Artifact c59aa89e024c22e343f4da594a02c3d9480cbb22f32433f9945409b9ed9a1f01:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3974) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3974) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module array; % Array statement. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. % Modifications by: Nancy Kirkwood. % These definitions are very careful about bounds checking. Appropriate % optimizations in a given system might really speed things up. fluid '(!*rlisp88); global '(erfg!*); symbolic procedure getel u; % Returns the value of the array element U. (if length n neq length cdr u then rerror(rlisp,21,"Incorrect array reference") else getel1(cadr get(car u,'avalue),cdr u,n)) where n=get(car u,'dimension); symbolic procedure getel1(u,v,dims); if null v then u else if not fixp car v then typerr(car v,"array index") else if car v geq car dims or car v < 0 then rerror(rlisp,21,"Array out of bounds") else getel1(getv(u,car v),cdr v,cdr dims); symbolic procedure setel(u,v); % Sets array element U to V and returns V. (if length n neq length cdr u then rerror(rlisp,22,"Incorrect array reference") else setel1(cadr get(car u,'avalue),cdr u,v,n)) where n=get(car u,'dimension); symbolic procedure setel1(u,v,w,dims); if not fixp car v then typerr(car v,"array index") else if car v geq car dims or car v < 0 then rerror(rlisp,23,"Array out of bounds") else if null cdr v then putv(u,car v,w) else setel1(getv(u,car v),cdr v,w,cdr dims); symbolic procedure dimension u; get(u,'dimension); comment further support for REDUCE arrays; symbolic procedure typechk(u,v); begin scalar x; if (x := gettype u) eq v or x eq 'parameter then lprim list(v,u,"redefined") else if x then typerr(list(x,u),v) end; symbolic procedure arrayfn(u,v); % U is the defining mode, V a list of lists, assumed syntactically % correct. ARRAYFN declares each element as an array unless a % semantic mismatch occurs. begin scalar y; for each x in v do <<typechk(car x,'array); y := add1lis for each z in cdr x collect lispeval z; if null erfg!* then <<put(car x,'rtype,'array); put(car x,'avalue,list('array,mkarray1(y,u))); put(car x,'dimension,y)>>>> end; flag('(arrayfn),'nochange); symbolic procedure add1lis u; if null u then nil else (car u+1) . add1lis cdr u; symbolic macro procedure mkarray u; if null !*rlisp88 then mkarray1(u,'algebraic) else list('mkar1,'list . cdr u); symbolic procedure mkarray1(u,v); % U is a list of positive integers representing array bounds, V % the defining mode. Value is an array structure. if null u then if v eq 'symbolic then nil else 0 else begin integer n; scalar x; n := car u - 1; x := mkvect n; for i:=0:n do putv(x,i,mkarray1(cdr u,v)); return x end; put('array,'stat,'rlis); flag ('(array arrayfn),'eval); symbolic procedure formarray(u,vars,mode); begin scalar x; x := cdr u; while x do <<if atom x then typerr(x,"Array List") else if atom car x or not idp caar x or not listp cdar x then typerr(car x,"Array declaration"); x := cdr x>>; u := for each z in cdr u collect intargfn(z,vars,mode); %ARRAY arguments must be returned as quoted structures; return list('arrayfn,mkquote mode,'list . u) end; put('array,'formfn,'formarray); put('array,'rtypefn,'arraychk); symbolic procedure arraychk u; % If arraychk receives NIL, it means that array name is being used % as an identifier. We no longer permit this. if null u then 'array else nil; % nil; put('array,'evfn,'arrayeval); symbolic procedure arrayeval(u,v); % Eventually we'll support this properly. if not atom u then rerror(rlisp,24,"Array arithmetic not defined") else u; put('array,'lengthfn,'arraylength); symbolic procedure arraylength u; 'list . get(u,'dimension); endmodule; end;