% File: basis.red
% Purpose: Build the triangle form of basis
% Copyright: (C) 1990-1996, A.Kryukov, kryukov@theory.npi.msu.su
% Version: 2.21 Mar. 25, 1996
% Revision: 27/11/90 insertv
% 26/11/90 SieveV
% 05/03/91 AppS
% Nov. 12, 1993 updatev
% Mar. 25, 1996 sieved_pv0, reduce_pv0
lisp <<
if null getd 'mkunitp then in "perm.red"$
if null getd 'pv_add then in "pvector.red"$
module basis$
% basis ::= (v1 v2 ...)
global '(!*basis)$
procedure sieve_pv(v,b)$
procedure sieve_pv0(v,b,norm)$
% v - vector.
% b - basis.
% norm=t -> normalized vector
% return sieved vector.
if null v then nil
else <<
while b and cdaar b > cdar v do b:=cdr b$
while v and b do << % reduce v.
v:=reduce_pv0(v,car b,norm)$
b:=cdr b$
procedure reduce_pv(v,q)$
global '(pv_den)$
procedure reduce_pv0(v,q,norm)$
% v is reduced by q.
% norm=t -> normalized vector
% return reduced v.
if null q then v
else if null v then nil
else begin scalar w,k$
while w and q and (cdar w > cdar q)
do w := cdr w$ % find needed component.
if w and q and (cdar q = cdar w) then <<
k:=lcm(caar w,caar q)$ % Least Common Multiplier.
v:=pv_add(pv_multc(v,k/caar w),pv_multc(q,-k/caar q))$
% if v then v:=pv_renorm v$
if null norm then pv_den:=pv_den*k/caar w % +AK 26/03/96
else pv_den:=1$ % +AK 28/03/96
return v$
%------------------- Insert new vector ----------------
symbolic procedure insert_pv(pv,bl)$
% pv - pvector
% bl - original basis list
% (r.v.) - new basis list
(if null x then bl
else insert_pv1(pv_renorm x,bl,nil)
) where x=sieve_pv(pv,bl)$
symbolic procedure insert_pv1(pv,bl,bl1)$
% pv - pvector
% bl,bl1(r.v.) - basis list
if null bl then if null pv then reversip bl1
else reversip(pv . bl1)
else if null pv then insert_pv1(nil,cdr bl,car bl . bl1)
else if cdaar bl > cdar pv
then insert_pv1(pv,cdr bl,pv_renorm reduce_pv(car bl,pv) . bl1)
else insert_pv1(nil,bl,pv . bl1)$
procedure insert_pv_(v,b)$
% v - vector.
% b - basis (midified.).
% return updatev basis.
if null v then b
else if null b then list v
% bug: if .. then .. <missing else> if .. then .. else ..
else begin scalar b1,w$
v:=pv_renorm sieve_pv(v,b);
if null v then return b$
while cdr b1 and cdaar b1 > cdar v do << % reduce car b1.
rplacA(b1,pv_renorm reduce_pv(car b1,v))$
b1:=cdr b1$
if cdaar b1 > cdar v then <<
rplacA(b1,pv_renorm reduce_pv(car b1,v))$
rplacD(b1,v . cdr b1)$ % insert after.
>> else << % insert before.
w:=car b1 . cdr b1;
return b$
symbolic procedure update_pv(v,b)$
% v - vector (modified)$
% b - basis (modified)$
% return updatevd vector v.
if null v then nil
else begin scalar r,w$
if null(car b eq '!*basis)
then rederr list('updatev,": 2-nd arg. is not a basis.")$
while v do <<
w:=member(cdar v,cdr b)$
if w then rplacD(car v,car w)
else rplacD(b,cdar v . cdr b)$
v:=cdr v$
return r$