module mo;
## ##
## ##
Monomials are of the form x^a*e_i with a multipower x^a and a module
component e_i. They belong either to the base ring R (i=0) or to a
free module R^c (c >= i > 0).
All computations are performed with respect to a "current module"
over a "current ring" (=cali!=basering).
To each module component e_i of the current module we assign a
"column degree", i.e. a monomial representing a certain multidegree
of the basis vector e_i. See the module dpmat for more details.
The column degrees of the current module are stored in the assoc.
list cali!=degrees.
Informal syntax :
<monomial> ::= (<exponential part> . <degree part>)
< .. part> ::= list of integer
Here exponent lists may have varying length since trailing zeroes are
assumed to be omitted. The zero component of <exp. part> contains the
module component. It correspond to the phantom var. name cali!=mk.
% ----------- manipulations of the degree part --------------------
symbolic procedure mo!=sprod(a,b);
% Scalar product of integer lists a and b .
if not a or not b then 0
else (car a)#*(car b) #+ mo!=sprod(cdr a,cdr b);
symbolic procedure mo!=deglist(a);
% a is an exponent list. Returns the degree list of a.
if null a then
for each x in ring_degrees cali!=basering collect 0
else (mo!=sum(
for each x in ring_degrees cali!=basering collect
mo!=sprod(cdr a,x),
if b then cddr b else nil)
where b = assoc(car a,cali!=degrees));
symbolic procedure mo_neworder m;
% Deletes trailing zeroes and returns m with new degree part.
(m1 . mo!=deglist m1) where m1 =mo!=shorten car m;
symbolic procedure mo_degneworder l;
% New degree parts in the degree list l.
for each x in l collect car x . mo_neworder cdr x;
symbolic procedure mo!=shorten m;
begin scalar m1;
m1:=reverse m;
while m1 and eqn(car m1,0) do m1:=cdr m1;
return reversip m1;
% ------------- comparisions of monomials -----------------
symbolic procedure mo_zero; nil . mo!=deglist nil;
% Returns the unit monomial x^0.
symbolic procedure mo_zero!? u; mo!=zero car u;
symbolic procedure mo!=zero u;
null u or car u = 0 and mo!=zero cdr u;
symbolic procedure mo_equal!?(m1,m2);
% Test whether m1 = m2.
equal(mo!=shorten car m1,mo!=shorten car m2);
symbolic procedure mo_divides!?(m1,m2);
% m1,m2:monomial. true :<=> m1 divides m2
mo!=modiv1(car m1,car m2);
symbolic procedure mo!=modiv1(e1,e2);
if not e1 then t else if not e2 then nil
else leq(car e1,car e2) and mo!=modiv1(cdr e1, cdr e2);
symbolic procedure mo_compare(m1,m2);
% compare (m1,m2) . m1 < m2 => -1 | m1 = m2 => 0 | m1 > m2 => +1
begin scalar x;
x:=mo!=degcomp(cdr m1,cdr m2);
if x=0 then
x:=if equal(ring_tag cali!=basering,'revlex) then
mo!=revlexcomp(car m1, car m2)
else mo!=lexcomp(car m1,car m2);
return x;
symbolic procedure mo_dlexcomp(a,b); mo!=lexcomp(car a,car b)=1;
% Descending lexicographic order, first by mo_comp.
symbolic procedure mo!=degcomp(d1,d2);
if null d1 then 0
else if car d1 = car d2 then mo!=degcomp(cdr d1,cdr d2)
else if car d1 #< car d2 then -1
else 1;
symbolic procedure mo!=revlexcomp(e1,e2);
if length e1 #> length e2 then -1
else if length e2 #> length e1 then 1
else - mo!=degcomp(reverse e1,reverse e2);
symbolic procedure mo!=lexcomp(e1,e2);
if null e1 then
if null e2 then 0 else mo!=lexcomp('(0),e2)
else if null e2 then mo!=lexcomp(e1,'(0))
else if car e1 = car e2 then mo!=lexcomp(cdr e1,cdr e2)
else if car e1 #> car e2 then 1
else -1;
% ---------- manipulation of the module component --------
symbolic procedure mo_comp v;
% Retuns the module component of v.
if null car v then 0 else caar v;
symbolic procedure mo_from_ei i;
% Make e_i.
if i=0 then mo_zero() else (x . mo!=deglist x) where x =list(i);
symbolic procedure mo_vdivides!?(v1,v2);
% Equal module component and v1 divides v2.
eqn(mo_comp v1,mo_comp v2) and mo_divides!?(v1,v2);
symbolic procedure mo_deletecomp v;
% Delete component part.
if null car v then v
else if null cdar v then (nil . mo!=deglist nil)
else ((x . mo!=deglist x) where x=cons(0,cdar v));
symbolic procedure mo_times_ei(i,m);
% Returns m * e_i or n*e_{i+k}, if m=n*e_k.
(x . mo!=deglist x)
where x=if null car m then list(i) else cons(i #+ caar m,cdar m);
symbolic procedure mo_deg m; cdr m;
% Returns the degree part of m.
symbolic procedure mo_getdegree(v,l);
% Compute the (virtual) degree of the monomial v with respect to the
% assoc. list l of column degrees.
mo_deletecomp(if a then mo_sum(v,cdr a) else v)
where a =assoc(mo_comp(v),l);
% --------------- monomial arithmetics -----------------------
symbolic procedure mo_lcm (m1,m2);
% Monomial least common multiple.
begin scalar x,e1,e2;
e1:=car m1; e2:=car m2;
while e1 and e2 do
<<x := (if car e1 #> car e2 then car e1 else car e2) . x;
e1 := cdr e1; e2 := cdr e2>>;
x:=append(reversip x,if e1 then e1 else e2);
return (mo!=shorten x) . (mo!=deglist x);
symbolic procedure mo_gcd (m1,m2);
% Monomial greatest common divisor.
begin scalar x,e1,e2;
e1:=car m1; e2:=car m2;
while e1 and e2 do
<<x := (if car e1 #< car e2 then car e1 else car e2) . x;
e1 := cdr e1; e2 := cdr e2>>;
x:=reversip x; return (mo!=shorten x) . (mo!=deglist x);
symbolic procedure mo_neg v;
% Return v^-1.
(for each x in car v collect -x).(for each x in cdr v collect -x);
symbolic procedure mo_sum(m1,m2);
% Monomial product.
((mo!=shorten x) . (mo!=deglist x))
where x =mo!=sum(car m1,car m2);
symbolic procedure mo!=sum(e1,e2);
begin scalar x;
while e1 and e2 do
<<x := (car e1 #+ car e2) . x; e1 := cdr e1; e2 := cdr e2>>;
return append(reversip x,if e1 then e1 else e2);
symbolic procedure mo_diff (m1,m2); mo_sum(m1,mo_neg m2);
symbolic procedure mo_qrem(m,n);
% m,n monomials. Returns (q . r) with m=n^q*r.
begin scalar m1,n1,q,q1;
q:=-1; m1:=cdar m; n1:=cdar n;
while m1 and n1 and (q neq 0) do
<< if car n1 > 0 then
<< q1:=car m1 / car n1;
if (q=-1) or (q>q1) then q:=q1;
n1:=cdr n1; m1:=cdr m1;
if n1 or (q=-1) then q:=0;
return q . mo_diff(m,mo_power(n,q));
symbolic procedure mo_power(mo,n);
% Monomial power mo^n.
(for each x in car mo collect n #* x) .
(for each x in cdr mo collect n #* x);
symbolic procedure mo!=pair(a,b);
if null a or null b then nil
else (car a . car b) . mo!=pair(cdr a,cdr b);
symbolic procedure mo_2list m;
% Returns a list (var name . exp) for the monomial m.
begin scalar k; k:=car m;
return for each x in
mo!=pair(ring_names cali!=basering, if k then cdr k else nil)
join if cdr x neq 0 then {x};
symbolic procedure mo_varexp(var,m);
% Returns the exponent of var:var. name in the monomial m.
if not member(var,ring_names cali!=basering) then
typerr(var,"variable name")
else begin scalar c;
c:=assoc(var,mo_2list m);
return if c then cdr c else 0
symbolic procedure mo_inc(m,x,j);
% Return monomial m with power of var. x increased by j.
begin scalar n,v;
if not member(x,v:=ring_all_names cali!=basering) then
typerr(x,"dpoly variable");
m:=car m;
while x neq car v do
<< if m then <<n:=car m . n; m:=cdr m>> else n:=0 . n;
v:=cdr v;
if m then
<< n:=(car m #+ j).n; if m:=cdr m then n:=nconc(reverse m,n) >>
else n:=j . n;
while n and (car n = 0) do n:=cdr n;
n:=reversip n;
return n . mo!=deglist n
symbolic procedure mo_linear m;
% Test whether the monomial m is linear and return the corresponding
% variable or nil.
(if (length u=1 and cdar u=1) then caar u else nil)
where u=mo_2list m;
symbolic procedure mo_ecart m;
% Returns the ecart of the monomial m.
if null car m then 0
else mo!=sprod(cdar (if a then mo_sum(cdr a,m) else m),
ring_ecart cali!=basering)
where a:=atsoc(mo_comp m,cali!=degrees);
symbolic procedure mo_radical m;
% Returns the radical of the monomial m.
(x . mo!=deglist x)
where x = for each y in car m collect if y=0 then 0 else 1;
symbolic procedure mo_seed(m,s);
% Set var's outside the list s equal to one.
begin scalar m1,x,v;
if not subsetp(s,v:=ring_all_names cali!=basering) then
typerr(s,"dpoly name's list");
m1:=car m;
while m1 and v do
<< x:=cons(if member(car v,s) then car m1 else 0,x);
m1:=cdr m1; v:=cdr v
while x and eqn(car x,0) do x:=cdr x;
x:=reversip x;
return x . mo!=deglist x;
symbolic procedure mo_wconvert(m,w);
% Conversion of monomials for weighted Hilbert series.
% w is a list of (integer) weight lists.
( x . mo!=deglist x) where
x = mo!=shorten(0 . for each x in w collect
(if car m then mo!=sprod(cdar m,x) else 0));
% ---------------- monomial interface ---------------
symbolic procedure mo_from_a u;
% Convert a kernel to a monomial.
if not(u member ring_all_names cali!=basering) then
typerr(u,"dpoly variable")
else begin scalar x,y;
for each x in ring_all_names cali!=basering collect
if x equal u then 1 else 0;
return y . mo!=deglist y;
symbolic procedure mo_2a e;
% Convert a monomial to part of algebraic prefix form of a dpoly.
mo!=expvec2a1(car e,ring_all_names cali!=basering);
symbolic procedure mo!=expvec2a1(u,v);
if null u then nil
else if car u = 0 then mo!=expvec2a1(cdr u,cdr v)
else if car u = 1 then car v . mo!=expvec2a1(cdr u,cdr v)
else list('expt,car v,car u) . mo!=expvec2a1(cdr u,cdr v);
symbolic procedure mo_prin(e,v);
% Print monomial e in infix form. V is a boolean variable which is
% true if an element in a product has preceded this one
mo!=dpevlpri1(car e,ring_all_names cali!=basering,v);
symbolic procedure mo!=dpevlpri1(e,u,v);
if null e then nil
else if car e = 0 then mo!=dpevlpri1(cdr e,cdr u,v)
else <<if v then print_lf "*";
print_lf car u;
if car e #> 1 then <<print_lf "^"; print_lf car e>>;
mo!=dpevlpri1(cdr e,cdr u,t)>>;
symbolic procedure mo_support m;
% Returns the support of the monomial m as a list of var. names
% in the correct order.
begin scalar u;
for each x in ring_names cali!=basering do
if mo_divides!?(mo_from_a x,m) then u:=x . u;
return reversip u;
endmodule; % mo