File r38/packages/support/patches.rlg artifact ccd7e24535 part of check-in 3519b83598

Fri Jan 12 07:31:07 PST 2007
Loading image file :/home/hearn/reddist/reduce3.8/lisp/psl/linux/red/reduce.img 

REDUCE 3.8, 15-Apr-2004, patched to 11-Jan-2007 ...

2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 
3: 3: % This file tests some of the patches included in the file.
% If the latter file has been correctly installed, none of these should
% give an error.

% 26 Jun 04.

% This used to give a catastrophic error.

on rounded;

 precision 25;


solve({- 1.999994390224005889280191x1*y + 7.979376557069442737297309x1
   - x2*y^2 + 7.974996524843785878673843x2*y - 15.90005560267478176018537
   x2 - 1.999994390224005889280191x3*y + 7.974974155871756786131486x3
   - 0.9999943902318732859562161,
   - 0.9999943902318732859562161x1 - 1.999994390224005889280191x2*y
   + 7.974974155871756786131486x2 - x3*y^2 + 7.974996524843785878673843
   x3*y - 15.90005560267478176018537x3 - 1.999994390224005889280191y
   + 7.979376557069442737297309,
   - 0.9999943902318732859562161x2 - 1.999994390224005889280191x3*y
   + 8.005202587362861321828448x3 - y^2 + 8.009627454668455757619651y
   - 15.03852566251722658450117},

off rounded;

 precision 12;


% 8 Jul 04;

% This used to return zero.

int(e^(a^(1/3)*x)*sin x,x);

  a   *x               1/3
 e      *( - cos(x) + a   *sin(x))
             a    + 1

% 5 Aug 04.

% This used to give an "invalid as operator" error;

load rlfi;

 on latex;


procedure fac n;
  if not(fixp n and n>=0) then rederr "non negative integer required"
   else for i:= 1:n product i;


fac 10;


off latex;


% 2 Sep 04.

% In rare circumstances, floating point conversion could give an
%  extraneous error.

symbolic read!:num 3.14;

(!:rd!: 220957856717865 . -46)

%  6 Sep 04.

% With rational on, some non-zero factorizations could produce
% a zero coefficient.

on rational;

 factorize(r^((1/4*n^2 - 1/4*n + 1)/(n - 1)));

   1/(n - 1)
{{r         ,1},

 {r   ,1}}
 off rational;

% 28 Sep 04.

% This did not produce a closed form solution.

load_package algint;

 int(sqrt(x-1)/(sqrt x*(x-1)),x);

2*log(sqrt(x - 1) + sqrt(x))
 off algint;

% 10 Dec 04.

% This used to produce an erroneous output.

depend {f,b,k},x;

on dfprint;

{df(f,x,~n) => df(k*b,x,n)};

{f     => k*b   }
  x,~n       x,n

nodepend {f,b,k},x;

off dfprint;

% 31 Jan 05.  Some integrals involving square roots could run forever.

% There is no simple example of this error.

% 12 Feb 05.  SOLVE could produce a spurious recursive loop.


              y_ /3          2     3
{y=root_of(4*e     *cte + 2*x  + y_  + 3,y_,tag_3)}

% 20 Apr 05. This gave a DIVISION FAILED error.


      1/4       1/4
     a   *( - 1)   *i
   1/4       1/4
  a   *( - 1)   *x
 e                *sqrt(a)

% 2 May 05. This gave a DIVISION FAILED error.


          3/4       3/4      3/4       3/4
 i*( - 4*a   *( - 1)   *b - a   *( - 1)   *x - sqrt(a))
                    1/4       1/4
                   a   *( - 1)   *i*x
                4*e                  *a

% 22 May 05.  This integral never completed.

int(e^((3sqrt 5+1)*x)*(sqrt 5+1)+e^((3sqrt 5-1)*x)*(sqrt 5+1),x);

  3*sqrt(5)*x   2*x              2*x
 e           *(e   *sqrt(5) + 7*e    + 2*sqrt(5) + 8)

% 30 May 05.  This used to give a spurious "Zero divisor" error.

solve({log tan(y/2),y+1/x},{x,y});

                      - 1
     4*(arbint(2)*pi + atan(sqrt(2) - 1))

  y=4*(arbint(2)*pi + atan(sqrt(2) - 1))},

                      - 1
     4*(arbint(2)*pi - atan(sqrt(2) + 1))

  y=4*(arbint(2)*pi - atan(sqrt(2) + 1))}}

% 4 Oct 05.  DEG did not work with rational coefficients.



% 5 Oct 05.  Some SOLVE calculations gave a spurious "Zero Divisor" error.

ex0:= sqrt(a^2-y^2);

             2    2
ex0 := sqrt(a  - y )

solve((-log(( - x + a + y)/ex0) + log((x + a + y)/ex0) + x
   - (a^2 - y^2)/ex0),y);

             2             2    2          y_ + a - x
{y=root_of(y_  - sqrt( - y_  + a )*log(-------------------)
                                                  2    2
                                        sqrt( - y_  + a )

                        2    2          y_ + a + x                   2    2
            + sqrt( - y_  + a )*log(-------------------) + sqrt( - y_  + a )*x
                                               2    2
                                     sqrt( - y_  + a )

            - a ,y_,tag_9)}

clear ex0;

% 16 Nov 05. System errors could occur with rounded and combineexpt on.

on rounded,combineexpt;


       x  4.39
0.183*e *t

off rounded,combineexpt;

% 22 Nov 05. Some definite integrals with variables other than x could
%            give a wrong answer.


 e  - 1

%  9 Dec 05. With combineexpt on, expressions could be dropped.

on combineexpt;

 4*e^(-3*h/2) - 3*h*e^(-h) + 2*e^(-h);

    - (3*h)/2       - h         - h
4*e           - 3*e    *h + 2*e
 off combineexpt;

% 20 Feb 06.  The rule for df(Jacobidn(~u,~m),~u) was wrong.


 - jacobicn(x,y)*jacobisn(x,y)*y

% 23 May 06. Derivatives and integrals of matrices were not computed.

m := mat((x,x^2),(x^3,x^4));

     [     2]
     [x   x ]
m := [      ]
     [ 3   4]
     [x   x ]


[ 1    2*x ]
[          ]
[   2     3]
[3*x   4*x ]


[  2     3 ]
[ x     x  ]
[----  ----]
[ 2     3  ]
[          ]
[  4     5 ]
[ x     x  ]
[----  ----]
[ 4     5  ]

% 18 Aug 06. After nospur, some traces were still evaluated.

load_package hephys;

nospur f;

x := a*g(f,k,k1)+g(f,k,k2);

x := g(f,k,k1)*a + g(f,k,k2)

procedure tst x; begin scalar y; spur f; y:=x; nospur f; return x end;


tst x;

g(f,k,k1)*a + g(f,k,k2)

clear x;

% 29 Sep 06. With dfprint on, derivatives of integrals would print in a
%            truncated form.

depend f,x,y$

on dfprint;



off dfprint;

 nodepend f,x,y;

% 11 Jan 07. With rounded arithmetic and factor on, a non-numeric
%            argument error could occur.

on factor,rounded;

0.72*(1.44*p1^2 + 0.096*p1 + 0.28*q0 + 0.0016)^0.5*p1 +
0.0032*(1.44*p1^2 + 0.096*p1 + 0.28*q0 + 0.0016)^0.5 +
1.84*p1^2 -0.0236*p1 + 0.09*q0 + 0.00004;

1.84*(p1 - 0.0128260869565)*p1 + 0.09*(q0 + 0.000444444444444) + 0.72

*(1.44*(p1 + 0.0666666666667)*p1 + 0.28*(q0 + 0.00571428571429))

*(p1 + 0.00444444444444)

off factor,rounded;


4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 

Time for test: 15630 ms, plus GC time: 340 ms

5: 5: 
Fri Jan 12 07:31:23 PST 2007

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