Artifact ed30a1d3f2dd2fedbb48a66aef9f4c047793c55d57c4fc70f1b0b31b12fb2a82:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 2192) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module lpri; % Functions for printing diagnostic and error messages. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. % Copyright (c) 1987 The RAND Corporation. All rights reserved. fluid '(!*defn !*echo !*fort !*int !*msg !*nat !*protfg); global '(cursym!* erfg!* ofl!* outl!*); symbolic procedure lpri u; begin a: if null u then return nil; prin2 car u; prin2 " "; u := cdr u; go to a end; symbolic procedure lpriw (u,v); begin scalar x; u := u . if v and atom v then list v else v; if ofl!* and (!*fort or not !*nat or !*defn) then go to c; terpri(); a: lpri u; terpri(); if null x then go to b; wrs cdr x; return nil; b: if null ofl!* then return nil; c: x := ofl!*; wrs nil; go to a end; symbolic procedure lprim u; !*msg and lpriw("***",u); symbolic procedure lprie u; begin scalar x; if !*int then go to a; x:= !*defn; !*defn := nil; a: erfg!* := t; lpriw ("*****",u); if null !*int then !*defn := x end; symbolic procedure printty u; begin scalar ofl; if null !*fort and !*nat then print u; if null ofl!* then return nil; ofl := ofl!*; wrs nil; print u; wrs cdr ofl end; symbolic procedure rerror(packagename,number,message); rederr message; symbolic procedure rederr u; begin if not !*protfg then lprie u; error1() end; symbolic procedure symerr(u,v); begin scalar x; erfg!* := t; if numberp cursym!* or not(x := get(cursym!*,'prtch)) then x := cursym!*; terpri(); if !*echo then terpri(); outl!* := reversip!*(car outl!* . '!$!$!$ . cdr outl!*); comm1 t; a: if null outl!* then go to b; prin2 car outl!*; outl!* := cdr outl!*; go to a; b: terpri(); if null v then rerror('rlisp,5,u) else rerror('rlisp,6, x . ("invalid" . (if u then list("in",u,"statement") else nil))) end; symbolic procedure typerr(u,v); rerror('rlisp,6,list(u,"invalid as",v)); endmodule; end;