module gnuplot; % REDUCE interace for gnuplot graphics.
create!-package('(gnuplot rgpunx rgpdos gnuplot2),'(contrib plot));
global '(!*plotusepipe !*plotpause plotdta!* plotdta!*2 plotmax!*
plotmin!* plotcmds!* plotcommand!* plotheader!*
plotcleanup!* plottmp!* lispsystem!* !*plotinterrupts);
module; % REDUCE-gnuplot configuration for UNIX/PSL
flag('(cond),'eval); % for system dependent compilation
global '(plottemp!*);
if 'psl member lispsystem!* and 'unix member lispsystem!* then
!*plotusepipe:=t; % pipes: yes
load pipes;
!*plotpause:=nil; % pause: no
plottemp!* := "/tmp/";
if getenv "LOGNAME" then
plottemp!* := bldmsg("%w%w.",plottemp!*,getenv "LOGNAME")
else if getenv "USER" then
plottemp!* := bldmsg("%w%w.",plottemp!*,getenv "USER");
plotdta!* := bldmsg("%wplotdta!*",plottemp!*); % scratch data files
plotdta!*2:= bldmsg("%wplotdta*2",plottemp!*);
plotcmds!* :=bldmsg("%wplotcmds*",plottemp!*); % if pipes not accessible
plotcommand!* := if getenv "gnuplot" then
bldmsg("cd %w/;gnuplot",getenv "gnuplot") else
bldmsg("cd %w/plot/;gnuplot",getenv "reduce");
plotheader!* := "set term x11"; % header: set terminal to X11
plotcleanup!* := % delete scratch files
{"rm /tmp/plotdt*","rm /tmp/plotcmds!*"};
!*plotinterrupts := '(10002);
module rgpdos; % REDUCE-gnuplot configuration for DOS,Windows,OS2/PSL.
fluid '(!*!*windows);
if 'psl member lispsystem!* and
intersection('(dos os2 winnt),lispsystem!*) then
plottmp!* := getenv "tmp" or getenv "temp" or "c:\";
!*plotpause:=nil; % no pause
plotdta!* := bldmsg("%w\plotdta",plottmp!*);
plotdta!*2:= bldmsg("%w\plotdta2",plottmp!*);
if !*!*windows eq 1 or getenv("OS") = "Windows NT" then
% for windows:
% use plot pipe
load pipes;
plotcmds!* := bldmsg("%w\plotcmds",plottmp!*);;
plotcommand!* := bldmsg(
plotheader!* := "";
else if getenv("system") = "OS2" then
rederr "gnuplot for OS2 not yet available"
% for dos:
% pass commands as parameter file
% write command file and data to directory /tmp
!*plotusepipe:=nil; % no pipes
plotcmds!* := bldmsg("%w\plotcmds",plottmp!*);
plotcommand!* :=
fnexpand bldmsg("$reduce\plot\gnuplot.exe %w",plotcmds!*);
plotheader!* := "set term vga";
plotcleanup!* := % delete scratch files
{bldmsg("del %w\plotdt*",plottmp!*),
bldmsg("del %w",plotcmds!*)};
plotmax!* := 3e36; % IEEE single precision
!*plotinterrupts := '(10002);
module; % REDUCE-gnuplot configuration for CSL
flag('(cond),'eval); % for system dependent compilation
global '(plottemp!*);
if 'csl member lispsystem!* then
% The following tests need to be done when GNUPLOT is loaded, since
% it may be that the module is compiled on a machine with different
% characteristics to the one on which it will eventually run.
symbolic procedure channelflush x;
<< x := wrs x; flush(); wrs x >>;
!*plotpause := -1; % wait for newline from user
plotdta!* := tmpnam(); % Files to use if pipes not available
plotdta!*2:= tmpnam();
plotcmds!*:= tmpnam();
% plotcleanup!* is a list of commands to be obeyed after a gnuplot run.
% it is mainly needed to get rid of the data file (used even when pipes
% are available).
plotcleanup!* := {};
% {bldmsg("%w %w", delcmd, plotdta!*),
% bldmsg("%w %w", delcmd, plotdta!*2),
% bldmsg("%w %w", delcmd, plotcmds!*)};
% If a shell variable "gnuplot" is set it is expected to be the
% directory within which gnuplot binaries can be found.
plotdir!* := getenv "gnuplot";
dirchar!* := "/";
plotcommand!* := "gnuplot";
opsys!* := assoc('opsys, lispsystem!*);
if null opsys!* then opsys!* := 'unknown
else opsys!* := cdr opsys!*;
if opsys!* = 'win32 then <<
% For Microsoft Windows use I try to use "wgnuplot" rather than "gnuplot",
% and the options provided are copied from the PSL case above.
plotcommand!* := "wgnuplot;wgnuplot_parent;wgnuplot_text";
plotheader!* := "";
dirchar!* := "\";
plotcleanup!* :=
{bldmsg("erase %w", plotdta!*),
bldmsg("erase %w", plotdta!*2),
bldmsg("erase %w", plotcmds!*)} >>
else if opsys!* = 'msdos then <<
% Under MSDOS the PSL version sets a VGA screen explicitly - that seems to
% upset the version of gnuplot that I have to test. Also I find "tmpnam"
% somewhat unhelpful, I can do a bit better (I hope) here.
plotheader!* := ""; % ?? "set term vga";
dirchar!* := "\";
plotdta!* := "gnutmp1.tmp";
plotdta!*2:= "gnutmp2.tmp";
plotcmds!*:= "gnutmp3.tmp";
plotcleanup!* := {"erase gnutmp*.tmp"} >>
else if opsys!* = 'riscos then <<
% Under RiscOS I need to be running under the window syatem for GNUPLOT
% to be available. I will not test for that here but will expect the
% "PLOT" command to fail if run from the command line.
plotheader!* := "";
dirchar!* := ".";
plotcleanup!* :=
{bldmsg("remove %w", plotdta!*),
bldmsg("remove %w", plotdta!*2),
bldmsg("remove %w", plotcmds!*)} >>
else if opsys!* = 'unix then <<
% For Unix I assume X11.
plotheader!* := "set term x11";
plotcleanup!* :=
{bldmsg("rm %w", plotdta!*),
bldmsg("rm %w", plotdta!*2),
bldmsg("rm %w", plotcmds!*)} >>
else <<
% Other systems set up for a dumb terminal. This is probably unsatisfactory,
% but you can easily change the source here to adjust for what you want.
% If you just comment out the "rederr" line you will have gnuplot working
% in dumb-terminal mode.
rederr bldmsg("gnuplot for %w not available yet", opsys!*);
plotheader!* := "set term dumb" >>;
% If there are no pipes available gnuplot will need a command-line
% argument indicating where its input file is.
if 'pipes member lispsystem!* then !*plotusepipe:=t
else plotcommand!* := bldmsg("%w %w", plotcommand!*, plotcmds!*);
% If I have a directory to look for gnuplot in I either just give a
% full path or (under Unix) I temporarily switch current directories
% to there.
if plotdir!* then <<
if opsys!* = 'unix then
plotcommand!* := bldmsg("pushd %w; %w ; popd",
plotdir!*, plotcommand!*)
else plotcommand!* := bldmsg("%w%w%w",
plotdir!*, dirchar!*, plotcommand!*) >>;
module gnuplot2;
global '(!*plotusepipe !*trplot !*plotkeep !*plotrefine
switch plotusepipe; % use pipes
switch trplot; % list Gnuplot commands to REDUCE
% output (e.g. screen).
switch plotkeep; % if ON, the command and data files are
% not erased after calling Gnuplot.
switch plotrefine; % if OFF no refinments are computed
% for 2D plot.
global '(
!*plotpause % Gnuplot pause command at the end:
% nil: no pause
% -1: Gnuplot will ask the user for
% a return key.
% number>0: Gnuplot will wait <number>
% seconds.
plotcommand!* % string: command to start gnuplot
plotcmds!* % file for collecting commands
plotdta!* plotdta!*2 % files for collecting data
plotheader!* % list of Gnuplot commands (strings)
% for initializing GNUPLOT
plotcleanup!* % list of system commands (strings)
% for cleaning up after gnuplot
plotmax!* % maximal floating point number which
% gnuplot supports on the machine
% (mostly IEEE double or single precision).
plotmin!* % lower bound (=1/plotmax!*)
variation!* % defintion of y-bigstep for smooth
if null plotcommand!* then rederr
" no support of GNUPLOT for this installation";
if null plotmax!* then
load!-package 'arith;
if not !!plumax then roundconstants();
plotmax!* := !!plumax; % IEEE double precision
plotmin!*:= 1.0/plotmax!*;
fluid '(plotranges!* plotfunctions!* plotpipe!*
plotstyle!* plotoptions!* !*plotoverflow
symbolic procedure plotreset();
if !*plotusepipe and plotpipe!* then
<< plotprin2 "exit"; plotterpri();
close plotpipe!*; plotpipe!*:=nil;>>;
symbolic operator plotreset;
% Create .. as the infix operator if not yet done.
newtok '( (!. !.) !*interval!*);
precedence .., or;
algebraic operator ..;
put('!*interval!*,'PRTCH,'! !.!.! );
global '(plot_xmesh plot_ymesh plot_xrange plot_yrange plot_zrange);
share plot_xmesh,plot_ymesh,plot_xrange,plot_yrange,plot_zrange;
plot_xmesh := 20;
plot_ymesh := 20;
fluid '(plotprecision!*);
plotprecision!* := 0.9995;
symbolic procedure adomainp u;
numberp u or (pairp u and idp car u and get(car u,'dname))
or eqcar(u,'minus) and adomainp cadr u;
symbolic procedure revalnuminterval(u,num);
% Evaluate u as interval; numeric bounds required if num=T.
begin scalar l;
if not eqcar(u,'!*interval!*) then typerr(u,"interval");
l:={reval cadr u,reval caddr u};
if null num or(adomainp car l and adomainp cadr l)then return l;
typerr(u,"numeric interval");
symbolic procedure PlotOpenDisplay();
if null plotpipe!* then
if not !*plotusepipe then plotpipe!* := open(plotcmds!*,'output)
else <<plotpipe!* :=pipe!-open(plotcommand!*,'output)>>;
if atom plotheader!* then <<plotprin2 plotheader!*; plotterpri()>>
else if eqcar(plotheader!*,'list) then
for each x in cdr plotheader!* do <<plotprin2 x; plotterpri()>>
else typerr(plotheader!*,"gnuplot header");
symbolic procedure plotshow();
if !*plotusepipe and plotpipe!* then
<< channelflush plotpipe!*; >>
<<if !*plotpause then plotprin2lt{"pause ",!*plotpause};
close plotpipe!*;
plotpipe!* := nil;
if plotcommand!* then
<<plot!-exec plotcommand!*;
if not !*plotkeep then
for each u in plotcleanup!* do system u;
symbolic procedure plot!-exec u; system u;
symbolic procedure plotprin2 u;
<<prin2 u; wrs v;
if !*trplot then prin2 u>> where v=wrs plotpipe!*,!*lower=t;
symbolic procedure plotterpri();
<<terpri(); wrs v;
if !*trplot then terpri() >> where v=wrs plotpipe!*;
symbolic procedure plotprin2lt l;
<<for each x in l do plotprin2 x; plotterpri()>>;
fluid '(plotprinitms!*);
symbolic procedure plotprinexpr u;
begin scalar plotprinitms!*,!*lower,v;
v := wrs plotpipe!*;
plotprinitms!* := 0;
if eqcar(u,'file) then
<<prin2 '!"; prin2 cadr u;prin2 '!"; prin2 " ">>
errorset(list('plotprinexpr1,mkquote u,nil),nil,nil);
wrs v;
symbolic procedure plotprinexpr1(u,oldop);
begin scalar op;
if plotprinitms!* > 5 then
<<prin2 "\"; terpri(); plotprinitms!*:=0>>;
if atom u then
<<prin2 if u='e then 2.718281 else
if u='pi then 3.14159 else u;
plotprinitms!* := plotprinitms!*+1>>
if eqcar(u,'!:rd!:) then
plotprinexpr1 (if atom cdr u then cdr u else
bf2flr u,nil)
if (op:=car u) memq '(plus times difference quotient expt) then
plotprinexpr2(cdr u,get(car u,'PRTCH),
oldop and not (op memq(oldop memq
'(difference plus times quotient expt)))
if op='MINUS then
<<prin2 "(-";
plotprinexpr1(cadr u,t);
prin2 ")">>
if get(car u,'!:RD!:) then
<<prin2 car u; plotprinexpr2(cdr u,'!, ,t,nil)>>
typerr(u," expression for printing")
symbolic procedure plotprinexpr2(u,sep,br,op);
<<if br then prin2 " (";
while u do
<<plotprinexpr1(car u,op);
u := cdr u;
if u then prin2 sep>>;
if br then prin2 ") "
symbolic procedure plotrounded d;
begin scalar o;
if null d then
<<if dmode!* then <<o:=get(dmode!*,'dname); setdmode(o,nil)>>;
o:={o,!*rounded,!*roundbf,!*complex,precision 0};
!*rounded:=t; !*roundbf:=nil;
return o;
if car(d) then setdmode(car d,t);
!*rounded:=cadr d;
!*roundbf:=caddr d;
!*complex:=cadddr d;
precision car cddddr d;
symbolic procedure gnuploteval u;
begin scalar m;
for each v in u do
<<plotprinexpr reval v; plotprin2 " ">>;
symbolic procedure ploteval u;
begin scalar m;
!*plotoverflow := nil;
plotoptions!*:= plotranges!* := plotfunctions!* := nil;
plotstyle!* := 'lines;
for each option in u do ploteval1 reval option;
symbolic procedure ploteval1 option;
begin scalar x;
if pairp option and (x:=get(car option,'plotdo))
then apply(x,list option) else
if eqcar(option,'equal) and (x:=get(cadr option,'plotdo))
then apply(x,list caddr option)
else ploteval0 option;
symbolic procedure ploteval0 option;
begin scalar l,r;
if option memq '(
contour nocontour
logscale nologscale surface nosurface
hidden3d) then
<<plotoptions!*:=option . plotoptions!*; return>>;
if eqcar(option,'list) then
<<option := cdr option;
if option and eqcar(car option,'list) then
return (plotfunctions!*:=
('points.plotpoints option).plotfunctions!*);
typerr(option,"plot option")
if eqcar(option,'equal) and memq(cadr option,
'(xlabel ylabel zlabel title)) then
<<plotoptions!*:=(cadr option.caddr option). plotoptions!*;
if not eqcar(option,'equal) then
<<plotfunctions!*:= (nil.option) . plotfunctions!*; return>>;
if not idp (l:=reval cadr option) then
rederr "illegal option in PLOT";
r:=reval caddr option;
if l memq '(size terminal view) then
<<plotoptions!*:=(l.r).plotoptions!*; return>>;
if eqcar(r,'!*interval!*) then
% must be a range
<<r:='!*interval!* . revalnuminterval(r,t);
plotranges!* := (l . r) . plotranges!*>>
plotfunctions!* := (l . r) . plotfunctions!*;
symbolic procedure plotpoints u;
begin scalar f,fn,of,dim,y,w;
fn := plotdta!*2;
f := open(fn,'output);
of := wrs f;
wrs of;
close f;
if ploterrorp dim then
rederr "failure during plotting point set";
return if car dim=2 then {'file,fn,'x} else {'file,fn,'x,'y};
symbolic procedure plotpoints0 u;
begin scalar y,z,bool;
integer n;
for each x in cdr u do
if not bool and eqcar(x,'list) then n:=plotpoints0 x
<<bool:=t; n:=n#+1;
z:=rdwrap reval x;
if not numberp z then <<wrs nil; typerr(x,"number")>>;
prin2 z; prin2 " ";
return n;
symbolic procedure plotpoints1 u;
begin scalar f,fn,of,dim,y;
fn := plotdta!*;
dim := length car u -1;
f := open(fn,'output);
of := wrs f;
for each x in u do
<<for each y in x do
<< if nil member y then t else
for each z in y do <<plotprin2number z; prin2 " ">>;
wrs of;
close f;
return plotdta!*;
symbolic procedure plotprin2number u;
prin2 if floatp u and abs u < plotmin!* then "0.0" else u;
symbolic procedure ploteval2 ();
% all options are collected now;
begin scalar dvar,ivars;
for each u in plotfunctions!* do
<<dvar:=car u or dvar;
ivars := plotindepvars(cdr u,ivars)>>;
% classify
if null dvar then
<<dvar:='(x y z);
for each x in ivars do dvar:=delete(x,dvar);
if dvar then dvar:=car dvar
if length ivars=1 then ploteval2x(car ivars,dvar) else
if length ivars=2 then ploteval3xy(car ivars,cadr ivars,dvar)
else typerr('list . for each p in plotfunctions!* collect
if null car p then cdr p else
{'equal,car p,cdr p},
" plot option or function");
symbolic procedure plotinterval u;
<<plotprin2 " [";
plotprinexpr(car u);
plotprin2 ":";
plotprinexpr(cadr u);
plotprin2 "]\";
flag ('(xlabel ylabel zlabel),'plotstring);
symbolic procedure plotoptions();
<<if not 'polar memq plotoptions!* then
plotoptions!* := 'nopolar . plotoptions!*;
if not 'contour memq plotoptions!* then
plotoptions!* := 'nocontour . plotoptions!*;
for each x in plotoptions!* do
<<plotprin2 "set ";
if idp x then plotprin2 x else
<<plotprin2 car x;
plotprin2 " ";
if flagp(car x,'plotstring) then plotprin2 '!";
plotprin2 cdr x;
if flagp(car x,'plotstring) then plotprin2 '!">>;
symbolic procedure plotstyle1();
if plotstyle!* then
<<plotprin2 " \";
plotprin2 " with ";
plotprin2 plotstyle!*;
plotprin2 " ";
symbolic procedure ploteval2x(x,y);
begin scalar u,iv,xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,rx,ry,f,fp,fcn,fcns,pts;
reval(plot_xrange or '(!*interval!* -10 10)));
xlo:=car rx;
xhi:=cadr rx;
fcns:= reverse plotfunctions!*;
ry:=plotrange(y, reval(plot_yrange or nil));
if ry then <<ylo:=car ry; yhi:=cadr ry>>;
while fcns do
<<fcn := car fcns; fcns := cdr fcns;
if eqcar(fcn,'points) then fp:=caddr fcn else
pts:=nconc(ploteval2x1(cdr fcn,x,xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi),pts);
if fcns then pts:=nil.pts;
if pts then f:=plotpoints1 pts;
plotoptions!* := 'noparametric . plotoptions!*;
plotprin2lt{"set size 1,1"};
plotprin2lt{"set xlabel ",'!",x,'!"};
plotprin2lt{"set ylabel ",'!",y,'!"};
plotprin2lt{"set nokey"};
if f or fp then plotprin2 "plot ";
if f then
<< plotprin2 "'"; plotprin2 f; plotprin2 "'";
plotprin2 " with lines";
if fp then
<< if f then plotprin2 ",";
plotprin2 "'"; plotprin2 fp; plotprin2 "'";
plotprin2 if f then " with points" else " with lines";
symbolic procedure ploteval2x1(f,x,xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi);
begin scalar plotsynerr!*,l,d,d0,u,v,vv,p,mx,mn,ff;
ff:=rdwrap f;
plot_xmesh := reval plot_xmesh;
p:=float plot_xmesh;
for i:=0:plot_xmesh do
<<vv:=if i=0 or i=plot_xmesh then v
else v+d*(random(100)-50)*0.001;
u:= plotevalform(ff,f,{x.vv});
if plotsynerr!* then typerr(f,"function to plot");
if eqcar(u,'overflow) then u:=nil;
if u then
if yhi and u>yhi then u:=yhi else
if ylo and u<ylo then u:=ylo;;
if null mx or u>mx then mx:=u;
if null mn or u<mn then mn:=u
variation!* :=
if yhi and not(yhi=plotmax!*) then (yhi-ylo) else
ploteval2xvariation l;
if !*plotrefine then
l:=smooth(reversip l,ff,f,x,mx,mn,ylo,yhi,d);
return {for each x in l collect {car x,cdr x}};
symbolic procedure ploteval2xvariation l;
begin scalar u;
% compute geometric mean value.
integer m;
for each p in l do
<<m:=m+1; p:=cdr p;
if p and not p = 0.0 then u:=u*abs p;
return expt(u,1/float m);
symbolic procedure smooth(l,ff,f,x,maxv,minv,ylo,yhi,d);
begin scalar rat,grain,cutmax,cutmin,z,z0,p0,p1,p2,p3;
cutmax := yhi or (- 2*minv + 3*maxv);
cutmin := ylo or (3*minv - 2*maxv);
grain := variation!* *0.05;
rat := d / if maxv > minv then (maxv - minv) else 1;
while z and null cdar z do z:=cdr z;
while z and cdr z do
<<z0:=z; z:=cdr z;
return l;
symbolic procedure smooth1(l,ff,f,x,minv,maxv,g,rat,lev,ml);
symbolic procedure smooth2(l,ff,f,x,minv,maxv,g,rat,lev,ml);
if lev >= ml then % t % cdr l := {nil} . cdr l
if null cdar l then t else
begin scalar p0,p1,p2,p3,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,d;
scalar dy12,dy32,dx12,dx32,z,a,ty,w;
lev:= add1 lev;
p1:=car l; p3:=cadr l;
x1:=car p1; y1:=cdr p1;
x3:=car p3; y3:=cdr p3;
if null y3 then
<<if null cddr l then return(cdr l:=nil);
x2:=x3; y2:=y3; cdr l:=cddr l;
p3:=cadr l; x3:=car p3; y3:=cdr p3;
if y3 then goto outside else goto nopoint;
% Generate a new point
if null (y2 := plotevalform(ff,f,{x.x2}))
or eqcar(y2,'overflow) then goto outside;
if y2 < minv or y2 > maxv then goto outside;
dy32 := (y3 - y2) * rat; dx32 := x3 - x2;
dy12 := (y1 - y2) * rat; dx12 := x1 - x2;
d := sqrt((dy32**2 + dx32**2) * (dy12**2 + dx12**2));
if zerop d then return t;
w := (dy32*dy12 + dx32*dx12);
d:= errorset({'quotient,w,d},nil,nil);
if ploterrorp d then goto disc else d:=-car d;
if d > plotprecision!* and a then goto disc;
% We have a good point, insert it with destructive replacement.
% If the angle is greater than 8 degrees or the vertical distance
% is too great, do a double refinement otherwise quit.
cdr l := (x2 . y2) . cdr l;
smooth2(cdr l,ff,f,x,minv,maxv,g,rat,lev,ml);
return t;
% Function exceeded boundaries. Try to locate the screen crossing point.
cdr l := (x2 . nil) . cdr l;
z := cdr l; % insert a break
p2:= (x2 . y2); % artificial midpoint
p0:=findsing(ff,f,x, minv, maxv, p1, p2);
if p0 then
<< cdr l := p0 . z;
smooth2(l,ff,f,x,minv,maxv,g,rat,lev,ml) >>;
p0 := findsing(ff,f,x, minv, maxv, p3, p2);
if p0 then
<< cdr z := p0 . cdr z;
smooth2(cdr z,ff,f,x,minv,maxv,g,rat,lev,ml) >>;
disc: % look for discontinuities.
return smooth3(l,ff,f,x,minv,maxv,g,rat,lev,ml);
symbolic procedure smooth3(l,ff,f,x,minv,maxv,g,rat,lev,ml);
% detect discontinuities.
begin scalar p0,p1,p2,p3,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,xt,yt,d;
scalar x2hi,y2hi,x2lo,y2lo,dir,hidir,chi,clo;
scalar lobound,hibound;
integer n;
p1:=car l; p3:=cadr l;
x1:=car p1; y1:=cdr p1;
x3:=car p3; y3:=cdr p3;
if abs(y3-y1)<variation!* then return t;
% Bigstep found.
hibound:=variation!**10.0; lobound:=-hibound;
if y1>y3 then
<<x2hi:=x1; y2hi:=y1; x2lo:= x3; y2lo:=y3; hidir:=-1.0>>
<<x2hi:=x3; y2hi:=y3; x2lo:= x1; y2lo:=y1; hidir:=1.0>>;
n:=0; d:= (x3-x1)*0.5; x2:=x1+d;
% intersection loop. Cut remaining interval into two parts.
% If there is again a high increase in one direction we assume
% a pole.
if null (y2 := plotevalform(ff,f,{x.x2}))
or eqcar(y2,'overflow) then goto outside;
if y2 < minv then
else if y2 < y2lo then
<<if y2lo<0.0 and y2<y2lo+y2lo and y2<lobound then clo:=t;
else if y2 > maxv then
else if y2 > y2hi then
<<if y2hi>0.0 and y2>y2hi+y2hi and y2>hibound then chi:=t;
x2hi:=x2;y2hi:=y2;dir:=-hidir;>> else
goto no_disc;
if dir and (n:=n+1)<20 and (not clo or not chi) then
<<d:=d/2; x2:=x2+d*dir; goto next_point>>;
if null dir then return t;
if clo then y2lo:=minv;
if chi then y2hi:=maxv;
p1:=(x2hi.y2hi); p3:=(x2lo.y2lo);
if hidir=1.0 then <<p2:=p3;p3:=p1;p1:=p2>>;
cdr l := p1 . (car p1.nil) . p3 . cdr l;
cdr l := (car p1.nil) . cdr l;
symbolic procedure findsing(ff,f,x,minv,maxv,p1,p3);
% Try to locate the point where we exceed minv/maxv by subdivision.
begin scalar p1, p2, p3, i1, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, d, x2n;
x1:=car p1; y1:=cdr p1;
x3:=car p3; y3:=cdr p3;
d := (x3-x1)*0.5; x2n:=x1+d;
for i:=1:5 do
<< d:=d*0.5; x2:= x2n;
if null(y2 := plotevalform(ff,f,{x.x2}))
or eqcar(y2,'overflow)
or y2 < minv or y2 > maxv
then x2n := x2n - d
else << p2 := (x2 . y2); x2n := x2n + d>>
if null p2 then return nil;
% generate uniform maxima/minima
x2 := car p2; y2 := cdr p2;
y2 := if (eqcar(y2,'overflow) and cdr y2<0) or y2<minv
then minv
else if eqcar(y2,'overflow) or y2>maxv then maxv else y2;
return (x2 . y2)
symbolic procedure plotrange(x,d);
begin scalar y,z;
y:=if y then cdr y else d;
if y=0 or null y then % return nil;
y:={'!*INTERVAL!*, - plotmax!*, plotmax!*};
if not eqcar(y,'!*INTERVAL!*) then
typerr(y,"plot range");
return {plotevalform0(rdwrap cadr y,nil) ,
plotevalform0(rdwrap caddr y,nil)};
symbolic procedure ploteval3xy(x,y,z);
begin scalar rx,ry,rz,h,f,fcn;
reval(plot_xrange or '(!*interval!* -10 10)));
reval(plot_yrange or '(!*interval!* -10 10)));
rz:=plotrange(z, reval(plot_zrange or nil));
fcn := car reverse plotfunctions!*;
f:= if eqcar(fcn,'points) then caddr fcn else
ploteval3xy1(cdar plotfunctions!*,
z,if rz then car rz, if rz then cadr rz,
x,car rx,cadr rx,
y,car ry,cadr ry,h);
plotprin2lt{"set nohidden3d"};
if not h then plotoptions!* := 'parametric .
plotoptions!* := 'noparametric .
plotprin2lt{"set view 60,30,1,1"};
plotprin2lt{"set size 1,1"};
if h then plotprin2lt{"set format xy ",'!",'!"};
plotprin2lt{"set xlabel ",'!",x,'!"};
plotprin2lt{"set ylabel ",'!",y,'!"};
plotprin2lt{"set zlabel ",'!",z,'!"};
plotprin2lt{"set key"};
plotprin2 "splot ";
plotprin2 "'"; plotprin2 f; plotprin2 "'";
plotprin2 " with lines ";
plotprin2lt{"set nohidden3d"};
plotprin2lt{"set format xy"};
symbolic procedure ploteval3xy1(f,z,zlo,zhi,x,xlo,xhi,y,ylo,yhi,h);
begin scalar u,dx,dy,datafile,cmdfile,xx,yy,l,w,ff;
ff := rdwrap f;
xlo:=rdwrap xlo; xhi:=rdwrap xhi;
ylo:=rdwrap ylo; yhi:=rdwrap yhi;
plot_xmesh := reval plot_xmesh;
plot_ymesh := reval plot_ymesh;
for j:=0:plot_ymesh collect
for i:=0:plot_xmesh collect
xx:=(xlo+i*dx); yy:=(ylo+j*dy);
u:=plotevalform(ff,f,{x . xx,y . yy});
if eqcar(u,'overflow) then u:=nil;
if null u then % look for an isolated singularity
u := if zhi and u>zhi then zhi else
if zlo and u<zlo then zlo else u;
if h then {u} else {xx,yy,u}
return plotpoints1 l;
symbolic procedure ploteval3xysingular(ff,f,x,xx,dx,y,yy,dy,zhi,zlo);
% set up an iteration approaching a cirital point.
<<dx:=dx/4; dy:=dy/4;
plotevalform(ff,f,{x . (xx+dx), y . (yy+dy)}),0)
symbolic procedure ploteval3xysingular1(ff,f,x,xx,dx,y,yy,dy,zhi,zlo,w,c);
if null w then 0 else if c>8 then w else
if w>zhi then zhi else
if w<zlo then zlo else
begin scalar wnew;
dx:=dx/2; dy:=dy/2;
wnew := plotevalform(ff,f,{x . (xx+dx), y . (yy+dy)});
if null wnew then w else
if abs(wnew-w) <abs wnew/20 then wnew else
symbolic procedure plotseteq(u,v);
null u and null v or car u member v
and plotseteq(cdr u,delete(car u,v));
symbolic procedure plotindepvars(u,v);
if idp u then if member(u,v) or member(u,'(e pi)) then v
else u . v
else if eqcar(u,'file) then cddr u
else if pairp u then
if get(car u,'dname) then v else
if member(car u,'(plus minus difference times quotient expt)) or
get(car u,'!:RD!:) or get(car u,'simpfn)='simpiden then
<<for each x in cdr u do v:=plotindepvars(x,v); v>>
else typerr(u,"expression in function to plot")
else v;
symbolic procedure plottitle option;
<<plotprin2 "set title ";
plotprin2 '!";
plotprin2 option;
plotprin2 '!";
symbolic procedure plotstyle option;
if option memq'(lines points linespoints impulses dots errorbars)
then plotstyle!* := option
else typerr(caddr option, "plot style option");
module ploteval;
fluid '(plotsynerr!*);
symbolic procedure rdwrap f;
if numberp f then float f
else if f='pi then 3.141592653589793238462643
else if f='e then 2.7182818284590452353602987
else if atom f then f
else if eqcar(f, '!:RD!:) then
if atom cdr f then cdr f else bf2flr f
else if eqcar(f, '!:DN!:) then rdwrap2 cdr f
else if eqcar(f, 'MINUS) then
begin scalar x;
x := rdwrap cadr f;
return if numberp x then minus float x else {'MINUS, x}
else if get(car f, 'DNAME) then
<< plotsynerr!*:=t;
rerror(PLOTPACKAGE, 32, {get(car f, 'DNAME),
"illegal domain for PLOT"})
else if eqcar(f,'expt) then rdwrap!-expt f
else rdwrap car f . rdwrap cdr f;
symbolic procedure rdwrap!-expt f;
% preserve integer second argument.
if fixp caddr f then {'expt!-int,rdwrap cadr f,caddr f}
else {'expt,rdwrap cadr f, rdwrap caddr f};
symbolic procedure rdwrap2 f;
% Convert from domain to LISP evaluable value.
if atom f then f else float car f * 10^cdr f;
symbolic procedure rdwrap!* f;
% convert a domain element to float.
if null f then 0.0 else rdwrap f;
symbolic procedure rdunwrap f;
if f=0.0 then 0 else if f=1.0 then 1 else '!:rd!: . f;
symbolic procedure expt!-int(a,b); expt(a,fix b);
symbolic procedure plotevalform(ff,f,a);
% ff is LISP evaluable,f REDUCE evaluable.
begin scalar u,w,!*protfg;
!*protfg := t;
u:= errorset({'plotevalform1,mkquote ff,mkquote a},nil,nil);
if not ploterrorp u then return car u;
w := {'reval, mkquote
for each p in a collect (car p.rdunwrap cdr p),
u := errorset(w,nil,nil);
if ploterrorp u then return nil;
u:=car u;
if numberp u then return float u;
if not eqcar(u,'!:rd!:) then return nil;
if evalgreaterp(u, fl2rd plotmax!*) then
return plotoverflow plotmax!* else
if evalgreaterp(fl2rd (-plotmax!*),u) then
return plotoverflow (-plotmax!*)
else return cflot u;
symbolic procedure plotoverflow u;
<<if not !*plotoverflow then
lprim "gnuplot number range exceeded";
!*plotoverflow := t;
'overflow . u
>> where !*protfg = nil;
symbolic procedure plotevalform0(f,a);
(if ploterrorp u
then typerr(f,"expression for plot") else car u)
where u=
errorset({'plotevalform1,mkquote f,mkquote a},nil,nil);
symbolic procedure plotevalform1(f,a);
begin scalar x,w;
if numberp f then return float f;
if (x:=assoc(f,a)) then return plotevalform1(cdr x,a);
if not atom f and flagp(car f,'plotevallisp) then
return eval
(car f . for each y in cdr f collect plotevalform1(y,a));
if not atom f then f :=
car f . for each y in cdr f collect rdunwrap plotevalform1(y,a);
w:=simp f;
if not denr w=1 or not domainp numr w then goto err;
return rdwrap!* numr w;
typerr(prepsq w,"numeric value");
flag('(plus difference times quotient exp expt expt!-int minus
sin cos tan cot asin acos acot atan log),'plotevallisp);
symbolic procedure ploterrorp u;
if u member !*plotinterrupts
then rederr prin2 "***** plot killed"
else atom u or cdr u;