Artifact d1df8306165288509b3ae200e5c1301d7c05c9c0e0ef17c145f27c0fd9d9ffca:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 6147) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
if lisp !*rounded then rounded_was_on := t else rounded_was_on := nil; mat1 := mat((1,2,3,4,5),(2,3,4,5,6),(3,4,5,6,7),(4,5,6,7,8),(5,6,7,8,9)); mat2 := mat((1,1,1,1),(2,2,2,2),(3,3,3,3),(4,4,4,4)); mat3 := mat((x),(x),(x),(x)); mat4 := mat((3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6)); mat5 := mat((1,2,1,1),(1,2,3,1),(4,5,1,2),(3,4,5,6)); mat6 := mat((i+1,i+2,i+3),(4,5,2),(1,i,0)); mat7 := mat((1,1,0),(1,3,1),(0,1,1)); mat8 := mat((1,3),(-4,3)); mat9 := mat((1,2,3,4),(9,8,7,6)); poly := x^7+x^5+4*x^4+5*x^3+12; poly1 := x^2+x*y^3+x*y*z^3+y*x+2+y*3; on errcont; % Basis matrix manipulations. add_columns(mat1,1,2,5*y); add_rows(mat1,1,2,x); add_to_columns(mat1,3,1000); add_to_columns(mat1,{1,2,3},y); add_to_rows(mat1,2,1000); add_to_rows(mat1,{1,2,3},x); augment_columns(mat1,2); augment_columns(mat1,{1,2,5}); stack_rows(mat1,3); stack_rows(mat1,{1,3,5}); char_poly(mat1,x); column_dim(mat2); row_dim(mat1); copy_into(mat7,mat1,2,3); copy_into(mat7,mat1,5,5); diagonal(3); % diagonal can take both a list of arguments or just the arguments. diagonal({mat2,mat6}); diagonal(mat1,mat2,mat5); extend(mat1,3,2,x); find_companion(mat5,x); get_columns(mat1,1); get_columns(mat1,{1,2}); get_rows(mat1,3); get_rows(mat1,{1,3}); hermitian_tp(mat6); % matrix_augment and matrix_stack can take both a list of arguments % or just the arguments. matrix_augment({mat1,mat2}); matrix_augment(mat4,mat2,mat4); matrix_stack(mat1,mat2); matrix_stack({mat6,mat((z,z,z)),mat7}); minor(mat1,2,3); mult_columns(mat1,3,y); mult_columns(mat1,{2,3,4},100); mult_rows(mat1,2,x); mult_rows(mat1,{1,3,5},10); pivot(mat1,3,3); rows_pivot(mat1,3,3,{1,5}); remove_columns(mat1,3); remove_columns(mat1,{2,3,4}); remove_rows(mat1,2); remove_rows(mat1,{1,3}); remove_rows(mat1,{1,2,3,4,5}); swap_columns(mat1,2,4); swap_rows(mat1,1,2); swap_entries(mat1,{1,1},{5,5}); % Constructors - functions that create matrices. band_matrix(x,5); band_matrix({x,y,z},6); block_matrix(1,2,{mat1,mat2}); block_matrix(2,3,{mat2,mat3,mat2,mat3,mat2,mat2}); char_matrix(mat1,x); cfmat := coeff_matrix({x+y+4*z=10,y+x-z=20,x+y+4}); first cfmat * second cfmat; third cfmat; companion(poly,x); hessian(poly1,{w,x,y,z}); hilbert(4,1); hilbert(3,y+x); jacobian({x^4,x*y^2,x*y*z^3},{w,x,y,z}); jordan_block(x,5); make_identity(11); on rounded; % makes things a bit easier to read. random_matrix(3,3,100); on not_negative; random_matrix(3,3,100); on only_integer; random_matrix(3,3,100); on symmetric; random_matrix(3,3,100); off symmetric; on upper_matrix; random_matrix(3,3,100); off upper_matrix; on lower_matrix; random_matrix(3,3,100); off lower_matrix; on imaginary; off not_negative; random_matrix(3,3,100); off rounded; % toeplitz and vandermonde can take both a list of arguments or just % the arguments. toeplitz({1,2,3,4,5}); toeplitz(x,y,z); vandermonde({1,2,3,4,5}); vandermonde(x,y,z); % kronecker_product a1 := mat((1,2),(3,4),(5,6)); a2 := mat((1,x,1),(2,2,2),(3,3,3)); kronecker_product(a1,a2); clear a1,a2; % High level algorithms. on rounded; % makes output easier to read. ch := cholesky(mat7); tp first ch - second ch; tmp := first ch * second ch; tmp - mat7; off rounded; gram_schmidt({1,0,0},{1,1,0},{1,1,1}); gram_schmidt({1,2},{3,4}); on rounded; % again, makes large quotients a bit more readable. % The algorithm used for lu_decom sometimes swaps the rows of the input % matrix so that (given matrix A, lu_decom(A) = {L,U,vec}), we find L*U % does not equal A but a row equivalent of it. The call convert(A,vec) % will return this row equivalent (ie: L*U = convert(A,vec)). lu := lu_decom(mat5); mat5; tmp := first lu * second lu; tmp1 := convert(mat5,third lu); tmp - tmp1; % and the complex case... lu1 := lu_decom(mat6); mat6; tmp := first lu1 * second lu1; tmp1 := convert(mat6,third lu1); tmp - tmp1; mat9inv := pseudo_inverse(mat9); mat9 * mat9inv; simplex(min,2*x1+14*x2+36*x3,{-2*x1+x2+4*x3>=5,-x1-2*x2-3*x3<=2}); simplex(max,10000 x1 + 1000 x2 + 100 x3 + 10 x4 + x5,{ x1 <= 1, 20 x1 + x2 <= 100, 200 x1 + 20 x2 + x3 <= 10000, 2000 x1 + 200 x2 + 20 x3 + x4 <= 1000000, 20000 x1 + 2000 x2 + 200 x3 + 20 x4 + x5 <= 100000000}); simplex(max, 5 x1 + 4 x2 + 3 x3, { 2 x1 + 3 x2 + x3 <= 5, 4 x1 + x2 + 2 x3 <= 11, 3 x1 + 4 x2 + 2 x3 <= 8 }); simplex(min,3 x1 + 5 x2,{ x1 + 2 x2 >= 2, 22 x1 + x2 >= 3}); simplex(max,10x+5y+5.5z,{5x+3z<=200,0.2x+0.1y+0.5z<=12,0.1x+0.2y+0.3z<=9, 30x+10y+50z<=1500}); %example of extra variables (>=0) being added. simplex(min,x-y,{x>=-3}); % unfeasible as simplex algorithm implies all x>=0. simplex(min,x,{x<=-100}); % three error examples. simplex(maxx,x,{x>=5}); simplex(max,x,x>=5); simplex(max,x,{x<=y}); simplex(max, 346 X11 + 346 X12 + 248 X21 + 248 X22 + 399 X31 + 399 X32 + 200 Y11 + 200 Y12 + 75 Y21 + 75 Y22 + 2.35 Z1 + 3.5 Z2, { 4 X11 + 4 X12 + 2 X21 + 2 X22 + X31 + X32 + 250 Y11 + 250 Y12 + 125 Y21 + 125 Y22 <= 25000, X11 + X12 + X21 + X22 + X31 + X32 + 2 Y11 + 2 Y12 + Y21 + Y22 <= 300, 20 X11 + 15 X12 + 30 Y11 + 20 Y21 + Z1 <= 1500, 40 X12 + 35 X22 + 50 X32 + 15 Y12 + 10 Y22 + Z2 = 5000, X31 = 0, Y11 + Y12 <= 50, Y21 + Y22 <= 100 }); % from Marc van Dongen. Finding the first feasible solution for the % solution of systems of linear diophantine inequalities. simplex(max,0,{ 3*X259+4*X261+3*X262+2*X263+X269+2*X270+3*X271+4*X272+5*X273+X229=2, 7*X259+11*X261+8*X262+5*X263+3*X269+6*X270+9*X271+12*X272+15*X273+X229=4, 2*X259+5*X261+4*X262+3*X263+3*X268+4*X269+5*X270+6*X271+7*X272+8*X273=1, X262+2*X263+5*X268+4*X269+3*X270+2*X271+X272+2*X229=1, X259+X262+2*X263+4*X268+3*X269+2*X270+X271-X273+3*X229=2, X259+2*X261+2*X262+2*X263+3*X268+3*X269+3*X270+3*X271+3*X272+3*X273+X229=1, X259+X261+X262+X263+X268+X269+X270+X271+X272+X273+X229=1}); svd_ans := svd(mat8); tmp := tp first svd_ans * second svd_ans * third svd_ans; tmp - mat8; mat9inv := pseudo_inverse(mat9); mat9 * mat9inv; % Predicates. matrixp(mat1); matrixp(poly); squarep(mat2); squarep(mat3); symmetricp(mat1); symmetricp(mat3); if not rounded_was_on then off rounded; END;