Artifact ba8756dcc0fad51d59737980ccaf63b892c3d2580e7e3fc446c84cf5269e27da:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3941) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% % ALLOCATORS.RED - Low level storage management % % Author: Eric Benson % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 27 August 1981 % Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah % Revisions, MLG, 20 Feb 1983 % Moved space declarations to XXX-HEADER.RED % <PSL.KERNEL>ALLOCATORS.RED.4, 10-Jan-83 15:50:50, Edit by PERDUE % Added GtEVect on SysLisp; external Wvar HeapLowerBound, HeapUpperBound, HeapLast, HeapPreviousLast, NextBPS, LastBPS; % NextSymbol is in GLOBAL-DATA.RED syslsp procedure GtHEAP N; % get heap block of N words if null N then (HeapUpperBound - HeapLast) / AddressingUnitsPerItem else << HeapPreviousLast := HeapLast; HeapLast := HeapLast + N*AddressingUnitsPerItem; if HeapLast > HeapUpperBound then << !%Reclaim(); HeapPreviousLast := HeapLast; HeapLast := HeapLast + N*AddressingUnitsPerItem; if HeapLast > HeapUpperBound then FatalError "Heap space exhausted" >>; HeapPreviousLast >>; syslsp procedure DelHeap(LowPointer, HighPointer); if HighPointer eq HeapLast then HeapLast := LowPointer; syslsp procedure GtSTR N; % Allocate space for a string N chars begin scalar S, NW; S := GtHEAP((NW := STRPack N) + 1); @S := MkItem(HBytes, N); S[NW] := 0; % clear last word, including last byte return S; end; syslsp procedure GtConstSTR N; % allocate un-collected string for print name begin scalar S, NW; % same as GtSTR, but uses BPS, not heap S := GtBPS((NW := STRPack N) + 1); @S := N; S[NW] := 0; % clear last word, including last byte return S; end; syslsp procedure GtHalfWords N; % Allocate space for N halfwords begin scalar S, NW; S := GtHEAP((NW := HalfWordPack N) + 1); @S := MkItem(HHalfWords, N); return S; end; syslsp procedure GtVECT N; % Allocate space for a vector N items begin scalar V; V := GtHEAP(VECTPack N + 1); @V := MkItem(HVECT, N); return V; end; syslsp procedure GtEVECT N; % Allocate space for a Evector N items begin scalar V; V := GtHEAP(VECTPack N + 1); @V := MkItem(HVECT, N); return V; end; syslsp procedure GtWRDS N; % Allocate space for N untraced words begin scalar W; W := GtHEAP(WRDPack N + 1); @W := MkItem(HWRDS, N); return W; end; syslsp procedure GtFIXN(); % allocate space for a fixnum begin scalar W; W := GtHEAP(WRDPack 0 + 1); @W := MkItem(HWRDS, 0); return W; end; syslsp procedure GtFLTN(); % allocate space for a float begin scalar W; W := GtHEAP(WRDPack 1 + 1); @W := MkItem(HWRDS, 1); return W; end; syslsp procedure GtID(); % Allocate a new ID % % IDs are allocated as a linked free list through the SymNam cell, % with a 0 to indicate the end of the list. % begin scalar U; if NextSymbol = 0 then << Reclaim(); if NextSymbol = 0 then return FatalError "Ran out of ID space" >>; U := NextSymbol; NextSymbol := SymNam U; return U; end; syslsp procedure GtBPS N; % Allocate N words for binary code begin scalar B; if null N then return((LastBPS - NextBPS)/AddressingUnitsPerItem); % GTBPS NIL returns # left B := NextBPS; NextBPS := NextBPS + N*AddressingUnitsPerItem; return if NextBPS > LastBPS then StdError '"Ran out of binary program space" else B; end; syslsp procedure DelBPS(Bottom, Top); % Return space to BPS if NextBPS eq Top then NextBPS := Bottom; syslsp procedure GtWArray N; % Allocate N words for WVar/WArray/WString begin scalar B; if null N then return((LastBPS - NextBPS)/AddressingUnitsPerItem); % GtWArray NIL returns # left B := LastBPS - N*AddressingUnitsPerItem; return if NextBPS > B then StdError '"Ran out of WArray space" else LastBPS := B; end; syslsp procedure DelWArray(Bottom, Top); % Return space for WArray if LastBPS eq Bottom then LastBPS := Top; off SysLisp; END;