Artifact c1375d477d44c18a8a749cde0305b24202d61d707b51b9b2c53630e11d7750ab:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 7222) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
// cwinres.h // Header file for resources ONLY. The files cwin.h & cwin.hpp // contains declarations needed for compiling code. // // Copyright (C)/�/� Codemist Ltd, 1995-99 #ifndef header_cwinres_h #define header_cwinres_h 1 /* Signature: 43767a10 19-Feb-1999 */ #define IDM_READ 101 #define IDM_SAVEAS 102 #define IDM_SAVESEL 103 #define IDM_TOFILE 104 #define IDM_PRINT 105 #define IDM_PRINTSEL 106 #define IDM_EXIT 107 #define IDM_CLOSE 108 #define IDM_CUT 110 #define IDM_COPY 111 #define IDM_PASTE 112 #define IDM_REINPUT 113 #define IDM_SELECTALL 114 #define IDM_CLEAR 115 #define IDM_UNDO 116 #define IDM_REDRAW 117 #define IDM_HOME 118 #define IDM_END 119 #define IDM_FONT 120 #define IDM_RESET_FONT 121 #define IDM_RESET_WINDOW 122 #define IDM_INTERRUPT 130 #define IDM_BACKTRACE 131 #define IDM_PAGEMODE 132 #ifdef GRAPHICS_WINDOW #define IDM_GRAPHICS 140 #define IDM_HISTORY 141 #define IDM_SMALLER 150 #define IDM_LARGER 160 #define IDM_PORTRAIT 170 #define IDM_DISPLAY 171 #define IDM_LANDSCAPE 172 #define IDM_VIEWPOINT 180 #endif #define IDM_HELPCONTENTS 190 #define IDM_HELPSEARCH 191 #define IDM_HELP_ON_HELP 192 #define IDM_ABOUT 193 #define IDM_EUPRICES 194 #define IDM_WORDPRICES 195 #define IDM_ORDERFORM 196 #define IDM_DYNAMIC_ITEMS 200 #define IDM_LAST_DYNAMIC 249 #ifdef GRAPHICS_WINDOW #define IDM_WIREFRAME 250 #define IDM_NOSURFACE 251 #define IDM_SURFACE 252 #define IDM_SQUARES 253 #define IDM_TRIANGLES 254 #define IDM_SMOOTH 255 #define IDM_HISMOOTH 256 #define IDM_WIREPREVIEW 257 #define IDM_ROTLEFT 260 #define IDM_ROTRIGHT 261 #define IDM_ROTUP 262 #define IDM_ROTDOWN 263 #define IDM_CLOCKWISE 264 #define IDM_ANTICLOCK 265 #define IDM_ENLARGE 266 #define IDM_SHRINK 267 #endif #ifndef COMMON #define IDM_FIRSTLOAD 300 /* * The individual numeric codes listed here (and the matching menu items * in cwin.rc) are being retired in favour of a scheme that sets up menus * more dynamically. */ #define IDM_ALGINT 300 #define IDM_APPLYSYM 301 #define IDM_ARNUM 302 #define IDM_ASSIST 303 #define IDM_AVECTOR 304 #define IDM_BOOLEAN 305 #define IDM_CALI 306 #define IDM_CAMAL 307 #define IDM_CHANGEVR 308 #define IDM_COMPACT 309 #define IDM_COMPLEX 310 #define IDM_CRACK 311 #define IDM_CVIT 312 #define IDM_DECOMPOS 313 #define IDM_DEFINT 314 #define IDM_DESIR 315 #define IDM_DFPART 316 #define IDM_DUMMY 317 #define IDM_ELEM 318 #define IDM_EXCALC 319 #define IDM_FIDE 320 #define IDM_FPS 321 #define IDM_GENTRAN 322 #define IDM_GNUPLOT 323 #define IDM_GROEBNER 324 #define IDM_IDEALS 325 #define IDM_INEQ 326 #define IDM_INVBASE 327 #define IDM_LAPLACE 328 #define IDM_LIE 329 #define IDM_LINALG 330 #define IDM_MODSR 331 #define IDM_NCPOLY 332 #define IDM_NORMFORM 333 #define IDM_NUMERIC 334 #define IDM_ODESOLVE 335 #define IDM_ORTHOVEC 336 #define IDM_PHYSOP 337 #define IDM_PMRULES 338 #define IDM_RANDPOLY 339 #define IDM_REACTEQN 340 #define IDM_RESIDUE 341 #define IDM_RLFI 342 #define IDM_RSOLVE 343 #define IDM_SCOPE 344 #define IDM_SETS 345 #define IDM_SPDE 346 #define IDM_SPECFN 347 #define IDM_SYMMETRY 348 #define IDM_TAYLOR 349 #define IDM_TPS 350 #define IDM_TRI 351 #define IDM_TRIGSIMP 352 #define IDM_WU 353 #define IDM_XCOLOR 354 #define IDM_XIDEAL 355 #define IDM_ZEILBERG 356 #define IDM_ZTRANS 357 #define IDM_LASTLOAD 357 #define IDS_FIRSTSWITCH 500 #define IDS_algint 500 #define IDS_adjprec 501 #define IDS_allbranch 502 #define IDS_allfac 503 #define IDS_arbvars 504 #define IDS_asterisk 505 #define IDS_backtrace 506 #define IDS_balanced_mod 507 #define IDS_bfspace 508 #define IDS_combineexpt 509 #define IDS_combinelogs 510 #define IDS_comp 511 #define IDS_complex 512 #define IDS_compxroots 513 #define IDS_cramer 514 #define IDS_cref 515 #define IDS_defn 516 #define IDS_demo 517 #define IDS_dfprint 518 #define IDS_div 519 #define IDS_echo 520 #define IDS_errcont 521 #define IDS_evallhseqp 522 #define IDS_exp 523 #define IDS_expandexpt 524 #define IDS_expandlogs 525 #define IDS_ezgcd 526 #define IDS_factor 527 #define IDS_fastfor 528 #define IDS_force 529 #define IDS_fort 530 #define IDS_fortupper 531 #define IDS_fullprec 532 #define IDS_fullprecision 533 #define IDS_fullroots 534 #define IDS_gc 535 #define IDS_gcd 536 #define IDS_heugcd 537 #define IDS_horner 538 #define IDS_ifactor 539 #define IDS_int 540 #define IDS_intstr 541 #define IDS_lcm 542 #define IDS_lessspace 543 #define IDS_limitedfactors 544 #define IDS_list 545 #define IDS_listargs 546 #define IDS_lower 547 #define IDS_mcd 548 #define IDS_modular 549 #define IDS_msg 550 #define IDS_multiplicities 551 #define IDS_nat 552 #define IDS_nero 553 #define IDS_noarg 554 #define IDS_noconvert 555 #define IDS_nonlnr 556 #define IDS_nosplit 557 #define IDS_numval 558 #define IDS_output 559 #define IDS_period 560 #define IDS_pgwd 561 #define IDS_plap 562 #define IDS_precise 563 #define IDS_pret 564 #define IDS_pri 565 #define IDS_pwrds 566 #define IDS_quotenewnam 567 #define IDS_raise 568 #define IDS_rat 569 #define IDS_ratarg 570 #define IDS_rational 571 #define IDS_rationalize 572 #define IDS_ratpri 573 #define IDS_reduced 574 #define IDS_revpri 575 #define IDS_rlisp88 576 #define IDS_rootmsg 577 #define IDS_roundall 578 #define IDS_roundbf 579 #define IDS_rounded 580 #define IDS_savestructr 581 #define IDS_solvesingular 582 #define IDS_time 583 #define IDS_trallfac 584 #define IDS_trfac 585 #define IDS_trint 586 #define IDS_trroot 587 #define IDS_LASTSWITCH 587 #endif #endif /* header_cwinres_h */ // end of cwinres.h