Artifact bf458d1abf147be1b9a0db4f6aad35f398f79271873b2d9bff8b5cfc89b608f0:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3969) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3969) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
(glispobjects (circle (list (start vector) (radius real) (color atom)) prop ((pi (3.14159265)) (diameter (2*radius)) (circumference (pi*diameter)) (area (pi*radius^2))) adj ((big (area>100)) (small (area<80))) msg ((grow (area_+100)) (shrink (area_area/2)) (standard (area_100))) ) (student (atom (proplist (name string) (sex atom) (major atom) (grades (listof integer)))) prop ((average student-average) (grade-average student-grade-average)) adj ((male (sex='male)) (female (sex='female)) (winner (average>=95)) (loser (average<60))) isa ((winner (self is winner)))) (student-group (listof student) prop ((n-students length) (average student-group-average))) (class (atom (proplist (department atom) (number integer) (instructor string) (students student-group))) prop ((n-students (students:n-students)) (men ((those students who are male)) result student-group) (women ((those students who are female)) result student-group) (winners ((those students who are winner)) result student-group) (losers ((those students who are loser)) result student-group) (class-average (students:average)))) ) (dg student-average (s:student) (prog ((sum 0.0)(n 0.0)) (for g in grades do n _+ 1.0 sum_+g) (return sum/n) )) (dg student-grade-average (s:student) (prog ((av s:average)) (return (if av >= 90.0 then 'a elseif av >= 80.0 then 'b elseif av >= 70.0 then 'c elseif av >= 60.0 then 'd else 'f)))) (dg student-group-average (sg:student-group) (prog ((sum 0.0)(n 0.0)) (for s in sg do sum_+s:average n _+ 1.0) (return sum/n) )) (dg test1 (c:class) (for s in c:students (prin1 s:name) (prin2 '! ) (prin1 s:grade-average) (terpri))) (dg test2 (c:class) (for s in c:winners (prin1 s:name) (prin2 '! ) (prin1 s:average) (terpri))) (dg test3 (c:class) c:men:average) (dg test4 (c:class) (for s in c:women when s is winner (prin1 s:name) (prin2 '! ) (prin1 s:average) (terpri))) (dg test5 (c:class) (for s in c:women*c:winners (prin1 s:name) (prin2 '! ) (prin1 s:average) (terpri))) (setq class1 (a class with instructor = "G. Novak" department = 'cs number = 102 students = (list (a student with name = "John Doe" sex = 'male major = 'cs grades = '(99 98 97 93)) (a student with name = "Fred Failure" sex = 'male major = 'cs grades = '(52 54 43 27)) (a student with name = "Mary Star" sex = 'female major = 'cs grades = '(100 100 99 98)) (a student with name = "Doris Dummy" sex = 'female major = 'cs grades = '(73 52 46 28)) (a student with name = "Jane Average" sex = 'female major = 'cs grades = '(75 82 87 78)) (a student with name = "Lois Lane" sex = 'female major = 'cs grades = '(98 95 97 96)) ))) (glispobjects (physical-object anything prop ((density (mass/volume)))) (sphere anything prop ((volume ((4.0 / 3.0) * 3.1415926 * radius ^ 3)))) (planet (listobject (mass real)(radius real)) supers (physical-object sphere)) (ordinary-object anything prop ((mass (weight / 9.88))) supers (physical-object)) (parallelepiped anything prop ((volume (length*width*height)))) (brick (object (length real)(width real)(height real)(weight real)) supers (ordinary-object parallelepiped)) (bowling-ball (atomobject (type atom)(weight real)) prop ((radius ((if type='adult then 0.1 else 0.07)))) supers (ordinary-object sphere)) ) (dg dplanet (p:planet) density) (dg dbrick (b:brick) density) (dg dbb (b:bowling-ball) density) (setq earth (a planet with mass = 5.98e24 radius = 6.37e6)) (setq brick1 (a brick with weight = 20.0 width = 0.06 height = 0.04 length = 0.16)) (setq bb1 (a bowling-ball with type = 'adult weight = 60.0))