File r38/packages/rlisp/ artifact 5a24f2c1e6 part of check-in 30d10c278c

% module module; % Support for module and package use.

% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.

% Copyright (c) 1990 The RAND Corporation.  All rights reserved.

% WARNING. This code is loaded quite early in the process of
% bootstrapping. As a result it has to be written such that it
% will work properly with the cut-down bootstrap version of the
% RLISP parser. Various consructions such as <<...>> are not
% available....

fluid '(!*backtrace !*mode !*faslp);

global '(exportslist!* importslist!* loaded!-packages!* mode!-list!*);

!*mode := 'symbolic;   % initial value.




symbolic procedure exports u;
   begin exportslist!* := union(u,exportslist!*) end;

symbolic procedure imports u;
   begin importslist!* := union(u,importslist!*) end;

symbolic procedure module u;
   % Sets up a module definition.
      mode!-list!* := !*mode . mode!-list!*;
      !*mode := 'symbolic

symbolic procedure endmodule;
      if null mode!-list!*
        then rederr  "ENDMODULE called outside module";
      exportslist!* := nil;
      importslist!* := nil;
      !*mode := car mode!-list!*;
      mode!-list!* := cdr mode!-list!*

deflist('((exports rlis) (imports rlis) (module rlis)),'stat);



flag('(module endmodule),'eval);

put('xmodule,'newnam,'module);   % Hook for module extensions.

% Support for package loading.



symbolic procedure formload(u,vars,mode);
   list((if eq(mode,'symbolic) then 'evload else 'load!_package),
	mkquote cdr u);

symbolic procedure load!-package u;
   begin scalar x,y;
      if stringp u then return load!-package intern compress explode2 u
       else if null idp u then rederr list(u,"is not a package name")
       else if memq(u,loaded!-packages!*)
%       then progn(lprim list("Package",u,"already loaded"), return u)
        then return u
       else if or(atom(x:= errorset(list('evload,list('quote,list u)),
                  cdr x)
        then rederr
           list("error in loading package",u,"or package not found");
      loaded!-packages!* := u . loaded!-packages!*;
      x := get(u,'package);
      if x then x := cdr x;
   a: if null x then return install!-patches u
       else if null atom get(car x,'package) then load!-package car x
       else if or(atom(y := errorset(list('evload,
                                         list('quote,list car x)),
                  cdr y)
        then rederr list("module",car x,"of package",u,
                         "cannot be loaded");
      x := cdr x;
      go to a

% Now a more user-friendly version.



symbolic procedure load!_package u;
   begin scalar x;
      x := u;
   a: if null x then return nil;
      load!-package car x;
      x := cdr x;
      go to a

symbolic procedure packages!_to!_load u;
   %% FJW: Load other packages at package load time only, i.e. do not
   %% load during building (hence not to be flagged eval).
   if null !*faslp then load!_package u;



flag('(load!-package load!_package),'eval);

% Support for patching REDUCE sources.

symbolic procedure patchstat;
   % Read a patch for a given package.
   begin scalar !*mode,u,v,x,y,z,z2;
      x := scan();   % Package name.
      scan();        % Remove semicolon.
 a:   !*mode := 'symbolic;
      y := xread nil;
      if eqcar(y,'symbolic) then y := cadr y
       else if flagpcar(y,'modefn)
        then progn(!*mode := car y, y := cadr y);
      if eq(y,'endpatch)
       then progn(u := name!-for!-patched!-version(x, z),
                  z2 :=  list('de,u,nil,'progn . reversip z) . z2,
		  z2 := list('patches!-load!-check,mkquote x,mkquote u) . z2,
                  return ('patch . reversip z2))
       else if eqcar(y,'procedure)
        then progn(
               v := cadr y,
               u := name!-for!-patched!-version(v, y),
               z := list('instate!-patches,mkquote v,mkquote u,mkquote x) . z,
               z2  := convertmode(('procedure . u . cddr y),nil,
                     . z2)
       else z := convertmode(y,nil,'symbolic,!*mode) . z;
      go to a;

symbolic procedure name!-for!-patched!-version(name, extra);
   % hashtagged!-name (in CSL) constructs a name that starts with NAME but
   % then continues with a hash value based on EXTRA. The improbability of
   % hash collisions then makes it reasonable to use an interned symbol.
   if member('psl, lispsystem!*) then gensym()
    else hashtagged!-name(name,extra);

symbolic procedure instate!-patches(new,old,pkg);
  begin scalar x;
     x := getd old;
     if x then putd(new,car x,cdr x)
      else rerror('module,1,list(new,"has a badly set-up patch"));
     return nil

symbolic procedure install!-patches u;
   % Written this way for bootstrapping.
   if eq(u,'patches) then nil
    else if (u := get(u,'patchfn))
     then begin scalar !*usermode,!*redefmsg; eval list u end;

symbolic procedure patches!-load!-check(u,v);
      if memq(u,loaded!-packages!*) then install!-patches u


symbolic procedure formpatch(u,vars,mode);
   'progn . cdr u;


% endmodule;


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