Artifact e7d428fc443adb136bf5a014e77b69328d291ee9f8907ca36c6f167796b86351:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 17436) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 17436) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module inttaylr; % Author: James H. Davenport. fluid '(const taylorasslist taylorvariable); exports taylorform,taylorformp,taylorevaluate,return0,taylorplus, initialtaylorplus,taylorminus,initialtaylorminus, tayloroptminus,tayloroptplus,taylorctimes,initialtaylortimes, tayloroptctimes,taylorsqrtx,initialtaylorsqrtx, taylorquotient,initialtaylorquotient,taylorformersqrt, taylorbtimes,taylorformertimes,taylorformerexpt; symbolic procedure taylorform sq; if involvesf(denr sq,taylorvariable) then taylorformp list('quotient,tayprepf numr sq,tayprepf denr sq) else if 1 iequal denr sq then taylorformp tayprepf numr sq else taylorformp list('constanttimes, tayprepf numr sq, mk!*sq(1 ./ (denr sq))); % get division by a constant right. symbolic procedure taylorformp pf; if null pf then nil else if not dependsp(pf,taylorvariable) then taylorconst simp pf else begin scalar fn,initial,args,n; if atom pf then if pf eq taylorvariable then return taylorformp list ('expt,pf,1) else interr "False atom in taylorformp"; % get 'x right as reduce shorthand for x**1. if taylorp pf then return pf; % cope with pre-expressed cases. % ***store-hack-1*** % remove the (car pf eq 'sqrt) if more store is available. if (car pf eq 'sqrt) and (fn:=assoc(pf,taylorasslist)) then go to lookupok; % look it up first. fn:=get(car pf,'taylorformer); if null fn then go to ordinary; fn:=apply1(fn,cdr pf); % ***store-hack-1*** % remove the test if more store is available. if car pf eq 'sqrt then taylorasslist:=(pf.fn).taylorasslist; return fn; % cope with the special cases. ordinary: args := for each j in cdr pf collect taylorformp j; fn:=get(car pf,'tayloropt); if null fn then go to nooptimisation; fn:=apply1(fn,args); if fn then go to ananswer; % an optimisation has been made. nooptimisation: fn:=get(car pf,'taylorfunction); if null fn then interr "No Taylor function provided"; fn:=fn.args; % fn is now the "how to compute" code. initial:=get(car pf,'initialtaylorfunction); if null initial then interr "No initial Taylor function"; initial:=lispapply(initial, list for each u in cdr fn collect firstterm u); % the first term in the expansion, or so we hope. n:=car initial; fn:=list(fn,n.n,initial); while null numr cdr initial do << n:=n+1; if !*tra then lprim list("Increasing accuracy to",n); initial:=n.taylorevaluate(fn,n); fn:=list(car fn,n.n,initial); >>; ananswer: % ***store-hack-1*** % uncomment this if more store is available; % taylorasslist:=(pf.fn).taylorasslist; return fn; lookupok: % These PRINT statements can be enabled in order to test the % efficacy of the association list % printc "Taylor lookup succeeded"; % superprint car fn; % printc length taylorasslist; return cdr fn end; symbolic procedure taylorevaluate(texpr,n); if n<taylorfirst texpr then nil ./ 1 else if n>taylorlast texpr then tayloreval2(texpr,n) else begin scalar u; u:=assoc(n,taylorlist texpr); if u then return cdr u else return tayloreval2(texpr,n) end; symbolic procedure tayloreval2(texpr,n); begin scalar u; % actually evaluates from scratch. u:=apply3(taylorfunction texpr,n,texpr,cdr taylordefn texpr); if 'return0 eq taylorfunction texpr then return u; % no need to update with trivial zeroes. rplacd(cdr texpr,(n.u).taylorlist texpr); % update the association list. if n>taylorlast texpr then rplacd(taylornumbers texpr,n); % update the first/last pointer. return u end; symbolic procedure taylorconst sq; list('return0 . nil,0 . 0,0 . sq); symbolic procedure return0 (a,b,c); nil ./ 1; flag('(return0),'taylor); symbolic procedure firstterm texpr; begin scalar n,i; i:=taylorfirst texpr; trynext: n:=taylorevaluate(texpr,i); if numr n then return i.n; if i > 50 then interr "Potentially zero Taylor series"; i:=iadd1 i; rplaca(taylornumbers texpr,i); go to trynext end; symbolic procedure tayloroneterm u; % See if a Taylor expression has only one term. 'return0 eq taylorfunction u and taylorfirst u=taylorlast u; % ***store-hack-1***; % uncomment this procedure if more store is available; % there is a smacro for this at the start of the file % for use if no store can be spared; %symbolic procedure tayshorten(save); %begin % scalar z; % % shortens the association list back to save, % removing all the non-sqrts from it; % while taylorasslist neq save do << % if caar taylorasslist eq 'sqrt % then z:=(car taylorasslist).z; % taylorasslist:=cdr taylorasslist >>; % taylorasslist:=nconc(z,taylorasslist); % return nil % end; symbolic procedure tayprepf sf; if atom sf then sf else if atom mvar sf then taylorpoly makemainvar(sf,taylorvariable) else if null red sf then tayprept lt sf else list('plus,tayprept lt sf,tayprepf red sf); symbolic procedure tayprept term; if tdeg term = 1 then if tc term = 1 then tvar term else list('times,tvar term,tayprepf tc term) else if tc term = 1 then list ('expt,tvar term,tdeg term) else list('times,list('expt,tvar term,tdeg term), tayprepf tc term); symbolic procedure taylorpoly sf; % SF is a poly with MVAR = TAYLORVARIABLE. begin scalar tmax,tmin,u; tmax:=tmin:=ldeg sf; while sf do if atom sf or (mvar sf neq taylorvariable) then << tmin:=0; u:=(0 . !*f2q sf).u; sf:=nil >> else << u:=((tmin:=ldeg sf) . !*f2q lc sf) . u; sf:=red sf >>; return (list 'return0) . ((tmin.tmax).u) end; symbolic procedure taylorplus(n,texpr,args); mapply(function !*addsq, for each u in args collect taylorevaluate(u,n)); symbolic procedure initialtaylorplus slist; begin scalar n,numlst; n:=mapply(function min2,mapovercar slist); % the least of the degrees. numlst:=nil; while slist do << if caar slist iequal n then numlst:=(cdar slist).numlst; slist:=cdr slist >>; return n.mapply(function !*addsq,numlst) end; put ('plus,'taylorfunction,'taylorplus); put ('plus,'initialtaylorfunction,'initialtaylorplus); symbolic procedure taylorminus(n,texpr,args); negsq taylorevaluate(car args,n); symbolic procedure initialtaylorminus slist; (caar slist).(negsq cdar slist); put('minus,'taylorfunction,'taylorminus); put('minus,'initialtaylorfunction,'initialtaylorminus); flag('(taylorplus taylorminus),'taylor); symbolic procedure tayloroptminus(u); if 'return0 eq taylorfunction car u then taylormake(taylordefn car u, taylornumbers car u, taylorneglist taylorlist car u) else if 'taylorctimes eq taylorfunction car u then begin scalar const; u:=car u; const:=caddr taylordefn u; % the item to be negated. const:=taylormake(taylordefn const, taylornumbers const, taylorneglist taylorlist const); return taylormake(list(taylorfunction u, argof taylordefn u, const), taylornumbers u, taylorneglist taylorlist u) end else nil; put('minus,'tayloropt,'tayloroptminus); symbolic procedure taylorneglist u; for each v in u collect (car v . negsq cdr v); symbolic procedure tayloroptplus args; begin scalar ret,hard,u; u:=args; while u do << if 'return0 eq taylorfunction car u then ret:=(car u).ret else hard:=(car u).hard; u:=cdr u >>; if null ret or null cdr ret then return nil; ret:=mapply(function joinret,ret); if null hard then return ret; rplaca(args,ret); rplacd(args,hard); return nil end; put('plus,'tayloropt,'tayloroptplus); symbolic procedure joinret(u,v); begin scalar nums,a,b,al; nums:=(min2(taylorfirst u,taylorfirst v). max2(taylorlast u,taylorlast v)); al:=nil; u:=taylorlist u; v:=taylorlist v; for i:=(car nums) step 1 until (cdr nums) do << a:=assoc(i,u); b:=assoc(i,v); if a then if b then al:=(i.!*addsq(cdr a,cdr b)).al else else if b then >>; return taylormake(list 'return0,nums,al) end; % the operator constanttimes % has two arguments (actually a list) % 1) a form dependent on the taylorvariable % 2) a form which is not. % the operator binarytimes has two arguments (actually a list) % but behaves like times otherwise. symbolic procedure taylorctimes(n,texpr,args); !*multsq(taylorevaluate(car args,n-(taylorfirst cadr args)), taylorevaluate(cadr args,taylorfirst cadr args)); symbolic procedure initialtaylortimes slist; % Multiply the variable by the constant. ((caar slist)+(caadr slist)). !*multsq(cdar slist,cdadr slist); symbolic procedure tayloroptctimes u; if 'taylorctimes eq taylorfunction car u then begin scalar reala,const,iconst,degg; % we have nested multiplication. reala:=argof taylordefn car u; % the thing to be multiplied by the two constants. const:=car taylorlist cadr u; %the actual outer constant: deg.sq. iconst:=caddr taylordefn car u; %the inner constant. degg:=(taylorfirst iconst)+(car const); iconst:=list(taylordefn iconst, degg.degg, degg.!*multsq(cdar taylorlist iconst,cdr const)); return list('taylorctimes,reala,iconst). ((((taylorfirst car u) + (car const)). ((taylorlast car u) + (car const))). for each j in taylorlist car u collect multconst j) end else if 'return0 eq taylorfunction car u then begin scalar const; const:=car taylorlist cadr u; % the actual constant:deg.sq. u:=car u; return (taylordefn u). ((((taylorfirst u)+car const). ((taylorlast u)+car const)). for each j in taylorlist u collect multconst j) end else nil; symbolic procedure multconst v; % Multiplies v by const in deg.sq form. ((car v)+(car const)) . !*multsq(cdr v,cdr const); put('constanttimes,'tayloropt,'tayloroptctimes); put('constanttimes,'simpfn,'simptimes); put('constanttimes,'taylorfunction,'taylorctimes); put('constanttimes,'initialtaylorfunction,'initialtaylortimes); symbolic procedure taylorbtimes(n,texpr,args); begin scalar answer,n1,n2; answer:= nil ./ 1; n1:=car firstterm car args; % the first term in one argument. n2:=car firstterm cadr args; % the first term in the other. for i:=n1 step 1 until (n-n2) do answer:=!*addsq(answer,!*multsq(taylorevaluate(cadr args,n-i), taylorevaluate(car args,i))); return answer end; put('binarytimes,'taylorfunction,'taylorbtimes); put('binarytimes,'initialtaylorfunction,'initialtaylortimes); put('binarytimes,'simpfn,'simptimes); symbolic procedure taylorformertimes arglist; begin scalar const,var,degg,wsqrt,negcount; % u; negcount:=0; degg:=0;% the deggrees of any solitary x we may meet. const:=nil; var:=nil; wsqrt:=nil; while arglist do << if dependsp(car arglist,taylorvariable) then if and(eqcar(car arglist,'expt), cadar arglist eq taylorvariable, numberp caddar arglist) then degg:=degg+caddar arglist % removed JHD 21.8.86 - while it is anoptimisation, % it runs the risk of proving that -1 = +1 by ignoring the % number of "i" needed - despite the attempts we went to. % else if eqcar(car arglist,'sqrt) % then << % u:=argof car arglist; % wsqrt := u . wsqrt; % if minusq cdr firstterm taylorformp u % then negcount:=1+negcount >> else if car arglist eq taylorvariable then degg:=degg + 1 else var:=(car arglist).var else const:=(car arglist).const; arglist:=cdr arglist >>; if wsqrt then if cdr wsqrt then var:=list('sqrt,prepsq simptimes wsqrt).var else var:=('sqrt.wsqrt).var; if var then var:=mapply(function (lambda u,v; list('binarytimes,u,v)),var); % insert binary multiplications. negcount:=negcount/2; if onep cdr divide(negcount,2) then const:= (-1).const; % we had an odd number of (-1) from i*i. if const or (degg neq 0) then << if const then const:=simptimes const else const:=1 ./ 1; const:=taylormake(list 'return0,degg.degg,list(degg.const)); if null var then var:=const else var:=list('constanttimes,var,const) >>; return taylorformp var end; put('times,'taylorformer,'taylorformertimes); flag('(taylorbtimes taylorctimes taylorquotient),'taylor); symbolic procedure taylorformerexpt arglist; begin scalar base,expon; base:=car arglist; expon:=simpcar cdr arglist; if (denr expon neq 1) or (not numberp numr expon) then interr "Hard exponent"; expon:=numr expon; if base neq taylorvariable then interr "Hard base"; return list('return0 . nil,expon.expon,expon.(1 ./ 1)) end; put ('expt,'taylorformer,'taylorformerexpt); symbolic procedure initialtaylorquotient slist; (caar slist - caadr slist). !*multsq(cdar slist,!*invsq cdadr slist); symbolic procedure taylorquotient(n,texpr,args); begin % problem is texpr=b/c or c*texpr=b. scalar sofar,b,c,cfirst; b:=car args; c:=cadr args; cfirst:=taylorfirst c; sofar:=taylorevaluate(b,n+cfirst); for i:=taylorfirst texpr step 1 until n-1 do sofar:=!*addsq(sofar,!*multsq(taylorevaluate(texpr,i), negsq taylorevaluate(c,n+cfirst-i))); return !*multsq(sofar,!*invsq taylorevaluate(c,cfirst)) end; put('quotient,'taylorfunction,'taylorquotient); put('quotient,'initialtaylorfunction,'initialtaylorquotient); % symbolic procedure minusq sq; % if null sq then nil % else if minusf numr sq then not minusf denr sq % else minusf denr sq; % This is wrapped round TAYLORFORMERSQRT2 in order to % remove the innards of the SQRT from the asslist. % note the precautions for nested SQRTs. symbolic procedure taylorformersqrt arglist; % ***store-hack-1***; % Uncomment these lines if more store is available. %begin % scalar z; % z:=taylorasslist; % if sqrtsintree(car arglist,taylorvariable) % then return taylorformersqrt2 arglist; % arglist:=taylorformersqrt2 arglist; % taylorasslist:=z; % return arglist % end; % % %symbolic procedure taylorformersqrt2 arglist; begin scalar f,realargs,ff,realsqrt; realargs:=taylorformp carx(arglist,'taylorformersqrt2); f:=firstterm realargs; if not evenp car f then interr "Extra sqrt substitution needed"; if and(0 iequal car f, 1 iequal numr cdr f, 1 iequal denr cdr f) then return taylorformp list('sqrtx,realargs); % if it starts with 1 already then it is easy. ff:=- car f; ff:=list(list 'return0,ff.ff,ff.(!*invsq cdr f)); % ff is the leading term in the expansion of realargs. realsqrt:=list('sqrtx,list('constanttimes,realargs,ff)); ff:=(car f)/2; return taylorformp list('constanttimes, realsqrt, list(list 'return0, ff.ff, ff.(simpsqrtsq cdr f))) end; put('sqrt,'taylorformer,'taylorformersqrt); symbolic procedure initialtaylorsqrtx slist; 0 . (1 ./ 1); % sqrt(1+ ...) = 1+.... symbolic procedure taylorsqrtx(n,texpr,args); begin scalar sofar; sofar:=taylorevaluate(car args,n); % (1+.....+a(n)*x**n)**2 % = ....+x**n*(2*a(n)+sum(0<i<n,a(i)*a(n-i))). % So a(n)=(coeff(x**n)-sum) /2. for i:=1 step 1 until (n-1) do sofar:=!*addsq(sofar,negsq !*multsq(taylorevaluate(texpr,i), taylorevaluate(texpr,n-i))); return multsq(sofar,1 ./ 2) end; flag('(taylorsqrtx),'taylor); put('sqrtx,'taylorfunction,'taylorsqrtx); put('sqrtx,'initialtaylorfunction,'initialtaylorsqrtx); endmodule; end;