Artifact 9d4ac7fc8a5da59a351c16435ed77f6772c39f23e5e2b3264360412abbc4e62e:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 1713) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% <PSL.COMP.20.EXT>TAGS.RED.7, 1-Jun-83 08:10:26, Edit by KESSLER % Change BothTimes Declarations of wconsts to compiletime. on syslisp; % tags CompileTime << exported WConst TagStartingBit = 0, TagBitLength = 6, InfStartingBit = 6, InfBitLength = 30, GCStartingBit = 0, GCBitLength = 0, AddressingUnitsPerItem = 1, CharactersPerWord = 5, BitsPerWord = 36, AddressingUnitsPerFunctionCell = 1, StackDirection = 1; >>; off syslisp; CompileTime << lisp procedure DeclareTagRange(NameList, StartingValue, Increment); begin scalar Result; Result := list 'progn; while NameList do << Result := list('put, MkQuote car NameList, '(quote WConst), StartingValue) . Result; StartingValue := StartingValue + Increment; NameList := cdr NameList >>; return ReversIP Result; end; macro procedure LowTags U; DeclareTagRange(cdr U, 0, 1); macro procedure MidTags U; DeclareTagRange(cdr U, LSH(1, get('TagBitLength, 'WConst) - 1) - 2, -1); macro procedure HighTags U; DeclareTagRange(cdr U, LSH(1, get('TagBitLength, 'WConst)) - 1, -1); >>; % JumpInType and friends depend on the ordering and contiguity of % the numeric type tags. Fast arithmetic depends on PosInt = 0, % NegInt = -1. Garbage collectors depend on pointer tags being % between PosInt and Code, non-inclusive. /csp LowTags(PosInt, FixN, BigN, FltN, Str, Bytes, HalfWords, Wrds, Vect, Pair, Evect); put('Code, 'WConst, 15); % Extended addressing treats negative word (one with aits high-order bit % on) as a local address--hence pointer types must have (positive) MidTags MidTags( ID, Unbound, BtrTag, Forward, HVect, HWrds, HHalfWords, HBytes); HighTags(NegInt);