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— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8393) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8393) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module distrib; % Routines for manipulating distributed forms. % Authors: Mary Ann Moore and Arthur C. Norman. fluid '(indexlist sqrtlist zlist); exports dfprintform,multbyarbpowers,negdf,quotdfconst,sub1ind, % var2df, vp1,vp2,plusdf,multdf,multdfconst,orddf; imports interr,addsq,negsq,exptsq,simp,domainp,mk!*sq,addf, multsq,invsq,minusp,mksp,sub1; %*********************************************************************** % NOTE: The expressions lt,red,lc,lpow have been used on distributed % forms as the latter's structure is sufficiently similar to % s.f.'s. However lc df is a s.q. not a s.f. and lpow df is a % list of the exponents of the variables. This also makes % lt df different. Red df is d.f. as expected. %*********************************************************************** symbolic procedure plusdf(u,v); % U and V are D.F.'s. Value is D.F. for U+V. if null u then v else if null v then u else if lpow u=lpow v then (lambda(x,y); if null numr x then y else (lpow u .* x) .+ y) (!*addsq(lc u,lc v),plusdf(red u,red v)) else if orddf(lpow u,lpow v) then lt u .+ plusdf(red u,v) else (lt v) .+ plusdf(u,red v); symbolic procedure orddf(u,v); % U and V are the LPOW of a D.F. - i.e. the list of exponents. % Value is true if LPOW U '>' LPOW V and false otherwise. if null u then if null v then interr "Orddf = case" else interr "Orddf v longer than u" else if null v then interr "Orddf u longer than v" else if exptcompare(car u,car v) then t else if exptcompare(car v,car u) then nil else orddf(cdr u,cdr v); symbolic procedure exptcompare(x,y); if atom x then if atom y then x>y else nil else if atom y then t else car x > car y; symbolic procedure negdf u; if null u then nil else (lpow u .* negsq lc u) .+ negdf red u; symbolic procedure multdf(u,v); % U and V are D.F.'s. Value is D.F. for U*V. % Reduces squares of square-roots as it goes. if null u or null v then nil else begin scalar y; % use (a+b)*(c+d) = (a*c) + a*(c+d) + b*(c+d). y:=multerm(lt u,lt v); %leading terms; y:=plusdf(y,multdf(red u,v)); y:=plusdf(y,multdf((lt u) .+ nil,red v)); return y end; symbolic procedure multerm(u,v); % Multiply two terms to give a D.F. begin scalar coef; coef:=!*multsq(cdr u,cdr v); % coefficient part. return multdfconst(coef,mulpower(car u,car v)) end; symbolic procedure mulpower(u,v); % U and v are exponent lists. multiply corresponding forms. begin scalar r,s; r:=addexptsdf(u,v); if not null sqrtlist then s:=reduceroots(r,zlist); r:=(r .* (1 ./ 1)) .+ nil; if not (s=nil) then r:=multdf(r,s); return r end; symbolic procedure reduceroots(r,zl); begin scalar s; while not null r do << if eqcar(car zl,'sqrt) then s:=tryreduction(r,car zl,s); r:=cdr r; zl:=cdr zl >>; return s end; symbolic procedure tryreduction(r,var,s); begin scalar x; x:=car r; % current exponent. if not atom x then << r:=x; x:=car r >>; % numeric part. if (x=0) or (x=1) then return s; % no reduction possible. x:=divide(x,2); rplaca(r,cdr x); % reduce exponent as redorded. x:=car x; var:=simp cadr var; % sqrt arg as a s q. var:=!*exptsq(var,x); x:=multdfconst(1 ./ denr var,f2df numr var); % distribute. if s=nil then s:=x else s:=multdf(s,x); return s end; symbolic procedure addexptsdf(x,y); % X and Y are LPOW's of D.F. Value is list of sum of exponents. if null x then if null y then nil else interr "X too long" else if null y then interr "Y too long" else exptplus(car x,car y).addexptsdf(cdr x,cdr y); symbolic procedure exptplus(x,y); if atom x then if atom y then x+y else list (x+car y) else if atom y then list (car x +y) else interr "Bad exponent sum"; symbolic procedure multdfconst(x,u); % X is S.Q. not involving Z variables of DF U. Value is DF for X*U. if null u or null numr x then nil % else lpow u .* !*multsq(x,lc u) .+ multdfconst(x,red u); % FJW: Does not handle i^2 correctly, so ... % (cf. solve!-for!-u in module isolve) else lpow u .* subs2q multsq(x,lc u) .+ multdfconst(x,red u); %symbolic procedure quotdfconst(x,u); % multdfconst(!*invsq x,u); symbolic procedure f2df p; % P is standard form. Value is P in D.F. if domainp p then dfconst(p ./ 1) else if mvar p member zlist then plusdf(multdf(vp2df(mvar p,tdeg lt p,zlist),f2df lc p), f2df red p) else plusdf(multdfconst(((lpow p .* 1) .+ nil) ./ 1,f2df lc p), f2df red p); % SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE VAR2DF(VAR,N,ZLIST); % ((VP1(VAR,N,ZLIST) .* (1 ./ 1)) .+ NIL); symbolic procedure vp1(var,degg,z); % Takes VAR and finds it in Z (=list), raises it to power DEGG and puts % the result in exponent list form for use in a distributed form. if null z then interr "Var not in z-list after all" else if var=car z then degg.vp2 cdr z else 0 . vp1(var,degg,cdr z); symbolic procedure vp2 z; % Makes exponent list of zeroes. if null z then nil else 0 . vp2 cdr z; symbolic procedure vp2df(var,exprn,z); % Makes VAR**EXPRN into exponent list and then converts the resulting % power into a distributed form. Special care needed with square-roots. if eqcar(var,'sqrt) and (exprn>1) then mulpower(vp1(var,exprn,z),vp2 z) else (vp1(var,exprn,z) .* (1 ./ 1)) .+ nil; symbolic procedure dfconst q; % Makes a distributed form from standard quotient constant Q. if numr q=nil then nil else ((vp2 zlist) .* q) .+ nil; % Df2q moved to a section of its own. symbolic procedure df2printform p; % Convert to a standard form good enough for printing. if null p then nil else begin scalar mv,co; mv:=xl2q(lpow p,zlist,indexlist); if mv=(1 ./ 1) then << co:=lc p; if denr co=1 then return addf(numr co, df2printform red p); co:=mksp(mk!*sq co,1); return (co .* 1) .+ df2printform red p >>; co:=lc p; if not (denr co=1) then mv:=!*multsq(mv,1 ./ denr co); mv:=mksp(mk!*sq mv,1) .* numr co; return mv .+ df2printform red p end; symbolic procedure xl2q(l,z,il); % L is an exponent list from a D.F.,Z is the Z-list, IL is the list of % indices. Value is L converted to standard quotient. if null z then 1 ./ 1 else if car l=0 then xl2q(cdr l,cdr z,cdr il) else if not atom car l then begin scalar temp; if caar l=0 then temp:= car il else temp:=list('plus,car il,caar l); temp:=mksp(list('expt,car z,temp),1); return !*multsq(((temp .* 1) .+ nil) ./ 1, xl2q(cdr l,cdr z,cdr il)) end else if minusp car l then !*multsq(!*invsq(((mksp(car z,-car l) .* 1) .+ nil) ./ 1), xl2q(cdr l,cdr z,cdr il)) else !*multsq(((mksp(car z,car l) .* 1) .+ nil) ./ 1, xl2q(cdr l,cdr z,cdr il)); %symbolic procedure sub1ind power; % if atom power then power-1 else list sub1 car power; symbolic procedure multbyarbpowers u; % Multiplies the ordinary D.F., U, by arbitrary powers % of the z-variables, % i-1 j-1 k-1 % i.e. x z z ... so result is D.F. with the exponent list % 1 2 %appropriately altered to contain list elements instead of numeric ones. if null u then nil else ((addarbexptsdf lpow u) .* lc u) .+ multbyarbpowers red u; symbolic procedure addarbexptsdf x; % Adds the arbitrary powers to powers in exponent list, X, to produce % new exponent list. e.g. 3 -> (2) to represent x**3 now becoming : % 3 i-1 i+2 % x * x = x . if null x then nil else list exptplus(car x,-1) . addarbexptsdf cdr x; endmodule; end;