LIMITEDFACTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ switch
To get limited factorization in cases where it is too expensive to use full multivariate polynomial factorization, the switch limitedfactors can be turned on. In that case, only ``inexpensive'' factoring operations, such as square-free factorization, will be used when factorize is called.
a := (y-x)^2*(y^3+2x*y+5)*(y^2-3x*y+7)$ factorize a; 2 {- 3*X*Y + Y + 7,1} 3 {2*X*Y + Y + 5,1}, {X - Y,2}} on limitedfactors; factorize a; 2 2 4 3 5 3 2 {- 6*X *Y - 3*X*Y + 2*X*Y - X*Y + Y + 7*Y + 5*Y + 35,1}, {X - Y,2}}