module solvealg; % Solution of equations and systems which can
% be lifted to algebraic (polynomial) systems.
% Author: Herbert Melenk.
% Copyright (c) 1992 The RAND Corporation and Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum.
% All rights reserved.
% August 1992: added material for
% rule set for reduction of trig. polynomial terms to
% elementary expressions in sin and cos,
% constant expressions in sin, cos and constant roots,
% closed form results for trigonometric systems.
% general exponentials.
% avoiding false solutions with surds.
% May 1993: better handling of products of exponentials
% with common base,
% additional computation branch for linear parts of
% nonlinear systems.
% July 1996: safe handling of twice (or more) the same input
% (not handling the case, that one equation is a multiple
% of an other one)
% January 2001: improved "solvenonlnrsyslin" (inhibiting an infinite
% recursion.
fluid '(!*expandexpt); % from
fluid '( system!* % system to be solved
osystem!* % original system on input
uv!* % user supplied variables
iv!* % internal variables
fv!* % restricted variables
kl!* % kernels to be investigated
sub!* % global substitutions
inv!* % global inverse substitutions
depl!* % reduce dependency list
!*solvealgp % true if using this module
solvealgdb!* % collecting some data
last!-vars!* % collection of innermost aux variables
const!-vars!* % variables representing constants
root!-vars!* % variables representing root expressions
!*expli % local switch: explicit solution
groebroots!* % predefined roots from input surds
!*test_solvealg % debugging support
% If set on, the modified system and the Groebner result
% or the reason for the failure are printed.
global'(loaded!-packages!* !!arbint);
switch trnonlnr;
% Solvenonlnrsys receives a system of standard forms and
% a list of variables from 'solve'. The system is lifted to
% a polynomial system (if possible) in substituting the
% non-atomic kernels by new variables and appending additonal
% relations, e.g.
% replace add
% sin u,cos u -> su,cu su^2+cu^2-1
% u^(1/3) -> v v^3 - u
% ...
% in a recursive style. If completely successful, the
% system definitely can be treated by Groebner or any
% other polynomial system solver.
% Return value is a pair
% (tag . res)
% where 'res' is nil or a structure for !*solvelist2solveeqlist
% and 'tag' is one of the following:
% t a satisfactory solution was generated,
% failed the algorithm cannot be applied ('res=nil')
% inconsistent the algorithm could prove that the
% the system has no solution ('res=nil')
% nil the complexity of the system could
% be reduced, but some (or all) relations
% remain still implicit.
% Rules to be applied locally for converting composite transcendental
% function forms into simpler ones
algebraic <<
{ sin(~alpha + ~beta) => sin(alpha)*cos(beta) + cos(alpha)*sin(beta),
cos(~alpha + ~beta) => cos(alpha)*cos(beta) - sin(alpha)*sin(beta),
sin(~n*~alpha) => sin(alpha)*cos((n-1)*alpha)
+ cos(alpha)*sin((n-1)*alpha) when fixp n,
cos(~n*~alpha) => cos(alpha)*cos((n-1)*alpha)
- sin(alpha)*sin((n-1)*alpha) when fixp n,
sin(~alpha)**2 => 1 - cos(alpha)**2,
sinh(~alpha+~beta) => sinh(alpha)*cosh(beta) + cosh(alpha)*sinh(beta),
cosh(~alpha+~beta) => cosh(alpha)*cosh(beta) + sinh(alpha)*sinh(beta),
sinh(~n*~alpha) => sinh(alpha)*cosh((n-1)*alpha)
+ cosh(alpha)*sinh((n-1)*alpha) when fixp n,
cosh(~n*~alpha) => cosh(alpha)*cosh((n-1)*alpha)
+ sinh(alpha)*sinh((n-1)*alpha) when fixp n,
sinh(~alpha)**2 => cosh(alpha)**2 - 1};
{ tan(~alpha) => sin(alpha)/cos(alpha),
cot(~alpha) => cos(alpha)/sin(alpha),
tanh(~alpha) => sinh(alpha)/cosh(alpha),
coth(~alpha) => cosh(alpha)/sinh(alpha) } ;
{ sin(~alpha)**2 => 1 - cos(alpha)**2,
sinh(~alpha)**2 => cosh(alpha)**2 - 1};
% Artificial operator for matching powers in a product.
operator my!-expt;
{my!-expt(~a,~b)*my!-expt(a,~c) => my!-expt(a,b+c),
my!-expt(~a,~b)*a => my!-expt(a,b+1)
%my!-expt(~a,~b)/my!-expt(a,~c) => my!-expt(a,b-c)
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsys(sys,uv);
% Interface to algebraic system solver.
% Factorize the system and collect solutions.
% After factoring we resimplify with *expandexpt off
% in order to have exponentials to one basis
% collected.
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsys0(sys,uv,lvars);
begin scalar q,r,s,tag,!*expandexpt;
for each x in s do sys:=union(sys,{x});
if solve!-psysp(sys,uv) then s:={sys} else
for each p in sys do
for each q in cdr fctrf p do
if topkernlis(car q,uv)
then for each u in s do r:=(car q.u).r;
for each u in s do
<<% Collect exponentials with same base.
u:=solvenonlnrcollectexpt u;
if eqcar(q,'failed) then q:=solvenonlnrsyssep(u,uv);
if eqcar(q,'failed) then q:=solvenonlnrsyslin(u,uv,nil,lvars);
if eqcar(q,'not) then q:=solvenonlnrsyslin(u,uv,t,lvars);
if eqcar(q,'not) then q:='(failed);
if car q and car q neq 'failed then tag:=car q;
q:=if car q neq 'failed then cdr q else
for each j in u collect {{j ./ 1},nil,1};
return if tag eq 'inconsistent or tag eq 'failed then {tag}
else tag.r end;
symbolic procedure topkernlis(u,v);
v and (topkern(u,car v) or topkernlis(u,cdr v));
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrcollectexpt u;
% 'u' is a list of standard forms. Reform these
% such that products of exponentials with same basis
% are collected.
if not smemq('expt,u) then u else
<<eval'(let0 '(solvealg!-rules4));
u:=for each q in u collect
numr simp subst('expt,'my!-expt,
reval prepf subst('my!-expt,'expt,q));
eval'(clearrules '(solvealg!-rules4));u>>;
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsyslin(eqs,vars,mode,lvars);
% 'eqs' is a system of equations (standard forms,
% implicitly equated to zero); this routine tries
% to reduce the system recursively by separation,
% if one variable occurs in one equation only linearly.
% Mode=nil: simple version: only pure linear variables
% are substituted.
% t: extended version: replacing variables with
% degree 1 and potentially complicated
% coefficients.
% Returns solution or
% '(not) if not applicable
% '(failed)if applicable but solution failed.
begin scalar d,e,e1,lx,n,s,q,x,v,w,w1,neqs,nvars;
var_loop:if null v then return'(not);x:=car v;v:=cdr v;w:=eqs;
if x member lvars then go to var_loop;lvars:=x.lvars;lx:={x};
eqn_loop:if null w then goto var_loop;e:=car w;w:=cdr w;
if null e then goto eqn_loop;
if domainp e then return'(inconsistent);
e1:=reorder e where kord!*=lx;
if not(mvar e1=x) or ldeg e1>1 or
smemq(x,d:=lc e1)or smemq(x,n:=red e1)then goto eqn_loop;
if not mode then
<<w:=nil;for each y in vars do w:=w or smemq(y,d);
if w then return'(not)>>;
% Linear form found: 'd*x+n=0'. This is basis for a solution
% 'x=-n/d'. In a second branch the case'{n=0,d=0}'has to
% be considered if 'd' is not a constant.
n:=reorder n;d:=reorder d;
% Step 1: Substitute in remaining equations, solve
% and add linear formula to the result.
s:=quotsq(negf n ./ 1, d ./ 1);
neqs:=for each eqn in delete(e,eqs)join
<<q:=numr subf(eqn,{x.prepsq s});if q then{q}>>;
nvars:=for each y in delete(x,vars)join if smemq(y,neqs)then{y};
w:=if null neqs then'(t(nil nil 1))else
if null nvars then'(inconsistent)else
if cdr neqs then solvenonlnrsys0(neqs,nvars,lvars)
else solvenonlnrsysone(car neqs,car nvars);
if car w eq'failed then return w;
if domainp d or not mode then return w;
% Step 2: Add an eventual solution for'n=0,d=0'.
return merge!-two!-tagged!-solutions(w,w1)end;
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsysone(f,x);
% Equation system has been reduced to one. Using 'solvesq'.
begin scalar w;w:=solvesq(f ./ 1,x,1);
if null w then return'(inconsistent)
else if null cadr car w then return'(failed);
% if not smemq('root_of,w) then goto ret;
% % here we try to find out whether a root_of
% % expression is a useful information or whether
% % it is simply an echo of the input.
% if cdr w then goto ret; % multiple branches: good.
% q := prepsq caar car w;
% if not eqcar(q,'root_of) % not on top level: good.
% then goto ret;
% q:=subst(x,caddr q,cadr q);
% if f = numr simp q then return '(failed);
return t.w end;
symbolic procedure add!-variable!-to!-tagged!-solutions(x,s,y);
% 'y' is a tagged solution. Add equation 'x=s' to all members.
if eqcar(y,'inconsistent) then y else
if null y or null cdr y then{t,{{s},{x},1}}else
car y.for each q in cdr y collect
% Put new solution into the last position.
{append(car q,{s}),append(cadr q,{x}),caddr q};
symbolic procedure merge!-two!-tagged!-solutions(w1,w2);
% 'w1' and 'w2' are tagged solution sets. Merge these and
% eliminate inconsistent cases.
if car w1='failed or car w2='failed then'(failed)else
if car w1='inconsistent then w2 else
if car w2='inconsistent then w1 else
car w1.append(cdr w1,cdr w2);
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsyssep(eqs,vars);
% 'eqs' is a system of equations (standard forms,
% implicitly equated to zero); this routine tries
% to reduce the system recursively by separation,
% if one variable occurs only in one equation.
begin scalar y,r,s,r0,u,w,tag;
if null vars then return'(failed) else
if null cdr eqs then
<<if not smember(car vars,car eqs) then
return solvenonlnrsyssep(eqs,cdr vars);
r:=solvesq(!*f2q car eqs,car vars,1);
return if r and cadr car r then 't.r else'(failed)>>;
for each x in vars do if null y then
for each u in eqs do if smember(x,u) then r:=u.r;
if r and null cdr r then y:=x>>;
if null y then return'(failed);
r:=car r;
if car s='failed then return s else s:=cdr s;
u:=for each s0 in s join
<<w:=for each q in pair(cadr s0,car s0) join
if not smemq('root_of,cdr q) then{car q.prepsq cdr q};
r0:=solvesq(r0,y,caddr s0);
if null r0 or null cadr car r0 then tag:='failed;
for each r1 in r0 collect{caar r1. car s0,y.cadr s0,caddr r1}>>;
return tag.u end;
symbolic procedure solve!-psysp(s,uv);
% 't' if 's' is a pure polynomial system.
null s or (solve!-psysp1(car s,uv) and solve!-psysp(cdr s,uv));
symbolic procedure solve!-psysp1(f,uv);
domainp f or
((member(mvar f,uv) or solve!-psysp2(mvar f,uv))
and solve!-psysp1(lc f,uv) and solve!-psysp1(red f,uv));
symbolic procedure solve!-psysp2(v,uv);
% 't' if there is no interaction between 'v' and 'uv'.
null uv or (not smember(car uv,v) and solve!-psysp2(v,cdr uv));
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsys1(system!*,uv!*);
% Solve one system.
begin scalar r,rules;
if solvealgtrig0 system!* then rules:='(solvealg!-rules1);
if smemq('tan,system!*) or smemq('cot,system!*) or
smemq('tanh,system!*) or smemq('coth,system!*) then
if errorp r then return '(failed) else system!*:=car r;
return r end;
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsyspre();
(for each p in system!* collect numr simp prepf p)
where dmode!*=nil;
symbolic procedure solvenlnrsimp(u);
% A prepsq including resimplification with additional rules.
% begin scalar r;
% r := evalletsub2({'(solvealg!-rules3),
% {'simp!* ,mkquote u}},nil);
% if errorp r then error(99,list("error during postprocessing simp"));
% return car r;
% end;
simp!* u;
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsys2();
% Main driver. We need non-local exits here
% because of possibly hidden non algebraic variable
% dependencies.
if null !*solvealgp then system!*:='(failed) else % against recursion.
(begin scalar iv!*,kl!*,inv!*,fv!*,r,w,!*solvealgp,solvealgdb!*,sub!*;
scalar last!-vars!*,groebroots!*,const!-vars!*,root!-vars!*;
% preserving the variable sequence if *varopt is off
if not !*varopt then depl!*:=
append(pair(uv!*,append(cdr uv!*,{gensym()})),depl!*);
% hiding dmode because exponentials need integers.
for each f in system!* do solvealgk0
(if dmode!* then numr subf(f,nil) where dmode!*=nil else f);
if !*trnonlnr then print list("original kernels:",kl!*);
if null cdr system!* then
if (smemq('sin,system!*)or smemq('cos,system!*)) and
(r:=solvenonlnrtansub(prepf(w:=car system!*),car uv!*))
and car r
then return solvenonlnrtansolve(r,car uv!*,w)
else if (smemq('sinh,system!*)or smemq('cosh,system!*)) and
(r:=solvenonlnrtanhsub(prepf(w:=car system!*),car uv!*))
and car r
then return solvenonlnrtanhsolve(r,car uv!*,w);
if atom (errorset('(solvealgk1),!*trnonlnr,nil)) where dmode!*=nil
then return (system!*:='(failed));
system!*:='list.for each p in system!* collect prepf p;
if not('groebner memq loaded!-packages!*)
then load!-package 'groebner;
for each x in iv!* do if not member(x,last!-vars!*) then
for each y in last!-vars!* do depend1(x,y,t);
iv!* := sort(iv!*,function (lambda(a,b);depends(a,b)));
if !*trnonlnr then
<< prin2t "Entering Groebner for system";
writepri(mkquote system!*,'only);
r:=groesolveeval r;
if !*trnonlnr then
<<prin2t "leaving Groebner with intermediate result";
writepri(mkquote r,'only);terpri(); terpri()>>;
if 'sin memq solvealgdb!* then r:=solvealgtrig2 r;
if 'sinh memq solvealgdb!* then r:=solvealghyp2 r;
r:= if r='(list) then '(inconsistent) else solvealginv r;
system!*:=r; % set value aside
return r end)where depl!*=depl!* ;
symbolic procedure solvealgk0 p;
% Extract new top level kernels from form 'p'.
if domainp p then nil else
<<if not member(mvar p,kl!*) and not member(mvar p,iv!*)
then kl!*:=mvar p.kl!*;
solvealgk0(lc p);solvealgk0(red p)>>;
symbolic procedure solvealgk1();
% Process all kernels in 'kl!*'. Note that 'kl!*' might
% change during processing.
begin scalar k,kl0,kl1;
k:=car kl!*;
while k do
while kl1 and null k do
if not member(car kl1,kl0)then k:=car kl1
else kl1:=cdr kl1>>end;
symbolic procedure solvealgk2 k;
% Process one kernel.
(if member(k,uv!*) then solvealgvb0 k and (iv!*:= k.iv!*) else
if atom k then t else
if eq(car k,'expt) then solvealgexpt(k,x) else
if memq(car k,'(sin cos tan cot)) then solvealgtrig(k,x) else
if memq(car k,'(sinh cosh tanh coth)) then solvealghyp(k,x) else
if null x then t else solvealggen(k,x)) where x=solvealgtest(k);
symbolic procedure solvealgtest k;
% Test if the arguments of a composite kernel interact with
% the variables known so far.
if atom k then nil else solvealgtest0 k;
symbolic procedure solvealgtest0 k;
% Test if kernel 'k' interacts with the known variables.
solvealgtest1(k,iv!*) or solvealgtest1(k,uv!*);
symbolic procedure solvealgtest1(k,kl);
% List of those kernels in list 'kl', which occur somewhere
% in the composite kernel 'k'.
if null kl then nil else
if member(k,kl)then{k}else
if atom k then nil else
union(if smember(car kl,cdr k) then list car kl else nil,
solvealgtest1(k,cdr kl));
symbolic procedure solvealgvb k;
% Restricted variables are those which might establish
% non-algebraic relations like e.g. 'x + e**x'. Test 'k'
% and add it to the list.
fv!*:=append(solvealgvb0 k,fv!*);
symbolic procedure solvealgvb0 k;
% Test for restricted variables.
begin scalar ak;
if intersection(ak,iv!*) or intersection(ak,fv!*) then
error(99,list("transcendental variable dependency from",k));
return ak end;
symbolic procedure allkernels(a,kl);
% 'a' is an algebraic expression. Extract all possible inner
% kernels of a and collect them in 'kl'.
if numberp a then kl else
if atom a or a member uv!*
then if not member(a,kl) then a.kl else kl else
<<for each x in cdr a do
kl:=allkernels1(numr s,allkernels1(denr s,kl)) where s=simp x;
symbolic procedure allkernels1(f,kl);
if domainp f then kl else
<<if not member(mvar f,kl) then
kl:=allkernels(mvar f,mvar f.kl);
allkernels1(lc f, allkernels1(red f,kl))>>;
symbolic procedure solvealgexpt(k,x);
% Kernel 'k' is an exponential form.
(if eqcar(m,'quotient) and fixp caddr m then
if cadr m=1 then solvealgrad(cadr k,caddr m,x)
else solvealgradx(cadr k,cadr m,caddr m,x)
else if null x then solvealgid k
else if ((null intersection(w,uv!*) and
null intersection(w,iv!*) and
null intersection(w,fv!*))
where w=allkernels(m,nil))
then solvealggen(k,x)
else solvealgexptgen(k,x)
)where m=caddr k;
symbolic procedure solvealgexptgen(k,x);
% Kernel 'k' is a general exponentiation 'u**v'.
begin scalar bas,xp,nv;
bas:=cadr k;xp:=caddr k;
if solvealgtest1(xp,uv!*) then return solvealgexptgen1(k,x)
else if solvealgtest1(bas,uv!*) then return solvealggen(k,x);
% Remaining case: "constant" exponential expression to
% replaced by an id for syntatical reasons
% old kernel
((expt !&alpha n))
% new variable
% substitution
(((expt !&alpha n).!&beta))
% inverse
((!&beta(expt !&alpha n)!&))
% new equations
return solvealgupd(nv,nil)end;
symbolic procedure solve!-gensym();
begin scalar w;
w:=explode solve!-gensymcounter;
while length w < 4 do w:='!0 .w;
% If users have things to solve with names like 'G0001' in them, there
% could be confusion.
return compress('g.w)end;
symbolic procedure solvealgexptgen1(k,x);
% Kernel 'k' is a general exponentiation 'u**v'.
% where 'v' is an expression in a solution variable, 'u'
% is constant. Transform all kernels with same basis
% and compatible exponent to common exponent denominator
% form.
begin scalar bas,xp,xpl,q,r,nk,sub;
bas:=cadr k;xp:=caddr k;
% Collect all exponentials with this basis.
xpl:={(1 ./ 1).xp};
for each k in kl!* do
if eqcar(k,'expt) and cadr k=bas and
<<q:=simp{'quotient,r:=caddr k,xp};
fixp numr q and fixp denr q>> then
<<kl!*:=delete(k,kl!*); xpl:=(q.r).xpl>>;
% compute common denominator.
q:=1;for each e in xpl do q:=lcm(q,denr car e);
% the new artificial kernel.
sub:=for each e in xpl collect
{'expt,bas,cdr e}.
{'expt,nk,numr car e*q/denr car e};
return solvealggen(nk,x)end;
symbolic procedure solvealgradx(x,m,n,y);
% error(99,"forms e**(x/2) not yet implemented");
symbolic procedure solvealgrad(x,n,y);
% 'k' is a radical exponentiation expression 'x**1/n'.
begin scalar nv,m,!β
% old kernel
((expt !&alpha(quotient 1 !&n)))
% new variable
% substitution
(((expt !&alpha(quotient 1 !&n)).!&beta))
% inverse
% ((!&beta !&alpha (expt !& !&n)))
% new equation
((difference(expt !&beta !&n)!&alpha))
% prepare roots for simple surds.
if null y or y={x} then groebroots!*:=
if null y then last!-vars!*:=!&beta.last!-vars!*;
return solvealgupd(nv,y)end;
symbolic procedure solvealgtrig0 f;
% Examine if 'sin/cos' identies must be applied.
begin scalar args,r,c;
args:=for each a in solvealgtrig01(f,nil)collect
(union(kernels numr q,kernels denr q)where q=simp a);
while args do
<<c:=car args;args:=cdr args;
for each q in args do r:=r or intersection(c,q)>>;
return r end;
symbolic procedure solvealgtrig01(f,args);
if atom f then args else
if memq(car f,'(sin cos tan cot sinh cosh tanh coth)) then
if constant_exprp cadr f then args else union({cadr f},args)
else solvealgtrig01(cdr f,solvealgtrig01(car f,args));
algebraic <<
operator p_sign,the_1;
let p_sign(~x) => if sign(x)=0 then 1 else sign(x);
let the_1(~x) =>1 >>;
symbolic procedure solvealgtrig(k,x);
% 'k' is a trigonometric function call.
begin scalar nv,m,s,!&alpha,!β
if x then
if cdr x then error(99,"too many variables in trig. function")
else x:=car x;
solvealgvb k;
% old kernels
((sin !&alpha)(cos !&alpha)(tan !&alpha)(cot !&alpha))
% new variables
((sin !&beta)(cos !&beta))
% substitutions
(((sin !&alpha).(sin !&beta))
((cos !&alpha).(cos !&beta))
%%% these should be handled now by the ruleset.
%%% ((tan !&alpha).(quotient(sin !&beta)(cos !&beta)))
%%% ((cot !&alpha).(quotient(cos !&beta)(sin !&beta)))
% inverses
((sin !&beta)
(cond ((and !*expli (test_trig))
'(!&loc (p_sign (!&!& !&))))
(t '(!&x (!&!& (root_of (equal (sin !&alpha)
!&) !&x))))))
((cos !&beta)
(cond ((and !*expli (test_trig))
'(!&x (plus (!&!& (times !&loc (acos !&)))
(times 2 pi !&arb))))
(t '(!&x (!&!& (root_of (equal (cos !&alpha)
!&) !&x))))))
% new equation
((plus(expt(sin !&beta)2)(expt(cos !&beta)2)-1))
% invert the inner expression.
s:=if x then solvealginner(cadr k,x) else 'the_1;
m:={'!&alpha.(!&alpha:=cadr k),
if x then last!-vars!*:=
else const!-vars!*:=
return solvealgupd(nv,nil)end;
symbolic procedure solvealghyp(k,x);
% 'k' is a hyperbolic function call.
begin scalar nv,m,s,!&alpha,!β
if x then
if cdr x then
error(99,"too many variables in hyp. function")
else x:=car x;
solvealgvb k;
% old kernels
((sinh !&alpha)(cosh !&alpha)(tanh !&alpha)(coth !&alpha))
% new variables
((sinh !&beta)(cosh !&beta))
% substitutions
(((sinh !&alpha).(sinh !&beta))
((cosh !&alpha).(cosh !&beta))
% inverses
((sinh !&beta)
(cond ((and !*expli (test_hyp))
'(!&loc (p_sign (!&!& !&))))
(t '(!&x (!&!& (root_of (equal (sinh !&alpha)
!&) !&x))))))
((cosh !&beta)
(cond ((and !*expli (test_hyp))
'(!&x (plus (!&!& (times !&loc (acosh !&)))
(times 2 pi i !&arb))))
(t '(!&x (!&!& (root_of (equal (cosh !&alpha)
!&) !&x))))))
% new equation
((plus(minus(expt(sinh !&beta)2))(expt(cosh !&beta)2)-1))
% invert the inner expression.
s:=if x then solvealginner(cadr k,x)else'the_1;
m:=list('!&alpha.(!&alpha:=cadr k),
if x then last!-vars!*:=
else const!-vars!*:=
return solvealgupd(nv,nil)end;
symbolic procedure solvealgtrig2 u;
% 'r' is a result from goesolve; remove trivial relations
% like 'sin^2 + cos^2 = 1'.
begin scalar r,w,op,v,rh;
for each s in cdr u do
for each e in s do
% delete 'sin u = sqrt(-cos u^2+1)' etc.
if eqcar(e,'equal) and
(eqcar(cadr e,'sin) or eqcar(cadr e,'cos)) and
(op:=caadr e)and(v:=cadr cadr e)and
member(if eqcar(rh:=caddr e,'!*sq!*) then cadr rh else rh,
subst({if op='sin then 'cos else 'sin,v},'!-form!-,
'((minus (sqrt (plus (minus (expt !-form!- 2)) 1)))
(sqrt (plus (minus (expt !-form!- 2)) 1)))))
then nil
else w:=e.w;
w:=reverse w;
if not member(w,r)then r:=w.r>>;
return 'list.reverse r end;
symbolic procedure solvealghyp2 u;
% 'r' is a result from goesolve; remove trivial relations
% like 'cosh^2 - sinh^2 = 1'.
begin scalar r,w,op,v,rh;
for each s in cdr u do
for each e in s do
% delete 'sinh u = sqrt(cosh u^2-1)','cosh u = sqrt(sinh u^2+1)'.
if eqcar(e,'equal) and
(eqcar(cadr e,'sinh) or eqcar(cadr e,'cosh)) and
(op:=caadr e) and (v:=cadr cadr e) and
member(if eqcar(rh:=caddr e,'!*sq!*) then cadr rh else rh,
if op='sinh then
'((minus (sqrt (plus (expt !-form!- 2) 1)))
(sqrt (plus (expt !-form!- 2) 1))))
'((minus (sqrt (plus (expt !-form!- 2) (minus 1))))
(sqrt (plus (expt !-form!- 2) (minus 1))))))
then nil
else w:=e.w;
w:=reverse w;
if not member(w,r) then r:=w.r>>;
return 'list.reverse r end;
symbolic procedure solvealggen(k,x);
% 'k' is a general function call; processable if solve
% can invert the function.
begin scalar nv,m,s;
if cdr x then
error(99,"too many variables in function expression");
x:=car x;
solvealgvb k;
% old kernels
% new variables
% substitutions
% inverses
((!&beta'(!&x(!&!& !&))))
% new equation
% invert the kernel expression.
return solvealgupd(nv,nil)end;
symbolic procedure solvealgid k;
% 'k' is a constant kernel, however in a syntax unprocessable
% for Groebner (e.g. 'expt(a/2)'); replace temporarily
begin scalar nv,m;
% old kernels
% new variables
% substitutions
% inverses
((!&beta nil.!&alpha))
% new equation
% invert the kernel expression.
m:={'!&alpha. k,'!&beta.solve!-gensym()};
return solvealgupd(nv,nil)end;
symbolic procedure solvealginner(s,x);
s:=reval cadr s;
if not eqcar(s,'equal) or not equal(cadr s,x) then
error (99,"inner expression cannot be inverted");
{'lambda,'(!#),caddr s}>>;
symbolic procedure solvealgupd(u,innervars);
% Update the system and the structures.
begin scalar ov,nv,sub,inv,neqs;
ov:=car u;u:=cdr u;nv:=car u;u:=cdr u;
sub:=car u;u:=cdr u;inv:=car u;u:=cdr u;
neqs:=car u;u:=cdr u;for each x in ov do kl!*:=delete(x,kl!*);
for each x in innervars do
for each y in nv do depend1(y,x,t);
for each u in neqs collect
<<u:=numr simp u;solvealgk0 u;u>>,
for each u in system!* collect numr subf(u,sub));
return t end;
symbolic procedure solvealginv u;
% Reestablish the original variables, produce inverse
% mapping and do complete value propagation.
begin scalar v,r,s,m,lh,rh,y,z,tag,sub0,sub,!*expli,noarb,arbs;
scalar abort;integer n;
sub0:=for each p in sub!* collect(cdr p);
r:=for each sol in cdr u join
if !*test_solvealg then
<<prin2t "================================";
prin2t const!-vars!*;
prin2t " next basis:";
writepri(mkquote sol,'only)>>;
for each eqn in reverse cdr sol do
<<lh:=cadr eqn;rh:=subsq(simp!* caddr eqn,s);
if !*test_solvealg then writepri(mkquote {'equal,lh,prepsq rh},'only);
% Look for violated constant relations.
if(y:=assoc(lh,const!-vars!*))and constant_exprp prepsq rh
and numr subtrsq(rh,simp cdr y) then abort:=t;
% Look for a 'negative' root.
if memq(lh,root!-vars!*)and numberp(y:=reval{'sign,prepsq rh})
and y<0 then abort:=t;
if not !*expli then noarb:=t;
if !*expli and not noarb then
<< % Assign value to free variables;
for each x in uv!* do
if !*arbvars and solvealgdepends(rh,x) and not member(x,fv!*)
and not member(x,arbs) then
<<z:=mvar makearbcomplex();
y:=z;v:=x.v;r:=simp y.r;
% rh:=subsq(rh,list(x.y));
% s:=(x.y).s;
if not smemq('root_of,rh) then s:=(lh.prepsq rh).s
else fv!*:=lh.fv!*>>;
<<m:=cdr m;lh :=car m;kl!*:=eqn;
if eqcar(lh,'cond) or eqcar(lh,'quote) then
lh:=car(m:=eval lh);
rh:=solvenlnrsimp subst(prepsq rh,'!&,cadr m)>>;
% If local variable, append to substitution.
if not member(lh,uv!*) and !*expli then
<<sub:=append(sub,{lh.(z:=prepsq subsq(rh,sub))});
if smember(lh,r) then r:=subst(z,lh,r)>>;
% Append to the final output.
if (member(lh,uv!*) or not !*expli)
% Inhibit repeated same values.
and not<<z:=subsq(rh,sub);
n:=length member(z,r);
n>0 and lh=nth(v,length v + 1 - n)>>
then<<r:=z.r;v:=lh.v;>> >>;
% Classify result.
% for each x in uv!* do
% if tag and not member(x,v) and smember(x,r) then tag:=nil;
if !*test_solvealg then
if abort then yesp "aborted" else
<<prin2t " --------> ";
writepri(mkquote ('list.for each u in pair(v,r) collect
{'equal,car u,prepsq cdr u}),'only);
prin2t "================================";
yesp "continue?">>;
if not abort then{reverse r.reverse v}>>;
return solvealg!-verify(tag,r)end;
symbolic procedure solvealgdepends(u,x);
% Inspect u for explicit dependency of 'x', being careful for
% 'root_of' subexpressions.
if u=x then t else if atom u then nil else
if eqcar(u,'root_of) then
if x=caddr u then nil else solvealgdepends(cadr u,x) else
solvealgdepends(car u,x) or solvealgdepends(cdr u,x);
symbolic procedure test_trig();
begin scalar lh,rh,r;
lh:=cadr kl!*;rh:=caddr kl!*;
if member(lh.nil,solvealgdb!*) then return nil;
r:=not !*complex and not smemq('i,kl!*) and
not smemq('!:gi!:,kl!*) and not smemq('!:cr!:,kl!*) and
not smemq('root_of,kl!*);
if not r then solvealgdb!*:=
append(solvealgdb!*,{('sin.cdr lh).nil,('cos.cdr lh).nil});
return r end;
symbolic procedure test_hyp();
begin scalar lh,rh,r;
lh:=cadr kl!*;rh:=caddr kl!*;
if member(lh.nil,solvealgdb!*) then return nil;
r:=not !*complex and not smemq('i,kl!*) and
not smemq('!:gi!:,kl!*) and not smemq('!:cr!:,kl!*) and
not smemq('root_of,kl!*);
if not r then solvealgdb!*:=
append(solvealgdb!*,{('sinh.cdr lh).nil,('cosh.cdr lh).nil});
return r end;
fluid '(!*solvealg_verify);
% The idea of the following procedure is to exclude isolated
% solutions which give a substantial residue when subsituted
% into the equation system under "on rounded"; as long as no
% good criterion for a residue to be small has been found, this
% step is disabled.
symbolic procedure solvealg!-verify(tag,r);
<<if !*rounded and !*solvealg_verify then
begin scalar min,s,cmpl,!*msg;
% Exclude solutions with a residue substantially
% above the minimum of all nonzero residues.
if not cmpl then setdmode('complex,!*complex:=t);
s:=for each u in r collect solvealg!-verify1 u.u;
min:=simp'(quotient 1 100);
r:=for each u in s join
if null car u or minusf numr subtrsq(car u,min) then {cdr u};
if not cmpl then
tag.for each q in r collect car q.cdr q.{1}>>;
symbolic procedure solvealg!-verify1 s;
% Verify solution 's' for the current equation system.
begin scalar sub,nexpli,x,y,sum,fail;
sub:=for each u in pair(cdr s,car s) collect if not nexpli then
<<y:=prepsq cdr u;
if not (domainp y or constant_exprp y) then nexpli:=t;
car u.y>>;
% A non explicit solution cannot be tested.
if nexpli then return nil;
sum:=nil ./ 1;
for each u in osystem!* do if not fail then
if domainp numr x then
sum:=addsq(sum,absf numr x ./ denr x)
else fail:=t>>;
return if fail then nil else sum end;
symbolic procedure sublis!-pat(a,u);
% Like sublis, but replace lambda expressions by matching their
% actual arguments.
begin scalar v;
if atom u then return
<<v:=assoc(u,a);if v then sublis!-pat(a,cdr v) else u>>;
v:=assoc(car u,a);
if v and (v:=cdr v) and eqcar(v,'lambda) then return
sublis!-pat((caadr v.cadr u).a,caddr v);
return sublis!-pat1(a,u)end;
symbolic procedure sublis!-pat1(a,l);
if null l then nil else
if atom l then sublis!-pat(a,l) else
sublis!-pat(a,car l).sublis!-pat1(a,cdr l);
% Section for single trigonometric polynomials
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrtansub(p,x);
% Perform tangent substitution.
if not smemq('sin,p) and not smemq('cos,p) then
if smemq(x,p) then nil else nil.p
else if car p='cos then
if smemq(x,cdr p) then (cdr p).
'(quotient (difference 1(expt tg!- 2)) (plus 1(expt tg!- 2)))
else nil.p
else if car p='sin then
if smemq(x,cdr p) then (cdr p).
'(quotient (times 2 tg!-) (plus 1(expt tg!- 2)))
else nil.p
(if ca and cd and
(car ca = car cd or null car ca or null car cd)
then (car ca or car cd).(cdr ca.cdr cd))
where ca=solvenonlnrtansub(car p,x),
cd=solvenonlnrtansub(cdr p,x);
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrtansolve(u,x,w);
begin scalar v,s,z,r,y;
integer ar;
% We reset arbint for each solve call such that equal forms can
% be recognized by the function union.
v:=caar u;u:=prepf numr simp cdr u;
for each q in cdr s do
<<z:=reval caddr q;
z:=reval sublis(solvenonlnrtansolve1 z,z);
% Test for the special cases x=pi(not covered by tangent substitution).
if null numr subf(w,{x.'pi})
then <<!!arbint:=ar; r:=union(solve0({'equal,{'cos,x},-1},x),r)>>;
return t.r end;
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrtansolve1 u;
% Find all 'cos**2'.
if atom u then nil else
if car u='expt and eqcar(cadr u,'cos) and caddr u=2 then
{u.{'difference,1,{'expt,{'sin,cadr cadr u},2}}}
else union(solvenonlnrtansolve1 car u,solvenonlnrtansolve1 cdr u);
% Section for single hyperbolic polynomials
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrtanhsub(p,x);
% Perform hyperbolic tangent substitution.
if not smemq('sinh,p) and not smemq('cosh,p) then
if smemq(x,p) then nil else nil.p
else if car p='cosh then
if smemq(x,cdr p) then (cdr p).
'(quotient(plus 1(expt tgh!- 2))(difference 1(expt tgh!- 2)))
else nil.p
else if car p='sinh then
if smemq(x,cdr p) then (cdr p).
'(quotient(times 2 tgh!-)(difference 1(expt tgh!- 2)))
else nil.p
(if ca and cd and
(car ca = car cd or null car ca or null car cd)
then (car ca or car cd).(cdr ca.cdr cd))
where ca=solvenonlnrtanhsub(car p,x),
cd=solvenonlnrtanhsub(cdr p,x);
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrtanhsolve(u,x,w);
begin scalar v,s,z,r,y,ar;
v:=caar u;u:=prepf numr simp cdr u;
for each q in cdr s do
<<z:=reval caddr q;
z:=reval sublis(solvenonlnrtanhsolve1 z,z);
if !*complex and null numr subf(w,{x.'(times pi i)})
then <<!!arbint:=ar; r:=union(solve0({'equal,{'cosh,x},-1},x),r)>>;
return t.r end;
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrtanhsolve1 u;
% Find all 'cosh**2'.
if atom u then nil else
if car u='expt and eqcar(cadr u,'cosh) and caddr u=2 then
{u.{'plus,1,{'expt,{'sinh,cadr cadr u},2}}}
else union(solvenonlnrtanhsolve1 car u,solvenonlnrtanhsolve1 cdr u);