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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 13273) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 13273) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module scripts; COMMENT ###################### ## ## ## ADVANCED ## ## APPLICATIONS ## ## ## ###################### This module contains several additional advanced applications of standard basis computations, inspired partly by the scripts distributed with the commutative algebra package MACAULAY (Bayer/Stillman/Eisenbud). The following topics are currently covered : - [BGK]'s heuristic variable optimization - certain stuff on maps (preimage, ratpreimage) - ideals of points (in affine and proj. spaces) - ideals of (affine and proj.) monomial curves - General Rees rings, associated graded rings, and related topics (analytic spread, symmetric algebra) - several short scripts (minimal generators, symbolic powers of primes, singular locus) END COMMENT; %---------- [BGK]'s heuristic variable optimization ---------- symbolic operator varopt; symbolic procedure varopt m; if !*mode='algebraic then makelist varopt!* dpmat_from_a m else varopt!* m; symbolic procedure varopt!* m; % Find a heuristically optimal variable order. begin scalar c; c:=mo_zero(); for each x in dpmat_list m do for each y in bas_dpoly x do c:=mo_lcm(c,car y); return for each x in sort(mo_2list c,function(lambda(x,y); cdr x>cdr y)) collect car x; end; % ----- Certain stuff on maps ------------- % A ring map is represented as a list % {preimage_ring, image_ring, subst_list}, % where subst_list is a substitution list {v1=ex1,v2=ex2,...} in % algebraic prefix form, i.e. looks like (list (equal var image) ...) symbolic operator preimage; symbolic procedure preimage(m,map); % Compute the preimage of an ideal m under a (polynomial) ring map. if !*mode='algebraic then begin map:=cdr reval map; return preimage!*(reval m, {ring_from_a first map, ring_from_a second map, third map}); end else preimage!*(m,map); symbolic procedure preimage!*(m,map); % m and the result are given and returned in algebraic prefix form. if not !*noetherian then rederr"PREIMAGE only for noetherian term orders" else begin scalar u,oldring,newring,oldnames; if not eqcar(m,'list) then rederr"PREIMAGE only for ideals"; oldring:=first map; newring:=second map; oldnames:=ring_names oldring; setring!* ring_sum(newring,oldring); u:=bas_renumber for each x in cdr third map collect << if not member(second x,oldnames) then typerr(second x,"var. name"); bas_make(0,dp_diff(dp_from_a second x,dp_from_a third x)) >>; m:=matsum!* {dpmat_from_a m,dpmat_make(length u,0,u,nil,nil)}; m:=dpmat_2a eliminate!*(m,ring_names newring); setring!* oldring; return m; end; symbolic operator ratpreimage; symbolic procedure ratpreimage(m,map); % Compute the preimage of an ideal m under a rational ring map. if !*mode='algebraic then begin map:=cdr reval map; return ratpreimage!*(reval m, {ring_from_a first map, ring_from_a second map, third map}); end else ratpreimage!*(m,map); symbolic procedure ratpreimage!*(m,map); % m and the result are given and returned in algebraic prefix form. if not !*noetherian then rederr"RATPREIMAGE only for noetherian term orders" else begin scalar u,oldring,newnames,oldnames,f,g,v,g0; if not eqcar(m,'list) then rederr"RATPREIMAGE only for ideals"; oldring:=first map; v:=gensym(); newnames:=v . ring_names second map; oldnames:=ring_names oldring; u:=append(oldnames,newnames); setring!* ring_define(u,nil,'lex,for each x in u collect 1); g0:=dp_fi 1; u:=bas_renumber for each x in cdr third map collect << if not member(second x,oldnames) then typerr(second x,"var. name"); f:=simp third x; g:=dp_from_a prepf denr f; f:=dp_from_a prepf numr f; g0:=dp_prod(g,g0); bas_make(0,dp_diff(dp_prod(g,dp_from_a second x),f)) >>; u:=bas_make(0,dp_diff(dp_prod(g0,dp_from_a v),dp_fi 1)) . u; m:=matsum!* {dpmat_from_a m,dpmat_make(length u,0,u,nil,nil)}; m:=dpmat_2a eliminate!*(m,newnames); setring!* oldring; return m; end; % ---- The ideals of affine resp. proj. points. The old stuff, but the % ---- algebraic interface now uses the linear algebra approach. symbolic procedure affine_points1!* m; begin scalar names; if length(names:=ring_names cali!=basering) neq length cadr m then typerr(m,"coordinate matrix"); m:=for each x in cdr m collect 'list . for each y in pair(names,x) collect {'plus,car y,{'minus,reval cdr y}}; m:=for each x in m collect dpmat_from_a x; m:=matintersect!* m; return m; end; symbolic procedure scripts!=ideal u; 'list . for each x in cali_choose(u,2) collect {'plus,{'times, car first x,cdr second x}, {'minus,{'times, car second x,cdr first x}}}; symbolic procedure proj_points1!* m; begin scalar names; if length(names:=ring_names cali!=basering) neq length cadr m then typerr(m,"coordinate matrix"); m:=for each x in cdr m collect scripts!=ideal pair(names,x); m:=for each x in m collect interreduce!* dpmat_from_a x; m:=matintersect!* m; return m; end; % ----- Affine and proj. monomial curves ------------ symbolic operator affine_monomial_curve; symbolic procedure affine_monomial_curve(l,R); % l is a list of integers, R contains length l ring var. names. % Returns the generators of the monomial curve (t^i : i\in l) in R. if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a affine_monomial_curve!*(cdr reval l,cdr reval R) else affine_monomial_curve!*(l,R); symbolic procedure affine_monomial_curve!*(l,R); if not numberlistp l then typerr(l,"number list") else if length l neq length R then rederr"number of variables doesn't match" else begin scalar u,t0,v; v:=list gensym(); r:=ring_define(r,{l},'revlex,l); setring!* ring_sum(r,ring_define(v,degreeorder!* v,'lex,'(1))); t0:=dp_from_a car v; u:=bas_renumber for each x in pair(l,ring_names r) collect bas_make(0,dp_diff(dp_from_a cdr x,dp_power(t0,car x))); u:=dpmat_make(length u,0,u,nil,nil); u:=(eliminate!*(u,v) where cali!=monset=ring_names cali!=basering); setring!* r; return dpmat_neworder(u,dpmat_gbtag u); end; symbolic operator proj_monomial_curve; symbolic procedure proj_monomial_curve(l,R); % l is a list of integers, R contains length l ring var. names. % Returns the generators of the monomial curve % (s^(d-i)*t^i : i\in l) in R where d = max { x : x \in l} if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a proj_monomial_curve!*(cdr reval l,cdr reval R) else proj_monomial_curve!*(l,R); symbolic procedure proj_monomial_curve!*(l,R); if not numberlistp l then typerr(l,"number list") else if length l neq length R then rederr"number of variables doesn't match" else begin scalar u,t0,t1,v,d; t0:=gensym(); t1:=gensym(); v:={t0,t1}; d:=listexpand(function max2,l); r:=ring_define(r,degreeorder!* r,'revlex,for each x in r collect 1); setring!* ring_sum(r,ring_define(v,degreeorder!* v,'lex,'(1 1))); t0:=dp_from_a t0; t1:=dp_from_a t1; u:=bas_renumber for each x in pair(l,ring_names r) collect bas_make(0,dp_diff(dp_from_a cdr x, dp_prod(dp_power(t0,car x),dp_power(t1,d-car x)))); u:=dpmat_make(length u,0,u,nil,nil); u:=(eliminate!*(u,v) where cali!=monset=ring_names cali!=basering); setring!* r; return dpmat_neworder(u,dpmat_gbtag u); end; % -- General Rees rings, associated graded rings, and related topics -- symbolic operator blowup; symbolic procedure blowup(m,n,vars); % vars is a list of var. names for the ring R % of the same length as dpmat_list n. % Returns an ideal J such that (S+R)/J == S/M [ N.t ] % ( with S = the current ring ) % is the blow up ring of the ideal N over S/M. % (S+R) is the new current ring. if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a blowup!*(dpmat_from_a reval m,dpmat_from_a reval n, cdr reval vars) else blowup!*(M,N,vars); symbolic procedure blowup!*(M,N,vars); if (dpmat_cols m > 0)or(dpmat_cols n > 0) then rederr"BLOWUP defined only for ideals" else if not !*noetherian then rederr"BLOWUP only for noetherian term orders" else begin scalar u,s,t0,v,r1; if length vars neq dpmat_rows n then rederr {"ring must have",dpmat_rows n,"variables"}; u:=for each x in dpmat_rowdegrees n collect mo_ecart cdr x; r1:=ring_define(vars,list u,'revlex,u); s:=ring_sum(cali!=basering,r1); v:=list(gensym()); setring!* ring_sum(s,ring_define(v,degreeorder!* v,'lex,'(1))); t0:=dp_from_a car v; n:=for each x in pair(vars,for each y in dpmat_list n collect bas_dpoly y) collect dp_diff(dp_from_a car x, dp_prod(dp_neworder cdr x,t0)); m:=bas_renumber append(bas_neworder dpmat_list m, for each x in n collect bas_make(0,x)); m:=(eliminate!*(interreduce!* dpmat_make(length m,0,m,nil,nil),v) where cali!=monset=nil); setring!* s; return dpmat_neworder(m,dpmat_gbtag m); end; symbolic operator assgrad; symbolic procedure assgrad(m,n,vars); % vars is a list of var. names for the ring T % of the same length as dpmat_list n. % Returns an ideal J such that (S+T)/J == (R/N + N/N^2 + ... ) % ( with R=S/M and S the current ring ) % is the associated graded ring of the ideal N over R. % (S+T) is the new current ring. if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a assgrad!*(dpmat_from_a reval m,dpmat_from_a reval n, cdr reval vars) else assgrad!*(M,N,vars); symbolic procedure assgrad!*(M,N,vars); if (dpmat_cols m > 0)or(dpmat_cols n > 0) then rederr"ASSGRAD defined only for ideals" else begin scalar u; u:=blowup!*(m,n,vars); return matsum!* {u,dpmat_neworder(n,nil)}; end; symbolic operator analytic_spread; symbolic procedure analytic_spread m; % Returns the analytic spread of the ideal m. if !*mode='algebraic then analytic_spread!* dpmat_from_a reval m else analytic_spread!* m; symbolic procedure analytic_spread!* m; if (dpmat_cols m>0) then rederr"ANALYTIC SPREAD only for ideals" else (begin scalar r,m1,vars; r:=ring_names cali!=basering; vars:=for each x in dpmat_list m collect gensym(); m1:=blowup!*(dpmat_from_dpoly nil,m,vars); return dim!* gbasis!* matsum!*{m1,dpmat_from_a('list . r)}; end) where cali!=basering=cali!=basering; symbolic operator sym; symbolic procedure sym(M,vars); % vars is a list of var. names for the ring R % of the same length as dpmat_list M. % Returns an ideal J such that (S+R)/J == Sym(M) % ( with S = the current ring ) % is the symmetric algebra of M over S. % (S+R) is the new current ring. if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a sym!*(dpmat_from_a M,cdr reval vars) else sym!*(m,vars); symbolic procedure sym!*(m,vars); % The symmetric algebra of the dpmat m. if not !*noetherian then rederr"SYM only for noetherian term orders" else begin scalar n,u,r1; if length vars neq dpmat_rows m then rederr {"ring must have",dpmat_rows m,"variables"}; cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs m; u:=for each x in dpmat_rowdegrees m collect mo_ecart cdr x; r1:=ring_define(vars,list u,'revlex,u); n:=syzygies!* m; setring!* ring_sum(cali!=basering,r1); return mat2list!* interreduce!* dpmat_mult(dpmat_neworder(n,nil), ideal2mat!* dpmat_from_a('list . vars)); end; % ----- Several short scripts ---------- % ------ Minimal generators of an ideal or module. symbolic operator minimal_generators; symbolic procedure minimal_generators m; if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a minimal_generators!* dpmat_from_a reval m else minimal_generators!* m; symbolic procedure minimal_generators!* m; car groeb_minimize(m,syzygies!* m); % ------- Symbolic powers of prime (or unmixed) ideals symbolic operator symbolic_power; symbolic procedure symbolic_power(m,d); if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a symbolic_power!*(dpmat_from_a m,reval d) else symbolic_power!*(m,d); symbolic procedure symbolic_power!*(m,d); eqhull!* idealpower!*(m,d); % ---- non zero divisor property ----------- put('nzdp,'psopfn,'scripts!=nzdp); symbolic procedure scripts!=nzdp m; if length m neq 2 then rederr"Syntax : nzdp(dpoly,dpmat)" else begin scalar f,b; f:=reval car m; intf_get second m; if null(b:=get(second m,'gbasis)) then put(second m,'gbasis,b:=gbasis!* get(second m,'basis)); return if nzdp!*(dp_from_a f,b) then 'yes else 'no; end; symbolic procedure nzdp!*(f,m); % Test dpoly f for a non zero divisor on coker m. m must be a gbasis. submodulep!*(matqquot!*(m,f),m); endmodule; % scripts end;