% CONS-MKVECT.RED - Standard Lisp constructor functions
% Author: Eric Benson
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 20 August 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 23 Feb 1983 1045-PST
% Changed occurrences of HeapUpperbound to HeapTrapBound in optimized
% allocators to supported pre-GC traps.
% <PSL.KERNEL>CONS-MKVECT.RED.2, 10-Jan-83 15:50:08, Edit by PERDUE
% Added MkEVect
% Edit by GRISS: (?)
% Optimized CONS, XCONS and NCONS
% <PSL.INTERP>CONS-MKVECT.RED.5, 9-Feb-82 06:25:51, Edit by GRISS
% Added HardCons
CompileTime flag('(HardCons), 'InternalFunction);
on SysLisp;
external WVar HeapLast, HeapTrapBound;
syslsp procedure HardCons(U, V); % Basic CONS with car U and cdr V
begin scalar P;
HeapLast := HeapLast - AddressingUnitsPerItem*PairPack();
P := GtHeap PairPack();
P[0] := U;
P[1] := V;
return MkPAIR P;
syslsp procedure Cons(U, V); %. Construct pair with car U and cdr V
begin scalar HP;
<< HP := HeapLast;
if (HeapLast := HeapLast + AddressingUnitsPerItem*PairPack())
> HeapTrapBound then
HardCons(U, V)
<< HP[0] := U;
HP[1] := V;
MkPAIR HP >> >>;
syslsp procedure XCons(U, V); %. eXchanged Cons
begin scalar HP;
<< HP := HeapLast;
if (HeapLast := HeapLast + AddressingUnitsPerItem*PairPack())
> HeapTrapBound then
HardCons(V, U)
<< HP[0] := V;
HP[1] := U;
MkPAIR HP >> >>;
syslsp procedure NCons U; %. U . NIL
begin scalar HP;
<< HP := HeapLast;
if (HeapLast := HeapLast + AddressingUnitsPerItem*PairPack())
> HeapTrapBound then
HardCons(U, NIL)
<< HP[0] := U;
HP[1] := NIL;
MkPAIR HP >> >>;
syslsp procedure MkVect N; %. Allocate vector, init all to NIL
if IntP N then
<< N := IntInf N;
if N < (-1) then
'"A vector with fewer than zero elements cannot be allocated"
else begin scalar V;
V := GtVect N;
for I := 0 step 1 until N do VecItm(V, I) := NIL;
return MkVEC V; % Tag it
end >>
else NonIntegerError(N, 'MkVect);
syslsp procedure MkEVECTOR(N,ETAG); %. Allocate Evect, init all to NIL
if IntP N then
<< N := IntInf N;
if N < (-1) then
'"An Evect with fewer than zero elements cannot be allocated"
else begin scalar V;
V := GtEVect N;
for I := 1 step 1 until N do VecItm(V, I) := NIL;
return MkEVECT V; % Tag it
end >>
else NonIntegerError(N, 'MkEVECT);
off SysLisp;