Artifact e9a20ea9cf10c584ca66e08e34328eca6a8827d72eb7572d8fa16da07e9e3c02:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 9363) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 9363) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
;;; ;;; STRINGS.LSP - Common Lisp string operations ;;; ;;; Author: Eric Benson ;;; Symbolic Computation Group ;;; Computer Science Dept. ;;; University of Utah ;;; Date: 7 April 1982 ;;; Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah ;;; (eval-when (load) (imports '(chars))) ; Uses the CHARS module (eval-when (compile) ; Local functions (localf string-equal-aux string<-aux string<=-aux string<>-aux string-lessp-aux string-not-greaterp-aux string-not-equal-aux string-trim-left-index string-trim-right-index bag-element bag-element-aux string-concat-aux)) ;;;; CHAR - fetch a character in a string ;(defun char (s i) ; not defined because CHAR means something else in PSL ; (elt (stringify s) i)) ;;;; RPLACHAR - store a character in a string (defun rplachar (s i x) (setelt s i x)) ;;;; STRING= - compare two strings (substring options not implemented) (fset 'string= (fsymeval 'eqstr)) ; Same function in PSL ;;;; STRING-EQUAL - compare two strings, ignoring case, bits and font (defun string-equal (s1 s2) (setq s1 (stringify s1)) (setq s2 (stringify s2)) (or (eq s1 s2) (let ((len1 (string-length s1)) (len2 (string-length s2))) (and (eql len1 len2) (string-equal-aux s1 s2 len1 0))))) (defun string-equal-aux (s1 s2 len i) (or (eql len i) (and (char-equal (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) (string-equal-aux s1 s2 len (add1 i))))) ;;;; STRING< - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string< (s1 s2) (setq s1 (stringify s1)) (setq s2 (stringify s2)) (string<-aux s1 s2 (string-length s1) (string-length s2) 0)) (defun string<-aux (s1 s2 len1 len2 i) (cond ((eql i len1) (if (eql i len2) () i)) ((eql i len2) ()) ((char= (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) (string<-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 (add1 i))) ((char< (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) i) (t ()))) ;;;; STRING> - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string> (s1 s2) (string< s2 s1)) ;;;; STRING<= - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string<= (s1 s2) (setq s1 (stringify s1)) (setq s2 (stringify s2)) (string<=-aux s1 s2 (string-length s1) (string-length s2) 0)) (defun string<=-aux (s1 s2 len1 len2 i) (cond ((eql i len1) i) ((eql i len2) ()) ((char= (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) (string<=-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 (add1 i))) ((char< (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) i) (t ()))) ;;;; STRING>= - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string>= (s1 s2) (string<= s2 s1)) ;;;; STRING<> - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string<> (s1 s2) (setq s1 (stringify s1)) (setq s2 (stringify s2)) (let ((len1 (string-length s1)) (len2 (string-length s2))) (if (<= len1 len2) (string<>-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 0) (string<>-aux s2 s1 len2 len1 0)))) (defun string<>-aux (s1 s2 len1 len2 i) (cond ((eql i len1) (if (eql i len2) () i)) ((char= (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) (string<>-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 (add1 i))) (t i))) ;;;; STRING-LESSP - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string-lessp (s1 s2) (setq s1 (stringify s1)) (setq s2 (stringify s2)) (string-lessp-aux s1 s2 (string-length s1) (string-length s2) 0)) (defun string-lessp-aux (s1 s2 len1 len2 i) (cond ((eql i len1) (if (eql i len2) () i)) ((eql i len2) ()) ((char-equal (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) (string-lessp-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 (add1 i))) ((char-lessp (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) i) (t ()))) ;;;; STRING-GREATERP - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string-greaterp (s1 s2) (string-lessp s2 s1)) ;;;; STRING-NOT-GREATERP - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string-not-greaterp (s1 s2) (setq s1 (stringify s1)) (setq s2 (stringify s2)) (string-not-greaterp-aux s1 s2 (string-length s1) (string-length s2) 0)) (defun string-not-greaterp-aux (s1 s2 len1 len2 i) (cond ((eql i len1) i) ((eql i len2) ()) ((char-equal (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) (string-not-greaterp-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 (add1 i))) ((char-lessp (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) i) (t ()))) ;;;; STRING-NOT-LESSP - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string-not-lessp (s1 s2) (string-lessp= s2 s1)) ;;;; STRING-NOT-EQUAL - lexicographic comparison of strings (defun string-not-equal (s1 s2) (setq s1 (stringify s1)) (setq s2 (stringify s2)) (let ((len1 (string-length s1)) (len2 (string-length s2))) (if (<= len1 len2) (string-not-equal-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 0) (string-not-equal-aux s2 s1 len2 len1 0)))) (defun string-not-equal-aux (s1 s2 len1 len2 i) (cond ((eql i len1) (if (eql i len2) () i)) ((char-equal (char s1 i) (char s2 i)) (string-not-equal-aux s1 s2 len1 len2 (add1 i))) (t i))) ;;;; MAKE-STRING - construct a string (defun make-string (count fill-character) (mkstring (sub1 count) fill-character)) ;;;; STRING-REPEAT - concat together copies of a string (defun string-repeat (s i) (setq s (stringify s)) (cond ((eql i 0) "") ((eql i 1) (copystring s)) (t (let ((len (string-length s))) (let ((s1 (make-string (* i len) #\Space))) (do ((j 1 (+ j 1)) (i1 -1)) ((> j i)) (do ((k 0 (+ k 1))) ((eql k len)) (setq i1 (add1 i1)) (rplachar s1 i1 (char s k)))) s1))))) ;;;; STRING-TRIM - remove leading and trailing characters from a string (defun string-trim (c-bag s) (setq s (stringify s)) (let ((len (string-length s))) (let ((i1 (string-trim-left-index c-bag s 0 len)) (i2 (string-trim-right-index c-bag s len))) (if (<= i2 i1) "" (substring s i1 i2))))) (defun string-trim-left-index (c-bag s i uplim) (if (or (eql i uplim) (not (bag-element (char s i) c-bag))) i (string-trim-left-index c-bag s (add1 i) uplim))) (defun string-trim-right-index (c-bag s i) (if (or (eql i 0) (not (bag-element (char s (sub1 i)) c-bag))) i (string-trim-right-index c-bag s (sub1 i)))) (defun bag-element (elem c-bag) (cond ((consp c-bag) (memq elem c-bag)) ((stringp c-bag) (bag-element-aux elem c-bag 0 (string-length c-bag))) (t ()))) (defun bag-element-aux (elem c-bag i uplim) (and (< i uplim) (or (char= elem (char c-bag i)) (bag-element-aux elem c-bag (add1 i) uplim)))) ;;;; STRING-LEFT-TRIM - remove leading characters from string (defun string-left-trim (c-bag s) (setq s (stringify s)) (let ((len (string-length s))) (let ((i1 (string-trim-left-index c-bag s 0 len))) (if (<= len i1) "" (substring s i1 len))))) ;;;; STRING-RIGHT-TRIM - remove trailing characters from string (defun string-right-trim (c-bag s) (setq s (stringify s)) (let ((i2 (string-trim-right-index c-bag s (string-length s)))) (if (<= i2 0) "" (substring s 0 i2)))) ;;;; STRING-UPCASE - copy and raise all alphabetic characters in string (defun string-upcase (s) (setq s (stringify s)) (nstring-upcase (copystring s))) ;;;; NSTRING-UPCASE - destructively raise all alphabetic characters in string (defun nstring-upcase (s) (let ((len (string-length s))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((eql i len)) (let ((c (char s i))) (when (lowercasep c) (rplachar s i (char-upcase c))))) s)) ;;;; STRING-DOWNCASE - copy and lower all alphabetic characters in string (defun string-downcase (s) (setq s (stringify s)) (nstring-downcase (copystring s))) ;;;; NSTRING-DOWNCASE - destructively raise all alphabetic characters in string (defun nstring-downcase (s) (let ((len (string-length s))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((eql i len)) (let ((c (char s i))) (when (uppercasep c) (rplachar s i (char-downcase c))))) s)) ;;;; STRING-CAPITALIZE - copy and raise first letter of all words in string (defun string-capitalize (s) (setq s (stringify s)) (nstring-capitalize (copystring s))) ;;;; NSTRING-CAPITALIZE - destructively raise first letter of all words (defun nstring-capitalize (s) (let ((len (string-length s)) (in-word-flag ())) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((eql i len)) (let ((c (char s i))) (cond ((uppercasep c) (if in-word-flag (rplachar s i (char-downcase c)) (setq in-word-flag t))) ((lowercasep c) (when (not in-word-flag) (rplachar s i (char-upcase c)) (setq in-word-flag t))) (t (setq in-word-flag ()))))) s)) ;;;; STRING - coercion to a string, named STRINGIFY in PSL (defun stringify (x) (cond ((stringp x) x) ((symbolp x) (get-pname x)) (t (stderror (bldmsg "%r cannot be coerced to a string" x))))) ;;;; STRING-TO-LIST - unpack string characters into a list (defun string-to-list (s) (string2list s)) ; PSL function ;;;; STRING-TO-VECTOR - unpack string characters into a vector (defun string-to-vector (s) (string2vector s)) ; PSL function ;;;; SUBSTRING - subsequence restricted to strings (defun substring (string start end) (subseq (stringify string) start end)) ;;;; STRING-LENGTH - last index of a string, plus one (defun string-length (s) (add1 (size s))) ;;;; STRING-CONCAT - concatenate strings (defmacro string-concat args (let ((len (length args))) (cond ((eql len 0) "") ((eql len 1) `(copystring (stringify ,(first args)))) (t (string-concat-aux args len))))) (defun string-concat-aux (args len) (if (eql len 2) `(concat (stringify ,(first args)) (stringify ,(second args))) `(concat (stringify ,(first args)) ,(string-concat-aux (rest args) (sub1 len)))))