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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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REDUCE 3.4, 15-Jul-91 ... 1: (ASSIST) % Tests of Assist Package for version 3.4 of REDUCE. % DATE : 1 June 1991. % Author: H. Caprasse <u214001@bliulg11.bitnet>. % <> % 1. TESTS OF THE SWITCH CONTROL FUNCTIONS : ; switches; **** exp:=T ************* div:= NIL **** **** gcd:=NIL *********** mcd:= T **** **** allfac:=T *********** intstr:= NIL **** **** rat:=NIL *********** rational:= NIL **** *** factor:= NIL *********** distribute:= NIL *** switchoff; switches; **** exp:=NIL ************* div:= NIL **** **** gcd:=NIL *********** mcd:= NIL **** **** allfac:=NIL *********** intstr:= NIL **** **** rat:=NIL *********** rational:= NIL **** *** factor:= NIL *********** distribute:= NIL *** switchorg; switches; **** exp:=T ************* div:= NIL **** **** gcd:=NIL *********** mcd:= T **** **** allfac:=T *********** intstr:= NIL **** **** rat:=NIL *********** rational:= NIL **** *** factor:= NIL *********** distribute:= NIL *** ; if !*mcd then "the switch mcd is on"; the switch mcd is on if !*gcd then "the switch gcd is on"; ; % A new switch : !*distribute; % % 2. THE "LIST" MANIPULATION FACILITIES" : ; % generation of a new list ; t1:=mklist(4); T1 := {0,0,0,0} for i:=1:4 do t1:= (t1.i:=mkid(a,i)); ; % notice that part(t1,i) has become t1.i. as also shown here : ; t1.1; A1 t1:=(t1.1).t1; T1 := {A1,A1,A2,A3,A4} % MKLIST does NEVER destroy anything ; mklist(t1,3); {A1,A1,A2,A3,A4} mklist(t1,10); {A1,A1,A2,A3,A4,0,0,0,0,0} % 3. THE DEFINITION OF A BAG ; % The atom "BAG" is an available (and reserved) name for a BAG envelope % it is an OPERATOR. In what follows we mostly use it but we insist that % ANY identifier (there are a few exceptions) may be used. ; aa:=bag(x,1,"A"); AA := BAG(X,1,A) % It is easy to construct NEW bag-like objects ; putbag bg1,bg2; T % now one can verify that ; aa:=bg1(x,y**2); 2 AA := BG1(X,Y ) % is a bag by BAGP ; if bagp aa then "this is a bag"; this is a bag ; % One can erase the bag property of bg2 by the command ; clearbag bg2; ; % baglistp works in the same way for either a LIST OR a BAG ; if baglistp aa then "this is a bag or list"; this is a bag or list if baglistp list(x) then "this is a bag or list"; this is a bag or list ; % Use of the DISPLAYFLAG command that we shall illustrate below is % another way. % "LIST" MAY NOT be a bag. on errcont; % The command below gives an error message: ; putbag list; ***** LIST invalid as BAG % LISTS may be transformed to BAGS and vice versa off errcont; ; kernlist(aa); 2 {X,Y } listbag(list x,bg1); BG1(X) % % % 4. BASIC MANIPULATION FUNCTIONS WORKING FOR BOTH STRUCTURES : ; % define: ; ab:=bag(x1,x2,x3); AB := BAG(X1,X2,X3) al:=list(y1,y2,y3); AL := {Y1,Y2,Y3} % We illustrate how the elementary functions do work DIFFERENTLY ; first ab; BAG(X1) third ab; BAG(X3) first al; Y1 last ab; BAG(X3) last al; Y3 % The subsequent one do act in the SAME way; rest ab; BAG(X2,X3) rest al; {Y2,Y3} belast ab; BAG(X1,X2) belast al; {Y1,Y2} ; % depth determines if the depth of the list is uniform. % when it is, it gives its deepness as an integer. ; depth al; 1 depth bg1(ab); 2 % It is very convenient to define the PICKUP function PART(x,n) by . : ; ab.1; X1 al.3; Y3 on errcont; ab.4; ***** Expression BAG(X1,X2,X3) does not have part 4 off errcont; % For bags, it is possible to avoid an error message when one % has an index out of range using "first", "second" and "third". % For instance: ; second second ab; BAG() % This is coherent because the envelope of a bag always remains. ; size ab; 3 length al; 3 remove(ab,3); BAG(X1,X2) delete(y2,al); {Y1,Y3} reverse al; {Y3,Y2,Y1} member(x3,ab); BAG(X3) % notice the output. ; al:=list(x**2,x**2,y1,y2,y3); 2 AL := {X , 2 X , Y1, Y2, Y3} ; elmult(x**2,al); 2 position(y3,al); 5 ; repfirst(xx,al); 2 {XX,X ,Y1,Y2,Y3} represt(xx,ab); BAG(X1,XX) insert(x,al,3); 2 2 {X ,X ,X,Y1,Y2,Y3} insert( b,ab,2); BAG(X1,B,XX) insert(ab,ab,1); BAG(BAG(X1,XX),X1,XX) substitute (new,y1,al); 2 2 {X ,X ,NEW,Y2,Y3} ; % Function that acts on TWO lists or bags : ; append(ab,al); 2 2 BAG(X1,XX,X ,X ,Y1,Y2,Y3) append(al,ab); 2 2 {X ,X ,Y1,Y2,Y3,X1,XX} ; % Association list or bag may be constructed and thoroughly used ; l:=list(a1,a2,a3,a4); L := {A1,A2,A3,A4} b:=bg1(x1,x2,x3); B := BG1(X1,X2,X3) % PAIR is the CONSTRUCTOR of the ASSOCIATION LIST or BAG. al:=pair(list(1,2,3,4),l); AL := {{1,A1},{2,A2},{3,A3},{4,A4}} ab:=pair(bg1(1,2,3),b); AB := BG1(BG1(1,X1),BG1(2,X2),BG1(3,X3)) ; % A BOOLEAN function abaglistp to test if it is an association ; if abaglistp bag(bag(1,2)) then "it is an associated bag"; it is an associated bag ; % Values associated to the keys can be extracted % first occurence ONLY. ; asfirst(1,al); {1,A1} asfirst(3,ab); BG1(3,X3) ; assecond(a1,al); {1,A1} assecond(x3,ab); BG1(3,X3) ; aslast(z,list(list(x1,x2,x3),list(y1,y2,z))); {Y1,Y2,Z} asrest(list(x2,x3),list(list(x1,x2,x3),list(y1,y2,z))); {X1,X2,X3} ; % All occurences. asflist(x,bg1(bg1(x,a1,a2),bg1(x,b1,b2))); BG1(BG1(X,A1,A2),BG1(X,B1,B2)) asslist(a1,list(list(x,a1,a2),list(x,a1,b2),list(x,y,z))); {{X,A1,A2},{X,A1,B2}} restaslist(bag(a1,x),bg1(bag(x,a1,a2),bag(a1,x,b2),bag(x,y,z))); BG1(BG1(X,B2),BG1(A1,A2)) restaslist(list(a1,x),bag(bag(x,a1,a2),bag(a1,x,b2),bag(x,y,z))); BAG(BAG(X,B2),BAG(A1,A2)) %******** % Mapping functions can be used with bags through ; on errcont; ; for each j in list(list(a),list(c)) join j; {A,C} for each j in list(bg1(a),bg1(b)) collect first j; {BG1(A),BG1(BG1(X1,X2,X3))} off errcont; ; % The FOR EACH .. IN .. statement requires a LIST-LIKE object.; ; % There are functions available for manipulating bags or lists % as sets. (they exist in the symbolic mode). ; ts:=mkset list(a1,a1,a,2,2); TS := {A1,A,2} ; % Again a boolean function to test the SET property ; if setp ts then "this is a SET"; this is a SET ; union(ts,ts); {A1,A,2} diffset(ts,list(a1,a)); {2} diffset(list(a1,a),ts); {} symdiff(ts,ts); {} intersect(listbag(ts,set1),listbag(ts,set2)); SET1(A1,A,2) % 5. MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL PURPOSE FUNCTIONS : ; clear a1,a2,a3,a,x,y,z,x1,x2,op$ minlist(list(1/2,1,3)); 1 --- 2 maxlist(list(1/2,1,3)); 3 % DETECTION OF A GIVEN VARIABLE IN A GIVEN SET ; detidnum aa; detidnum a10; 10 detidnum a1b2z34; 34 % A list of a finite number of randomly chosen integers can be % generated: % randomlist(3,10); {0,0,1,2,2,2,0,0,0,0} % fact(120); 6689502913449127057588118054090372586752746333138029810295671352301633557244962989366874165271984981308157637893214090552534408589408121859898481114389650005964960521256960000000000000000000000000000 combnum(8,3); 56 permutations(bag(a1,a2,a3)); BAG(BAG(A1,A2,A3),BAG(A1,A3,A2),BAG(A2,A1,A3),BAG(A2,A3,A1), BAG(A3,A1,A2),BAG(A3,A2,A1)) combinations({a1,a2,a3},2); {{A2,A3},{A1,A3},{A1,A2}} ; % The "depend" command can be traced and made EXPLICIT : ; depatom a; A depend a,x,y; depatom a; {X,Y} % The second use of DEPEND ; depend op,x,y,z; implicit op; OP explicit op; OP(X,Y,Z) depend y,zz; explicit op; OP(X,Y(ZZ),Z) aa:=implicit op; AA := OP % The ENTIRE dependence of OP becomes "IMPLICIT" ; df(aa,y); DF(OP,Y) % These two last functions work properly ONLY when the command "DEPEND" %involves ATOMIC quantities. ; % Detection of variables a given function depends on is possible ; funcvar(x+y); {X,Y} funcvar(sin log(x+y)); {X,Y} ; % Variables on which an expression depends : % funcvar(sin pi); funcvar(x+e+i); {X} % % CONSTANT and RESERVED identifiers are recognize and not taken % as variables. % % Now we illustrate functions that give, display or erase % a "FLAG" or a "PROPERTY" : ; % It is possible to give "flags" in the algebraic mode; % putflag(list(a1,a2),fl1,t); T putflag(list(a1,a2),fl2,t); T displayflag a1; {FL1,FL2} % to clear ALL flags created for a1 : ; clearflag a1,a2; displayflag a2; {} putprop(x1,propname,value,t); X1 displayprop(x1,prop); {} displayprop(x1,propname); {{PROPNAME,VALUE}} % To clear ONE property ; putprop(x1,propname,value,0); displayprop(x1,propname); {} % % % 6. FUNCTIONS TO CONTROL THE ENVIRONMENT : ; % Algebraic ATOMS detection ; alatomp z; T z:=s1; Z := S1 alatomp z; T % Algebraic KERNEL detection ; alkernp z; T alkernp log sin r; T % PRECEDENCE detection ; precp(difference,plus); T precp(plus,difference); precp(times,.); precp(.,times); T % STRING detection ; if stringp x then "this is a string"; if stringp "this is a string" then "this is a string"; this is a string ; ; % A function which detects the dependence of u with respect %to the ATOM or KERNEL v at ANY LEVEL ; depvarp(log(sin(x+cos(1/acos rr))),rr); T ; operator op; *** OP already defined as operator symmetric op; op(x,y)-op(y,x); 0 remsym op; op(x,y)-op(y,x); OP(X,Y) - OP(Y,X) ; clear y,x,u,v; korder y,x,u,v; korderlist; (Y X U V) ; for all x,y such that nordp(x,y) let op(x,y)=x+y; op(a,b); BG1(X1,X2,X3) + A op(b,a); OP(BG1(X1,X2,X3),A) clear op; % DISPLAY and CLEARING of user's objects of various types entered % to the console. Only TOP LEVEL assignments are considered up to now. % The following statements must be made INTERACTIVELY. We put them % as COMMENTS for the user to experiment with them. We do this because % in a fresh environment all outputs are nil. ; % THIS PART OF THE TEST SHOULD BE REALIZED INTERACTIVELY. % SEE THE ** ASSIST LOG ** FILE . %v1:=v2:=1; %show variables; % For REDUCE 3.3 ONLY. %show scalars; %aa:=list(a); %show lists; %array ar(2); %show arrays; %load matr$ %matrix mm; %show matrices; %x**2; %saveas res; %show saveids; %suppress variables; % For REDUCE 3.3 ONLY %show variables; % For REDUCE 3.3 ONLY %suppress scalars; %show scalars; %show lists; %suppress all; %show arrays; %show matrices; clear op; operator op; op(x,y,z); OP(X,Y,S1) clearop op; T clearfunctions abs,tan; *** ABS is unprotected : Cleared *** *** TAN is unprotected : Cleared *** "Clearing is complete" ; % THIS FUNCTION MUST BE USED WITH CARE !!"!!! ; % 7. NEW POLYNOMIAL MANIPUKLATION FACILITIES % % clear x,y,z; % To see the internal representation : % off pri; ; pol:=(x+2*y+3*z**2)**3; 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 POL := 8*Y + (12*X + 36*Z )*Y + (6*X + 36*Z *X + 54*Z )*Y + X + 9 2 2 4 6 *Z *X + 27*Z *X + 27*Z ; % Notice the recursive form. ; pold:=distribute pol; 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 POLD := 8*Y + 36*Z *Y + 12*X*Y + 54*Z *Y + 36*Z *X*Y + 6*X *Y + X 2 2 4 6 + 9*Z *X + 27*Z *X + 27*Z ; % Now it is in a distributive form. ; % Terms and reductums may be extracted individually : on distribute; polp:=pol$ leadterm (pold); 3 8*Y pold:=redexpr pold; 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 POLD := 36*Z *Y + 12*X*Y + 54*Z *Y + 36*Z *X*Y + 6*X *Y + X + 9*Z 2 4 6 *X + 27*Z *X + 27*Z leadterm pold; 2 2 36*Z *Y ; off distribute; polp:=pol$ leadterm polp; 3 8*Y polp:=redexpr polp; 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 POLP := (12*X + 36*Z )*Y + (6*X + 36*Z *X + 54*Z )*Y + X + 9*Z *X 4 6 + 27*Z *X + 27*Z leadterm polp; 2 2 (12*X + 36*Z )*Y ; % "leadterm" and "redexpr" extract the leading term and reductum of a % polynomial respectively WITHOUT specifying the variable. % The default ordering is then assumed. % They work both for the distributive and recursive representations. % % The function "monom" puts in a list all monoms of a multivariate % polynomial. monom polp; 6 {27*Z , 4 27*Z *X, 2 2 9*Z *X , 3 X , 2 6*X *Y, 2 36*Z *X*Y, 4 54*Z *Y, 2 12*X*Y , 2 2 36*Z *Y } % "lowestdeg" extracts the smallest power of a given indeterminate % in a polynomial: lowestdeg(pol,z); 0 ; on pri; ; divpol(pol,x+2*y+3*z**2); 2 2 2 2 4 {X + 4*X*Y + 6*X*Z + 4*Y + 12*Y*Z + 9*Z , 0} % This function gives the quotient AND the remainder directly inside a % list. ; % 8. MANIPUKLATIONS OF SOME ELEMENTARY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS trig:=((sin x)**2+(cos x)**2)**4; 8 6 2 4 4 TRIG := SIN(X) + 4*SIN(X) *COS(X) + 6*SIN(X) *COS(X) 2 6 8 + 4*SIN(X) *COS(X) + COS(X) trigreduce trig; 1 trig:=sin (5x); TRIG := SIN(5*X) trigexpand trig; 4 2 2 4 SIN(X)*(SIN(X) - 10*SIN(X) *COS(X) + 5*COS(X) ) trigreduce ws; SIN(5*X) trigexpand sin(x+y+z); - SIN(X)*SIN(Y)*SIN(Z) + SIN(X)*COS(Y)*COS(Z) + SIN(Y)*COS(X)*COS(Z) + SIN(Z)*COS(X)*COS(Y) ; % The same functions exist for hyperbolic functions: ; hypreduce (sinh x **2 -cosh x **2); -1 ; % For expressions containing log's. Expansion in terms of sums, % differences, .. is given by "logplus" while concatenation is given % by the function "concsumlog". ; clear a,b; logplus log(a*log(x**b)); LOG(LOG(X)) + LOG(A) + LOG(B) concsumlog((2*log x + a*b*log(x*y)+1)/(3*x**2*log(y))); A*B A*B 2 LOG(Y *X *X ) + 1 ----------------------- 2 3*X LOG(Y ) % Though these functions do use substitution rules, these are % active only during the time they actually do their work. % 9. VECTOR CALCULUS OPERATIONS ; clear u1,u2,v1,v2,v3,v4,w3,w4; u1:=list(v1,v2,v3,v4); U1 := {V1,V2,V3,V4} u2:=bag(w1,w2,w3,w4); U2 := BAG(W1,W2,W3,W4) % sumvect(u1,u2); {V1 + W1, V2 + W2, V3 + W3, V4 + W4} minvect(u2,u1); BAG( - V1 + W1, - V2 + W2, - V3 + W3, - V4 + W4) scalvect(u1,u2); V1*W1 + V2*W2 + V3*W3 + V4*W4 crossvect(rest u1,rest u2); {V3*W4 - V4*W3, - V2*W4 + V4*W2, V2*W3 - V3*W2} mpvect(rest u1,rest u2, minvect(rest u1,rest u2)); 0 scalvect(crossvect(rest u1,rest u2),minvect(rest u1,rest u2)); 0 ; % 10. NEW OPERATIONS ON MATRICES ; clear m,mm,b,b1,bb,cc,a,b,c,d; matrix mm(2,2); baglmat(bag(bag(a1,a2)),m); T m; [A1 A2] on errcont; ; baglmat(bag(bag(a1),bag(a2)),m); ***** (MAT ((*SQ ((((A1 . 1) . 1)) . 1) T) (*SQ ((((A2 . 1) . 1)) . 1) T))) should be an identifier off errcont; % **** i.e. it cannot redefine the matrix! in order % to avoid accidental redefinition of an already given matrix; clear m; baglmat(bag(bag(a1),bag(a2)),m); T m; [A1] [ ] [A2] on errcont; baglmat(bag(bag(a1),bag(a2)),bag); ***** OPERATOR BAG invalid as matrix off errcont; % Right since a bag-like object cannot become a matrix. coercemat(m,op); OP(OP(A1),OP(A2)) coercemat(m,list); {{A1},{A2}} ; on nero; unitmat b1(2); matrix b(2,2); b:=mat((r1,r2),(s1,s2)); [R1 R2] B := [ ] [S1 S2] b1; [1 0] [ ] [0 1] b; [R1 R2] [ ] [S1 S2] mkidm(b,1); [1 0] [ ] [0 1] % Allows to relate matrices already defined. ; % Convenient to replace or get a matrix element inside a procedure : % seteltmat(b,newelt,2,2); [R1 R2 ] [ ] [S1 NEWELT] geteltmat(b,2,1); S1 % b:=matsubr(b,bag(1,2),2); [R1 R2] B := [ ] [1 2 ] % It gives automatically a new matrix with the second row substituted. ; submat(b,1,2); [1] % What is left when row 1 and column 2 are taken off the matrix. bb:=mat((1+i,-i),(-1+i,-i)); [I + 1 - I] BB := [ ] [I - 1 - I] cc:=matsubc(bb,bag(1,2),2); [I + 1 1] CC := [ ] [I - 1 2] % Second column substituted. cc:=tp matsubc(bb,bag(1,2),2); [I + 1 I - 1] CC := [ ] [ 1 2 ] matextr(bb, bag,1); BAG(I + 1, - I) % First row extracted and placed in a bag. matextc(bb,list,2); { - I, - I} % Second column extracted and placed in a bag. ; hconcmat(bb,cc); [I + 1 - I I + 1 I - 1] [ ] [I - 1 - I 1 2 ] vconcmat(bb,cc); [I + 1 - I ] [ ] [I - 1 - I ] [ ] [I + 1 I - 1] [ ] [ 1 2 ] % Horizontal an vertical concatenations. ; tpmat(bb,bb); [ 2*I - I + 1 - I + 1 -1] [ ] [ -2 - I + 1 I + 1 -1] [ ] [ -2 I + 1 - I + 1 -1] [ ] [ - 2*I I + 1 I + 1 -1] % Tensor product. % % It is an INFIX operation : bb tpmat bb; [ 2*I - I + 1 - I + 1 -1] [ ] [ -2 - I + 1 I + 1 -1] [ ] [ -2 I + 1 - I + 1 -1] [ ] [ - 2*I I + 1 I + 1 -1] ; clear hbb; hermat(bb,hbb); [ - I + 1 - (I + 1)] [ ] [ I I ] % id hbb changed to a matrix id and assigned to the hermitian matrix % of bb. ; end; Quitting