% Buffers.SL - Buffer Collection Manipulation Functions
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 23 August 1982
% Revised: 25 January 1983
% This file contains functions that manipulate the set of existing buffers.
% 25-Jan-83 Alan Snyder
% Fix bug in buffer name completion: now accepts the name of an existing buffer
% even when the name is a prefix of the name of some other buffer.
% 29-Dec-82 Alan Snyder
% Revise prompt-for-buffer code to use new prompted input.
% PROMPT-FOR-EXISTING-BUFFER now completes on CR and LF, as well as SPACE.
% 3-Dec-82 Alan Snyder
(CompileTime (load objects extended-char fast-strings))
(load stringx)
(fluid '(nmode-current-buffer nmode-current-window nmode-main-buffer
nmode-output-buffer nmode-default-mode nmode-input-default
(fluid '(nmode-selectable-buffers))
(if (not (boundp 'nmode-selectable-buffers))
(setf nmode-selectable-buffers NIL))
% Internals:
(fluid '(prompt-for-buffer-command-list
% Creating buffers:
(de buffer-create-default (buffer-name)
% Create a new buffer with the default mode. The name of the new buffer will
% be the specified name if no buffer already exists with that name.
% Otherwise, a similar name will be chosen. The buffer becomes selectable,
% but is not selected.
(buffer-create buffer-name nmode-default-mode))
(de buffer-create (buffer-name initial-mode)
% Create a new buffer. The name of the new buffer will be the specified name
% if no buffer already exists with that name. Otherwise, a similar name will
% be chosen. The buffer becomes selectable, but is not selected.
(setf buffer-name (buffer-make-unique-name buffer-name))
(let ((b (buffer-create-unselectable buffer-name initial-mode)))
(setq nmode-selectable-buffers (cons b nmode-selectable-buffers))
(de buffer-create-unselectable (buffer-name initial-mode)
% Create a new buffer. The name of the new buffer will be the specified
% name. The buffer will not be selectable.
(let ((b (create-text-buffer buffer-name)))
(=> b set-mode initial-mode)
(=> b set-previous-buffer nmode-current-buffer)
(de buffer-make-unique-name (buffer-name)
% Return a buffer name not equal to the name of any existing buffer.
(setf buffer-name (string-upcase buffer-name))
(with (root-name (string-concat buffer-name "-")))
(for count 0 (+ count 1))
(for name buffer-name (string-concat root-name (BldMsg "%d" count)))
(do (if (not (buffer-exists? name)) (exit name)))
% Finding buffers:
(de buffer-find (buffer-name)
% If a selectable buffer exists with the specified name (case does
% not matter), then return it. Otherwise, return NIL.
(for (in b nmode-selectable-buffers)
(do (if (string-equal buffer-name (=> b name))
(exit b)))
(returns nil)
(de buffer-find-or-create (buffer-name)
% Return the specified buffer, if it exists and is selectable.
% Otherwise, create a buffer of that name and return it.
(or (buffer-find buffer-name)
(buffer-create-default buffer-name)
(de buffer-exists? (buffer-name)
% Return T if a selectable buffer exists with the specified name
% (case does not matter), NIL otherwise.
(if (buffer-find buffer-name) T NIL))
(de nmode-user-buffers ()
% Return a list of those selectable buffers whose names do not begin
% with a '+'.
(for (in b nmode-selectable-buffers)
(when (~= (string-fetch (=> b name) 0) #/+))
(collect b)
% Manipulating buffers:
(de buffer-is-selectable? (b)
% Return T if the specified buffer is selectable.
(MemQ b nmode-selectable-buffers))
(de buffer-set-mode (b mode)
% Set the "mode" of the buffer B. If B is the current buffer, then the
% mode is "established".
(=> b set-mode mode)
(when (eq b nmode-current-buffer)
(set-message "")
(de cleanup-buffers ()
% Ask each buffer to "clean up" any unneeded storage.
(for (in b nmode-selectable-buffers)
(do (=> b cleanup))
% Selecting Buffers:
(de buffer-select (b)
% If B is not NIL and B is a selectable buffer, then make it the current
% buffer, attach it to the current window, and return it. Otherwise, do
% nothing and return NIL.
(window-select-buffer nmode-current-window b))
(de buffer-select-previous (b)
% Select the previous buffer of B, if it exists and is selectable.
% Otherwise, select the MAIN buffer.
(if (not (buffer-select (=> b previous-buffer)))
(buffer-select nmode-main-buffer))
(de buffer-select-by-name (buffer-name)
% If the specified buffer exists and is selectable, select it and return it.
% Otherwise, return NIL.
(buffer-select (buffer-find buffer-name)))
(de buffer-select-or-create (buffer-name)
% Select the specified buffer, if it exists and is selectable.
% Otherwise, create a buffer of that name and select it.
(or (buffer-select-by-name buffer-name)
(buffer-select (buffer-create-default buffer-name))
% Prompting for buffer names:
(setf prompt-for-buffer-command-list
(cons (x-char SPACE) 'complete-input-buffer-name)
(cons (x-char CR) 'check-input-buffer-name)
(cons (x-char LF) 'check-input-buffer-name)
(setf prompt-for-existing-buffer-command-list
(cons (x-char SPACE) 'complete-input-buffer-name)
(cons (x-char CR) 'complete-input-existing-buffer-name)
(cons (x-char LF) 'complete-input-existing-buffer-name)
(de prompt-for-buffer (prompt default-b)
% Ask the user for the name of a buffer. If the user gives a name that does
% not name an existing buffer, a new buffer with that name will be created
% (but NOT selected), and the prompt "(New Buffer)" will be displayed.
% Return the buffer. DEFAULT-B is the buffer to return as default (it may
% be NIL). A valid buffer will always be returned (the user may ABORT).
(let* ((default-name (and default-b (=> default-b name)))
(name (prompt-for-string-special
(or (buffer-find name)
(buffer-create-default (string-upcase name))
(write-prompt "(New Buffer)")
(de prompt-for-existing-buffer (prompt default-b)
% Ask the user for the name of an existing buffer. Return the buffer.
% DEFAULT-B is the buffer to return as default (it may be NIL). A valid
% buffer will always be returned, unless the user aborts (throw 'ABORT).
(let* ((default-name (and default-b (=> default-b name)))
(name (prompt-for-string-special
(buffer-find name)
% Internal functions:
(de complete-input-buffer-name ()
% Extend the string in the input buffer as far as possible to match the set of
% existing buffers. Return T if the resulting string names an existing
% buffer; otherwise Beep and return NIL.
(let* ((name (nmode-get-input-string))
(names (buffer-names-that-match name))
(when (not (null names))
(setf name (strings-largest-common-prefix names))
(nmode-replace-input-string name)
(if (member name names)
(progn (Ding) NIL)
(de check-input-buffer-name ()
% Check the string in the input buffer to ensure that it is non-empty, or if
% it is empty, that the default string exists and is not empty. Beep if this
% condition fails, otherwise terminate the input.
(if (or (not (string-empty? (nmode-get-input-string)))
(and nmode-input-default
(not (string-empty? nmode-input-default))))
(de complete-input-existing-buffer-name ()
% If the input buffer is empty and there is a default string, substitute the
% default string. Then, extend the string in the input buffer as far as
% possible to match the set of existing buffers. If the resulting string
% names an existing buffer, refresh and terminate input. Otherwise, beep.
(when (complete-input-buffer-name)
(de buffer-names-that-match (name)
(for (in b nmode-selectable-buffers)
(when (buffer-name-matches b name))
(collect (=> b name))))
(de buffer-name-matches (b name2)
(let* ((len2 (string-length name2))
(name1 (=> b name))
(len1 (string-length name1))
(>= len1 len2)
(string-equal (substring name1 0 len2) name2)
% Attaching buffers to windows
(de window-select-buffer (w b)
% If B is not NIL and B is a selectable buffer, then attach B to the window
% W and return B. Otherwise, do nothing and return NIL.
(cond ((and b (buffer-is-selectable? b))
(=> w set-buffer b)
(nmode-adjust-window w)
(cond ((eq w nmode-current-window)
(setf nmode-current-buffer b)
(de window-select-previous-buffer (w)
% Replace window W's current buffer with that buffer's previous
% buffer, if it exists and is selectable. Otherwise, replace
% it with the MAIN buffer.
(if (not (window-select-buffer w (=> (=> w buffer) previous-buffer)))
(window-select-buffer w nmode-main-buffer)))
(de window-copy-buffer (w-source w-dest)
% Attach to window W-DEST the buffer belonging to window W-SOURCE.
% Duplicate the window's BUFFER-TOP and BUFFER-LEFT as well.
% If W is the current window, then the buffer becomes the current buffer.
(let ((b (=> w-source buffer)))
(=> w-dest set-buffer b)
(=> w-dest set-buffer-top (=> w-source buffer-top))
(=> w-dest set-buffer-left (=> w-source buffer-left))
(cond ((eq w-dest nmode-current-window)
(setf nmode-current-buffer b)
% Killing Buffers
(de window-kill-buffer ()
% This function kills the buffer associated with the current window and
% detaches it from that window or any other window (replacing it with
% another buffer, preferrably the buffer's "previous buffer").
% Do not kill the MAIN or OUTPUT buffer.
(buffer-kill-and-detach (=> nmode-current-window buffer)))
(de buffer-kill-and-detach (b)
% Kill the specified buffer and detach it from any existing windows
% (replacing with another buffer, preferrably the buffer's previous buffer).
% Do not kill the MAIN or OUTPUT buffer.
(if (buffer-kill b)
(for (in w (find-buffer-in-windows b))
(do (window-select-previous-buffer w)))))
(de buffer-killable? (b)
(not (or (eq b nmode-main-buffer)
(eq b nmode-output-buffer)
% Internal function:
(de buffer-kill (b)
% Remove the specified buffer from the list of selectable buffers and return
% T, unless the buffer is the MAIN or OUTPUT buffer, in which case do
% nothing and return NIL.
(let ((kill? (buffer-killable? b)))
(if kill?
(setf nmode-selectable-buffers (DelQ b nmode-selectable-buffers))