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— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4548) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4548) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module newton; % root finding with generalized Newton methods. % Author: H. Melenk, ZIB, Berlin % Copyright (c): ZIB Berlin 1992, all rights resrved % Version 2: termination and damping criterion modified to affine % invariance. % Nov. 94: Avoid symbolic inversion of Jacobian. fluid '(!*noequiv accuracy!* !*invjacobi); global '(iterations!* !*trnumeric erfg!*); symbolic procedure rdnewton0(e,vars,p,n); %preparations for Newton iteration. (begin scalar jac,x,oldmode,!*noequiv; integer prec; if not memq(dmode!*,'(!:rd!: !:cr!:))then <<oldmode:=t; setdmode('rounded,t)>>; prec:=precision 0; p := for each x in p collect force!-to!-dm numr simp x; if !*trnumeric then lprim "computing symbolic Jacobian"; eval list('matrix,mkquote list list('jacobian,n,n)); for i:=1:n do for j:=1:n do setmatelem(list('jacobian,i,j), reval list('df,nth(e,i),nth(vars,j))); if !*trnumeric and !*invjacobi then lprim "inverting symbolic Jacobian"; jac := cdr reval if !*invjacobi then '(quotient 1 jacobian) else 'jacobian; jac := for each r in jac collect for each c in r collect reval c; !*noequiv:=t; x := rdnewton1(e,jac,vars,p,'root); if oldmode then setdmode('rounded,nil); precision prec; if null x then rederr "no solution found"; return 'list. for each p in pair(vars,x) collect list('equal,car p,cdr p); end) where !*roundbf=!*roundbf; symbolic procedure rdnewton1(f,jac,vars,x,mode); begin scalar r,acc; if !*trnumeric then lprim "starting Newton iteration"; acc := !:!:quotient(1,expt(10,accuracy!*)); r:= rdnewton2(f,jac,vars,acc,x,mode,nil,nil); r:= for each x in r collect prepf x; return r; end; symbolic procedure rdnewton2(f,jac,vars,acc,x,mode,low,high); % Algorithm for finding the root function system f % with technique of adaptively damped Newton. % f: function to minimize (list of algebraic exprs); % jac: Jacobian, symbolically inverted if *invjacobi is t; % vars: variables (list of id's); % acc: requested accuracy (e.g. 0.0000001) % x: starting point (list of domain elements). dm!: begin scalar n0,n1,e0,e1,dx,dx2,x1,g,dmp,delta,h; scalar dxold,dx2old,dmpold; integer count; mode := nil; e0 := list!-evaluate(f,vars,x); loop: count:=add1 count; if count>iterations!* then <<lprim "requested accuracy not reached within iteration limit"; goto ready>>; % evaluate Jacobian. g := matrix!-evaluate(jac,vars,x); % the newton step. dx := if !*invjacobi then mat!*list(g,e0) else rdsolvelin(g,e0); if null dx then goto jacerr; n0 := normlist dx; dmp:= 1; step: % evaluate function at new point. x1 := list!-list(x, scal!*list(dmp,dx)); e1 := errorset({'list!-evaluate,mkquote f, mkquote vars,mkquote x1},nil,nil) where !*msg=nil,!*protfg=t;; if errorp e1 then goto contract else e1 := car e1; % anticipated next (simplified) Newton step. dx2:=if !*invjacobi then mat!*list(g,e1) else rdsolvelin(g,e1); if null dx2 then goto contract; n1 := normlist(dx2); if n1=0 or n1<n0 then goto accept; if null dmpold then goto contract; % predict optimal damping factor h:= dmpold *(normlist list!-list(dx2old,dx) * normlist(dx)) / (normlist(dxold) * normlist(dx2old)); if h>1 then << dmp:=if h<10 then 1/h else 1/10; dmpold := nil; goto step>>; contract: dmp:=dmp/2; if dmp<acc then rederr "Newton method does not converge"; goto step; accept: delta:=dmp*n0; x := x1; e0:=e1; n0:=n1; if low and high and (low>car x or high<car x) then return nil; dmpold := dmp; dxold := dx; dx2old := dx2; rdnewtonprintpoint(count,x,delta,e0); if n1>acc or dmp<1 then<<update!-precision(delta.e0); goto loop>>; ready: x := list!-list(x,dx2); return x; jacerr: rederr "singular Jacobian"; end; symbolic procedure rdnewtonprintpoint(count,x,dx,e0); if !*trnumeric then begin writepri(count,'first); writepri(". residue=",nil); printsflist e0; writepri(", step length=",nil); writepri(mkquote prepf dx,'last); writepri(" at ",nil); printsflist x; writepri(" ",'last); end; endmodule; end;