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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 33330) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 33330) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module froben; % Computation of the frobenius normal form of a matrix. % % The function frobenius computes the Frobenius normal form F of a % matrix A, the transformation matrix P and its inverse P^(-1). % % Specifically: % % - frobenius(A) will return {F,P,Pinv} where F, P, and Pinv % are such that P*F*Pinv=A. % Global description of the algorithm: % % For a given n by n matrix A over a field K, let L be the linear % transformation of K^n induced by A. A polycyclic basis of K^n with % respect to L is a basis of the following form: % v1,L*v1,.,L^(d1-1)*v1,v2,L*v2,.,L^(d2-1)*v2,.,vr,L*vr,., L^(dr-1)*vr % such that v1,L*v1,..,L^(d1-1)*v1,..,vi,L*vi,..,L^(di-1)*vi,L^di*vi % are linearly dependent for i=1..r. % It is easy to see that the matrix B of L with respect to a polycyclic % basis is of the form plist_to_polycompanion(plist,x), where plist is % a list of monic elements of K[x] of strictly increasing degree (for % a description of plist_to_polycompanion see below). % The computation of a polycyclic basis of K^n and the transformation % matrix from A to B is performed in the function cyclic_vectors. % Next we view K^n as a K[x]-module via x*v=B*v. Suppose that % B=plist_to_polycompanion(plist,x), where plist=[p1,..,pr] and % degree(pi)=di. Let G be the r by r upper triangular matrix such that % G(i,j) satisfies: % pj=G(1,j)+G(2,j)*x^d1+G(3,j)*x^d2+..+G(j,j)*x^d(j-1), % where degree(G(j,j))=dj-d(j-1) and degree(G(i,j))<di-d(i-1) (d0=0). % Let R be the K[x]-submodule of K[x]^r generated by the columns of G. % Representants for the elements of the quotient module K[x]^r/R are % the vectors [L1,L2,..,Lr] where degree(Li)<di-d(i-1). By taking the % coefficients of the Li the quotient module is identified with K^n. % The multiplication by x on the quotient module is identified with % the multiplication by B on K^n. % Next we compute the Smith normal form S of G. Say L*S*R=G. If R' is % the K[x]-submodule of K[x]^r generated by the columns of S we get % the following diagram: % % ~ ~ ~ % K^n <------- K[x]^r/R' -------> K[x]^r/R -------> K^n % L % | | | | % | | | | % |F |x |x |B % | | | | % | | | | % \ / \ / \ / \ / % ~ ~ ~ % K^n <------- K[x]^r/R' -------> K[x]^r/R -------> K^n % L % % Here F is in Frobenius normal form and thus it is the Frobenius % normal form of B (and thus of A). The computation of the Smith % normal form of G is performed in the function cyclic_to_frobenius. symbolic procedure frobenius(A); begin scalar AA,P,Pinv,ans,tmp,full_coeff_list,rule_list,input_mode; matrix_input_test(A); if (car size_of_matrix(A)) neq (cadr size_of_matrix(A)) then rederr "ERROR: expecting a square matrix. "; input_mode := get(dmode!*,'dname); % % If modular or arnum are on then we keep them on else we want % rational on. % if input_mode neq 'modular and input_mode neq 'arnum and input_mode neq 'rational then on rational; on combineexpt; tmp := nest_input(A); AA := car tmp; full_coeff_list := cadr tmp; tmp := frobeniusform(AA); ans := car tmp; P := cadr tmp; Pinv := caddr tmp; % % Set up rule list for removing nests. % rule_list := {'co,2,{'~,'int}}=>'int when numberp(int); for each elt in full_coeff_list do << tmp := {'co,2,{'~,elt}}=>elt; rule_list := append (tmp,rule_list); >>; % % Remove nests. % let rule_list; ans := de_nest_mat(ans); P := de_nest_mat(P); Pinv := de_nest_mat(Pinv); clearrules rule_list; % % Return to original mode. % if input_mode neq 'modular and input_mode neq 'arnum and input_mode neq 'rational then << % onoff('nil,t) doesn't work so ... if input_mode = 'nil then off rational else onoff(input_mode,t); >>; off combineexpt; return {'list,ans,P,Pinv}; end; flag ('(frobenius),'opfn); % So it can be used from algebraic mode. symbolic procedure frobeniusform(A); begin scalar ans,plist,tmp,P,Pinv,inv_fact,T1,Tinv,V,Vinv,x; x := mkid('x,0); tmp := cyclic_vectors(A,x); plist := car tmp; V := cadr tmp; Vinv := caddr tmp; tmp := cyclic_to_frobenius(plist,x); inv_fact := car tmp; T1 := cadr tmp; Tinv := caddr tmp; P:= reval {'times,V,T1}; Pinv:= reval {'times,Tinv,Vinv}; ans := invfact_to_frobenius(inv_fact,x); return {ans,P,Pinv}; end; symbolic procedure basis(n,i); % % Basis creates an element of the natural basis of a vector space. % begin scalar VV; VV := mkmatrix(1,n); setmat(VV,1,i,1); return VV; end; symbolic procedure calc_exgcd(poly1,poly2,x); % % Extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomials. % poly1, and poly2 are polynomials in x. % Returns gcd, s1, and t1 such that s1 * poly1 + t1 * poly2 = gcd, % with degree(s1,x)<degree(poly2,x) and degree(t1,x)<degree(poly1,x). % begin scalar gcd,c,c1,c2,d,d1,d2,q,r,r1,r2,s1,t1; if poly1 = 0 and poly2 = 0 then return {0,0,0} else << poly1 := reval poly1; poly2 := reval poly2; c := reval norm(poly1,x); d := reval norm(poly2,x); c1 := 1; d1 := 0; c2 := 0; d2 := 1; while reval d neq 0 do << q := reval get_quo(c,d); r := reval {'plus,c,{'minus,{'times,q,d}}}; r1 := reval {'plus,c1,{'minus,{'times,q,d1}}}; r2 := reval {'plus,c2,{'minus,{'times,q,d2}}}; c := reval d; c1 := reval d1; c2 := reval d2; d := reval r; d1 := reval r1; d2 := reval r2; >>; gcd := reval norm(c,x); s1 := reval{'quotient,c1,{'times,unit(poly1,x),unit(c,x)}}; t1 := reval{'quotient,c2,{'times,unit(poly2,x),unit(c,x)}}; return {gcd,s1,t1}; >>; end; symbolic procedure norm(poly,x); begin scalar normal; if poly = 0 then normal := 0 else if lcof(poly,x) = 0 then normal := 1 else normal := reval{'quotient,poly,lcof(poly,x)}; return normal; end; symbolic procedure unit(poly,x); begin scalar unit1; if poly = 0 then unit1 := 1 else if lcof(poly,x) = 0 then unit1 := poly else unit1 := reval lcof(poly,x); return unit1; end; symbolic procedure companion(poly,x); % % Takes as input a monic univariate polynomial in a variable x. % Returns a companion matrix associated with the polynomial poly(x). % If C := companion(p,x) and p is a0+a1*x+...+x^n (a univariate monic % polynomial), them C(i,n) = -coeff(p,x,i-1), C(i,i-1) = 1 (i=2..n) % and C(i,j) = 0 for all other i and j. % % Can be used independently from algebraic mode. % begin scalar mat1; integer n; n := deg(poly,x); if de_nest(reval coeffn(poly,x,n)) neq 1 then rederr {"ERROR: polynomial",poly," is not monic."}; mat1 := mkmatrix(n,n); setmat(mat1,1,n,{'minus,coeffn(poly,x,0)}); for i:=2:n do << setmat(mat1,i,i-1,1); >>; for j:=2:n do << setmat(mat1,j,n,{'minus,coeffn(poly,x,j-1)}); >>; return mat1; end; flag('(companion),'opfn); % So it can be used independently from % algebraic mode. symbolic procedure compute_g(r,dd,plist,x); begin scalar G,tmp,new_elt; G := mkmatrix(r,r); for j:=1:r do << for i:=1:j-1 do << new_elt := 0; for k:=getmat(dd,1,i):getmat(dd,1,i+1)-1 do << tmp := {'times,coeffn(nth(plist,j),x,k),{'expt,x,{'plus,k, {'minus,getmat(dd,1,i)}}}}; new_elt := {'plus,new_elt,tmp}; >>; setmat(G,i,j,new_elt); >>; new_elt := 0; for k:=getmat(dd,1,j):getmat(dd,1,j+1) do << tmp := {'times,coeffn(nth(plist,j),x,k),{'expt,x,{'plus,k, {'minus,getmat(dd,1,j)}}}}; new_elt := {'plus,new_elt,tmp}; >>; setmat(G,j,j,new_elt); >>; return G; end; symbolic procedure copy_mat(A); % % Creates a copy of the input and returns it; % begin scalar C; integer row_dim,col_dim; matrix_input_test(A); row_dim := car size_of_matrix(A); col_dim := cadr size_of_matrix(A); C := mkmatrix(row_dim,col_dim); for i:=1:row_dim do << for j:=1:col_dim do << setmat(C,i,j,getmat(A,i,j)); >>; >>; return C; end; symbolic procedure cyclic_to_frobenius(plist,x); % % A matrix B=plist_to_polycompanion(plist,x) is transformed to its % Frobenius normal form F. % If F=diag(C1,..,Cr) where Ci is the companion matrix associated with % pi, then cyclic_to_frobenius will return {p1,..,pr}. % Let G be the matrix as described before. We compute the Smith normal % form S of G. Then S=diag(p1,..,pr), where pi in K[x] such that pi % pi divides p(i+1) for i=1..(r-1), and % F=invfact_to_frobenius({p1,..,pr},x) is the frobenius normal form of % B (for description of invfact_to_frobenius see invfact_to_frobenius) % . % Remark: to compute the smith normal form of G we car simplify G % using the fact that G is upper triangular. Then we use a modified % version of smithex. begin scalar dd,D,US,S,G,C,T1,Tinv,inv_fact,L,Linv,columnT,rowT,rr,q, columnTinv,rowTinv,tmp,tmp1; integer r,n; r := length plist; dd := mkmatrix(1,r+1); for j:=1:r do << setmat(dd,1,j+1,deg(nth(plist,j),x)); >>; n:= getmat(dd,1,r+1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Compute matrix G. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% G:=compute_g(r,dd,plist,x); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Compute smith normal form of G. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tmp := uppersmith(G,x); US:=car tmp; L := cadr tmp; Linv := caddr tmp; tmp:=mysmith(US,L,Linv,x); S:=car tmp; L := cadr tmp; Linv := caddr tmp; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% D := mkmatrix(1,r); for i:=1:r do << setmat(D,1,i,deg(getmat(S,i,i),x)); >>; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Compute transformation matrix. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C := mkmatrix(1,r); T1 := mkmatrix(n,n); columnT:=0; for i:=1:r do << for k:=1:r do << setmat(C,1,k,getmat(L,k,i)); >>; for j:=1:getmat(D,1,i) do << columnT:=columnT+1; for ii:=r step -1 until 1 do << q:=get_quo(getmat(C,1,ii),getmat(G,ii,ii)); rr:=get_rem(getmat(C,1,ii),getmat(G,ii,ii)); setmat(C,1,ii,rr); for jj:=1:(ii-1) do << setmat(C,1,jj,reval {'plus,reval getmat(C,1,jj),{'times, {'minus,q},reval getmat(G,jj,ii)}}); >>; >>; rowT:=0; for ii:=1:r do << tmp := reval{'plus,getmat(dd,1,ii+1),{'minus, getmat(dd,1,ii)}}; for jj:=1:tmp do << rowT:=rowT+1; tmp1 := coeffn(getmat(C,1,ii),x,jj-1); setmat(T1,rowT,columnT,tmp1); >>; >>; for ii:=1:r do setmat(C,1,ii,{'times,getmat(C,1,ii),x}); >>; >>; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Compute inverse transformation matrix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% << Tinv := mkmatrix(n,n); columnTinv:=0; for i:=1:r do << for k:=1:r do setmat(C,1,k,getmat(Linv,k,i)); for j:=1:reval {'plus,getmat(dd,1,i+1),{'minus, getmat(dd,1,i)}} do << columnTinv:=columnTinv+1; rowTinv:=0; for ii:=1:r do << setmat(C,1,ii,get_rem(getmat(C,1,ii),getmat(S,ii,ii))); for jj:=1:reval getmat(D,1,ii) do << rowTinv:=rowTinv+1; setmat(Tinv,rowTinv,columnTinv,reval coeffn(getmat(C,1,ii),x,jj-1)); >>; >>; for ii:=1:r do setmat(C,1,ii,{'times,getmat(C,1,ii),x}); >>; >>; >>; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% inv_fact := {}; for i:=1:r do << if getmat(D,1,i)>0 then << inv_fact := append(inv_fact,{getmat(S,i,i)}); >>; >>; return {inv_fact,T1,Tinv}; end; symbolic procedure cyclic_vectors(A,x); % % cyclic_vectors computes a polycyclic basis of K^n with respect to A. % If this basis is (b1,..,bn)= % (v1,A*v1,..,A^(d1-1)*v1,v2,A*v2,.,A*(d2-1)*v2,..,vr,A*vr,..,A^(dr-1) % *vr) and a1*b1+..+a(d1+..+di)*b(d1+..+di)+A^di*vi=0 we set % pi=a1+a2*x+..+a(d1+..+di)*x^(d1+..+di-1)+x^(d1+..di). % cyclic_vectors returns {p1,..,pr}. % The matrix of A on this basis (b1,..,bn) is % plist_to_polycompanion([p1,..,pr],x). % begin scalar V,Vinv,plist,U,Uinv,S,carrier,lincomb,VV,UU,SS,l,car,c, tmp,ans,q,break; integer n,r; n := car size_of_matrix(A); U := mkmatrix(n,n); S := mkmatrix(n,n); plist := {}; V := mkmatrix(n,n); Vinv := mkmatrix(n,n); carrier := mkvect(n); lincomb := mkvect(n); r := 0; % No. of elements already computed. while r<n do << %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Start new cycle. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% q := 1; while getv(carrier,q) neq nil do q:=q+1; % Find car gap. VV := basis(n,q); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% break := nil; % Controls break out of loop. while not break do << UU := copy_mat(VV); for i:=1:n do putv(lincomb,i,0); % Always VV=UU+U*lincomb. for i:=1:n do << car:= getv(carrier,i); if car neq nil and getmat(UU,1,i) neq 0 then << c := {'quotient,getmat(UU,1,i),getmat(U,i,car)}; setmat(UU,1,i,0); for j:=i+1:n do << tmp := {'times,c,getmat(U,j,car)}; setmat(UU,1,j,reval {'plus,getmat(UU,1,j),{'minus,{'times, c,getmat(U,j,car)}}}); >>; putv(lincomb,car,c); >>; >>; q := 1; while q<=n and reval getmat(UU,1,q)=0 do << q:=q+1; >>; if q<=n then << % New element of basis. r:=r+1; putv(carrier,q,r); % This basis-element carries coordinates q. % Always U=V*S. for j:=q:n do setmat(U,j,r,getmat(UU,1,j)); for j:=1:n do setmat(V,j,r,getmat(VV,1,j)); for j:=1:r-1 do << tmp:=getv(lincomb,j); for l:=j+1:r-1 do tmp:={'plus,tmp,{'times,getmat(S,j,l), getv(lincomb,l)}}; setmat(S,j,r,{'minus,tmp}); >>; setmat(S,r,r,1); % Compute A*VV. for i:=1:n do << tmp:=0; for j:=1:n do << tmp:=reval{'plus,tmp,reval{'times,reval getmat(A,i,j), reval getmat(VV,1,j)}}; >>; setmat(UU,1,i,tmp); >>; for i:=1: cadr size_of_matrix(UU) do << setmat(VV,1,i,getmat(UU,1,i)); >>; >> else << break := t; >>; >>; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % New cycle found %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SS := mkmatrix(1,r); for j:=1:r do << tmp:=reval getv(lincomb,j); for l:=j+1:r do << tmp:=reval{'plus,tmp,{'times,reval getmat(S,j,l), reval getv(lincomb,l)}}; >>; setmat(SS,1,j,tmp); >>; ans := nil; for j:=1:r do << tmp := {'times,getmat(SS,1,r+1-j),{'expt,x,r-j}}; ans := reval{'plus,ans,tmp}; >>; tmp := reval{'plus,{'expt,x,r},{'minus,ans}}; plist := append(plist,{tmp}); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >>; % End while r<n. Uinv := inv(U,carrier); for i:=1:n do << for j:=1:n do << tmp:=0; for l:=i:n do << tmp:=reval {'plus,tmp,{'times,reval getmat(S,i,l), reval getmat(Uinv,l,j)}}; >>; setmat(Vinv,i,j,tmp); >>; >>; return {plist,V,Vinv}; end; symbolic procedure de_nest(input); % % Takes simple nested input and de-nests it. % begin scalar output; if atom input then output := input else if car input neq 'co then output := input else output := caddr input; return output; end; symbolic procedure de_nest_mat(mat1); % % Removes nests from each elt of input matrix. % Rules being applied from outside. % begin integer row_dim,col_dim; row_dim := car size_of_matrix(mat1); col_dim := cadr size_of_matrix(mat1); for i:=1:row_dim do << for j:=1:col_dim do << setmat(mat1,i,j,getmat(mat1,i,j)); >>; >>; return mat1; end; % Allow variable input. put('diagi,'psopfn,'diag); symbolic procedure diag(uu); % % Takes square or scalar matrix entries and creates a matrix with % these matrices on the diagonal. % begin scalar bigA,arg,input,u; integer nargs,n,Aidx,stp,bigsize,smallsize; u := car uu; input := u; bigsize:=0; nargs:=length input; for i:=1:nargs do << arg:=car input; % If scalar entry. if algebraic length(arg) = 1 then bigsize:=bigsize+1 else << bigsize:=bigsize+car size_of_matrix(arg); >>; input := cdr input; >>; bigA := mkmatrix(bigsize,bigsize); Aidx:=1; input := u; for k:=1:nargs do << arg:=car input; % If scalar entry. if algebraic length(arg) = 1 then << setmat(bigA,Aidx,Aidx,arg); Aidx:=Aidx+1; input := cdr input; >> else << smallsize:= car size_of_matrix(arg); stp:=smallsize+Aidx-1; for i:=Aidx:stp do << for j:=Aidx:stp do << arg:=car input; % Find (i-Aidx+1)'th row. arg := cdr arg; << n:=1; while n < (i-Aidx+1) do << arg := cdr arg; n:=n+1; >>; >>; arg := car arg; % % Find (j-Aidx+1)'th column elt of i'th row. % << n:=1; while n < (j-Aidx+1) do << arg := cdr arg; n:=n+1; >>; >>; arg := car arg; setmat(bigA,i,j,arg); >>; >>; Aidx := Aidx+smallsize; input := cdr input; >>; >>; return biga; end; symbolic procedure get_coeffs(poly); % % Gets all kernels in a poly. % begin scalar ker_list_num,ker_list_den; ker_list_num := kernels !*q2f simp reval num poly; ker_list_den := kernels !*q2f simp reval den poly; ker_list_num := union(ker_list_num,ker_list_den); return ker_list_num; end; symbolic procedure get_quo(poly1,poly2); % % Gets quotient of two polys. % begin scalar quo1,input1,input2; if input1 = 0 and input2 = 0 then return 0 else << input1 := reval poly1; input2 := reval poly2; algebraic (quo1 := (input1-remainder(input1,input2))/input2); quo1 := reval quo1; return quo1; >>; end; symbolic procedure get_rem(poly1,poly2); % % Gets remainder of two polys. % begin scalar rem1,input1,input2; input1 := reval poly1; input2 := reval poly2; algebraic (rem1 := remainder(input1,input2)); rem1 := reval rem1; return rem1; end; symbolic procedure inv(U,carrier); % % inv computes the inverse of a permuted upper triangular matrix. The % permutation is given by carrier. % begin scalar Uinv,tmp; integer n; n:= car size_of_matrix(U); Uinv := mkmatrix(n,n); for i:=1:n do << for j:=1:i-1 do << tmp:=0; for k:=j:i-1 do << tmp := {'plus,tmp,{'times,getmat(U,i,getv(carrier,k)), getmat(Uinv,getv(carrier,k),j)}}; >>; setmat(Uinv,getv(carrier,i),j,{'quotient,{'minus,tmp}, getmat(U,i,getv(carrier,i))}); >>; setmat(Uinv,getv(carrier,i),i,{'quotient,1,getmat(U,i, getV(carrier,i))}); for j:=i+1:n do setmat(Uinv,getv(carrier,i),j,0); >>; return Uinv; end; symbolic procedure invfact_to_frobenius(inv_fact,x); % % For plist={p1,..,pr] where pi is a monic polynomial in x, % invfact_to_frobenius(plist,x) makes a square matrix with diagonal % blocks C1,..,Cr where Ci is the companion matrix to pi. % begin scalar diag_mat,tmp; integer num; num := length inv_fact; tmp:=for i:=1:num collect companion(nth(inv_fact,i),x); diag_mat := reval{'diagi, tmp}; return diag_mat; end; symbolic procedure make_identity(row_dim,col_dim); % % Creates identity matrix. % begin scalar A; A := mkmatrix(row_dim,col_dim); for i:=1:row_dim do << for j:=1:col_dim do << if i=j then setmat(A,i,i,1); >> >>; return A; end; symbolic procedure matrix_input_test(A); begin if not eqcar(A,'mat) then rederr {"ERROR: `",A,"' is non matrix input."} else return A; end; symbolic procedure mysmith(US,L,Linv,x); % % The Smith normal form S of a matrix US is computed. L and Linv are % also computed where L*S*R=US. % For description of mysmith see smithex. % begin scalar S,a,b,g,jj,s1,t1,tmp,isclear,q,lc,poly1,poly2,input1,input2; integer n,r; n:= car size_of_matrix(US); S := copy_mat(US); for k:=1:n do << isclear := nil; while not isclear do << for i:= k+1:n do << if getmat(S,i,k) = 0 then <<>> else << poly1 := getmat(S,k,k); poly2 := getmat(S,i,k); tmp := calc_exgcd(poly1,poly2,x); g := car tmp; s1 := cadr tmp ; t1 := caddr tmp ; a := get_quo(poly1,g); b := get_quo(poly2,g); for j:=k+1:n do << input1 := getmat(S,k,j); input2 := getmat(S,i,j); tmp := {'plus,{'times,s1,input1},{'times,t1,input2}}; setmat(S,i,j,{'plus,{'times,a,input2},{'minus,{'times,b, input1}}}); setmat(S,k,j,tmp); >>; for j:=1:n do << tmp := reval{'plus,{'times,a,getmat(L,j,k)},{'times,b, getmat(L,j,i)}}; setmat (L,j,i,reval{'plus,{'times,{'minus,t1}, getmat(L,j,k)},{'times,s1,getmat(L,j,i)}}); setmat (L,j,k,tmp); >>; for j:=1:n do << tmp := reval{'plus,{'times,s1,getmat(Linv,k,j)}, {'times,t1,getmat(Linv,i,j)}}; setmat (Linv,i,j,reval{'plus,{'times,a,getmat(Linv,i,j)}, {'times,{'minus,b},getmat(Linv,k,j)}}); setmat (Linv,k,j,tmp); >>; setmat(S,k,k,g); setmat(S,i,k,0); >>; >>; isclear := t; for i:=k+1:n do << poly1:=getmat(S,k,i); poly2:=getmat(S,k,k); setmat(S,k,i,get_rem(poly1,poly2)); q := get_quo(poly1,poly2); >>; for i:=k+1:n do << if getmat(S,k,i) = 0 then <<>> else << poly1:=getmat(S,k,k); poly2:=getmat(S,k,i); tmp := calc_exgcd(poly1,poly2,x); g:= car tmp; s1 := cadr tmp; t1 := caddr tmp; a:=get_quo(poly1,g); b:=get_quo(poly2,g); for j:=k+1:n do << input1 := getmat(S,j,k); input2 := getmat(S,j,i); tmp := {'plus,{'times,s1,input1},{'times,t1,input2}}; setmat(S,j,i,{'plus,{'times,a,input2},{'minus,{'times,b, input1}}}); setmat(S,j,k,tmp); >>; setmat(S,k,k,g); setmat(S,k,i,0); isclear := nil; >>; >>; >>; >>; r:=0; for i:=1:n do << if getmat(S,i,i) neq 0 then << r:=r+1; % Watch out for integers giving lc = 0. if off_mod_lcof(getmat(S,i,i),x) = 0 then lc := getmat(S,i,i) else lc := off_mod_lcof(getmat(S,i,i),x); setmat(S,r,r,{'quotient,getmat(S,i,i),lc}); if i neq r then << setmat(S,i,i,0); for j:=1:n do << tmp := reval getmat(L,j,r); setmat(L,j,r,reval getmat(L,i,j)); setmat(L,j,i,tmp); >>; for j:=1:n do << tmp := reval getmat(Linv,r,j); setmat(Linv,r,j,reval getmat(Linv,i,j)); setmat(Linv,i,j,tmp); >>; >>; >>; >>; for i:=1:r-1 do << jj:=i+1; << while reval getmat(S,i,i) neq 1 and jj <= r do << poly1:=reval getmat(S,i,i); poly2:=reval getmat(S,jj,jj); tmp := calc_exgcd(poly1,poly2,x); g:= car tmp; s1 := cadr tmp; t1 := caddr tmp; a:=get_quo(poly1,g); b:=get_quo(poly2,g); setmat(S,i,i,g); setmat(S,jj,jj,{'times,a,poly2}); for k:=1:n do << tmp := reval {'plus,{'times,a,getmat(L,k,i)},{'times,b, getmat(L,k,jj)}}; setmat (L,k,jj,reval {'plus,{'times,{'minus,t1}, getmat(L,k,i)},{'times,s1,getmat(L,k,jj)}}); setmat (L,k,i,tmp); >>; for k:=1:n do << tmp := reval {'plus,{'times,s1,getmat(Linv,i,k)},{'times,t1, getmat(Linv,jj,k)}}; setmat(Linv,jj,k,reval {'plus,{'times,a,getmat(Linv,jj,k)}, {'times,{'minus,b},getmat(Linv,i,k)}}); setmat(Linv,i,k,tmp); >>; jj:=jj+1; >>; >>; >>; return {S,L,Linv}; end; symbolic procedure nest_input(A); % % Takes a matrix and converts all elements into nested form. % Also finds union of all coefficients in all elements and % returns them in a list, along with the new matrix. % begin scalar tmp,coeff_list,full_coeff_list,AA; integer row_dim,col_dim; full_coeff_list := nil; coeff_list := nil; AA := copy_mat(A); row_dim := car size_of_matrix(AA); col_dim := cadr size_of_matrix(AA); for i := 1:row_dim do << for j := 1:col_dim do << coeff_list := get_coeffs(getmat(AA,i,j)); if coeff_list = nil then <<>> else full_coeff_list := union(coeff_list,full_coeff_list); for each elt in coeff_list do << tmp := {'co,2,elt}; setmat(AA,i,j,algebraic (sub(elt=tmp,getmat(AA,i,j)))); >>; >>; >>; return {AA,full_coeff_list}; end; symbolic procedure off_mod_lcof(input,x); begin if !*modular then << off modular; input := lcof (input,x); on modular; >> else input := lcof (input,x); return input; end; symbolic procedure off_mod_reval(input); % % In certain cases it is required to reval with modular off, % eg: when calculating degrees of polys. % begin if !*modular then << off modular; input := reval input; on modular; >> else input := reval input; return input; end; flag('(off_mod_reval),'opfn); % So it can be used from % algebraic mode. symbolic procedure plist_to_polycompanion(plist,x); % % This is not used. % It is here to help explain what's going on. % % If a=a0+a1*x+x^2, b=b0+b1*x+b2*x^2+x^3 and % c=c0+c1*x+c2*x^2+c3*x^3+c4*x^4+x^5, then % plist_to_polycompanion({a,b,c},x) yields % % [ 0 -a0 -b0 0 -c0 ] % [ ] % [ 1 -a1 -b1 0 -c1 ] % [ ] % [ 0 0 -b2 0 -c2 ] % [ ] % [ 0 0 0 0 -c3 ] % [ ] % [ 0 0 0 1 -c4 ] % begin scalar d,A; integer r,n; r := length plist; d := mkvect(r); putv(d,0,0); for i:=1:r do putv(d,i,deg(nth(plist,i),x)); n := getv(d,r); A := mkmatrix(n,n); for i:=1:r do << for j:=getv(d,i-1)+2:getv(d,i) do setmat(A,j,j-1,1); for j:=i:r do << for k:=getv(d,i-1)+1:getv(d,i) do << setmat(A,k,getv(d,j),{'minus,coeffn(nth(plist,j),x,k-1)}); >>; >>; >>; return A; end; symbolic procedure size_of_matrix(A); % % Takes matrix and returns list {no. of rows, no. of columns). % begin integer row_dim,col_dim; matrix_input_test(A); row_dim := -1 + length A; col_dim := length cadr A; return {row_dim,col_dim}; end; symbolic procedure uppersmith(G,x); % % An upper triangular matrix G is simplified. Entry G(i,j) is reduced % modulo gcd(G(i,i),G(j,j)). L and L^(-1) are also comnputed where % L*G'*R=G, where G' is the reduced matrix. % begin scalar US,L,Linv,g,s1,t1,q,r,tmp; integer n; n:= car size_of_matrix(G); US:=copy_mat(G); L := make_identity(n,n); Linv := make_identity(n,n); for j:=2:n do << for i:=1:j-1 do << tmp:=calc_exgcd(getmat(US,i,i),getmat(US,j,j),x); g:= car tmp; s1:= cadr tmp; t1 := caddr tmp; q := get_quo(getmat(US,i,j),g); r := get_rem(getmat(US,i,j),g); setmat(US,i,j,r); for k:=1:i-1 do << tmp := getmat(US,k,i); setmat(US,k,j,{'plus,getmat(US,k,j),{'times,{'minus,q},s1, getmat(US,k,i)}}); >>; for k:=j+1:n do << setmat(US,i,k,{'plus,getmat(US,i,k),{'times,{'minus,q},t1, getmat(US,j,k)}}); >>; for k:=1:i do << setmat(L,k,j,{'plus,getmat(L,k,j),{'times,q,t1, getmat(L,k,i)}}); >>; setmat(Linv,i,j,{'times,{'minus,q},t1}); >>; >>; return {US,L,Linv}; end; endmodule; end;