Artifact ae5991a30fae52f56ded277394a65843b688a92ab75795803b1ad7fc627e45c1:
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— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 9025) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 9025) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module partdf; % Adaption of df module. % Author: Eberhard Schruefer. % Modifications by: David Hartley. fluid '(alglist!* depl!* frlis!* posn!* subfg!* wtl!* fancy!-pos!* fancy!-line!*); global '(naturalvector2framevector keepl!* !*product!-rule); newtok '((!@) partdf); symbolic procedure simppartdf0 u; begin scalar v; if null cdr u then if coordp(u := reval car u) and (v := atsoc(u,naturalvector2framevector)) then return !*pf2sq !*pfsq2pf cdr v else return mksq(list('partdf,u),1); if null subfg!* or freeindp car u or freeindp cadr u or (cddr u and freeindp caddr u) then return mksq('partdf . revlis u,1); v := cdr u; u := simp!* car u; for each j in v do u := partdfsq(u,!*a2k j); return u end; put('partdf,'simpfn,'simppartdf); put('partdf,'rtypefn,'getrtypeor); put('partdf,'partitfn,'partitpartdf); symbolic procedure partitpartdf u; if null cdr u then mknatvec !*a2k car u else 1 .* simppartdf0 u .+ nil; symbolic procedure simppartdf u; !*pf2sq partitpartdf u; symbolic procedure mknatvec u; begin scalar x,y; return if x := atsoc(u,naturalvector2framevector) then !*pfsq2pf cdr x else if x := opmtch(y := list('partdf,u)) then partitop x else mkupf y end; symbolic procedure partdfsq(u,v); multsq(addsq(partdff(numr u,v), multsq(u,partdff(negf denr u,v))), 1 ./ denr u); symbolic procedure partdff(u,v); if domainp u then nil ./ 1 else addsq(if null !*product!-rule then partdft(lt u,v) else addsq(multpq(lpow u,partdff(lc u,v)), multsq(partdfpow(lpow u,v),lc u ./ 1)), partdff(red u,v)); symbolic procedure partdft(u,v); begin scalar x,y; x := partdft1(!*t2q u,v); y := nil ./ 1; for each j on x do if null domainp ldpf j then y := addsq(multsq(if domainp lc ldpf j then multsq(partdfpow(lpow ldpf j,v), lc ldpf j ./ 1) else mksq(list('partdf,prepf ldpf j,v),1), lc j),y); return y end; symbolic procedure partdft1(u,v); (if null x then nil else if domainp x then 1 .* u .+ nil else addpsf(if sfp mvar x and numr partdfpow(lpow mvar x,v) then multpsf(exptpsf(partdft1(mvar u ./ 1,v), ldeg x), partdft1(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)) else if null sfp mvar x and numr partdfpow(lpow x,v) then multpsf(!*p2f lpow x .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil, partdft1(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)) else multsqpsf(!*p2q lpow x, partdft1(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)), partdft1(cancel(red x ./ y),v))) where x = numr u, y = denr u; symbolic procedure partdfpow(u,v); begin scalar x,z; integer n; n := cdr u; u := car u; z := nil ./ 1; if u eq v then z := 1 ./ 1 else if atomf u then if x := assoc(u,keepl!*) then begin scalar alglist!*; z := partdfsq(simp0 cdr x,v) end else if ndepends(if x := get(lid u,'varlist) then lid u . cdr x else lid u,v) then z := mksq(list('partdf,u,v),1) else return nil ./ 1 else if sfp u then z := partdff(u,v) else if car u eq '!*sq then z := partdfsq(cadr u,v) else if x := get(car u,dfn_prop u) then for each j in for each k in cdr u collect partdfsq(simp k,v) do <<if numr j then z := addsq(multsq(j,simp subla(pair(caar x,cdr u),cdar x)), z); x := cdr x>> else if car u eq 'partdf then if ndepends(lid cadr u,v) then % Too restrictive... % if assoc(list('partdf,cadr u,v), % get('partdf,'kvalue)) then % <<z := mksq(list('partdf,cadr u,v),1); % for each j in cddr u do % z := partdfsq(z,j)>> % More general matching... if x := partdfsplit(u,v,get('partdf,'kvalue)) then <<z := mksq(car x,1); for each j in cdr x do z := partdfsq(z,j)>> else <<z := 'partdf . cadr u . ordn(v . cddr u); z := if x := opmtch z then simp x else mksq(z,1)>> else return nil ./ 1; if x := atsoc(u,wtl!*) then z := multpq('k!* to (-cdr x),z); return if n=1 then z else multsq(!*t2q((u to (n-1)) .* n),z) end; symbolic procedure partdfsplit(u,v,k); % u,v:kernel, k:alist -> partdfsplit:list of kernel. % Input u is (partdf f ...), v is kernel on which f depends, k is % kvalue list for partdf. Result is nil unless some subderivative % of (partdf f ... v) is known, in which case, the kernel whose % derivative is known is the first return value and the remaining % variables form the rest. if null k then nil else if cadr caar k eq cadr u and v memq cddr caar k and sublistp(delete(v,cddr caar k),cddr u) then caar k . listdiff(cddr u,delete(v,cddr caar k)) else partdfsplit(u,v,cdr k); symbolic procedure sublistp(x,y); % x,y:list -> sublistp:bool null x or car x member y and sublistp(cdr x,delete(car x,y)); symbolic procedure listdiff(x,y); % x,y:list -> listdiff:list if null y then x else if null x then nil else listdiff(delete(car y,x),cdr y); symbolic procedure ndepends(u,v); if null u or numberp u or numberp v then nil else if u=v then u else if atom u and u memq frlis!* then t else if (lambda x; x and lndepends(cdr x,v)) assoc(u,depl!*) then t else if not atom u and idp car u and get(car u,'dname) then nil else if not atomf u and (lndepends(cdr u,v) or ndepends(car u,v)) then t else if atomf v or idp car v and get(car v,'dname) then nil else ndependsl(u,cdr v); symbolic procedure lndepends(u,v); u and (ndepends(car u,v) or lndepends(cdr u,v)); symbolic procedure ndependsl(u,v); u and (ndepends(u,car v) or ndependsl(u,cdr v)); symbolic procedure partdfprn u; if null !*nat then <<prin2!* '!@; prin2!* "("; if cddr u then inprint('!*comma!*,0,cdr u) else maprin cadr u; prin2!* ")" >> else begin scalar y; integer l; l := flatsizec flatindxl cdr u+1; if l>(linelength nil-spare!*)-posn!* then terpri!* t; %avoids breaking of the operator over a line; y := ycoord!*; prin2!* '!@; ycoord!* := y - if (null cddr u and indexvp cadr u) or (cddr u and indexvp caddr u) then 2 else 1; if ycoord!*<ymin!* then ymin!* := ycoord!*; if null cddr u then <<maprin cadr u; ycoord!* := y>> else <<for each j on cddr u do <<maprin car j; if cdr j then prin2!* " ">>; ycoord!* := y; if atom cadr u then prin2!* cadr u else <<prin2!* "("; maprin cadr u; prin2!* ")">>>> end; put('partdf,'prifn,'partdfprn); symbolic procedure indexvp u; null atom u and flagp(car u,'indexvar); symbolic procedure xpartdfprn(u,l); fancy!-level(if null cddr u then begin scalar w; w := fancy!-prefix!-operator 'partial!-df; if w eq 'failed then return 'failed; return fancy!-print!-indexlist1(cdr u,'!_,nil) end else fancy!-dfpri0(car u . cadr u . deradpdf cddr u,l,'partial!-df)); symbolic procedure deradpdf u; if null cdr u then u else begin scalar x; x := derad(car u,{cadr u}); for each j in cddr u do x := derad(j,x); return x end; put('partdf,'fancy!-pprifn,'xpartdfprn); endmodule; end;