glexconvert INDEX

GLEXCONVERT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operator


glexconvert(<bas>[,<vars>][,MAXDEG=<mx>] [,NEWVARS=<nv>])

where <bas> is a groebner basis in the current term order, <mx> (optional) is a positive integer and <nvl> (optional) is a list of variables (see ideal parameters).

The operator glexconvert converts the basis of a zero-dimensional ideal (finite number of isolated solutions) from arbitrary ordering into a basis under lex term order.

The parameter <newvars> defines the new variable sequence. If omitted, the original variable sequence is used. If only a subset of variables is specified here, the partial ideal basis is evaluated.

If <newvars> is a list with one element, the minimal univariate polynomial is computed.

<maxdeg> is an upper limit for the degrees. The algorithm stops with an error message, if this limit is reached.

A warning occurs, if the ideal is not zero dimensional.

During the call the term order of the input basis must be active.