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% Bibliography for groebner.tex @INPROCEEDINGS{AG:98, AUTHOR = "Beatrice Amrhein and Oliver Gloor", TITLE = {The Fractal Walk}, CROSSREF = {GB:98}, PAGES = {305 --322}, YEAR = 1998} @INPROCEEDINGS{AGK:961, AUTHOR = "Beatrice Amrhein and Oliver Gloor and Wolfgang Kuechlin", TITLE = {How Fast Does the Walk Run?}, CROSSREF = {RW:96}, PAGES = {8.1 -- 8.9}, YEAR = 1996} @INPROCEEDINGS{AGK:962, AUTHOR = "Beatrice Amrhein and Oliver Gloor and Wolfgang Kuechlin", TITLE = {Walking Faster}, CROSSREF = {DISCO:96}, PAGES = {150 --161}, YEAR = 1996} @BOOK{BeWei:93, AUTHOR = "Thomas Becker and Volker Weispfenning", TITLE = "{G}r{\"o}bner Bases", PUBLISHER = "Springer", YEAR = 1993} @ARTICLE{Boege:86, AUTHOR = "W. Boege and R. Gebauer and H. Kredel", TITLE = "Some Examples for Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations by Calculating {G}r{\"o}bner Bases", JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Computation", YEAR = 1986, VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 1, PAGES = "83-98", MONTH = "March"} @INCOLLECTION{Buchberger:85, AUTHOR = "Bruno Buchberger", TITLE = "{G}r{\"o}bner Bases: An Algorithmic Method in Polynomial Ideal Theory", EDITOR = "N. K. Bose", BOOKTITLE = "Progress, directions and open problems in multidimensional systems theory", PAGES = "184-232", PUBLISHER = "Dordrecht: Reidel", YEAR = 1985} @INCOLLECTION{Buchberger:88, AUTHOR = "Bruno Buchberger", TITLE = "Applications of {G}r{\"o}bner bases in Non-Linear Computational Geometry", EDITOR = "R. Janssen", BOOKTITLE = "Trends in Computer Algebra", PAGES = "52-80", PUBLISHER = "Berlin, Heidelberg", YEAR = 1988} @PROCEEDINGS{GB:98, TITLE = {Gr\"obner Bases and Applications}, BOOKTITLE = {Gr\"obner Bases and Applications}, SUBTITLE = {Int.\ Conf.\ ``33 Years of Gr\"obner Bases''}, YEAR = {1998}, EDITOR = {Bruno Buchberger an Franz Winkler}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, SERIES = {LMS}, VOLUME = 251, MONTH = Feb} @PROCEEDINGS{RW:96, TITLE = {5th Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra}, BOOKTITLE = {5th Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra}, YEAR = {1996}, EDITOR = {Alain Carriere and Louis Remy Oudin}, PUBLISHER = {Institut Franco--Allemand de Recherches de Saint--Louis}, VOLUME = {PR 801/96}, MONTH = Jan} @PROCEEDINGS{DISCO:96, TITLE = {Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems}, BOOKTITLE = {Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems}, SUBTITLE = {International Symposium, DISCO 1996}, YEAR = {1996}, EDITOR = {J. Calmet and C. Limongelli}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = 1128} @ARTICLE{CKM:97, AUTHOR = "S. Collart and M. Kalkbrener and D. Mall", TITLE = {Converting Bases with the {G}r\"obner Walk}, JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Computation", YEAR = 1997, VOLUME = 24, PAGES = "465 - 469"} @BOOK{Davenport:88a, AUTHOR = "James H. Davenport and Yves Siret and Evelyne Tournier", TITLE = {Computer Algebra, Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic Computation}, PUBLISHER = "Academic Press", PRINTING = "2nd", YEAR = 1989} @INCOLLECTION{Ebert:81, AUTHOR = "K. H. Ebert and P. Deuflhard", EDITOR = "W. Jaeger", TITLE = {Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems}, PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", BOOKTITLE = "Springer Ser. Chem. Phys", VOLUME = 18, YEAR = 1981} @TECHREPORT{Faugere:89, AUTHOR = "J. C. Faug{\`e}re and P. Gianni and D. Lazard and T. Mora", TITLE = {Efficient Computation of Zero-Dimensional {G}r\"obner Bases by Change of Ordering}, YEAR = 1989} @ARTICLE{Gebauer:88, AUTHOR = "R{\"u}diger Gebauer and H. Michael M{\"o}ller", TITLE = "On an Installation of {B}uchberger's Algorithm", JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Computation", YEAR = 1988, VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = "2 and 3", PAGES = "275-286"} @TECHREPORT{Hillebrand:99, AUTHOR = "Dietmar Hillebrand", TITLE = {Triangulierung nulldimensionaler {I}deale - {I}mplementierung und {V}ergleich zweier {A}lgorithmen - in {G}erman . {D}iplomarbeit im {S}tudiengang {M}athematik der {U}niversit{\"a}t {D}ortmund. {B}etreuer: Prof. {D}r. {H}. {M}. {M}{\"o}ller}, YEAR = 1999} @ARTICLE{Kredel:88, AUTHOR = "Heinz Kredel", TITLE = {Admissible termorderings used in Computer Algebra Systems}, JOURNAL = "{SIGSAM} Bulletin", YEAR = 1988, VOLUME = 22, NUMBER = 1, PAGES = "28-31", MONTH = "January"} @ARTICLE{Kredel:88a, AUTHOR = "Heinz Kredel and Volker Weispfenning", TITLE = {Computing Dimension and Independent Sets for Polynomial Ideals}, JOURNAL = "J. Symbolic Computation", YEAR = 1988, VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 1, PAGES = "231-247", MONTH = "November"} @TECHREPORT{Melenk:88, AUTHOR = "Herbert Melenk and H. Michael M{\"o}ller and Winfried Neun", TITLE = "On {G}r{\"o}bner Bases Computation on a Supercomputer Using {REDUCE}", INSTITUTION = "Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informationstechnik Berlin", YEAR = 1988, TYPE = "Preprint", NUMBER = "SC 88-2", MONTH = "January"} @INPROCEEDINGS{Giovini:91, AUTHOR = "A. Giovini and T. Mora and G. Niesi and L. Robbiano and C. Traverso", TITLE = "One sugar cube, please OR Selection strategies in the {B}uchberger algorithm", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of {ISSAC} '91", YEAR = 1991, PAGES = "49-55"}