RAT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ switch
When the rat switch is on, and kernels have been selected to display with the factor declaration, the denominator is printed with ea ch term rather than one common denominator at the end of an expression.
(x+1)/x + x**2/sin y; 3 SIN(Y)*X + SIN(Y) + X ---------------------- factor x; SIN(Y)*X (x+1)/x + x**2/sin y; 3 X + X*SIN(Y) + SIN(Y) ---------------------- on rat; X*SIN(Y) (x+1)/x + x**2/sin y; 2 X -1 ------ + 1 + X SIN(Y)
The rat switch only has effect when the pri switch is on. When pri is off, regardless of the setting of rat, the printing behavior is as if rat were off. rat only has effect upon the display of expressions, not their internal form.