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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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%******************************************************************** module homalgsys$ %******************************************************************** % Routines for the efficient solution of homogeneous algebraic systems % Author: Thomas Wolf % May 2000 % extra global variables: symbolic fluid '(tr_hom_alg)$ lisp(tr_hom_alg:=t)$ algebraic procedure bi_lin_expt(p)$ if p=1 then 0 else if arglength(p)<2 then 1 else if (arglength(p)=2) and (part(p,0)=EXPT) then part(p,2) else write"error!"$ algebraic procedure find_hom_deg(p)$ % returns {dg1,dg2} where dg1 is the degree of flin_ functions % dg2 is the degree of non-flin_ functions begin scalar tm,f$ % take first term only if (arglength(p)<0) or (part(p,0) neq plus) then tm:=p else tm:=part(p,1)$ l1:=lisp gensym()$ l2:=lisp gensym()$ sb:=append(for each f in lisp(cons('LIST, flin_ )) collect f=f*l1, for each f in lisp(cons('LIST,setdiff(ftem_,flin_))) collect f=f*l2)$ tm:=sub(sb,tm)/tm$ if freeof(tm,l1) then << dg1:=0; dg2:=bi_lin_expt(tm); >> else if freeof(tm,l2) then << dg1:=bi_lin_expt(tm); dg2:=0; >> else if (arglength(tm)=2) and (part(tm,0)=TIMES) then if freeof(part(tm,1),l2) then <<dg1:=bi_lin_expt(part(tm,1)); dg2:=bi_lin_expt(part(tm,2)) >> else <<dg1:=bi_lin_expt(part(tm,2)); dg2:=bi_lin_expt(part(tm,1)) >> else write"error3"; % The next two lines are a test whether the equation is still % homogeneous. This is currently commented out to save time. % tm:=sub(sb,p)/l1**dg1/l2**dg2$ % if tm neq p then write"INHOMOGENEOUS!"$ return {dg1,dg2} end$ symbolic operator make_hom_ansatz$ symbolic procedure make_hom_ansatz(f_1,f_2,d1,d2)$ begin scalar ans,ans1,ans2,h,fl,rply; if null f_1 then ans1:=1 else if null cdr f_1 then ans1:={'EXPT,car f_1,d1} else ans1:={'EXPT,cons('PLUS,f_1),d1}$ if null f_2 then ans2:=1 else if null cdr f_2 then ans2:={'EXPT,car f_1,d2} else ans2:={'EXPT,cons('PLUS,f_2),d2}$ ans:=reval {'TIMES,ans1,ans2}$ return if (not pairp ans) or (car ans neq 'PLUS) then << h:=gensym(); {'LIST,{'TIMES,h,ans},{'LIST,h}} >> else << ans:=cdr ans$ for each f in ans do << h:=gensym()$ fl:=cons(h,fl)$ rply:=cons({'TIMES,h,f},rply) >>$ {'LIST,cons('PLUS,rply),cons('LIST,fl)} >> end$ symbolic procedure bi_lin_sep(p,fl_1,fl_2)$ % separation of p wrt all fl_1, fl_2 begin scalar fl_1,fl_2,f1,f2,f,su,pcp,sepli,cnd; for each f1 in fl_1 do << if print_ then write "Separation wrt. ",f1,". "$ su:=nil; for each f in fl_1 do su:=cons(if f=f1 then {'EQUAL,f,1} else {'EQUAL,f,0},su); su:=cons('LIST,su); pcp:=algebraic(sub(su,p)); if print_ then <<write "Substitution done."$terpri()>>$ for each f2 in fl_2 do << su:=nil; for each f in fl_2 do su:=cons(if f=f2 then {'EQUAL,f,1} else {'EQUAL,f,0},su); su:=cons('LIST,su); cnd:=algebraic(sub(su,pcp)); if pairp cnd and car cnd='MINUS then cnd:=cadr cnd; sepli:=union(list cnd,sepli); >>$ >>$ return cons('LIST,sepli) end$ symbolic procedure bi_lin_eqn_lin_comb(pdes)$ % generates a linear combination of all pdes % returns also list of unknown coefficients begin scalar p,fl,rs,h$ if print_ then << write "Formulating a linear combination of all equations."$ terpri() >>$ for each p in pdes do <<h:=p$ % gensym()$ fl:=cons(h,fl)$ rs:=cons({'TIMES,h,get(p,'val)},rs) >>$ rs:=cons('PLUS,rs)$ return {'LIST,reval rs,cons('LIST,fl)} end$ symbolic procedure drop_dep_bi_lin(arglist)$ begin scalar pdes,cnd,fl,f,cndcp,c,linde,again,fl_1,fl_2$ pdes:=car arglist$ again:=t$ fl_1:=flin_; fl_2:=setdiff(ftem_,flin_); if pdes and cdr pdes then repeat << again:=nil$ cnd:=bi_lin_eqn_lin_comb(pdes)$ fl:=caddr cnd$ cnd:=bi_lin_sep(cadr cnd,fl_1,fl_2)$ if print_ then <<write"Now solving the linear system."$terpri()>>$ !!arbint:=0; cnd:=cadr solveeval list(cnd,fl)$ for f:=1:!!arbint do << cndcp:=cnd; for c:=1:!!arbint do if c neq f then cndcp:=algebraic(sub(arbcomplex(c)=0,cndcp)); cndcp:=cdr cndcp; while cndcp and ((zerop caddar cndcp) or (not freeof(linde,cadar cndcp))) do cndcp:=cdr cndcp; if null cndcp then << write"The computation to find redundant equations has to be done again."$ terpri() >> else linde:=cons(reval cadar cndcp,linde); >>$ if null linde then write"No equations deleted." else write"Deleted redundant equations: ",linde$ terpri()$ for each f in linde do pdes:=drop_pde(f,pdes,nil)$ if again then << write"This computation has to be repeated"$ terpri() >> >> until null again; return cons(pdes,cdr arglist) end$ symbolic procedure find_factor_bi_lin(arglist)$ begin scalar ps,h,pdes,fc,rhs,lhs,lhsfl,cnd,cndcp,fl,fl_1,fl_2, hdg,dg1,dg2,indx1,indx2,again$ write"Before starting to determine factorizable equations with "$terpri()$ write"a given factor, all redundant equations have to be dropped."$terpri()$ write"Has this already been done? (y/n) "$ ps:=promptstring!*$ promptstring!*:=""$ repeat h:=termread() until (h='y) or (h='n)$ If h='n then arglist:=drop_dep_bi_lin(arglist)$ terpri()$ fl_1:=flin_; fl_2:=setdiff(ftem_,flin_); pdes:=car arglist$ write"Start of determining factorizable equations."$terpri()$ repeat << write"Give a factor of the equations to be found: (terminate with ; ) "$ terpri()$ fc:=termxread()$ if null rhs then << rhs:=bi_lin_eqn_lin_comb(pdes)$ fl:=caddr rhs; % alg mode list rhs:=cadr rhs; % expression >>$ hdg:=cdr algebraic find_hom_deg(fc)$ dg1:=1-car hdg$ dg2:=1-cadr hdg$ lhs:=make_hom_ansatz(fl_1,fl_2,dg1,dg2)$ lhsfl:=caddr lhs; lhs:=cadr lhs$ cnd:=bi_lin_sep(algebraic(fc*lhs-rhs),fl_1,fl_2)$ if print_ then <<write"Now solving the linear system."$terpri()>>$ !!arbint:=0; cnd:=cadr solveeval list(cnd,cons('LIST,append(cdr lhsfl,cdr fl)))$ lhs:=algebraic(sub(cnd,lhs)); for indx1:=1:!!arbint do << cndcp:=lhs; for indx2:=1:!!arbint do if indx2 neq indx1 then cndcp:=algebraic(sub(arbcomplex(indx2)=0,cndcp)) else cndcp:=algebraic(sub(arbcomplex(indx2)=1,cndcp))$ if not zerop cndcp then << cndcp:={'TIMES,fc,cndcp}$ pdes:=eqinsert(h:=mkeq(cndcp,ftem_,vl_,allflags_,t,list(0),nil,pdes),pdes)$ if h and not freeof(pdes,h) then << % Drop one redundant equation write"New equation: ",h$ mathprint get(h,'val)$ rhs:=nil; >> >> >>; write"Do you want to find further factorizable equations ", "with other factors? (y/n) "$ repeat h:=termread() until (h='y) or (h='n)$ If h='y then again:=t else again:=nil$ >> until null again$ promptstring!*:=ps$ return cons(pdes,cdr arglist) end$ endmodule$ end$