% WRITE-FLOAT.RED - format a floating point number into a string
% Author: Eric Benson
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 26 November 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% <PSL.KERNEL-20>WRITE-FLOAT.RED.3, 28-Sep-82 15:44:53, Edit by BENSON
% Changed DMOVE to 2 moves, so this will run on a KI10 Tenex
lap '((!*entry WriteFloat expr 2) % convert float to string
% r1 is string pointer, r2 is pointer to 2 word float
% puts characters in string buffer with terminating null char and count
(!*MOVE (reg 1) (reg t1)) % save pointer to string count
(!*WPLUS2 (reg 1) (WConst 1)) % move to chars
(hrli (reg 1) 8#440700) % make r1 a byte pointer
(!*MOVE (reg 1) (reg t2)) % save starting byte pointer
(move (reg 3) (Indexed (reg 2) 1)) % load r2 and r3 with the number
(move (reg 2) (Indexed (reg 2) 0))
(move (reg 4) (lit (fullword 2#000010100000001000000000010000000000)))
% fl%one + fl%pnt + 16 fl%rnd
(!*JUMP (Label Error))
(!*MOVE (WConst -1) (reg 4)) % count := -1
(!*JUMPEQ (Label DoneCounting) (reg 1) (reg t2)) % byte pointers equal?
(ibp (reg t2))
(aoja (reg 4) Count) % Count := Count + 1
(!*MOVE (reg 4) (MEMORY (reg t1) (WConst 0))) % deposit count
(!*MOVE (WConst 0) (reg 2))
(idpb (reg 4) (reg 1)) % deposit null byte
(!*EXIT 0)
(!*MOVE (QUOTE "Couldn't print float") (reg 1))
(!*JCALL IOError)