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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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Tue Apr 15 00:32:59 2008 run on win32 %*******************************************************************% % % % C R A C K . T S T % % ----------------- % % crack.tst contains test examples for the program % % % % Author of this file: Thomas Wolf % % Date: 11. Sep 1998, 6. May 2003 % % % % Details about the syntax of are given in crack.tex. % % % % To run this demo you need to load crack through: % % load crack$ % % and to read in this file as % % in "crack.tst"; % % If you got the source code of a newer version of crack then % % either read it in through % % in ""$ % % (with the appropriate directory name in front of % % or, to speed up the calculation, you compile before with % % faslout "crack"$ % % in ""$ % % faslend$ % % and then load it with % % load crack$ % % % %*******************************************************************% lisp(depl!*:=nil)$ % clearing of all dependencies setcrackflags()$ % use standart flag-setting %lisp(print_:=50)$ % if one would want to print expressions % with up to 50 factors lisp(print_:=nil)$ % to suppress printing the computation lisp(initial_proc_list_ := % initial_proc_list_ is saved for an proc_list_)$ % application at the end on dfprint$ % to print partial deriv. as indices %off batch_mode$ comment ------------------------------------------------------- Modules in CRACK The following examples illustrate the operation of various modules of CRACK. These examples are not typical applications but are chosen to demonstrate individual CRACK modules. To see typical applications of CRACK run LIEPDE.TST, CONLAW.TST or APPLYSYM.TST instead. The extra assignments in this run that involve proc_list_ are to disable all other modules and to demonstrate better the action of the individual module. ------------------------------------------------------- Format of the return of CRACK CRACK returns a list {sol_1,...} of one or more solutions where each solution is a list: { list_of_remaining_unsolved_equations, list_of_computed_values_of_functions_or_constants, list_of_free_functions_or_constants, list_of_inequalities_valid_for_this_solution } Empty lists are {}. =======================================================; write" Integration: Integrating exact PDEs "$ Integration: Integrating exact PDEs comment An important part of CRACK are integration routines which employ a number of different techniques which are demonstrated next. At first an example for the integration of exact PDE; depend f,x,y$ depend g,x$ de:=2*df(f,y)*df(g,x) + 2*df(f,x,y)*g + g*df(g,x)**3 + x*df(g,x)**4 + 3*x*g*df(g,x)**2*df(g,x,2)$ lisp(proc_list_ := '(integration))$ crack({de},{},{f,g},{}); 3 {{{g *g*x*y + c_1 + c_2 + 2*f*g}, x {}, {g,f,c_2,c_1}, {}}} write"-------------------------------------------------------"$ ------------------------------------------------------- write" Integration: Integration of an exact PDE + terms "$ Integration: Integration of an exact PDE + terms write" which are not exact (are not a total "$ which are not exact (are not a total write" derivative) but which only involve "$ derivative) but which only involve write" unknown functions of fewer variables"$ unknown functions of fewer variables comment The price of integrating non-exact expressions will be the introduction of extra conditions but in fewer variables than the integrated PDE has. A special algorithm minimizes the number of new functions of fewer variables to be introduced. The bracket below is a polynomial in the integration variable x, as a consequence the algorithm is applicable such that only one extra function has to be introduced. $ de:=de + g^2*(y^2 + x*sin y + x^2*exp y)$ crack({de},{},{f,g},{}); 2 {{{c_3 - g , 3x y 2 3 y 3*cos(y)*c_3 *x - 3*cos(y)*c_3 - 3*e *c_3 *x - c_3 *y + 6*e *c_3 *x 2x x 2x 2x x 3 y - 3*g *g*x*y - 6*e *c_3 - 3*c_4 - 3*c_5 - 6*f*g}, x {}, {g, f, c_5, c_4, c_3}, {}}} nodepnd {f,g}$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$ ------------------------------------------------------- write" Integration: Integrating Factors"$ Integration: Integrating Factors comment Heuristics for the determination of integrating factors in CRACK are not rigorous but often useful. $ depend f,x,y$ g:=df(f,x)/e**x+df(f,y)/x**2$ crack({num(df(g,x))},{},{f},{}); 2 x x 2 {{{f *x + e *f + e *c_6*x }, x y {}, {f,c_6}, {}}} clear g$ nodepnd {f}$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$ ------------------------------------------------------- write" Integration: Recognizing a 2-dim divergence"$ Integration: Recognizing a 2-dim divergence comment Being able to recognize a structure 0=df(a,x)+df(b,y) where a,b are differential expressions is of benefit if a,b can both be solved for a unknown function as in the following example. $ lisp(proc_list_ := '(subst_level_4 integration))$ depend f,x,y$ depend g,x,y$ depend h,x,y$ a:=x*f+y*df(g,y)$ b:=df(g,x,y)*sin(x)+h/y$ crack({df(a,x)+df(b,y)},{},{f,g,h},{}); {{{}, {h=cos(x)*g *y + c_7 *y, y x - c_7 - g *sin(x) - g *y y 2y y f=-----------------------------}, x {g,c_7}, {}}} nodepnd {f,g,h}$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$ ------------------------------------------------------- write" Integration: Solving ODEs for partial derivatives"$ Integration: Solving ODEs for partial derivatives comment In CRACK ODEs and PDEs which are ODEs for a single partial derivative are investigated by the program ODESOLVE by MacCallum/Wright. In the following example this technique together with a previous one are successful. $ depend f,x,y$ lisp(proc_list_ := '(subst_level_4 integration))$ crack({x**2*df(f,x,2,y)-2*x*df(f,x,y)-df(f,y)+x**3/y**2}, {},{f},{}); {{{}, sqrt(13)*log(x) sqrt(13)/2 sqrt(13)/2 3 {f=(sqrt(x)*e *c_10*x*y - x *c_12*y - x *x sqrt(13)/2 + sqrt(x)*c_11*x*y)/(x *y)}, {c_12,c_11,c_10}, {}}} nodepnd {f}$ write"======================================================="$ ======================================================= write" Separation: Direct separation of PDEs"$ Separation: Direct separation of PDEs comment Another important group of modules concerns separations. In this example z is an extra independent variable on which f and g do not depend (therefore z is in the 4th argument to crack). There is furthermore a function h=h(z) which is assumed to be given and is not to be calculated as it is not element of the third argument to CRACK, i.e. the question is to find expressions for f,g for arbitrary h. In the computation below, h is treated as being linear independent from z because h is declared as arbitrary. If h would be added to the list {f,g} then h would have to be computed and direct separation would not be possible but only indirect separation (see next example). $ depend f,x$ depend g,y$ depend h,z$ de:=z*f + h*y*g$ lisp(proc_list_ := '(subst_level_4 separation))$ crack({de},{},{f,g},{z}); {{{},{g=0,f=0},{},{}}} nodepnd {f,g,h}$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$ ------------------------------------------------------- write" Separation: Indirect separation of PDEs"$ Separation: Indirect separation of PDEs write" (combined with integration)"$ (combined with integration) comment This example is the same as before, only now h is not assumed to be given but to be calculated. In this example there is no variable turning up only explicitly to allow a direct separation. But there is also no function which depends on all variables and this allows the use of an indirect separation method. This example also demonstrates factorization and the splitting into subcases to do substitutions in non-linear problems. Three solutions result, 1. f=h=0, g arbitrary, 2. f,g,h given in terms of two constants, both non-vanishing 3. f=g=0, h arbitrary, h non-vanishing. $ depend f,y$ depend g,x$ depend h,z$ de:=z*f + h*y*g$ lisp(proc_list_ := '(subst_level_3 separation gen_separation alg_solve_single))$ crack({de},{},{f,g,h},{}); {{{},{g=0,f=0},{h},{}}, {{}, - c_13 {h= - c_14*z,g=---------,f= - c_13*y}, c_14 {c_13,c_14}, {c_14,c_13}}, {{},{h=0,f=0},{g},{g}}} nodepnd {f,g,h}$ write"======================================================="$ ======================================================= write" Combination: Pseudo Differential Groebner Basis"$ Combination: Pseudo Differential Groebner Basis comment Another group of modules tries to take advantage of combining equations or their derivatives. The main tool in this respect computes a Pseudo Differential Groebner Basis. In interactive mode (off batch_mode) it is possible to choose between different orderings of derivatives which is not demonstrated here. (The origin of the following example is described at the end of this file.) ; depend xi ,x,y$ depend eta,x,y$ lisp(proc_list_ := '(separation decoupling))$ crack({2*df(eta,x,y)*x**5*y1 + df(eta,x,2)*x**5 - df(eta,x)*x**4 - 2*df(eta,x)*x**2*y + df(eta,y,2)*x**5*y1**2 - 4*df(eta,y)*x*y**2 - 2*df(xi,x,y)*x**5*y1**2 - df(xi,x,2)*x**5*y1 - df(xi,x)*x**4*y1 - 2*df(xi,x)*x**2*y*y1 + 8*df(xi,x)*x*y**2 - df(xi,y,2)*x**5*y1**3 - 2*df(xi,y)*x**4*y1**2 - 4*df(xi,y)*x**2*y*y1**2 + 12*df(xi,y)*x*y**2*y1 - 2*eta*x**2*y1 + 8*eta*x*y + x**3*xi*y1 + 6*x*xi*y*y1 - 16*xi*y**2}, {},{eta,xi},{x,y,y1}); {{{xi , y 2 xi *x - xi *x + xi, 2x x 3 2 xi *x - xi *x*y - eta*x - x *xi + 3*xi*y}, x x {}, {xi,eta}, {}}} nodepnd {xi,eta}$ write"-------------------------------------------------------"$ ------------------------------------------------------- write" Combination: Shortening linear PDE systems"$ Combination: Shortening linear PDE systems comment To reduce memory requirements now and for further computations with a system of equations it is advisable to find length reducing linear combinations. The shorther equations become, the more useful they are to shorten other equations and the more likely they are integrable.; depend f,x,y$ a:=sin(x)*y+7*x+3*df(f,x)$ b:=df(f,y)*y+f*x+x*y**2$ c:=3*x*y**2+sin(x)*y-4$ lisp(proc_list_ := '(alg_length_reduction))$ crack({a,a*c+b},{},{f},{}); {{{3*f + sin(x)*y + 7*x, x 2 f *y + f*x + x*y }, y {}, {f}, {}}} clear a,b,c$ nodepnd {f}$ write"======================================================="$ ======================================================= write" Parametric solution of linear underdetermined ODEs"$ Parametric solution of linear underdetermined ODEs comment The following example demonstrates an algorithm for the parametric solution of underdetermined linear ODEs with arbitrary non-constant cefficients. $ depend f,x$ depend g,x$ lisp(proc_list_ := '(subst_level_4 undetlinode))$ crack({cos(x)*df(f,x,2) - df(g,x,2)},{},{f,g},{}); {{{}, 5 4 4 {g=(6*cos(x) *c_17 - cos(x) *c_17 *sin(x) + 9*cos(x) *sin(x)*c_17 x 2x 3 2 2 + 2*cos(x) *c_17 - 2*cos(x) *c_17 *sin(x) + 2*cos(x) *sin(x)*c_17 x 2x 6 4 - 8*cos(x)*c_17 - 8*sin(x)*c_17)/(cos(x) *sin(x) + 4*cos(x) *sin(x) x 2 + 4*cos(x) *sin(x)), 4 4 3 f=( - cos(x) *c_17 + 4*cos(x) *c_17 - 4*cos(x) *c_17 *sin(x) 2x x 2 2 - 2*cos(x) *c_17 - 6*cos(x) *c_17 - 4*cos(x)*c_17 *sin(x) - 4*c_17)/( 2x x 7 5 3 cos(x) + 4*cos(x) + 4*cos(x) )}, {c_17}, {}}} nodepnd {f,g}$ write"======================================================="$ ======================================================= write"Application: Investigating point symmetries of an ODE"$ Application: Investigating point symmetries of an ODE comment Finally a small real life example that demonstrates the interplay of different modules to solve completely an overdetermined system which is generated when investigating the point symmetries of the ODE 6.97 in Kamke's book using the following CRACK input: $ % depend y,x$ % load_package crack,liepde$ % liepde({{df(y,x,2)*x**4-df(y,x)*(2*x*y+x**3)+4*y**2},{y},{x}}, % {"point"},{})$ comment (and renaming xi_x --> xi, eta_y --> eta, y!`1 --> y1 which is only done to ease reading). Instead of just doing this liepde-call which would take care of everything, we call crack below explicitly for demonstration. Two arbitrary constants in the solution stand for two symmetries. $ depend xi ,x,y$ depend eta,x,y$ lisp(proc_list_ := initial_proc_list_)$ % this was saved at the start crack({2*df(eta,x,y)*x**5*y1 + df(eta,x,2)*x**5 - df(eta,x)*x**4 - 2*df(eta,x)*x**2*y + df(eta,y,2)*x**5*y1**2 - 4*df(eta,y)*x*y**2 - 2*df(xi,x,y)*x**5*y1**2 - df(xi,x,2)*x**5*y1 - df(xi,x)*x**4*y1 - 2*df(xi,x)*x**2*y*y1 + 8*df(xi,x)*x*y**2 - df(xi,y,2)*x**5*y1**3 - 2*df(xi,y)*x**4*y1**2 - 4*df(xi,y)*x**2*y*y1**2 + 12*df(xi,y)*x*y**2*y1 - 2*eta*x**2*y1 + 8*eta*x*y + x**3*xi*y1 + 6*x*xi*y*y1 - 16*xi*y**2}, {},{xi,eta},{x,y,y1}); {{{}, 2 {eta= - 2*log(x)*c_22*y - c_22*x + c_22*y - 2*c_23*y, xi= - log(x)*c_22*x - c_23*x}, {c_23,c_22}, {}}} nodepnd {xi,eta}$ write"======================================================="$ ======================================================= write" Integration: Solving a linear 1st order PDE"$ Integration: Solving a linear 1st order PDE comment If the computation of a differential Groebner Basis is getting bigger and bigger and normal integration is not successful and also no functions of fewer variables are present then trying the solution of a 1st order linear PDE is recommended. $ lisp(proc_list_ := '(subst_level_4 full_integration gen_separation find_trafo))$ depend f,x,y; crack({df(f,x)-x**2*y*df(f,y)+x},{},{f},{}); 2 - 2*c_24 - x% {{{},{f=-----------------},{c_24},{}}} 2 write "The list of transformations done (here only one): ", lisp done_trafo; 3 x /3 The list of transformations done (here only one): {{x%=x,y%=e *y}} nodepnd {f}$ write"======================================================="$ ======================================================= lisp(depl!*:=nil)$ % to delete all dependencies of functions on variables end$ Time for test: 2396 ms, plus GC time: 90 ms