
     fancy!-maprint(cadr u,0);
     fancy!-princ "\\";
     fancy!-maprint(caddr u,0);
     fancy!-princ "\end{matrix}\right)"

symbolic procedure fancy!-intpri(u,p);
   if p>get('times,'infix) then 
      fancy!-in!-brackets {'fancy!-intpri,mkquote u,0}
% I bet that the test here is not really wanted for TeXmacs...
     if fancy!-height(cadr u,1.0) > 3 then fancy!-princ "\Int "
     else fancy!-princ "\int ";
     fancy!-maprint(cadr u,0);
     fancy!-princ "\,d\,";
     fancy!-maprint(caddr u,0)

% It may well be that if TeXmacs does all the layout that this is no longer
% needed.

symbolic procedure fancy!-height(u,h);
  % estimate the height of an expression.
    if atom u then h 
    else if car u = 'minus then fancy!-height(cadr u,h)
    else if car u = 'plus or car u = 'times then
      eval('max. for each w in cdr u collect fancy!-height(w,h))
    else if car u = 'expt then 
         fancy!-height(cadr u,h) + fancy!-height(caddr u,h*0.8)
    else if car u = 'quotient then  
         fancy!-height(cadr u,h) + fancy!-height(caddr u,h)
    else if get(car u,'simpfn) then fancy!-height(cadr u,h)
    else h;


symbolic procedure fancy!-sumpri!*(u,p,mode);
  if p>get('minus,'infix) then 
    fancy!-in!-brackets {'fancy!-sumpri!*,mkquote u,0,mkquote mode}
   begin scalar w,lo,hi,var;
     var := caddr u;
     if cdddr u then lo:=cadddr u;
     if lo and cddddr u then hi := car cddddr u;
     w:=if lo then {'equal,var,lo} else var;
     if mode = 'sum then  fancy!-princ "\sum" % big SIGMA
     else if mode = 'prod then fancy!-princ "\prod"; % big PI
     fancy!-princ "_{";
     if w then fancy!-maprint(w,0);
     fancy!-princ "}";
     if hi then <<
        fancy!-princ "^";
        fancy!-maprint!-tex!-bkt(hi,0,nil) >>;
     fancy!-princ "\,";
     fancy!-maprint(cadr u,0)

symbolic procedure fancy!-sumpri(u,p); fancy!-sumpri!*(u,p,'sum);


symbolic procedure fancy!-prodpri(u,p); fancy!-sumpri!*(u,p,'prod);


symbolic procedure fancy!-limpri(u,p);
   if p>get('minus,'infix) then 
      fancy!-in!-brackets {'fancy!-sumpri,mkquote u,0}
   begin scalar lo,var;
     var := caddr u;
     if cdddr u then lo:=cadddr u;
     fancy!-princ "\lim_{";
     fancy!-princ "\rightarrow";
     fancy!-princ "}";
     fancy!-maprint(cadr u,0)


symbolic procedure fancy!-listpri(u);
  if null cdr u then fancy!-maprint('empty!-set,0)
  else fancy!-in!-braces
     {'fancy!-inprintlist,mkquote '!*wcomma!*,0,mkquote cdr u};



symbolic procedure fancy!-sqreform u;
    prepsq!* sqhorner!* cadr u;


% 9-Dec-93: 'total repaired

symbolic procedure fancy!-dfpri(u,l);
  (if flagp(cadr u,'print!-indexed) or
      pairp cadr u and flagp(caadr u,'print!-indexed)
    then fancy!-dfpriindexed(u,l)
   else if m = 'partial then fancy!-dfpri0(u,l,'partial!-df)
   else if m = 'total then fancy!-dfpri0(u,l,'!d)
   else if m = 'indexed then fancy!-dfpriindexed(u,l)
   else rederr "unknown print mode for DF")
        where m=fancy!-mode fancy_print_df;

symbolic procedure fancy!-partialdfpri(u,l);

symbolic procedure fancy!-dfpri0(u,l,symb);
 if null cddr u then fancy!-maprin0 {'times,symb,cadr u}
 else if l >= get('expt,'infix) then % brackets if exponented
   fancy!-in!-brackets {'fancy!-dfpri0,mkquote u,0,mkquote symb}
  begin scalar x,d,q; integer n,m;
    u:=cdr u;
    q:=car u;
    u:=cdr u;
    while u do
    <<x:=car u; u:=cdr u;
      if u and numberp car u then
      <<m:=car u; u := cdr u>> else m:=1;
      d:= append(d,{symb,if m=1 then x else {'expt,x,m}});
      {'quotient, {'times,
                   if n=1 then symb else {'expt,symb,n},q},
                   'times . d};

symbolic procedure fancy!-dfpriindexed(u,l);
   if null cddr u then fancy!-maprin0{'times,'partial!-df,cadr u} else
      fancy!-maprin0 cadr u;
      fancy!-print!-indexlist fancy!-dfpriindexedx(cddr u,nil)

symbolic procedure fancy!-dfpriindexedx(u,p);
  if null u then nil else
  if numberp car u then 
     append(for i:=2:car u collect p,fancy!-dfpriindexedx(cdr u,p))
  else car u . fancy!-dfpriindexedx(cdr u,car u);


symbolic procedure fancy!-rdprin u;
  begin scalar digits; integer dotpos,xp;
   u:=rd!:explode u;
   digits := car u; xp := cadr u; dotpos := caddr u;
   return fancy!-rdprin1(digits,xp,dotpos);

symbolic procedure fancy!-rdprin1(digits,xp,dotpos);
  begin scalar str;
   if xp>0 and dotpos+xp<length digits-1 then <<
     dotpos := dotpos+xp;
     xp:=0 >>;
    % build character string from number.
   for i:=1:dotpos do <<
     str := car digits . str;
     digits := cdr digits;
     if null digits then digits:='(!0) >>;
   str := '!. . str;
   for each c in digits do str :=c.str;
   if not (xp=0) then <<
     str:='!e . str;
     for each c in explode2 xp do str:=c.str >>;
   fancy!-prin2number1 reversip str


symbolic procedure fancy!-cmpxprin(u,l);
   begin scalar rp,ip;
     rp:=reval {'repart,u}; ip:=reval {'impart,u};
     return fancy!-maprint(
       if ip=0 then rp else
       if rp=0 then {'times,ip,'!i} else

symbolic procedure fancy!-dn!:prin u;
 begin scalar lst; integer dotpos,ex;
  lst := bfexplode0x (cadr u, cddr u);
  ex := cadr lst;
  dotpos := caddr lst;
  lst := car lst;
  return fancy!-rdprin1 (lst,ex,dotpos)

put ('!:dn!:, 'fancy!-prifn, 'fancy!-dn!:prin);

fmp!-switch t;



module fancy_matrix;   % Matrix printing routines.

fluid '(obrkp!*);

symbolic procedure fancy!-setmatpri(u,v);
   fancy!-matpri1(cdr v,u);


symbolic procedure fancy!-matpri u;
   fancy!-matpri1(cdr u,nil);


symbolic procedure fancy!-matpri1(u,x);
% Prints a matrix canonical form U with name X.

symbolic procedure fancy!-matpri2(u,x,bkt);
% Tries to print matrix as compact block.
% The specfn code uses bkt="{}" rathen than the usual default of "()".
   begin scalar fl,fmat,row,elt;
      integer cols,rows,maxpos;
      rows := length u;
      cols := length car u;
      if x then <<
% I think I might use princ on the next line, but the current code renders
% ":=" within \mathrm... ???
         fancy!-prin2 ":=" >>;
      fl := fancy!-line!*;
      fmat := for each row in u collect
        for each elt in row collect <<
            fancy!-line!* >>;
     fancy!-line!* := fl;
       % TEX header
     fancy!-princ bldmsg("\left%w\begin{matrix}",
                        if bkt then car bkt else "(");
       % join elements.
     while fmat do
     <<row := car fmat; fmat:=cdr fmat;
       while row do
       <<elt:=car row; row:=cdr row;
         fancy!-line!* := append(elt,fancy!-line!*);
         if row then fancy!-line!* :='!& . fancy!-line!*  
         else if fmat then 
            fancy!-line!* := "\\". fancy!-line!* >> >>;
     fancy!-princ bldmsg("\end{matrix}\right%w",
                        if bkt then cdr bkt else ")")



module fancy_specfn;


symbolic procedure fancy!-sin(u);
   fancy!-princ "\sin";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-cos(u);
   fancy!-princ "\cos";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-tan(u);
   fancy!-princ "\tan";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-cot(u);
   fancy!-princ "\cot";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-sec(u);
   fancy!-princ "\sec";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-csc(u);
   fancy!-princ "\csc";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-asin(u);
   fancy!-princ "\arcsin";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-acos(u);
   fancy!-princ "\arccos";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-atan(u);
   fancy!-princ "\arctan";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-sinh(u);
   fancy!-princ "\sinh";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-cosh(u);
   fancy!-princ "\cosh";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-tanh(u);
   fancy!-princ "\tanh";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-coth(u);
   fancy!-princ "\coth";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-exp(u);
   fancy!-princ "\exp";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-log(u);
   fancy!-princ "\log";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-ln(u);
   fancy!-princ "\ln";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-max(u);
   fancy!-princ "\max";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-min(u);
   fancy!-princ "\min";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-repart(u);
   fancy!-princ "\Re";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;

symbolic procedure fancy!-impart(u);
   fancy!-princ "\Im";
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cdr u;


% NB here are some places where ASCII codes are used...

put('besseli,'fancy!-functionsymbol,'(ascii 73));
put('besselj,'fancy!-functionsymbol,'(ascii 74));
put('bessely,'fancy!-functionsymbol,'(ascii 89));
put('besselk,'fancy!-functionsymbol,'(ascii 75));

symbolic procedure fancy!-bessel(u);
   fancy!-prefix!-operator car u;
   fancy!-print!-one!-index cadr u; 
   fancy!-print!-function!-arguments cddr u

% Hypergeometric functions.


symbolic procedure fancy!-hypergeometric u;
  begin scalar a1,a2,a3;
   a1 :=cdr cadr u;
   a2 := cdr caddr u;
   a3 := cadddr u;
   fancy!-princ "{}";
   fancy!-print!-one!-index length a1;
   fancy!-princ "F";
   fancy!-print!-one!-index length a2;
   fancy!-princ "\left(\left.";
   fancy!-princ "\,\right|\,";
   fancy!-princ "\right)"
% hypergeometric({1,2,u/w,v},{5,6},sqrt x);


symbolic procedure fancy!-meijerG u;
  begin scalar a1,a2,a3;
   integer n,m,p,q;
   a1 :=cdr cadr u;
   a2 := cdr caddr u;
   a3 := cadddr u;
   m:=length cdar a2;
   n:=length cdar a1;
   a1 := append(cdar a1 , cdr a1);
   a2 := append(cdar a2 , cdr a2);
   p:=length a1; q:=length a2;
   fancy!-princ "G";
   fancy!-princ "\left(";
   fancy!-princ "\left|";
   fancy!-princ "\right.\right)"

% meijerg({{},1},{{0}},x);
% Now a few things that can be useful for testing this code...

algebraic operator texsym, texbox, texfbox, texstring;

% texsym(!Longleftarrow) should generate \Longleftarrow (etc). This
% might plausibly be useful while checking that the interface can render
% all TeX built-in keywords properly. Furthermore I allow extra args, so
% that eg texsym(stackrel,f,texsym(longrightarrow)) turns into
%   \stackrel{f}{\longrightarrow}


symbolic procedure fancy!-texsym u;
      if null u then return;
      fancy!-princ list!-to!-string ('!\ . explode2 cadr u);
      u := cddr u;
      while u do <<
         fancy!-line!* := "{" . fancy!-line!*;
         fancy!-maprint(car u, 0);
         fancy!-line!* := "}" . fancy!-line!*;
         u := cdr u >>

% texstring("arbitrary tex stuff",...)
% where atoms (eg strings and words) are just passed to tex but
% more complicated items go through fancy!-maprint.


symbolic procedure fancy!-texstring u;
    for each s in cdr u do <<
      if not atom s then fancy!-maprint(s, 0)
      else <<
         if not stringp s then s := list!-to!-string explode2 s;
         fancy!-line!* := s . fancy!-line!* >> >>;

% texbox(h) is a box of given height (in points)
% texbox(h, d) is a box of given height and depth
%              height is amount above the reference line, depth is amount
%              below.
% textbox(h, d, c) is a box of given size with some specified content

% All these draw a frame around the space used so you can see what is
% goin on.

% The idea that this may be useful when checking how layouts cope with
% various sizes of content, eg big delimiters, square root signs etc. So I
% can test with "for i := 10:40 do write sqrt(texbox(i))" etc.
% to test sqrt with arguments of height 10, 11, ... to 40 points. Note that
% certainly with the CSL version the concept of a "point" is a bit vauge!
% However if I were to imagine that my screen was at 75 pixels per inch I
% could with SOME reason interpret point as meaning pixel, and that is
% what I will do. At present what I might do about hard-copy output is
% pretty uncertain. If height and depth are given as 0 and there is a
% content them the content will define the box size.


symbolic procedure fancy!-texbox u;
      scalar height, depth, contents;
      contents := nil;
      u := cdr u;
      height := car u;
      u := cdr u;
      if u then <<
         depth := car u;
         u := cdr u;
         if u then contents := car u >>;
      if not numberp height then height:=0;
      if not numberp depth then depth:=0;
      if height=0 and depth=0 and null content then height:=10;
      fancy!-princ "\fbox{";
      if height neq 0 or depth neq 0 then << % insert a rule
         fancy!-line!* := "\rule" . fancy!-line!*;
         if depth neq 0 then <<
            fancy!-line!* := "[-" . fancy!-line!*;
            fancy!-line!* := depth . fancy!-line!*;
            fancy!-line!* := "pt]" . fancy!-line!* >>;
         fancy!-line!* := "{0pt}{" . fancy!-line!*;
         fancy!-line!* := (height+depth) . fancy!-line!*;
         fancy!-line!* := "pt}" . fancy!-line!* >>;
      if contents then fancy!-maprint(contents, 0)
      else fancy!-line!* := "\rule{10pt}{0pt}" . fancy!-line!*;
      fancy!-princ "}"

% texfbox is a simplified version of texbox, and just draws a box around the
% expression it is given.


symbolic procedure fancy!-texfbox u;
      fancy!-princ "\fbox{";
      fancy!-maprint(cadr u, 0);
      fancy!-princ "}"


module promptcolor;
% Adapted from Prompt coloring for redfront.

fluid '(lispsystem!*);

fluid '(promptstring!* tm_switches!* tm_switches!-this!-sl!* lessspace!*);

fluid '(!*promptnumbers);

switch promptnumbers; 

!#if (member 'csl lispsystem!*)
% With CSL I want tmprint loaded all the time and so making this decision
% when texmacs is LOADED is not useful.
procedure texmacsp;
   % Texmacs predicate. Returns [t] iff Texmacs is running. 
   if getenv("TEXMACS_REDUCE_PATH") then t;

if texmacsp () then % We don't want prompt numbers in a Texmacs worksheet
   off1 'promptnumbers
   on1 'promptnumbers;

tm_switches!* := {!*msg,!*output};

off1 'msg;
off1 'output;

procedure tm_bprompt();
   % Begin of prompt.
   {int2id 2,'c,'h,'a,'n,'n,'e,'l,'!:,'p,'r,'o,'m,'p,'t,int2id 5,
      int2id 2,'l,'a,'t,'e,'x,'!:,'!\,'b,'r,'o,'w,'n,'! ,

procedure tm_eprompt();
   % End of prompt
   {'!\ ,int2id 5};

% This always gets a list of the characters that make up the prompt...
procedure tm_coloredp(ec);
      eqcar(ec, car tm_bprompt());

procedure tm_nconcn(l);
   % Taken from rltools.
   if cdr l then nconc(car l,tm_nconcn cdr l) else car l;

symbolic procedure tm_prunelhead(l, l1);
    if null l or null l1 then l else tm_prunelhead(cdr l, cdr l1);

procedure tm_pruneltail(l,l1);
   reversip tm_prunelhead(reversip l,l1);

procedure tm_pslp();
   'psl memq lispsystem!*;

if tm_pslp() then <<
   tm_switches!-this!-sl!* := {!*usermode};
   off1 'usermode

procedure tm_color(c);
   % Color prompt. This will handle EITHER an identifier OR a string, and
   % it returns the same sort of object. It wraps tm_bprompt() and
   % tm_eprompt() around the text it is passed.
   begin scalar ec, sf;
      if stringp c then <<
               ec := string!-to!-list c;
               sf := t >>
      else ec := explode2 c;   % Original code has explode not explode2 here.
      ec := '!  . ec; % add space
      if not !*promptnumbers then % strip numbers from prompt
               while memq(car ec,'(!  !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9)) do
            ec := cdr ec;
      ec := append(tm_bprompt(), append(ec, tm_eprompt()));
      ec := list!-to!-string ec;
      if sf then return ec
      else return intern ec
procedure tm_uncolor(c);
   % Uncolor prompt.
   begin scalar ec, sf;
      if stringp c then <<
           ec := string!-to!-list c;
           sf := t >>
       else ec := explode2 c;  % cf explode?
       if not tm_coloredp ec then return c;
       ec := tm_prunelhead(ec, tm_bprompt());
       if car ec eq '!  then ec := cdr ec; % strip space
       ec := tm_pruneltail(ec, tm_eprompt());
       ec := list!-to!-string ec;
       if sf then return ec
       else return intern ec

procedure tm_setpchar!-psl(c);
   begin scalar w;
      w := tm_setpchar!-orig c;
      promptstring!* := tm_color promptstring!*;
      return tm_uncolor w

!#if (memq 'csl lispsystem!*)

switch redfront_mode;

% I do not think there is any merit in even defining this if I am not
% using CSL.

procedure tm_setpchar!-csl(c);
% With CSL in many cases the system does prompt colouring at a lower level
% in the code, so the stuff here is not necessary. However if CSL is used
% with an external redfront of texmacs interface I will want to activate
% this special stuff. So I provide a switch redfront_mode that controls
% what I do. I expect to run with this module loaded almost all of the time
% which is why I want a control via switch rather than through just
% "load tmprint". I note that if CSL is loaded from a script that attaches it
% to redfront of som eother interface that the invocation can use
%      -D*redfront_mode
% to preset the switch, which ought to be a small enough burden to be
% tolerable!
   if !*redfront_mode or
      member('texmacs, lispsystem!*) then
      tm_uncolor tm_setpchar!-orig tm_color c
   else tm_setpchar!-orig c; 


% In due course I rather hope to be able to avoid uses of copyd and the
% style of function redefinition (in terms of its oiriginal version) used
% here.


if tm_pslp() then

procedure tm_yesp!-psl(u);
   begin scalar ifl,ofl,x,y;
      if ifl!* then <<
         ifl := ifl!* := {car ifl!*,cadr ifl!*,curline!*};
         rds nil >>;
      if ofl!* then <<
         ofl:= ofl!*;
         wrs nil >>;
      if null !*lessspace then terpri();
      if atom u then prin2 u
      else lpri u;
      if null !*lessspace then terpri();
      y := setpchar "?";
      x := yesp1();
      setpchar y;
      if ofl then wrs cdr ofl;
      if ifl then rds cadr ifl;
      cursym!* := '!*semicol!*;
      return x

if tm_pslp() then <<
   flag('(yesp),'lose) >>;

% Color PSL prompts, in case user falls through:

procedure tm_compute!-prompt!-string(count,level);
   tm_color tm_compute!-prompt!-string!-orig(count,level);

if tm_pslp() then <<
   copyd('compute!-prompt!-string,'tm_compute!-prompt!-string) >>;
procedure tm_break_prompt();
      prin2 "break["; prin2 breaklevel!*; prin2 "]";
      promptstring!* := tm_color promptstring!*

if tm_pslp() then <<
   flag('(break_prompt),'lose) >>;

if tm_pslp() then
   onoff('usermode,car tm_switches!-this!-sl!*);

onoff('msg,car tm_switches!*);
onoff('output,cadr tm_switches!*);

crbuf!* := nil;
inputbuflis!* := nil;
lessspace!* := t;
statcounter := 0;


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