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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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% -*- REDUCE -*- % The Postel/Zimmermann (11/4/96) ODE test examples. % Equation names from Postel/Zimmermann. % This version uses REDUCE-style variable notation wherever possible. on trode; on div, intstr; off allfac; % to look prettier % 1 Single equations without initial conditions % ============================================== % 1.1 Linear equations % ==================== depend y, x; % (1) Linear Bernoulli 1 odesolve((x^4-x^3)*df(y,x) + 2*x^4*y = x^3/3 + C, y, x); % (2) Linear Bernoulli 2 odesolve(-1/2*df(y,x) + y = sin x, y, x); % (3) Linear change of variables (FJW: shifted Euler equation) odesolve(df(y,x,2)*(a*x+b)^2 + 4df(y,x)*(a*x+b)*a + 2y*a^2 = 0, y, x); % (4) Adjoint odesolve((x^2-x)*df(y,x,2) + (2x^2+4x-3)*df(y,x) + 8x*y = 1, y, x); % (5) Polynomial solutions % (FJW: currently very slow, and fails anyway!) % odesolve((x^2-x)*df(y,x,2) + (1-2x^2)*df(y,x) + (4x-2)*y = 0, y, x); % (6) Dependent variable missing odesolve(df(y,x,2) + 2x*df(y,x) = 2x, y, x); % (7) Liouvillian solutions % (FJW: INTEGRATION IMPOSSIBLY SLOW WITHOUT EITHER ALGINT OR NOINT OPTION) begin scalar !*allfac; !*allfac := t; return odesolve((x^3/2-x^2)*df(y,x,2) + (2x^2-3x+1)*df(y,x) + (x-1)*y = 0, y, x, algint); end; % NB: DO NOT RE-EVALUATE RESULT WITHOUT TURNING ON ALGINT OR NOINT SWITCH % (8) Reduction of order % (FJW: Attempting to make explicit currently too slow.) odesolve(df(y,x,2) - 2x*df(y,x) + 2y = 3, y, x); % (9) Integrating factors % (FJW: Currently very slow, and fails anyway!) % odesolve(sqrt(x)*df(y,x,2) + 2x*df(y,x) + 3y = 0, y, x); % (10) Radical solution (FJW: omitted for now) % (11) Undetermined coefficients odesolve(df(y,x,2) - 2/x^2*y = 7x^4 + 3*x^3, y, x); % (12) Variation of parameters odesolve(df(y,x,2) + y = csc(x), y, x); % (13) Linear constant coefficients << factor exp(x); write odesolve(df(y,x,7) - 14df(y,x,6) + 80df(y,x,5) - 242df(y,x,4) + 419df(y,x,3) - 416df(y,x,2) + 220df(y,x) - 48y = 0, y, x); remfac exp(x) >>; % (14) Euler odesolve(df(y,x,4) - 4/x^2*df(y,x,2) + 8/x^3*df(y,x) - 8/x^4*y = 0, y, x); % (15) Exact n-th order odesolve((1+x+x^2)*df(y,x,3) + (3+6x)*df(y,x,2) + 6df(y,x) = 6x, y, x); % 1.2 Nonlinear equations % ======================= % (16) Integrating factors 1 odesolve(df(y,x) = y/(y*log y + x), y, x); % (17) Integrating factors 2 odesolve(2y*df(y,x)^2 - 2x*df(y,x) - y = 0, y, x); % This parametric solution is correct, cf. Zwillinger (1989) p.168 (41.10) % (except that first edition is missing the constant C)! % (18) Bernoulli 1 odesolve(df(y,x) + y = y^3*sin x, y, x, explicit); expand_plus_or_minus ws; % (19) Bernoulli 2 depend {P, Q}, x; begin scalar soln, !*exp, !*allfac; % for a neat solution on allfac; soln := odesolve(df(y,x) + P*y = Q*y^n, y, x); off allfac; return soln end; odesolve(df(y,x) + P*y = Q*y^(2/3), y, x); % (20) Clairaut 1 odesolve((x^2-1)*df(y,x)^2 - 2x*y*df(y,x) + y^2 - 1 = 0, y, x, explicit); % (21) Clairaut 2 operator f, g; odesolve(f(x*df(y,x)-y) = g(df(y,x)), y, x); % (22) Equations of the form y' = f(x,y) odesolve(df(y,x) = (3x^2-y^2-7)/(exp(y)+2x*y+1), y, x); % (23) Homogeneous odesolve(df(y,x) = (2x^3*y-y^4)/(x^4-2x*y^3), y, x); % (24) Factoring the equation odesolve(df(y,x)*(df(y,x)+y) = x*(x+y), y, x); % (25) Interchange variables % (NB: Soln in Zwillinger (1989) wrong, as is last eqn in Table 68!) odesolve(df(y,x) = x/(x^2*y^2+y^5), y, x); % (26) Lagrange 1 odesolve(y = 2x*df(y,x) - a*df(y,x)^3, y, x); odesolve(y = 2x*df(y,x) - a*df(y,x)^3, y, x, implicit); % root_of quartic is VERY slow if explicit option used! % (27) Lagrange 2 odesolve(y = 2x*df(y,x) - df(y,x)^2, y, x); odesolve(y = 2x*df(y,x) - df(y,x)^2, y, x, implicit); % (28) Riccati 1 odesolve(df(y,x) = exp(x)*y^2 - y + exp(-x), y, x); % (29) Riccati 2 factor x; odesolve(df(y,x) = y^2 - x*y + 1, y, x); remfac x; % (30) Separable odesolve(df(y,x) = (9x^8+1)/(y^2+1), y, x); % (31) Solvable for x odesolve(y = 2x*df(y,x) + y*df(y,x)^2, y, x); odesolve(y = 2x*df(y,x) + y*df(y,x)^2, y, x, implicit); % (32) Solvable for y begin scalar !*allfac; !*allfac := t; return odesolve(x = y*df(y,x) - x*df(y,x)^2, y, x) end; % (33) Autonomous 1 odesolve(df(y,x,2)-df(y,x) = 2y*df(y,x), y, x, explicit); % (34) Autonomous 2 (FJW: Slow without either algint or noint option.) odesolve(df(y,x,2)/y - df(y,x)^2/y^2 - 1 + 1/y^3 = 0, y, x, algint); % (35) Differentiation method odesolve(2y*df(y,x,2) - df(y,x)^2 = 1/3(df(y,x) - x*df(y,x,2))^2, y, x, explicit); % (36) Equidimensional in x odesolve(x*df(y,x,2) = 2y*df(y,x), y, x, explicit); % (37) Equidimensional in y odesolve((1-x)*(y*df(y,x,2)-df(y,x)^2) + x^2*y^2 = 0, y, x); % (38) Exact second order odesolve(x*y*df(y,x,2) + x*df(y,x)^2 + y*df(y,x) = 0, y, x, explicit); % (39) Factoring differential operator odesolve(df(y,x,2)^2 - 2df(y,x)*df(y,x,2) + 2y*df(y,x) - y^2 = 0, y, x); % (40) Scale invariant (fails with algint option) odesolve(x^2*df(y,x,2) + 3x*df(y,x) = 1/(y^3*x^4), y, x); % Revised scale-invariant example (hangs with algint option): ode := x^2*df(y,x,2) + 3x*df(y,x) + 2*y = 1/(y^3*x^4); % Choose full (explicit and expanded) solution: odesolve(ode, y, x, full); % or "explicit, expand" % Check it -- each solution should simplify to 0: foreach soln in ws collect trigsimp sub(soln, num(lhs ode - rhs ode)); % (41) Autonomous, 3rd order odesolve((df(y,x)^2+1)*df(y,x,3) - 3df(y,x)*df(y,x,2)^2 = 0, y, x); % (42) Autonomous, 4th order odesolve(3*df(y,x,2)*df(y,x,4) - 5df(y,x,3)^2 = 0, y, x); % 1.3 Special equations % ===================== % (43) Delay operator y; odesolve(df(y(x),x) + a*y(x-1) = 0, y(x), x); % (44) Functions with several parameters odesolve(df(y(x,a),x) = a*y(x,a), y(x,a), x); % 2 Single equations with initial conditions % =========================================== % (45) Exact 4th order odesolve(df(y,x,4) = sin x, y, x, {x=0, y=0, df(y,x)=0, df(y,x,2)=0, df(y,x,3)=0}); % (46) Linear polynomial coefficients -- Bessel J0 odesolve(x*df(y,x,2) + df(y,x) + 2x*y = 0, y, x, {x=0, y=1, df(y,x)=0}); % (47) Second-degree separable soln := odesolve(x*df(y,x)^2 - y^2 + 1 = 0, y=1, x=0, explicit); % Alternatively ... soln where e^~x => cosh x + sinh x; % but this works ONLY with `on div, intstr; off allfac;' % A better alternative is ... trigsimp(soln, hyp, combine); expand_plus_or_minus ws; % (48) Autonomous odesolve(df(y,x,2) + y*df(y,x)^3 = 0, y, x, {x=0, y=0, df(y,x)=2}); %% Only one explicit solution satisfies the conditions: begin scalar !*trode, !*fullroots; !*fullroots := t; return odesolve(df(y,x,2) + y*df(y,x)^3 = 0, y, x, {x=0, y=0, df(y,x)=2}, explicit); end; % 3 Systems of equations % ======================= % (49) Integrable combinations depend {x, y, z}, t; odesolve({df(x,t) = -3y*z, df(y,t) = 3x*z, df(z,t) = -x*y}, {x,y,z}, t); % (50) Matrix Riccati depend {a, b}, t; odesolve({df(x,t) = a*(y^2-x^2) + 2b*x*y + 2c*x, df(y,t) = b*(y^2-x^2) - 2a*x*y + 2c*y}, {x,y}, t); % (51) Triangular odesolve({df(x,t) = x*(1 + cos(t)/(2+sin(t))), df(y,t) = x - y}, {x,y}, t); % (52) Vector odesolve({df(x,t) = 9x + 2y, df(y,t) = x + 8y}, {x,y}, t); % (53) Higher order odesolve({df(x,t) - x + 2y = 0, df(x,t,2) - 2df(y,t) = 2t - cos(2t)}, {x,y}, t); % (54) Inhomogeneous system equ := {df(x,t) = -1/(t*(t^2+1))*x + 1/(t^2*(t^2+1))*y + 1/t, df(y,t) = -t^2/(t^2+1)*x + (2t^2+1)/(t*(t^2+1))*y + 1}; odesolve(equ, {x,y}, t); end;