// This file is part of the Jlisp implementation of Standard Lisp
// Copyright \u00a9 (C) Codemist Ltd, 1998-2000.
// Fns2.java
// This is a whole load of support for the numeric data-types
// To do: iplus etc
// modular-plus etc
// fix/float/round/ceiling
// hyperbolic functions
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.math.*;
class Fns2
Object [][] builtins =
{"abs", new AbsFn()},
{"acos", new AcosFn()},
{"acosd", new AcosdFn()},
{"acosh", new AcoshFn()},
{"acot", new AcotFn()},
{"acotd", new AcotdFn()},
{"acoth", new AcothFn()},
{"acsc", new AcscFn()},
{"acscd", new AcscdFn()},
{"acsch", new AcschFn()},
{"add1", new Add1Fn()},
{"asec", new AsecFn()},
{"asecd", new AsecdFn()},
{"asech", new AsechFn()},
{"ash", new AshFn()},
{"ash1", new Ash1Fn()},
{"asin", new AsinFn()},
{"asind", new AsindFn()},
{"asinh", new AsinhFn()},
{"atan", new AtanFn()},
{"atan2", new Atan2Fn()},
{"atan2d", new Atan2dFn()},
{"atand", new AtandFn()},
{"atanh", new AtanhFn()},
{"ceiling", new CeilingFn()},
{"cos", new CosFn()},
{"cosd", new CosdFn()},
{"cosh", new CoshFn()},
{"cot", new CotFn()},
{"cotd", new CotdFn()},
{"coth", new CothFn()},
{"csc", new CscFn()},
{"cscd", new CscdFn()},
{"csch", new CschFn()},
{"difference", new DifferenceFn()},
{"divide", new DivideFn()},
{"eq-safe", new EqSafeFn()},
{"eqn", new EqnFn()},
{"evenp", new EvenpFn()},
{"exp", new ExpFn()},
{"expt", new ExptFn()},
{"fix", new FixFn()},
{"fixp", new FixpFn()},
{"float", new FloatFn()},
{"floatp", new FloatpFn()},
{"floor", new FloorFn()},
{"frexp", new FrexpFn()},
{"gcdn", new GcdnFn()},
{"geq", new GeqFn()},
{"greaterp", new GreaterpFn()},
{"hypot", new HypotFn()},
{"iadd1", new Iadd1Fn()},
{"idifference", new IdifferenceFn()},
{"igeq", new IgeqFn()},
{"igreaterp", new IgreaterpFn()},
{"ileq", new IleqFn()},
{"ilessp", new IlesspFn()},
{"ilogand", new IlogandFn()},
{"ilogor", new IlogorFn()},
{"ilogxor", new IlogxorFn()},
{"imax", new ImaxFn()},
{"imin", new IminFn()},
{"iminus", new IminusFn()},
{"iminusp", new IminuspFn()},
{"integerp", new IntegerpFn()},
{"ionep", new IonepFn()},
{"iplus", new IplusFn()},
{"iplus2", new Iplus2Fn()},
{"iquotient", new IquotientFn()},
{"iremainder", new IremainderFn()},
{"irightshift", new IrightshiftFn()},
{"isub1", new Isub1Fn()},
{"itimes", new ItimesFn()},
{"itimes2", new Itimes2Fn()},
{"izerop", new IzeropFn()},
{"lcmn", new LcmnFn()},
{"leq", new LeqFn()},
{"lessp", new LesspFn()},
{"ln", new LnFn()},
{"log", new LogFn()},
{"log10", new Log10Fn()},
{"logand", new LogandFn()},
{"logb", new LogbFn()},
{"logeqv", new LogeqvFn()},
{"lognot", new LognotFn()},
{"logor", new LogorFn()},
{"logxor", new LogxorFn()},
{"lose-precision", new Lose_precisionFn()},
{"lsd", new LsdFn()},
{"max", new MaxFn()},
{"max2", new Max2Fn()},
{"min", new MinFn()},
{"min2", new Min2Fn()},
{"minus", new MinusFn()},
{"minusp", new MinuspFn()},
{"mod", new ModFn()},
{"modular-difference", new Modular_differenceFn()},
{"modular-expt", new Modular_exptFn()},
{"modular-minus", new Modular_minusFn()},
{"modular-number", new Modular_numberFn()},
{"modular-plus", new Modular_plusFn()},
{"modular-quotient", new Modular_quotientFn()},
{"modular-reciprocal", new Modular_reciprocalFn()},
{"modular-times", new Modular_timesFn()},
{"msd", new MsdFn()},
{"numberp", new NumberpFn()},
{"oddp", new OddpFn()},
{"onep", new OnepFn()},
{"plus", new PlusFn()},
{"plus2", new Plus2Fn()},
{"plusp", new PluspFn()},
{"quotient", new QuotientFn()},
{"random-fixnum", new Random_fixnumFn()},
{"random-number", new Random_numberFn()},
{"rational", new RationalFn()},
{"remainder", new RemainderFn()},
{"round", new RoundFn()},
{"safe-fp-plus", new Safe_fp_plusFn()},
{"safe-fp-quot", new Safe_fp_quotFn()},
{"safe-fp-times", new Safe_fp_timesFn()},
{"sec", new SecFn()},
{"secd", new SecdFn()},
{"sech", new SechFn()},
{"set-small-modulus", new Set_small_modulusFn()},
{"sin", new SinFn()},
{"sind", new SindFn()},
{"sinh", new SinhFn()},
{"sqrt", new SqrtFn()},
{"sub1", new Sub1Fn()},
{"tan", new TanFn()},
{"tand", new TandFn()},
{"tanh", new TanhFn()},
{"times", new TimesFn()},
{"times2", new Times2Fn()},
{"truncate", new TruncateFn()},
{"zerop", new ZeropFn()}
class Plus2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.add(arg2);
class PlusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0() { return LispInteger.valueOf(0); }
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.add(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.add(args[i]);
return r;
class Times2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.multiply(arg2);
class TimesFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0() { return LispInteger.valueOf(1); }
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.multiply(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.multiply(args[i]);
return r;
class Max2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.max(arg2);
class MaxFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.max(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.max(args[i]);
return r;
class Min2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.min(arg2);
class MinFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.min(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.min(args[i]);
return r;
class AbsFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.abs();
class AcosFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > 1.0 || a < -1.0) return error("bad arg for acos");
a = Math.acos(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcosdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > 1.0 || a < -1.0) return error("bad arg for acosd");
a = 180.0*Math.acos(a)/Math.PI;
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcoshFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a < 1.0) return error("bad arg for acosh");
a = MyMath.acosh(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcotFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.PI/2.0 - Math.atan(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcotdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 90.0 - 180.0*Math.atan(a)/Math.PI;
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcothFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > -1.0 && a < 1.0) return error("bad arg for acoth");
a = MyMath.acoth(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcscFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > -1.0 && a < 1.0) return error("bad arg for acsc");
a = Math.asin(1.0/a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcscdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > -1.0 && a < 1.0) return error("bad arg for acscd");
a = 180.0*Math.asin(1.0/a)/Math.PI;
return new LispFloat(a);
class AcschFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.acsch(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class Add1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.add1();
class AsecFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > -1.0 && a < 1.0) return error("bad arg for asec");
a = Math.acos(1.0/a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AsecdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > -1.0 && a < 1.0) return error("bad arg for asecd");
a = 180.0*Math.acos(1.0/a)/Math.PI;
return new LispFloat(a);
class AsechFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a < 0.0 || a > 1.0) return error("bad arg for asech");
a = MyMath.asech(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AshFn extends BuiltinFunction
// Shift - thinking of things as twos-complement binary numbers
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.ash(((LispSmallInteger)arg2).value);
class Ash1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
// Shift - thinking of things as sign-and-magnitude numbers
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.ash1(((LispSmallInteger)arg2).value);
class AsinFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a < -1.0 || a > 1.0) return error("bad arg for asin");
a = Math.asin(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class AsindFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a < -1.0 || a > 1.0) return error("bad arg for asind");
a = 180.0*Math.asin(a)/Math.PI;
return new LispFloat(a);
class AsinhFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.asinh(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CeilingFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.ceiling();
class AtanFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.atan(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class Atan2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
double b = arg2.doubleValue();
a = Math.atan2(a, b);
return new LispFloat(a);
class Atan2dFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
double b = arg2.doubleValue();
a = 180.0*Math.atan2(a, b)/Math.PI;
return new LispFloat(a);
class AtandFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 180.0*Math.atan(a)/Math.PI;
return new LispFloat(a);
class AtanhFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a > 1.0 || a < -1.0) return error("bad arg for atanh");
a = MyMath.atanh(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CosFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.cos(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CosdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.cos(Math.PI*a/180.0);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CoshFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.cosh(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CotFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 1.0/Math.tan(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CotdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 1.0/Math.tan(Math.PI*a/180.0);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CothFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.coth(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CscFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 1.0/Math.sin(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CscdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 1.0/Math.sin(Math.PI*a/180.0);
return new LispFloat(a);
class CschFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.csch(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class DifferenceFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.subtract(arg2);
class DivideFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.quotientAndRemainder(arg2);
class EvenpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.evenp();
class ExpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.exp(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class ExptFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.expt(arg2);
class FixFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.fix();
class EqSafeFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return Jlisp.nil;
class FixpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.fixp();
class FloatFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.jfloat();
class FloatpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.floatp();
class FloorFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.floor();
class FrexpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double d = ((LispFloat)arg1).value;
if (d == 0.0) return new Cons(LispInteger.valueOf(0), arg1);
long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
long x = (l >> 52) & 0x7ff;
// NaN and infinity do not normalise a lot
if (x == 0x7ff) return new Cons(LispInteger.valueOf(0), arg1);
if (x == 0) // a denormalised number
{ long s = l & 0x8000000000000000L;
while ((l & 0x0010000000000000L) == 0)
{ x--;
l = l << 1;
l = s | (l & 0x000fffffffffffffL);
x = x - 0x3fe;
l = (l & 0x800fffffffffffffL) | 0x3fe0000000000000L;
return new Cons(LispInteger.valueOf((int)x),
new LispFloat(Double.longBitsToDouble(l)));
class GcdnFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(0); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.gcd(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.gcd(args[i].bigIntValue());
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class GeqFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.geq(arg2) ? Jlisp.lispTrue : Jlisp.nil;
class EqnFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.eqn(arg2) ? Jlisp.lispTrue : Jlisp.nil;
class GreaterpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.ge(arg2) ? Jlisp.lispTrue : Jlisp.nil;
class HypotFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
double b = arg2.doubleValue();
double d = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);
return new LispFloat(d);
class Iadd1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.add1();
class IdifferenceFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.subtract(arg2);
class IgeqFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
if (arg1.geq(arg2)) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
else return Jlisp.nil;
class IgreaterpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
if (arg1.ge(arg2)) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
else return Jlisp.nil;
class IleqFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
if (arg1.leq(arg2)) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
else return Jlisp.nil;
class IlesspFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
if (arg1.le(arg2)) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
else return Jlisp.nil;
class IlogandFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(-1); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.and(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.and(args[i].bigIntValue());
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class IlogorFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(0); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.or(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.or(args[i].bigIntValue());
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class IlogxorFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(0); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.xor(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.xor(args[i].bigIntValue());
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class ImaxFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.max(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.max(args[i]);
return r;
class IminFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.min(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.min(args[i]);
return r;
class IminusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.negate();
class IminuspFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.minusp();
class IntegerpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.integerp();
class IonepFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.onep();
class IplusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0() { return LispInteger.valueOf(0); }
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.add(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.add(args[i]);
return r;
class Iplus2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.add(arg2);
class IquotientFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.divide(arg2);
class IremainderFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.remainder(arg2);
class IrightshiftFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.rightshift(((LispSmallInteger)arg2).value);
class Isub1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.sub1();
class ItimesFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0() { return LispInteger.valueOf(1); }
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) { return arg1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.multiply(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
LispObject r = args[0];
for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.multiply(args[i]);
return r;
class Itimes2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.multiply(arg2);
class IzeropFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.zerop();
class LcmnFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return error(name + " not yet implemented");
class LeqFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.leq(arg2) ? Jlisp.lispTrue : Jlisp.nil;
class LesspFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.le(arg2) ? Jlisp.lispTrue : Jlisp.nil;
class LnFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a <= 0.0) return error("bad arg for ln");
a = Math.log(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class LogFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a <= 0.0) return error("bad arg for log");
a = Math.log(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a1 = arg1.doubleValue();
double a2 = arg2.doubleValue();
if (a1 <= 0.0 || a2 <= 0.0) return error("bad arg for log");
a1 = Math.log(a1)/Math.log(a2);
return new LispFloat(a1);
class Log10Fn extends BuiltinFunction
final double log10 = Math.log(10.0);
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a <= 0.0) return error("bad arg for log10");
a = Math.log(a)/log10;
return new LispFloat(a);
class LogandFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(-1); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.and(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.and(args[i].bigIntValue());
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class LogbFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a1 = arg1.doubleValue();
double a2 = arg2.doubleValue();
if (a1 <= 0.0 || a2 <= 0.0) return error("bad arg for logb");
a1 = Math.log(a1)/Math.log(a2);
return new LispFloat(a1);
class LogeqvFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(-1); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.xor(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.xor(args[i].bigIntValue()).not();
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class LognotFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.not();
class LogorFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(0); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.or(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.or(args[i].bigIntValue());
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class LogxorFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op0()
{ return LispInteger.valueOf(0); }
public LispObject op1(LispInteger a1)
{ return a1; }
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.xor(arg2);
public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
BigInteger r = args[0].bigIntValue();
for (int i=2; i<args.length; i++)
r = r.xor(args[i].bigIntValue());
return LispInteger.valueOf(r);
class Lose_precisionFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return error(name + " not yet implemented");
class LsdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.lsd();
class MinusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.negate();
class MinuspFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.minusp();
class ModFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.mod(arg2);
class Modular_differenceFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.modSubtract(arg2);
class Modular_exptFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.modExpt(arg2.intValue());
class Modular_minusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.modMinus();
class Modular_numberFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.reduceMod();
class Modular_plusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.modAdd(arg2);
class Modular_quotientFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.modDivide(arg2);
class Modular_reciprocalFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.modRecip();
class Modular_timesFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.modMultiply(arg2);
class QuotientFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.divide(arg2);
class MsdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.msd();
class NumberpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
if (arg1 instanceof LispNumber) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
else return Jlisp.nil;
class OddpFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.oddp();
class OnepFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.onep();
class PluspFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.plusp();
class Random_fixnumFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return error(name + " not yet implemented");
class Random_numberFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return error(name + " not yet implemented");
class RationalFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return error(name + " not yet implemented");
class RemainderFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
return arg1.remainder(arg2);
class RoundFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.round();
class Safe_fp_plusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a1 = ((LispFloat)arg1).value,
a2 = ((LispFloat)arg2).value;
if (a1 == 0.0) return arg2;
else if (a2 == 0.0) return arg1; // adding 0.0 never hurts!
else if (a1 == -a2) return new LispFloat(0.0);
long d1 = Double.doubleToLongBits(a1);
int x1 = (int)(d1 >> 52) & 0x7ff;
double r = a1+a2;
long r1 = Double.doubleToLongBits(r);
int x = (int)(r1 >> 52) & 0x7ff;
// I return nil if either the result overflows, or if it becomes a denorm,
// or if it is smaller than one of the inputs by 40 places. This last
// case seems a bit curious but it is what the REDUCE code appears to
// expect and I should not adjust it without making a major review of all
// that REDUCE does...
if (x == 0x7ff || x == 0 || x < (x1-40)) return Jlisp.nil;
else return new LispFloat(r);
class Safe_fp_timesFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a1 = ((LispFloat)arg1).value,
a2 = ((LispFloat)arg2).value;
// I accept that multiplying by 0.0 should return 0.0
// The possibility that the calculation was 0.0*infinity or 0.0*NaN is
// one I will ignore, since in the cases I use safe-fp-times values should
// never degenerate into those special cases.
if (a1 == 0.0 || a2 == 0.0) return new LispFloat(0.0);
double r = a1*a2;
// form tha product in the ordinary way and then see if the result is
// denormalised or infinite.
long r1 = Double.doubleToLongBits(r);
int x = (int)(r1 >> 52) & 0x7ff;
if (x == 0x7ff || x == 0) return Jlisp.nil;
return new LispFloat(r);
class Safe_fp_quotFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a1 = ((LispFloat)arg1).value,
a2 = ((LispFloat)arg2).value;
if (a2 == 0.0) return Jlisp.nil;
else if (a1 == 0.0) return new LispFloat(0.0);
double r = a1/a2;
long r1 = Double.doubleToLongBits(r);
int x = (int)(r1 >> 52) & 0x7ff;
if (x == 0x7ff || x == 0) return Jlisp.nil;
return new LispFloat(r);
class SecFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 1.0/Math.cos(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class SecdFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = 1.0/Math.cos(Math.PI*a/180.0);
return new LispFloat(a);
class SechFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.sech(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class Set_small_modulusFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
int old = Jlisp.modulus;
int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
if (n <= 0)
return error("set-small-modulus needs a positive argument");
Jlisp.modulus = n;
Jlisp.bigModulus = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
return LispInteger.valueOf(old);
class SinFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.sin(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class SindFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.sin(Math.PI*a/180.0);
return new LispFloat(a);
class SinhFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.sinh(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class SqrtFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
if (a < 0.0) return error("bad arg for sqrt");
a = Math.sqrt(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class Sub1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.sub1();
class TanFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.tan(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class TandFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = Math.tan(Math.PI*a/180.0);
return new LispFloat(a);
class TanhFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
double a = arg1.doubleValue();
a = MyMath.tanh(a);
return new LispFloat(a);
class TruncateFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.truncate();
public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
double a1, a2;
if (arg1 instanceof LispInteger)
{ if (arg2 instanceof LispInteger)
return arg1.divide(arg2);
else a1 = arg1.doubleValue(); // overflow?
else a1 = ((LispFloat)arg1).value;
a2 = arg2.doubleValue();
// There is worry here with overflow etc. But maybe nobody ever calls this!
return LispInteger.valueOf((long)(a1 / a2));
class ZeropFn extends BuiltinFunction
public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
return arg1.zerop();
// End of Fns2.java