Artifact e584a129fccacd815efa8a2eafb0eb8ce2e61adac4e26c80a255f024d3948850:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 5419) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 5419) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
% % HELP.RED - User assistance and documentation % % Author: Eric Benson and Martin Griss % Symbolic Computation Group % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 23 October 1981 % Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah % % 30 Dec, 1982, MLG % Move IF_SYSTEM to the Build file % <PSL.UTIL.NEWVERSIONS>HELP.RED, 30-Nov-82 16:31, Edit by GALWAY % Changed "FLAG" to "SWITCH" to avoid confusion with flags on property % lists and to bring terminology in line with PSL manual. % <PSL.UTIL>HELP.RED.3, 1-Dec-82 16:16:39, Edit by BENSON % Added if_system(HP9836, ... ) % <PSL.UTIL>HELP.RED.4, 10-Aug-82 00:54:26, Edit by BENSON % Changed ReadCh to ReadChar in DisplayHelpFile % <PSL.INTERP>HELP.RED.5, 31-May-82 11:50:48, Edit by GRISS % Make it LAPIN Help.Tbl % Changed: to use PH: % Display help texts, invoke interactive HELPs or print default values % Place a HELP function on topic name under 'HelpFunction % Or HELP file on topic name under 'HelpFile % Or even a short string under 'HelpString (this may be removed) fluid '(TopLoopRead!* TopLoopPrint!* TopLoopEval!* TopLoopName!* HelpFileFormat!* Options!* !*Echo HelpIn!* HelpOut!* !*Lower !*ReloadHelpTable HelpTable!* ); !*ReloadHelpTable := T; lisp procedure ReloadHelpTable(); % Set !*ReloadHelpTable to T to cause a fresh help table to be loaded if !*ReloadHelpTable then << LapIn HelpTable!*; !*ReloadHelpTable := NIL >>; lisp procedure DisplayHelpFile F; % Type help file about 'F' begin scalar NewIn, C, !*Echo; (lambda(!*Lower); F := BldMsg(HelpFileFormat!*, F))(T); NewIn := ErrorSet(list('Open, MkQuote F, '(quote Input)), NIL, NIL); if not PairP NewIn then ErrorPrintF("*** Couldn't find help file %r", F) else << NewIn := car NewIn; while not ((C := ChannelReadChar NewIn) = char EOF) do WriteChar C; Close NewIn >>; end; fexpr procedure Help U; % Look for Help on topics U begin scalar OldOut; OldOut := WRS HelpOut!*; ReloadHelpTable(); % Conditional Reload HelpTopicList U; WRS OldOut; end; lisp procedure HelpTopicList U; % Auxilliary function to prind help for each topic in list U if null U then HelpHelp() else for each X in U do begin scalar F; if F := get(X, 'HelpFunction) then Apply(F, NIL) else if F := get(X, 'HelpFile) then DisplayHelpFile F else if F := get(X, 'HelpString) then Prin2T F else DisplayHelpFile X; % Perhaps a File Exists. end; lisp procedure HelpHelp(); % HELPFUNCTION: for help itself << DisplayHelpFile 'Help; FindHelpTopics(); PrintF("%nOptional modules now loaded:%n%l%n",Options!*); >>; lisp procedure FindHelpTopics(); % Scan the ID HAST TABLE for loaded HELP info << PrintF("Help is available on the following topics:%n"); MapObl Function TestHelpTopic; TerPri(); PrintF("The files in the help directory can be read using Help.%n") >>; lisp procedure TestHelpTopic X; % auxilliary function applied to each ID to see if % some help info exists if get(X, 'HelpFunction) or get(X, 'HelpFile) or get(X, 'HelpString) then << Prin2 '! ; Prin1 X >>; lisp procedure HelpTopLoop(); % HELPFUNCTION: for TopLoop, show READER/WRITERS << DisplayHelpFile 'Top!-Loop; if TopLoopName!* then << PrintF("%nCurrently inside %w top loop%n", TopLoopName!*); PrintF("Reader: %p, Evaluator: %p, Printer: %p%n", TopLoopRead!*, TopLoopEval!*, TopLoopPrint!*) >> else PrintF("%nNot currently inside top loop%n") >>; % Switch and global help - record and display all switches and globals. lisp procedure DefineSwitch(Name, Info); % Define important switch % Name does Not have the !*, Info should be a string. % << put(Name, 'SwitchInfo, Info); Name >>; lisp procedure Show1Switch(Name); % Display a single switch begin scalar X; Prin1 Name; Tab 15; Prin1 Eval Intern Concat("*", ID2String Name); If (X := Get(Name, 'SwitchInfo)) then << Tab 25; Prin2 X >>; TerPri(); end; lisp procedure ShowSwitches L; % Display all switches in a list << if not PairP L then MapObl function TestShowSwitch; for each X in L do Show1Switch X >>; lisp procedure TestShowSwitch X; % Support function for 1 switch display if get(X, 'SwitchInfo) then Show1Switch X; lisp procedure DefineGlobal(Name, Info); % Define important global % Name is an ID, Info should be a string. % << put(Name, 'GlobalInfo, Info); Name >>; lisp procedure Show1Global Name; % Display a Single Global begin scalar X; Prin1 Name; Tab 15; Prin1 Eval Name; If (X := get(Name, 'GlobalInfo)) then << Tab 25; Prin2 X >>; TerPri(); end; lisp procedure TestShowGlobal X; % Support for GLOBAL info if get(X, 'GlobalInfo) then Show1Global X; lisp procedure Show1State Name; % Display a single switch or global << if get(Name, 'GlobalInfo) then Show1Global Name; if get(Name, 'SwitchInfo) then Show1Switch Name >>; lisp procedure ShowGlobals L; % Display all globals in a list << if not PairP L then MapObl Function TestShowGlobal; for each X in L do Show1Global X >>; lisp procedure ShowState L; % Display all globals in a list << if not PairP L then MapObl function TestShowState; for each X in L do Show1State X >>; lisp procedure TestShowState X; % Support for a Global if get(X, 'SwitchInfo) or get(X, 'GlobalInfo) then Show1State X; END;