Artifact f5720fbad4ac637d8c0bd7fabc7ce8f20958cab2be0a69d876b0c0cc45b51f87:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 9977) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% % FASLOUT.RED - Top level of fasl file writer % % Author: Eric Benson % Symbolic Computation Group % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 16 February 1982 % Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah % % <PSL.COMP>FASLOUT.RED.8, 19-Apr-83 07:54:22, Edit by KESSLER % Flat Faslabort as Ignore, so you need not type compiletime faslabort. % <PSL.COMP>FASLOUT.RED.7, 28-Mar-83 07:49:53, Edit by KESSLER % Added FaslAbort Command to Terminate Faslout Gracefully. % <PSL.COMP>FASLOUT.RED.6, 16-Dec-82 12:49:59, Edit by KESSLER % Take out Semic!* as a fluid. Not used by anyone that I can see % and is already a global in RLISP. % <PSL.COMP>FASLOUT.RED.35, 10-Jun-82 10:41:18, Edit by GRISS % Made CompileUncompiledExpressions regular func % <PSL.COMP>FASLOUT.RED.12, 30-Apr-82 14:45:59, Edit by BENSON % Removed EVAL and IGNORE processing % <PSL.COMP>FASLOUT.RED.8, 29-Apr-82 06:23:18, Edit by GRISS % moved DEFINEROP call to RLISP-PARSER CompileTime << flag('(CodeFileHeader CodeFileTrailer AllocateFaslSpaces), 'InternalFunction); load Fast!-Vector; >>; fluid '(!*WritingFaslFile !*Lower !*quiet_faslout DfPrint!* UncompiledExpressions!* ModuleName!* CodeOut!* InitOffset!* CurrentOffset!* FaslBlockEnd!* MaxFaslOffset!* BitTableOffset!* FaslFilenameFormat!*); FaslFilenameFormat!* := "%w.b"; lisp procedure DfPrintFasl U; %. Called by TOP-loop, DFPRINT!* begin scalar Nam, Ty, Fn, !*WritingFaslFile; !*WritingFaslFile := T; if atom U then return NIL; Fn := car U; IF FN = 'PUTD THEN GOTO DB2; IF NOT (FN MEMQ '(DE DF DM DN)) THEN GOTO DB1; NAM:=CADR U; U:='LAMBDA . CDDR U; TY:=CDR ASSOC(FN, '((DE . EXPR) (DF . FEXPR) (DM . MACRO) (DN . NEXPR))); DB3: if Ty = 'MACRO then begin scalar !*Comp; PutD(Nam, Ty, U); % Macros get defined now end; if FlagP(Nam, 'Lose) then << ErrorPrintF("*** %r has not been defined, because it is flagged LOSE", Nam); return NIL >>; IF FLAGP(TY,'COMPILE) THEN << PUT(NAM,'CFNTYPE,LIST TY); U := LIST('!*ENTRY,NAM,TY,LENGTH CADR U) . !&COMPROC(U, NAM); LAP U >> ELSE % should never happen SaveUncompiledExpression LIST('PUTD, MKQUOTE NAM, MKQUOTE TY, MKQUOTE U); if IGreaterP(Posn(), 0) then WriteChar char BLANK; Prin1 NAM; RETURN NIL; DB1: % Simple S-EXPRESSION, maybe EVAL it; IF NOT PAIRP U THEN RETURN NIL; if (Fn := get(car U, 'FaslPreEval)) then return Apply(Fn, list U) else if (Fn := GetD car U) and car Fn = 'MACRO then return DFPRINTFasl Apply(cdr Fn, list U); SaveUncompiledExpression U; RETURN NIL; DB2: NAM:=CADR U; TY:=CADDR U; FN:=CADDDR U; IF EQCAR(NAM,'QUOTE) THEN << NAM:=CADR NAM; IF EQCAR(TY,'QUOTE) THEN << TY:=CADR TY; IF PAIRP FN AND CAR FN MEMBER '(FUNCTION QUOTE) THEN << FN:=CADR FN; IF TY MEMQ '(EXPR FEXPR MACRO NEXPR) THEN << U:=FN; GOTO DB3 >> >> >> >>; GOTO DB1; END; FLAG ('(DEFLIST FLAG FLUID GLOBAL REMFLAG REMPROP UNFLUID),'EVAL); lisp procedure FaslPreEvalLoadTime U; DFPrintFasl cadr U; % remove LOADTIME put('LoadTime, 'FaslPreEval, 'FaslPreEvalLoadTime); put('BothTimes, 'FaslPreEval, 'FaslPreEvalLoadTime); put('StartupTime, 'FaslPreEval, 'FaslPreEvalLoadTime); % used in kernel % A few things to save space when loading put('Flag, 'FaslPreEval, function lambda U; if EqCar(second U, 'QUOTE) then DFPrintFasl('progn . for each X in second second U collect list('Flag1, MkQuote X, third U)) else SaveUncompiledExpression U); put('fluid, 'FaslPreEval, function lambda U; if EqCar(second U, 'QUOTE) then DFPrintFasl('progn . for each X in second second U collect list('Fluid1, MkQuote X)) else SaveUncompiledExpression U); put('global, 'FaslPreEval, function lambda U; if EqCar(second U, 'QUOTE) then DFPrintFasl('progn . for each X in second second U collect list('Global1, MkQuote X)) else SaveUncompiledExpression U); put('DefList, 'FaslPreEval, function lambda U; if EqCar(second U, 'QUOTE) then DFPrintFasl('progn . for each X in second second U collect list('put, MkQuote first X, third U, MkQuote second X)) else SaveUncompiledExpression U); put('ProgN, 'FaslPreEval, function lambda U; for each X in cdr U do DFPrintFasl X); put('LAP, 'FaslPreEval, function lambda U; if EqCar(cadr U, 'QUOTE) then Lap cadr cadr U else SaveUncompiledExpression U); UncompiledExpressions!* := NIL . NIL; lisp procedure SaveUncompiledExpression U; << if atom U then NIL else TConc(UncompiledExpressions!*, U); NIL >>; lisp procedure FaslOut FIL; << ModuleName!* := FIL; if not !*quiet_faslout then << if not FUnBoundP 'Begin1 then << Prin2T "FASLOUT: IN files; or type in expressions"; Prin2T "When all done execute FASLEND;" >> else << Prin2T "FASLOUT: (DSKIN files) or type in expressions"; Prin2T "When all done execute (FASLEND)" >> >>; CodeOut!* := BinaryOpenWrite BldMsg(FaslFilenameFormat!*, ModuleName!*); CodeFileHeader(); DFPRINT!* := 'DFPRINTFasl; !*WritingFaslFile := T; !*DEFN := T >>; lisp procedure FaslEnd; if not !*WritingFaslFile then StdError "FASLEND not within FASLOUT" else << CompileUncompiledExpressions(); UncompiledExpressions!* := NIL . NIL; CodeFileTrailer(); BinaryClose CodeOut!*; DFPRINT!* := NIL; !*WritingFaslFile := NIL; !*DEFN := NIL >>; FLAG('(FaslEND), 'IGNORE); % FaslAbort. Abort the Fasl process cleanly. The code file will be closed % and the various flags will be reset. lisp procedure FaslAbort; if not !*WritingFaslFile then StdError "FASLAbort not within FASLOUT" else << UncompiledExpressions!* := NIL . NIL; BinaryClose CodeOut!*; DFPRINT!* := NIL; !*WritingFaslFile := NIL; !*DEFN := NIL >>; Flag('(FaslAbort), 'Ignore); lisp procedure ComFile Filename; begin scalar !*Defn, !*WritingFaslFile, TestFile, FileBase, FileExt, I, N, DotFound, TestExts, !*quiet_faslout; if IDP Filename then (lambda (!*Lower); Filename := BldMsg("%w", Filename))(T); if not StringP Filename then return NonStringError(Filename, 'ComFile); N := ISizeS Filename; I := 0; while not DotFound and ILEQ(I, N) do << if IGetS(Filename, I) = char '!. then DotFound := T; I := IAdd1 I >>; if DotFound then << if not FileP Filename then return ContError(99, "Couldn't find file", ComFile Filename) else << FileBase := SubSeq(Filename, 0, I); FileExt := SubSeq(Filename, ISub1 I, IAdd1 N) >> >> else << TestExts := '(".build" ".sl" ".red"); while not null TestExts and not FileP(TestFile := Concat(Filename, first TestExts)) do TestExts := rest TestExts; if null TestExts then return ContError(99, "Couldn't find file", ComFile Filename) else << FileExt := first TestExts; FileBase := Filename; Filename := TestFile >> >>; ErrorPrintF("*** Compiling %w", Filename); !*quiet_faslout := T; Faslout FileBase; if FileExt member '(".build" ".red") then EvIn list Filename else DskIn Filename; Faslend; return T; end; lisp procedure CompileUncompiledExpressions(); << ErrorPrintF("*** Init code length is %w", length car UncompiledExpressions!*); DFPRINTFasl list('DE, '!*!*Fasl!*!*InitCode!*!*, '(), 'PROGN . car UncompiledExpressions!*) >>; lisp procedure CodeFileHeader(); << BinaryWrite(CodeOut!*, const FASL_MAGIC_NUMBER); AllocateFaslSpaces() >>; fluid '(CodeBase!* BitTableBase!* OrderedIDList!* NextIDNumber!*); lisp procedure FindIDNumber U; begin scalar I; return if ILEQ(I := IDInf U, 128) then I else if (I := get(U, 'IDNumber)) then I else << put(U, 'IDNumber, I := NextIDNumber!*); OrderedIDList!* := TConc(OrderedIDList!*, U); NextIDNumber!* := IAdd1 NextIDNumber!*; I >>; end; lisp procedure CodeFileTrailer(); begin scalar S; SystemFaslFixup(); BinaryWrite(CodeOut!*, IDifference(ISub1 NextIDNumber!*, 2048)); % Number of local IDs for each X in car OrderedIDList!* do << RemProp(X, 'IDNumber); X := StrInf ID2String X; S := StrLen X; BinaryWriteBlock(CodeOut!*, X, IAdd1 StrPack S) >>; BinaryWrite(CodeOut!*, % S is size in words S := IQuotient(IPlus2(CurrentOffset!*, ISub1 const AddressingUnitsPerItem), const AddressingUnitsPerItem)); BinaryWrite(CodeOut!*, InitOffset!*); BinaryWriteBlock(CodeOut!*, CodeBase!*, S); BinaryWrite(CodeOut!*, S := IQuotient(IPlus2(BitTableOffset!*, ISub1 const BitTableEntriesPerWord), const BitTableEntriesPerWord)); BinaryWriteBlock(CodeOut!*, BitTableBase!*, S); DelWArray(BitTableBase!*, FaslBlockEnd!*); end; lisp procedure UpdateBitTable(NumberOfEntries, FirstEntry); if !*WritingFaslFile then << PutBitTable(BitTableBase!*, BitTableOffset!*, FirstEntry); BitTableOffset!* := IAdd1 BitTableOffset!*; for I := 2 step 1 until NumberOfEntries do << PutBitTable(BitTableBase!*, BitTableOffset!*, 0); BitTableOffset!* := IAdd1 BitTableOffset!* >>; if IGreaterP(BitTableOffset!*, MaxFaslOffset!*) then FatalError "BPS exhausted during FaslOut; output file too large" >>; lisp procedure AllocateFaslSpaces(); begin scalar B; B := GTWarray NIL; % how much is left? B := IDifference(B, IQuotient(B, 3)); FaslBlockEnd!* := GTWArray 0; % pointer to top of space BitTableBase!* := GTWarray B; % take 2/3 of whatever's left CurrentOffset!* := 0; BitTableOffset!* := 0; CodeBase!* := Loc WGetV(BitTableBase!*, % split the space between IQuotient(B, % bit table and code IQuotient(const BitTableEntriesPerWord, const AddressingUnitsPerItem))); MaxFaslOffset!* := IDifference(FaslBlockEnd!*, CodeBase!*); OrderedIDList!* := NIL . NIL; NextIDNumber!* := 2048; % local IDs start at 2048 end; END;