Artifact abf711c986fead838171113a3d9effe7f030302c81f8644f1246acc79633d1ed:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3764) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% % QUERY-REPLACE.SL - Query/Replace command for EMODE % % Author: Alan Snyder % Hewlett-Packard/CRC % Date: 6 July 1982 % % This file implements a query-replace command. % Modifications by William Galway: % "defun" -> "de" so TAGS can find things. % "setq" -> "setf" % This file requires COMMON, RING-BUFFER, BUFFER-POSITION. (fluid '(CurrentLineIndex point CurrentWindowDescriptor Prompt_Window last_search_string)) (de query-replace-command () (let* ((ask t) ch pattern replacement (pausing nil) (pause-message "Command?") (normal-message "Replace?") (help-message "Replace? SPACE:yes RUBOUT:no ESC:exit .:yes&exit ,:yes&show !:do all ^:back") (pause-help-message "Command? SPACE:go on ESC:exit !:do all ^:back") (message normal-message) (ring-buffer (ring-buffer-create 16)) ) % Get string to replace. Default is last search string (but don't % bother to update the default search string. (??)) (setf pattern (prompt_for_string "Query Replace (string to replace): " last_search_string )) % Clear out the "default search string" message. (show_message "") (setf replacement (prompt_for_string "Replace string with: " NIL)) (write-prompt "") (while (or pausing (buffer_search pattern 1)) (if ask (progn (if (not pausing) (ring-buffer-push ring-buffer (buffer-get-position))) (show_message message) (setf ch (GetNextCommandCharacter)) (show_message "")) (setf ch (char space))) (if pausing (selectq ch ((#.(char space) #.(char rubout) #/,) (setf pausing nil)) (#/! (setf ask nil) (setf pausing nil)) ((#.(char escape) #/.) (exit)) (#.(char ff) (FullRefresh)) (#/^ (ring-buffer-pop ring-buffer) (buffer-set-position (ring-buffer-top ring-buffer))) (#/? (setf message pause-help-message) (next)) (t (ding)) ) (selectq ch (#.(char space) (do-string-replacement pattern replacement)) (#/, (do-string-replacement pattern replacement) (setf pausing t)) (#.(char rubout) (advance-over-string pattern)) (#/! (do-string-replacement pattern replacement) (setf ask nil)) (#/. (do-string-replacement pattern replacement) (exit)) (#/? (setf message help-message) (next)) (#.(char escape) (exit)) (#.(char ff) (FullRefresh)) (#/^ (ring-buffer-pop ring-buffer) (buffer-set-position (ring-buffer-top ring-buffer)) (setf pausing t)) (t (ding)) ) ) (setf message (if pausing pause-message normal-message)) ) % Show we're done in the prompt window (to avoid "harming" message in % the message window). (write-prompt "Query Replace Done.") )) (de do-string-replacement (pattern replacement) % Both PATTERN and REPLACEMENT must be single line strings. % PATTERN is assumed to be in the current buffer beginning at POINT. % It is deleted and replaced with REPLACEMENT. % POINT is left pointing just past the inserted text. (let ((pattern-length (add1 (size pattern)))) (delete_or_copy T CurrentLineIndex point CurrentLineIndex (+ point pattern-length)) (insert_string replacement) )) (de advance-over-string (pattern) % PATTERN must be a single line string. % PATTERN is assumed to be in the current buffer beginning at POINT. % POINT is advanced past PATTERN. (let ((pattern-length (add1 (size pattern)))) (setf point (+ point pattern-length)) )) % "Write a string" into the prompt window (but don't select the prompt % window). (de write-prompt (string) (let ((old-window CurrentWindowDescriptor)) % Show the string and select the window. (show_prompt string) % Back to original window. (SelectWindow old-window)))